Go on blind cool tech (
and look at mikes podcasts on the mac. I think it's a 12 or 13 part series, and that series was what persuaded me to get a mac.
I use a macbook all the time for school stuff and it works great.

On 28/03/2011 02:51, Johchi wrote:
Hi folks,
I'm not a Mac user yet, but I am learning sooo much by gtleaning from this wonderful
My question has to do with convincing the PA State agency that getting VO and the MacBook for me is a better choice then the traditional Windows screen reader setup.
But I want to be completely honest with you:
Since I'm not currently an Apple products user, I really don't know if the Mac is really the best way for me to go. I'm an educated professional piano technician who is also a musician keyboardist. But the State won't purchase anything for me based on personal musical ambition. I have joined this list and the AiPhone list in order to hear for myself just how accessible the apple platform really is. I must say that I am quite amazed beyond words on how much blind folks are able to accomplish on the touch screen iPhone. So needless to say, I am looking forward to the iPhone 5 when it comes out, and I'll probably be getting something in an iPhone for myself at that time. But anyway, getting back to my situation with the State
getting me some new computer equipment:
Their immediate response to my interests for having a Mac was negative. Why? Because the guy hired to do my equipment evaluation has had zero experience using a Mac and so he told the agency that he felt that it was in his opinion that it was a bad idea to get me a Mac. I immediately came back with saying to them that it was my right to make my own choice as to what equipment I would like to have use of. And that my choice of equipment was being discriminated against based on their lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject. They then quickly changed their tune and gave me another equipment evaluator to work with me who they say is familiar with the Mac platform and said that they would have to go with his recommendations thereafter.
I have yet to meet with this second person.
Consequently, in the meantime I am needing to get as much concrete evidence that VO on a Mac is perfectly viable and that everything I need to do on the MacBook is accessible, or better yet, even better accessible then the Windows / Microsoft platform
using the latest WE screen reader alone..
So I need to locate information supporting the ability for the blind to be able to use the MacBook successfully.Please be so kind as to briefly speak to this matter with either your own testimonies of your own success and support, or negatatives and concerns concerning the use of the Apple Mac platform for the blind computer
Thanks much,
Johnny Chilelli

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