No, don't do it. As katy perry says... boom, boom, boom.


On 16/03/2011 10:41, Zachary Kline wrote:
Hi Donna,
The cautious side of me would say that it probably isn't a good idea to use a 
charger with a machine it wasn't designed for.  I don't know much about 
variations in those components over the past few years, apart from the 
relatively recent switch to magnetic connectors on the adapter..
ALl that being said, I don't know that you can't use the two together either.  
If it were me, I wouldn't, just to be safe.  Someone who knows better feel free 
to correct me.
SOrry I can't be more definitively helpful.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with someone 
who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e about 4-5 
years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my Macbook?

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