Re: Downcast on the MAc Busy Problems

2013-08-04 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Steve, will check out my downloads tomorrow or I guess later today. Have 
you been able to get iCloud sync to properly sync your episodes between your 
mac and iPhone? Thanks, Brian
On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:48 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> I had a lot of problems with that too. I've been in touch with the devs and 
> given them numerous logs. I've also had the program crash on me several times 
> when attempting to retry multiple downloads from the download pane.
> In fact, you might wanna go into the download pane with Command-4 and see 
> what's in there. Under ideal conditions, you should have no downloads pending.
> I like the program in general but I'm having too many problems with it 
> downloading the same files over and over again and leaving a bunch of broken 
> downloads in the download pane. I think I'm gonna have to put this one on 
> hold until they get a newer version out there. This is proving to be too 
> buggy for me.
> On Aug 3, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Since I have been having iCloud sync problems with Downcast on the mac I 
>> decided to delete the app and reinstall it. Don't think this did anything as 
>> all of my podcasts were still there and the iCloud settings were all checked 
>> once I reinstalled. Now I am also having another issue as when I click on 
>> the playlist tab I get stuck in a busy busy loop that doesn't end and I have 
>> to force quit Downcast but when I restart the app and click on the playlist 
>> tab it gets stuck in the busy busy again. Any ideas? Thanks.
>> -- 
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reading wikipedia efficiently with a braille display

2013-08-04 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone, In most cases i can read webpages just fine with my braille 
display and safari. Not so with wikipedia however. I was wondering with other 
peopes experiences are who mostly use braille for reading.
I often get text repeated or hear a sound htat i reached the end of the line an 
dif i move down with the display nothing changes.
I can use the item chooser but i often just want to jump to a certain point of 
the content and then this does not work any more. Furthermore the item chooser 
is rather inefficient because then you cant tab out of safari and it does not 
fill the whole braille display with content.
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: What I think Apple needs to change: was: Re: best way to navigate Mail when Quick Nav is on?

2013-08-04 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop interacting 
over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still such a time sink.

I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of interaction 
by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more universal across 
apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in most if not all multi 
interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, other times, vo command shift 
t to switch between tables and other times like in the Sendspace wizard, you 
have 3 or more levels of interaction and have to move up 2 levels, vo right and 
then interact in another chain of levels. Arg.  

I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming to 
love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.


On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most difficult 
> things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to deal with. What 
> is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one needs to interact. 
> Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time result. I certainly do 
> agree that tabbing until your finger falls off isn't the best solution. But I 
> do wonder if there might not be a more innovative means of  efficiently 
> navigating complex screens. Sometimes, it isn't even clear, for instance, 
> that you are in a situation where interacting again would yield more info. 
> I'm thinking of nested tables as an example. VO doesn't always announce the 
> fact that you have moved into a level 12 or even 3 table or that you could do 
> so by interacting. Maybe that is a coding issue, not a VO issue. I do wonder 
> if there are actual blind users who work for Apple who have experience with 
> other operating systems. I say that not because I want to see some other 
> approach duplicated, but because I've seen too much tunnel vision coming from 
> folks whose only experience is with one or another os. 
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: What I think Apple needs to change: was: Re: best way to navigate Mail when Quick Nav is on?

2013-08-04 Thread Matt Dierckens
But interaction makes so much more sense.
Its basically telling VO,  this is what I want to focus on, and not like 
windows where it reads you every single thing and half the time you have to 
read it anyway, and with VO you can choose to or not.
Matt Dierckens

IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
Sight Substitution Centre

On 2013-08-04, at 7:30 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop interacting 
> over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still such a time 
> sink.
> I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of 
> interaction by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more 
> universal across apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in most 
> if not all multi interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, other 
> times, vo command shift t to switch between tables and other times like in 
> the Sendspace wizard, you have 3 or more levels of interaction and have to 
> move up 2 levels, vo right and then interact in another chain of levels. Arg. 
> I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
> sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming to 
> love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.
> Danny.
> On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most difficult 
>> things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to deal with. What 
>> is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one needs to interact. 
>> Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time result. I certainly 
>> do agree that tabbing until your finger falls off isn't the best solution. 
>> But I do wonder if there might not be a more innovative means of  
>> efficiently navigating complex screens. Sometimes, it isn't even clear, for 
>> instance, that you are in a situation where interacting again would yield 
>> more info. I'm thinking of nested tables as an example. VO doesn't always 
>> announce the fact that you have moved into a level 12 or even 3 table or 
>> that you could do so by interacting. Maybe that is a coding issue, not a VO 
>> issue. I do wonder if there are actual blind users who work for Apple who 
>> have experience with other operating systems. I say that not because I want 
>> to see some other approach duplicated, but because I've seen too much tunnel 
>> vision coming from folks whose only experience is with one or another os. 
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: Downcast on the MAc Busy Problems

2013-08-04 Thread Steve Holmes
I'm still checking this out. After all the failed downloads and all, I went 
into the iOS version this morning and it went and downloaded all the same stuff 
over there so I think the iCloud part may be working OK. I think what I saw in 
the past when using iPod and iPad was a similar problem where the iCloud 
feature didn't always pick up stuff that was on a previous device before coming 
on the scene if that makes any sense. The iCloud feature may only work totally 
right with current changes; I don't think it is a historian.

On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Steve, will check out my downloads tomorrow or I guess later today. Have 
> you been able to get iCloud sync to properly sync your episodes between your 
> mac and iPhone? Thanks, Brian
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:48 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> I had a lot of problems with that too. I've been in touch with the devs and 
>> given them numerous logs. I've also had the program crash on me several 
>> times when attempting to retry multiple downloads from the download pane.
>> In fact, you might wanna go into the download pane with Command-4 and see 
>> what's in there. Under ideal conditions, you should have no downloads 
>> pending.
>> I like the program in general but I'm having too many problems with it 
>> downloading the same files over and over again and leaving a bunch of broken 
>> downloads in the download pane. I think I'm gonna have to put this one on 
>> hold until they get a newer version out there. This is proving to be too 
>> buggy for me.
>> On Aug 3, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Since I have been having iCloud sync problems with Downcast on the mac I 
>>> decided to delete the app and reinstall it. Don't think this did anything 
>>> as all of my podcasts were still there and the iCloud settings were all 
>>> checked once I reinstalled. Now I am also having another issue as when I 
>>> click on the playlist tab I get stuck in a busy busy loop that doesn't end 
>>> and I have to force quit Downcast but when I restart the app and click on 
>>> the playlist tab it gets stuck in the busy busy again. Any ideas? Thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: reading wikipedia efficiently with a braille display

2013-08-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
In the Braille displays tab of the Braille options in vO utility, I assigned a 
key command to bring up the web rotor. Once i'm in that, i can switch between 
rotor items with dots 4-space and dots 1-space. In this case, I pick headings 
and scroll through the various headings on the page with the wheels on my Focus 
40, then use the routing cursor to go to one. (I believe this is the VO-down 
command, incase you need to find out which command on your display does this.) 
I do this with Facebook a lot, too,

Sometimes while simply reading a page, the Braille freezes and won't pan. In 
most cases like this, a dot-4-space will move to the next element. It is the 
same as pressing VO-right-arrow.

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:17 AM, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hi everyone, In most cases i can read webpages just fine with my braille 
> display and safari. Not so with wikipedia however. I was wondering with other 
> peopes experiences are who mostly use braille for reading.
> I often get text repeated or hear a sound htat i reached the end of the line 
> an dif i move down with the display nothing changes.
> I can use the item chooser but i often just want to jump to a certain point 
> of the content and then this does not work any more. Furthermore the item 
> chooser is rather inefficient because then you cant tab out of safari and it 
> does not fill the whole braille display with content.
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: Downcast on the MAc Busy Problems

2013-08-04 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Steve,

Yeah I think you might be right as the iCloud feature might only work moving 
forward once the app is installed on IOS and/or Mac. Thanks for letting me know 
how it works with you. I still need to play around with it a lot more as I 
haven't gotten a chance.
On Aug 4, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> I'm still checking this out. After all the failed downloads and all, I went 
> into the iOS version this morning and it went and downloaded all the same 
> stuff over there so I think the iCloud part may be working OK. I think what I 
> saw in the past when using iPod and iPad was a similar problem where the 
> iCloud feature didn't always pick up stuff that was on a previous device 
> before coming on the scene if that makes any sense. The iCloud feature may 
> only work totally right with current changes; I don't think it is a historian.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Steve, will check out my downloads tomorrow or I guess later today. Have 
>> you been able to get iCloud sync to properly sync your episodes between your 
>> mac and iPhone? Thanks, Brian
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:48 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> I had a lot of problems with that too. I've been in touch with the devs and 
>>> given them numerous logs. I've also had the program crash on me several 
>>> times when attempting to retry multiple downloads from the download pane.
>>> In fact, you might wanna go into the download pane with Command-4 and see 
>>> what's in there. Under ideal conditions, you should have no downloads 
>>> pending.
>>> I like the program in general but I'm having too many problems with it 
>>> downloading the same files over and over again and leaving a bunch of 
>>> broken downloads in the download pane. I think I'm gonna have to put this 
>>> one on hold until they get a newer version out there. This is proving to be 
>>> too buggy for me.
>>> On Aug 3, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Since I have been having iCloud sync problems with Downcast on the mac I 
 decided to delete the app and reinstall it. Don't think this did anything 
 as all of my podcasts were still there and the iCloud settings were all 
 checked once I reinstalled. Now I am also having another issue as when I 
 click on the playlist tab I get stuck in a busy busy loop that doesn't end 
 and I have to force quit Downcast but when I restart the app and click on 
 the playlist tab it gets stuck in the busy busy again. Any ideas? Thanks.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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Re: audio editing program

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
Audacity is free and pretty accessible. There is even a mailing list if you get 
stuck, and the help includes a keyboard reference. The developers are aware of 
accessibility and work to improve it, and, as I said, it's free! It takes some 
getting used to, but help from the mailing list and Google should get you going 
soon enough.
On Aug 2, 2013, at 5:25 PM, jean parker  wrote:

> Hello All:
> I am in need of a simple audio editing program for the mac.  What I need to 
> accomplish is to be able to cut and paste audio clips, convert from wav to 
> mp3, and possibly some simple mixing.  For example, I would like to be able 
> to put two audio files together and have them both play either on one single 
> channel or one on the left and one on the right.  I probably do not need to 
> equalize a great deal at present.  
> What suggestions do people have?
> Jean
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Taking notes inside an iBook

2013-08-04 Thread Daniela Rubio
Hello all:
I knew that to take notes in a book, the text most be selected and then press 
the notes button. But, I just can not add my note. I select the text, press the 
Notes button, and it just tells me how to add notes and of course, My Notes, 
Study cards, etc are deemed. Any ideas how to create the note? Thanks!

Daniela Rubio T
iphone: +34662328507

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Re: What I think Apple needs to change: was: Re: best way to navigate Mail when Quick Nav is on?

2013-08-04 Thread Maria and Joe Chapman
HI.  yep I agree about interaction.  Once I got used to it I kind of really 
like it.

Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 04/08/2013, at 9:55 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> But interaction makes so much more sense.
> Its basically telling VO,  this is what I want to focus on, and not like 
> windows where it reads you every single thing and half the time you have to 
> read it anyway, and with VO you can choose to or not.
> Matt Dierckens
> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
> Sight Substitution Centre
> On 2013-08-04, at 7:30 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop interacting 
>> over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still such a time 
>> sink.
>> I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of 
>> interaction by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more 
>> universal across apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in most 
>> if not all multi interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, other 
>> times, vo command shift t to switch between tables and other times like in 
>> the Sendspace wizard, you have 3 or more levels of interaction and have to 
>> move up 2 levels, vo right and then interact in another chain of levels. 
>> Arg.  
>> I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
>> sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming 
>> to love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.
>> Danny.
>> On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most 
>>> difficult things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to deal 
>>> with. What is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one needs to 
>>> interact. Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time result. I 
>>> certainly do agree that tabbing until your finger falls off isn't the best 
>>> solution. But I do wonder if there might not be a more innovative means of  
>>> efficiently navigating complex screens. Sometimes, it isn't even clear, for 
>>> instance, that you are in a situation where interacting again would yield 
>>> more info. I'm thinking of nested tables as an example. VO doesn't always 
>>> announce the fact that you have moved into a level 12 or even 3 table or 
>>> that you could do so by interacting. Maybe that is a coding issue, not a VO 
>>> issue. I do wonder if there are actual blind users who work for Apple who 
>>> have experience with other operating systems. I say that not because I want 
>>> to see some other approach duplicated, but because I've seen too much 
>>> tunnel vision coming from folks whose only experience is with one or 
>>> another os. 
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> -- 
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Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Krysti
Hey everyone 

What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the money 
any info would be greatly appreciated 

Thank you


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to do 
with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare might 
work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We need more 
information before we can provide accurate and relevant information.
On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:

> Hey everyone 
> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
> Thank you
> Krysti
> Sent from my iPhone
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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exiting full screen mode in Mail?

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I accidentally put Mail into full screen mode and I can't return it to normal. 
Now, Mail itself is a bit sluggish, with VO taking several seconds to see newly 
opened windows. Plus, when I switch to other applications, I hear "space with 
Finder Desktop" and then more app names instead of hearing the content of the 
app to which I just moved. Thanks for any help.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly pedestrian 
work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite advantage in that 
mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street crossing goes through 
or not by saying crossing right and left. That way you know the street is not a 
dead-end street which comes in on the one side.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to do 
> with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare might 
> work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We need 
> more information before we can provide accurate and relevant information.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey everyone 
>> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
>> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
>> Thank you
>> Krysti
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it runs 
in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI announcements, 
find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google maps where you want to 
go, then follow the mapping app's directions as Blindsquare continues to tell 
you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two apps, but you have a lot more 
features in Blindsquare and it is far less money (and not a yearly fee either). 
I'm not saying the Sendero app does not have its place, but for basic 
navigation I'm not convinced it is the best option. Unfortunately, you can't 
try out either app, you must buy up front and hope you didn't waste your money. 
Blindsquare is $24, and Sendero's app is $70 for one year or $129 for three 
On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there
> I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
> pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
> advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
> crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way you 
> know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one side.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to 
>> do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare 
>> might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We 
>> need more information before we can provide accurate and relevant 
>> information.
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
>>> Hey everyone 
>>> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
>>> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
>>> Thank you
>>> Krysti
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Randy George
Here is a very basic and probably stupid question, but with blind Square, am I 
able to enter a destination address and have it take me directly to that 
address as a pedestrian? Or is it limited to intersections? An app that has 
very precise pedestrian walking directions would be incredibly Useful for me 
personally, as anyone who has ever lived in Philadelphia can quickly tell you, 
the streets here are absolutely crazy. LOL
Thanks in advance,

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google maps 
> where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as Blindsquare 
> continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two apps, but you 
> have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less money (and not a 
> yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does not have its place, 
> but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the best option. 
> Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up front and hope 
> you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and Sendero's app is $70 for 
> one year or $129 for three years.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
>> pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
>> advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
>> crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way you 
>> know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one side.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to 
>>> do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare 
>>> might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We 
>>> need more information before we can provide accurate and relevant 
>>> information.
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
 Hey everyone 
 What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
 money any info would be greatly appreciated 
 Thank you
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: What I think Apple needs to change: was: Re: best way to navigate Mail when Quick Nav is on?

2013-08-04 Thread Jürgen Fleger
In my opinion interaction really is very efficiant because it's so logical. But 
on the other hand it's not obvious to people who are new to this on the Mac 
when to interact and when not. There are to many different names for things you 
can interact with: groups, scrol areas, tables sometimes but not on the web 
with DOM, lists sometimes but not on the web with DOM, toolbars, sidebars, 
browser etc.. And what makes their confusion even worse is that you actually 
should interact with for example the browser in a finder window but you don't 
have to. But if you don't interact some functions are not available like 
clicking on a file by pressing VO + Spacebar to open it. So I met quite a few 
beginners who were very unhappy of this inconsistency.

I'd rather have hot spots fully functional. With them the more experienced 
users wouldn't have to worry about interacting or not. Unfortunately they are 
quite buggy in many ways.

All the best
Am 04.08.2013 um 21:15 schrieb Maria and Joe Chapman :

> HI.  yep I agree about interaction.  Once I got used to it I kind of really 
> like it.
>   regards
> Maria and crew from australia
> email:
> check out 
> where we play lots of great music
> On 04/08/2013, at 9:55 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> But interaction makes so much more sense.
>> Its basically telling VO,  this is what I want to focus on, and not like 
>> windows where it reads you every single thing and half the time you have to 
>> read it anyway, and with VO you can choose to or not.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
>> Sight Substitution Centre
>> On 2013-08-04, at 7:30 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop interacting 
>>> over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still such a time 
>>> sink.
>>> I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of 
>>> interaction by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more 
>>> universal across apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in most 
>>> if not all multi interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, other 
>>> times, vo command shift t to switch between tables and other times like in 
>>> the Sendspace wizard, you have 3 or more levels of interaction and have to 
>>> move up 2 levels, vo right and then interact in another chain of levels. 
>>> Arg.  
>>> I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
>>> sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming 
>>> to love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.
>>> Danny.
>>> On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
 I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most 
 difficult things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to deal 
 with. What is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one needs to 
 interact. Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time result. I 
 certainly do agree that tabbing until your finger falls off isn't the best 
 solution. But I do wonder if there might not be a more innovative means of 
  efficiently navigating complex screens. Sometimes, it isn't even clear, 
 for instance, that you are in a situation where interacting again would 
 yield more info. I'm thinking of nested tables as an example. VO doesn't 
 always announce the fact that you have moved into a level 12 or even 3 
 table or that you could do so by interacting. Maybe that is a coding 
 issue, not a VO issue. I do wonder if there are actual blind users who 
 work for Apple who have experience with other operating systems. I say 
 that not because I want to see some other approach duplicated, but because 
 I've seen too much tunnel vision coming from folks whose only experience 
 is with one or another os. 
 Mary Otten
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
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 Visit this group at
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>>> -- 
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Re: What I think Apple needs to change: was: Re: best way to navigate Mail when Quick Nav is on?

2013-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

In garageband I just set up hotspots for the buttons, sliders, etc that I use 
most often.  This cuts down the time I spend navigating within the app a lot.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2013, at 7:30 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop interacting 
> over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still such a time 
> sink.
> I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of 
> interaction by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more 
> universal across apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in most 
> if not all multi interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, other 
> times, vo command shift t to switch between tables and other times like in 
> the Sendspace wizard, you have 3 or more levels of interaction and have to 
> move up 2 levels, vo right and then interact in another chain of levels. Arg. 
> I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
> sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming to 
> love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.
> Danny.
> On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most difficult 
>> things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to deal with. What 
>> is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one needs to interact. 
>> Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time result. I certainly 
>> do agree that tabbing until your finger falls off isn't the best solution. 
>> But I do wonder if there might not be a more innovative means of  
>> efficiently navigating complex screens. Sometimes, it isn't even clear, for 
>> instance, that you are in a situation where interacting again would yield 
>> more info. I'm thinking of nested tables as an example. VO doesn't always 
>> announce the fact that you have moved into a level 12 or even 3 table or 
>> that you could do so by interacting. Maybe that is a coding issue, not a VO 
>> issue. I do wonder if there are actual blind users who work for Apple who 
>> have experience with other operating systems. I say that not because I want 
>> to see some other approach duplicated, but because I've seen too much tunnel 
>> vision coming from folks whose only experience is with one or another os. 
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: What I think Apple needs to change: was: Re: best way to navigate Mail when Quick Nav is on?

2013-08-04 Thread Maria and Joe Chapman
HI.  I think after a while you get used to what you need to interact with and 
not.  It's a bit like some  programmes in windows if pressing enter or space 
bar doesn't work you have to employ a mouse cursor etc.  I see interacting as 
kind of the same thing.

Maria and Joe Chapman

On 05/08/2013, at 7:04 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> In my opinion interaction really is very efficiant because it's so logical. 
> But on the other hand it's not obvious to people who are new to this on the 
> Mac when to interact and when not. There are to many different names for 
> things you can interact with: groups, scrol areas, tables sometimes but not 
> on the web with DOM, lists sometimes but not on the web with DOM, toolbars, 
> sidebars, browser etc.. And what makes their confusion even worse is that you 
> actually should interact with for example the browser in a finder window but 
> you don't have to. But if you don't interact some functions are not available 
> like clicking on a file by pressing VO + Spacebar to open it. So I met quite 
> a few beginners who were very unhappy of this inconsistency.
> I'd rather have hot spots fully functional. With them the more experienced 
> users wouldn't have to worry about interacting or not. Unfortunately they are 
> quite buggy in many ways.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 04.08.2013 um 21:15 schrieb Maria and Joe Chapman 
> :
>> HI.  yep I agree about interaction.  Once I got used to it I kind of really 
>> like it.
>>  regards
>> Maria and crew from australia
>> email:
>> check out 
>> where we play lots of great music
>> On 04/08/2013, at 9:55 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> But interaction makes so much more sense.
>>> Its basically telling VO,  this is what I want to focus on, and not like 
>>> windows where it reads you every single thing and half the time you have to 
>>> read it anyway, and with VO you can choose to or not.
>>> Matt Dierckens
>>> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
>>> Sight Substitution Centre
>>> On 2013-08-04, at 7:30 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
 I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop 
 interacting over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still 
 such a time sink.
 I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of 
 interaction by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more 
 universal across apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in 
 most if not all multi interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, 
 other times, vo command shift t to switch between tables and other times 
 like in the Sendspace wizard, you have 3 or more levels of interaction and 
 have to move up 2 levels, vo right and then interact in another chain of 
 levels. Arg.  
 I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
 sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming 
 to love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.
 On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most 
> difficult things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to 
> deal with. What is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one 
> needs to interact. Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time 
> result. I certainly do agree that tabbing until your finger falls off 
> isn't the best solution. But I do wonder if there might not be a more 
> innovative means of  efficiently navigating complex screens. Sometimes, 
> it isn't even clear, for instance, that you are in a situation where 
> interacting again would yield more info. I'm thinking of nested tables as 
> an example. VO doesn't always announce the fact that you have moved into 
> a level 12 or even 3 table or that you could do so by interacting. Maybe 
> that is a coding issue, not a VO issue. I do wonder if there are actual 
> blind users who work for Apple who have experience with other operating 
> systems. I say that not because I want to see some other approach 
> duplicated, but because I've seen too much tunnel vision coming from 
> folks whose only experience is with one or another os. 
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Chris H

well i don't think so if blind square sounds more awesome than this.

On 04/08/2013 21:10, Krysti wrote:

Hey everyone

What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the money 
any info would be greatly appreciated

Thank you


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Matt Dierckens
Wait, I thought blind square was $15? not $24?

Also, Randy, yes you can if you use a second app for exactturn-by-turn.
For example, I use blind square and MotionX GPS Drive.
Matt Dierckens

IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
Sight Substitution Centre

On 2013-08-04, at 4:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google maps 
> where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as Blindsquare 
> continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two apps, but you 
> have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less money (and not a 
> yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does not have its place, 
> but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the best option. 
> Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up front and hope 
> you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and Sendero's app is $70 for 
> one year or $129 for three years.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
>> pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
>> advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
>> crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way you 
>> know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one side.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to 
>>> do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare 
>>> might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We 
>>> need more information before we can provide accurate and relevant 
>>> information.
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
 Hey everyone 
 What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
 money any info would be greatly appreciated 
 Thank you
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: exiting full screen mode in Mail?

2013-08-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

the command to exit/enter full screen mode is control command F.


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I accidentally put Mail into full screen mode and I can't return it to 
> normal. Now, Mail itself is a bit sluggish, with VO taking several seconds to 
> see newly opened windows. Plus, when I switch to other applications, I hear 
> "space with Finder Desktop" and then more app names instead of hearing the 
> content of the app to which I just moved. Thanks for any help.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Randy George
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the info, how much is the second app you use? I guess I am a bit 
confused as to what these apps do, I would think that a GPS app would be able 
to give turn by turn directions. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Wait, I thought blind square was $15? not $24?
> Also, Randy, yes you can if you use a second app for exactturn-by-turn.
> For example, I use blind square and MotionX GPS Drive.
> Matt Dierckens
> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
> Sight Substitution Centre
> On 2013-08-04, at 4:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
>> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
>> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google maps 
>> where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as 
>> Blindsquare continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two 
>> apps, but you have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less 
>> money (and not a yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does not 
>> have its place, but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the best 
>> option. Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up front 
>> and hope you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and Sendero's app 
>> is $70 for one year or $129 for three years.
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
>>> pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
>>> advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
>>> crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way 
>>> you know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one side.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to 
 do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare 
 might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We 
 need more information before we can provide accurate and relevant 
 On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
> Hey everyone 
> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
> Thank you
> Krysti
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Krysti
I plan on using it for streets intersections extra

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-08-04, at 5:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to do 
> with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare might 
> work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We need 
> more information before we can provide accurate and relevant information.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey everyone 
>> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
>> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
>> Thank you
>> Krysti
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Krysti
No I didn't Alex I was looking for info before I decided

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-08-04, at 5:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google maps 
> where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as Blindsquare 
> continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two apps, but you 
> have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less money (and not a 
> yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does not have its place, 
> but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the best option. 
> Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up front and hope 
> you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and Sendero's app is $70 for 
> one year or $129 for three years.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
>> pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
>> advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
>> crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way you 
>> know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one side.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want to 
>>> do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like Blindsquare 
>>> might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, in general? We 
>>> need more information before we can provide accurate and relevant 
>>> information.
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
 Hey everyone 
 What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
 money any info would be greatly appreciated
 Thank you
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> Have a great day,
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi Randy.
MotionX GPS drive is $0.99, and voice guidance is $10 a year.
Blindsquare is not a turn by turn application. So therefore, using both is a 

Matt Dierckens

IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
Sight Substitution Centre

On 2013-08-04, at 5:28 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hey Matt,
> Thanks for the info, how much is the second app you use? I guess I am a bit 
> confused as to what these apps do, I would think that a GPS app would be able 
> to give turn by turn directions. 
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Wait, I thought blind square was $15? not $24?
>> Also, Randy, yes you can if you use a second app for exactturn-by-turn.
>> For example, I use blind square and MotionX GPS Drive.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
>> Sight Substitution Centre
>> On 2013-08-04, at 4:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
>>> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
>>> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google 
>>> maps where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as 
>>> Blindsquare continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two 
>>> apps, but you have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less 
>>> money (and not a yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does 
>>> not have its place, but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the 
>>> best option. Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up 
>>> front and hope you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and 
>>> Sendero's app is $70 for one year or $129 for three years.
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi there
 I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
 pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
 advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
 crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way 
 you know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want 
> to do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like 
> Blindsquare might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, 
> in general? We need more information before we can provide accurate and 
> relevant information.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey everyone 
>> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
>> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
>> Thank you
>> Krysti
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> Have a great day,
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Mary Otten
Isn't the voice guidance $10 a month not just $10? That would mean $120 per 
year for turn by turn and the whole set up is not as convenient as having it 
all in one app, which is what you get with seeing Eye, which ends up being 
cheaper, if my supposition about cost for Motion X is right.


Mary Otten

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Brett C.
The cost for MotionX voice guidance is $10 per year.

Brett C.

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:31 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Isn't the voice guidance $10 a month not just $10? That would mean $120 per 
> year for turn by turn and the whole set up is not as convenient as having it 
> all in one app, which is what you get with seeing Eye, which ends up being 
> cheaper, if my supposition about cost for Motion X is right.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Laura ann Grymes
Map quest works too and is free.
I also have Ariende and sendaro  look around and blind square.

Those work well.
I do not want to pay $70 a year for something I can't try first and think what 
I have works well for my needs.

Laura Ann

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hey Matt,
> Thanks for the info, how much is the second app you use? I guess I am a bit 
> confused as to what these apps do, I would think that a GPS app would be able 
> to give turn by turn directions. 
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Wait, I thought blind square was $15? not $24?
>> Also, Randy, yes you can if you use a second app for exactturn-by-turn.
>> For example, I use blind square and MotionX GPS Drive.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
>> Sight Substitution Centre
>> On 2013-08-04, at 4:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
>>> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
>>> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google 
>>> maps where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as 
>>> Blindsquare continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two 
>>> apps, but you have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less 
>>> money (and not a yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does 
>>> not have its place, but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the 
>>> best option. Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up 
>>> front and hope you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and 
>>> Sendero's app is $70 for one year or $129 for three years.
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi there
 I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
 pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
 advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
 crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way 
 you know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want 
> to do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like 
> Blindsquare might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, 
> in general? We need more information before we can provide accurate and 
> relevant information.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey everyone 
>> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
>> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
>> Thank you
>> Krysti
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> Have a great day,
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Re: To the person wanting feedback on Kindle app and braille

2013-08-04 Thread Cristina Hartmann
Hi Lisette,

Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. Somehow I missed this the first
time around.

Anyway, I've gotten reports of similar delays across brands, but the delays
seem the most severe with the HIMS brand and/or large files. I've already
reported the problem to Amazon, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that
they'll fix it.

Thanks so much for the feedback!


On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Lisette Wesseling <> wrote:

> I'mm using Kindle on an iPhone 5 with a Braille Sense OnHand from Hims.
> There's about a two second delay from pressing the panning button to the
> braille actually changing. I don't get this lag on iBooks so is it
> something unique to the Kindle app? Do people experience this sort of lag
> on other Hims displays?
> Thanks.
> Lisette
> --
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Cristina Hartmann

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Les Kriegler
Motion X is $10 per year. Well, worth the price.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 4, 2013, at 6:31 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Isn't the voice guidance $10 a month not just $10? That would mean $120 per 
> year for turn by turn and the whole set up is not as convenient as having it 
> all in one app, which is what you get with seeing Eye, which ends up being 
> cheaper, if my supposition about cost for Motion X is right.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: To the person wanting feedback on Kindle app and braille

2013-08-04 Thread Jane
I dont know if it's unique to Kindle. In some iBooks, I can get lag when 
panning. I use a RefreshaBraille 18. I notice that in the Kindle app in 
particular there is a delay if I make the font size very very smal. I like the 
size to be small so more text can fit on a page, but I get very frustrated with 
the delay when trying to read with Braille that way. I either have to turn the 
font size up to a bigger one, or only listenwith speech.


On Aug 4, 2013, at 8:31 PM, Cristina Hartmann  

> Hi Lisette,
> Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. Somehow I missed this the first 
> time around. 
> Anyway, I've gotten reports of similar delays across brands, but the delays 
> seem the most severe with the HIMS brand and/or large files. I've already 
> reported the problem to Amazon, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 
> they'll fix it.
> Thanks so much for the feedback!
> Cristina 
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
>  wrote:
> I'mm using Kindle on an iPhone 5 with a Braille Sense OnHand from Hims. 
> There's about a two second delay from pressing the panning button to the 
> braille actually changing. I don't get this lag on iBooks so is it something 
> unique to the Kindle app? Do people experience this sort of lag on other Hims 
> displays?
> Thanks.
> Lisette
> --
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write to disk error: too many open files

2013-08-04 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone, Since i have my new laptop and when using utorrent i get this 
write to disk error: too many open files an awful lot. I have never had this 
happen before and find it extremely irritating.
I have googled and see that tthere are some commands that i can run from 
terminal but that you then also want to start the program that you want to use 
from the seem terminal window and if you restart the mac the settings will be 
void. You can also change some configuration files but i am not htat good with 
neither terminal nor config files. Is there anyone hwo has a script or 
something for this that will make this work for the whole system all the time?
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: Seeing Eye GPS

2013-08-04 Thread Peg Jolene
 Hi Listers and Randy:

I use Google Maps and BlindSquare together a lot.  Google Maps is very   
responsive.  Much of my use is in a small town and in a car.  With Seeing  Eye, 
I don't seem to have consistent  access to POIs.  Finding them is inconsistent. 
 However, when I am in Sacramento, rather than my small town of Sutter, Seeing 
Eye works better.  Not sure what this means.  I too think one gets better info 
pedestrian-wise with Seeing Eye.  However, I'm not sure it's worth the dollar 
difference currently.  I'm looking forward to the next update.  I really like 
the Seeing Eye interface best.  Hoping the map situation gets resolved.

Hope this Helps.  

On Aug 4, 2013, at 2:28 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hey Matt,
> Thanks for the info, how much is the second app you use? I guess I am a bit 
> confused as to what these apps do, I would think that a GPS app would be able 
> to give turn by turn directions. 
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 5:13 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Wait, I thought blind square was $15? not $24?
>> Also, Randy, yes you can if you use a second app for exactturn-by-turn.
>> For example, I use blind square and MotionX GPS Drive.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
>> Sight Substitution Centre
>> On 2013-08-04, at 4:54 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> True, but my understanding is that Blindsquare does this as well, plus it 
>>> runs in the background. So, you open Blindsquare for intersection/POI 
>>> announcements, find your destination, have it tell Apple Maps or Google 
>>> maps where you want to go, then follow the mapping app's directions as 
>>> Blindsquare continues to tell you what's around. Yes, you are now suing two 
>>> apps, but you have a lot more features in Blindsquare and it is far less 
>>> money (and not a yearly fee either). I'm not saying the Sendero app does 
>>> not have its place, but for basic navigation I'm not convinced it is the 
>>> best option. Unfortunately, you can't try out either app, you must buy up 
>>> front and hope you didn't waste your money. Blindsquare is $24, and 
>>> Sendero's app is $70 for one year or $129 for three years.
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi there
 I would like to give an example. Suppose you were going to do mostly 
 pedestrian work with a GPS. I think the Seeing Eye GPS has a definite 
 advantage in that mode. This is because it will tell you whether a street 
 crossing goes through or not by saying crossing right and left. That way 
 you know the street is not a dead-end street which comes in on the one 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Aug 4, 2013, at 3:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> It has its merits and its downsides. It really depends on what you want 
> to do with it - it might fit the bill, or a cheaper solution like 
> Blindsquare might work better. How do you plan to use a navigation app, 
> in general? We need more information before we can provide accurate and 
> relevant information.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey everyone 
>> What does everyone think about this app I want to get it is it worth the 
>> money any info would be greatly appreciated 
>> Thank you
>> Krysti
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Downcast on the MAc Busy Problems

2013-08-04 Thread Steve Holmes
It is a fun program to work with and I have seen both via private email and 
twitter that they plan to put in a fix very soon so hopefully these problems 
will go away.

On Aug 4, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Steve,
> Yeah I think you might be right as the iCloud feature might only work moving 
> forward once the app is installed on IOS and/or Mac. Thanks for letting me 
> know how it works with you. I still need to play around with it a lot more as 
> I haven't gotten a chance.
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> I'm still checking this out. After all the failed downloads and all, I went 
>> into the iOS version this morning and it went and downloaded all the same 
>> stuff over there so I think the iCloud part may be working OK. I think what 
>> I saw in the past when using iPod and iPad was a similar problem where the 
>> iCloud feature didn't always pick up stuff that was on a previous device 
>> before coming on the scene if that makes any sense. The iCloud feature may 
>> only work totally right with current changes; I don't think it is a 
>> historian.
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:46 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey Steve, will check out my downloads tomorrow or I guess later today. 
>>> Have you been able to get iCloud sync to properly sync your episodes 
>>> between your mac and iPhone? Thanks, Brian
>>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 12:48 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 I had a lot of problems with that too. I've been in touch with the devs 
 and given them numerous logs. I've also had the program crash on me 
 several times when attempting to retry multiple downloads from the 
 download pane.
 In fact, you might wanna go into the download pane with Command-4 and see 
 what's in there. Under ideal conditions, you should have no downloads 
 I like the program in general but I'm having too many problems with it 
 downloading the same files over and over again and leaving a bunch of 
 broken downloads in the download pane. I think I'm gonna have to put this 
 one on hold until they get a newer version out there. This is proving to 
 be too buggy for me.
 On Aug 3, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Since I have been having iCloud sync problems with Downcast on the mac I 
> decided to delete the app and reinstall it. Don't think this did anything 
> as all of my podcasts were still there and the iCloud settings were all 
> checked once I reinstalled. Now I am also having another issue as when I 
> click on the playlist tab I get stuck in a busy busy loop that doesn't 
> end and I have to force quit Downcast but when I restart the app and 
> click on the playlist tab it gets stuck in the busy busy again. Any 
> ideas? Thanks.
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Re: To the person wanting feedback on Kindle app and braille

2013-08-04 Thread Steve Holmes
I have also seen this a lot with the NFB newsline reader. I wonder if it has 
something to do with large buffers of text for the Braille display to pan 

On Aug 4, 2013, at 5:50 PM, Jane  wrote:

> I dont know if it's unique to Kindle. In some iBooks, I can get lag when 
> panning. I use a RefreshaBraille 18. I notice that in the Kindle app in 
> particular there is a delay if I make the font size very very smal. I like 
> the size to be small so more text can fit on a page, but I get very 
> frustrated with the delay when trying to read with Braille that way. I either 
> have to turn the font size up to a bigger one, or only listenwith speech.
> Jane
> On Aug 4, 2013, at 8:31 PM, Cristina Hartmann  
> wrote:
>> Hi Lisette,
>> Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. Somehow I missed this the first 
>> time around. 
>> Anyway, I've gotten reports of similar delays across brands, but the delays 
>> seem the most severe with the HIMS brand and/or large files. I've already 
>> reported the problem to Amazon, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 
>> they'll fix it.
>> Thanks so much for the feedback!
>> Cristina 
>> On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
>>  wrote:
>> I'mm using Kindle on an iPhone 5 with a Braille Sense OnHand from Hims. 
>> There's about a two second delay from pressing the panning button to the 
>> braille actually changing. I don't get this lag on iBooks so is it something 
>> unique to the Kindle app? Do people experience this sort of lag on other 
>> Hims displays?
>> Thanks.
>> Lisette
>> --
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CMS on Mac

2013-08-04 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I have been ask by several different VO user now. all who are working in a Non 
profit and community service sector.

Are there any CMS )Client Management System) software out there that is 
accessible on the Mac?

These people found that is getting harder to work on their office PC, as they 
keep changing the CMS on the network, and wish to have some other alternative 
way to o so on a Mac.

If so, they would like to persuade their employer to allowing them to use Mac 
at work instead.

Any help is very much appreciated.


The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.Joanne Chua
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
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