HI.  yep I agree about interaction.  Once I got used to it I kind of really 
like it.

Maria and crew from australia
check out 
where we play lots of great music

On 04/08/2013, at 9:55 PM, Matt Dierckens <matt.dierck...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But interaction makes so much more sense.
> Its basically telling VO,  this is what I want to focus on, and not like 
> windows where it reads you every single thing and half the time you have to 
> read it anyway, and with VO you can choose to or not.
> Matt Dierckens
> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
> IOS and Macintosh User support, Windsor area
> Sight Substitution Centre
> On 2013-08-04, at 7:30 AM, Danny Noonan <da...@familynoonan.net> wrote:
>> I'm thinking of Garage band and how often you interact and stop interacting 
>> over and over again. There are some key strokes but it's still such a time 
>> sink.
>> I don't know how it could be done away with fully but better use of 
>> interaction by software would certainly make life easier. Have it be more 
>> universal across apps both native and third party. Making vo j work in most 
>> if not all multi interaction situations. Some times now it's vo j, other 
>> times, vo command shift t to switch between tables and other times like in 
>> the Sendspace wizard, you have 3 or more levels of interaction and have to 
>> move up 2 levels, vo right and then interact in another chain of levels. 
>> Arg.  
>> I love the mac but this is 1 of those things that makes the experience far 
>> sloppier and less consistent and is a major stumbling block on many coming 
>> to love using the OS despite its many advantages over windows.
>> Danny.
>> On 31/07/2013, at 9:03 AM, Mary Otten <motte...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think it is obvious that the interaction deal is one of the most 
>>> difficult things that somebody who moves from Windows to Mac needs to deal 
>>> with. What is frustrating is that it is not always clear when one needs to 
>>> interact. Trial and error and lots of keystrokes and wasted time result. I 
>>> certainly do agree that tabbing until your finger falls off isn't the best 
>>> solution. But I do wonder if there might not be a more innovative means of  
>>> efficiently navigating complex screens. Sometimes, it isn't even clear, for 
>>> instance, that you are in a situation where interacting again would yield 
>>> more info. I'm thinking of nested tables as an example. VO doesn't always 
>>> announce the fact that you have moved into a level 12 or even 3 table or 
>>> that you could do so by interacting. Maybe that is a coding issue, not a VO 
>>> issue. I do wonder if there are actual blind users who work for Apple who 
>>> have experience with other operating systems. I say that not because I want 
>>> to see some other approach duplicated, but because I've seen too much 
>>> tunnel vision coming from folks whose only experience is with one or 
>>> another os. 
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> motte...@gmail.com
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