Re: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts

2013-05-27 Thread Jürgen Fleger
are you sure about importing the file and it works? I haven't tried it for a 
while due to obvious reasons because VO wasn't able to import all the settings 
correctly in Lion. I'm not sure about Mountain Lion. But I'm interested wether 
they fixed this issue or not.
All the best

Am 27.05.2013 um 02:10 schrieb Chris Gilland :

> Harry, I can't help with the second question, but your first question... 
> absolutely!  Just do your vo+F8 like normal, then go to the file menu, and 
> there should be an option in there to export your settings.  I can't recall 
> if it makes a folder, or just one file, but if it wind up being a folder, 
> then just zip it, and then put it up on Sendspece, or Dropbox, etc.
> Once they get the file, they'll just do vo+F8, go to the file menu, but 
> instead of going to export, obviously, they'll go to import.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Harry Hogue" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:09 PM
> Subject: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts
> hello all,
> I have a couple of unrelated questions.
> First, does anyone know if it is possible to set voiceover preferences and 
> then send these preferences to someone else so they can then use them in 
> their own VoiceOver settings?  I have a friend who uses VoiceOver, but lives 
> half way around the world, so it would be better to e-mail a settings file to 
> him.  Although I could explain how to adjust settings for application menu 
> short cuts and so forth, it would be much quicker if I could set these myself 
> and then send him a file that he could simply put in a specific place.  Then 
> he could use the preferences I have set, including application short uts, 
> pronunciation preferences, etc.
> My other question has to do with my own computer.  I have two accounts --  
> one for personal use and another for professional uses.  Is there a way to 
> share my virtual machine Windows between these two accounts?  Right now when 
> I go to the other account and VMWare Fusion, it welcomes me to VMWare and aks 
> me to eitehr load a VM or install a VM, etc.  If possible, I would like 
> Windows on the VM on the professional account to mirror the contents of my 
> professional account, meaning any files on my Desktop, etc.  I can't imagine 
> much I would need the VM on my professional account for expect for maybe 
> Excel, MS Word, and the like, but I would like to have the option.  So is 
> there anyway of doing this without completely reinstalling Windows?
> Thanks,
> Harry
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Re: VO improvements in the next update

2013-05-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I have never ever had an issue with a "one row added" thingy. I tend to agree 
with those who think that it's a good thing it's there. Makes me think, isn't 
it strange that when we get too little info we complain and then when we get 
more or all info available we also complain. If you *have to* do something 
about that "one row added1" feature, make an option to toggle between text, 
beep  or nothing, that way everyone could have it how they wanted to, but then 
we'd probably complain about it anyways.

27 maj 2013 kl. 02:53 skrev Michael Marshall :

> hey,
> playing a tone would be mutch better because even when you leve the window 
> with the table rows VO still says it and your trying to read and it says 1 
> row added and stops the reading.
> it's enough to make you rip your hair out and screem.
> what i would love them to do is to make it tell you how many rows have been 
> added on request only with a short cut.
> Michael
> On 27/05/2013, at 9:58 AM, Chris Gilland  wrote:
>> That isn't stupid.  Frankly, I'm really glad it does that.  If it didn't how 
>> else would you know that a table of items was populating?
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Michael Marshall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 4:43 PM
>> Subject: Re: VO improvements in the next update
>> i would love in the next update if VO would stop giving that stupid 1 row 
>> added message really i would give anything.
>> Michael
>> On 27/05/2013, at 12:36 AM, Brandt  wrote:
>>> The link seems to be useless. Even googled the link and no go.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
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>>> On 26 May 2013, at 2:02 PM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
 I'm very glad to forward this link to you. A little tiny line says, the 
 next update is gonna bring improvements for VoiceOver for word processing 
 and PDF.
 Isn't that great? I Hope this will fix the pdf issues in Preview and - who 
 knows - bring tables compatibility to VO. Let's dream big! :-)
 That shows to me how important it is to send bug reports to
 All the best
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Re: Expanding & collapsing mailboxes in Mountain Lion

2013-05-27 Thread Georgina Joyce

Thanks everyone for your input. I'm really confused about these issues. 
However, I've found that it is something to do with my security settings. I've 
purchased a domain from hostpapa and created several mailboxes to separate 
various activities. After setting them up. I read that the SSL connections were 
strongly recommended. So I attempted to change the configuration and it's been 
down hill from there. So I'm having some success by returning to the not so 
secure config until I can get to my next 1 to 1 session. I've just had a nag 
about the imap path prefix which I'm guessing where my problems are to be 
found. It's not an good idea to being going in so deep while trying to get to 
grips with a new OS. But that's me, don't do anything by half. LOL! I'm hoping 
that you get this post too as I've obviously had email failures with all this 
going on.

The backslash forward slash really threw me. A real problem when communicating 
on an international level. I think you mean the right square bracket for UK 

So hopefully, I'll have a secure workable structure of email receive, store and 
delete system that meets my needs, soon!


On 26 May 2013, at 07:21, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi,
> Just to clarify, in your mailbox list, at the top, are a bunch of special 
> mailboxes. These are special because they group together mailboxes of the 
> same type from different accounts. These include inbox, sent, drafts, trash, 
> archived etcetera. YOu can expand and collapse each of these (inbox, 
> sent,drafts etcetera) using the VO-BACKSLASH keystroke. Below these are your 
> accounts with all their IMAP folder structures. At the top might even be an 
> On My Mac section if you have local mailboxes. You can expand and collapse 
> each of these account folders to reveal or hide their contents with 
> VO-BAKCSLASH. If any of the folders contain sub-folders you can again expand 
> and collapse them with VO-BACKSLASH.
> In short, your accounts with all their IMAP folders should be at the bottom 
> of the mailbox list and can be expanded and collapsed. They might not contain 
> inbox, drafts, sent, trash, junk, archived etcetera as these are up the top 
> in the special folders section. If you have any custom folders, however, they 
> should appear here down the bottom. If They are expanded but simply don't 
> contain the custom folders you have on the server then I'm not sure what's 
> going on. Might be a question for Apple Care or one of the Apple Support 
> forums.
> Hope this is of some help.
> On 25/05/2013, at 8:48 AM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm pulling my hair out here because I've done something to my configuration 
> so that I can't see all my mailboxes at level 2. They are imap boxes and I 
> can only see the inboxes, trash and sent boxes. But a structure of folders 
> and mailboxes for storing is still on the server and accessible as I can move 
> messages to them but I can't traverse them. In order to read messages in 
> those folders at level 2. I can access them on another machine, it's 
> something I've done on this MP.
> Anyone got any ideas of what I need to do to reveal all my filed messages?
> Many thanks for your attention and suggestions.
> Gena
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Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system status?

2013-05-27 Thread Alex Hall
My script will speak iTunes info on command, not automatically. I could make it 
automatic, but I, too, would find that incredibly annoying, especially since I 
usually know what the song is and only someimtes need the information. So, no 
need to spend money, just be patient with me.  It shouldn't be too much 
On May 27, 2013, at 2:16 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi Shawn,
> I can't now remember where I got the script. But if you Google VoiceOver 
> script to speak MacBook batery status I reckon you'll find it. If you email 
> me off list I'll be happy to email you the script. You just copy it into the 
> VoiceOver folder in your scripts folder in Library I think. Then you can 
> assign a keyboard commander to it.
> Re those iTunes apps, do they speak the song title and artist on command, or 
> automatically? I really dislike ones that speak it automatically (like Apple 
> TV) as it's really disconcerting in a party when you have your music turned 
> up loud for this extremely loud electronic voice to start booming out over 
> your sound system. It's particularly annoying when the intro of the song is 
> really cool and VoiceOver ruins it. So I want one that speaks it only on 
> command.
> Cheers,
> Nic
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts

2013-05-27 Thread Chris Gilland
To the best of my knowledge it works.  I guess there's only one way for you 
to know, huh.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jürgen Fleger" 

Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts

are you sure about importing the file and it works? I haven't tried it for a 
while due to obvious reasons because VO wasn't able to import all the 
settings correctly in Lion. I'm not sure about Mountain Lion. But I'm 
interested wether they fixed this issue or not.

All the best

Am 27.05.2013 um 02:10 schrieb Chris Gilland :

Harry, I can't help with the second question, but your first question... 
absolutely!  Just do your vo+F8 like normal, then go to the file menu, and 
there should be an option in there to export your settings.  I can't 
recall if it makes a folder, or just one file, but if it wind up being a 
folder, then just zip it, and then put it up on Sendspece, or Dropbox, 

Once they get the file, they'll just do vo+F8, go to the file menu, but 
instead of going to export, obviously, they'll go to import.


- Original Message - From: "Harry Hogue" 
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:09 PM
Subject: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts

hello all,

I have a couple of unrelated questions.

First, does anyone know if it is possible to set voiceover preferences and 
then send these preferences to someone else so they can then use them in 
their own VoiceOver settings?  I have a friend who uses VoiceOver, but 
lives half way around the world, so it would be better to e-mail a 
settings file to him.  Although I could explain how to adjust settings for 
application menu short cuts and so forth, it would be much quicker if I 
could set these myself and then send him a file that he could simply put 
in a specific place.  Then he could use the preferences I have set, 
including application short uts, pronunciation preferences, etc.

My other question has to do with my own computer.  I have two accounts --  
one for personal use and another for professional uses.  Is there a way to 
share my virtual machine Windows between these two accounts?  Right now 
when I go to the other account and VMWare Fusion, it welcomes me to VMWare 
and aks me to eitehr load a VM or install a VM, etc.  If possible, I would 
like Windows on the VM on the professional account to mirror the contents 
of my professional account, meaning any files on my Desktop, etc.  I can't 
imagine much I would need the VM on my professional account for expect for 
maybe Excel, MS Word, and the like, but I would like to have the option. 
So is there anyway of doing this without completely reinstalling Windows?



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Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system status?

2013-05-27 Thread Chris Gilland
Actually, if you have growl, and want ITunes speaking tracks in real time as 
they change, then get growl tunes through the extras downloads tab of 
Growl's preferences.  It's free, and will do just this very thing.  I'm with 
Alex though.  That would drive me insane!


- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system 

My script will speak iTunes info on command, not automatically. I could make 
it automatic, but I, too, would find that incredibly annoying, especially 
since I usually know what the song is and only someimtes need the 
information. So, no need to spend money, just be patient with me.  It 
shouldn't be too much longer...
On May 27, 2013, at 2:16 AM, Nicholas Parsons 

Hi Shawn,

I can't now remember where I got the script. But if you Google VoiceOver 
script to speak MacBook batery status I reckon you'll find it. If you 
email me off list I'll be happy to email you the script. You just copy it 
into the VoiceOver folder in your scripts folder in Library I think. Then 
you can assign a keyboard commander to it.

Re those iTunes apps, do they speak the song title and artist on command, 
or automatically? I really dislike ones that speak it automatically (like 
Apple TV) as it's really disconcerting in a party when you have your music 
turned up loud for this extremely loud electronic voice to start booming 
out over your sound system. It's particularly annoying when the intro of 
the song is really cool and VoiceOver ruins it. So I want one that speaks 
it only on command.


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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Deleting audible books

2013-05-27 Thread Jamie Pauls
I thought she might be using an older version of the app. Glad she was able to 
get the problem sorted out. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2013, at 10:17 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> She got it working. She had to update the app to the newest version. Thanks 
> to everyone who replied.
> Regards,
> Brandon
> Lamb Host
> Shared and dedicated hosting
> Hosting starting at only $2.22/month
> Twitter: @lambhost
> On May 26, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> You need to look furtther to the right.  It's just to the left of your book 
>> list.
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On May 26, 2013, at 9:11 PM, Christine Olivares  wrote:
>>> I just looked, and there doesn't seem to be a delete button. I went to the 
>>> "my library" category on the app. Here are the buttons: "categories, back 
>>> button," a "my library" heading, "last played button," and you have a 
>>> choice of ordering the books either by recent, title, and author. The final 
>>> button is the refresh button. Where is the delete button?
>>> Sorry to be a bother. :) God bless.
>>> Christine
>>> On May 26, 2013, at 9:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Ah, didn't know that.  Oh  well.  Anyhow, I still hope my info was helpful.
 Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
 On May 26, 2013, at 8:10 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> You can actually now return books to Audible, if you've purchased that 
> book within the last year. It's a new policy they began a few months ago.
> Regards,
> Brandon
> Lamb Host
> Shared and dedicated hosting
> Hosting starting at only $2.22/month
> Twitter: @lambhost
> On May 26, 2013, at 8:42 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> First, you don't return books to Audible.  You keep them as long as you 
>> want.
>> Next, in the audible app, there is a delete button just to the left of 
>> the listing of books.  This delete button is inactive:  but, you 
>> activate it by pressing it.  Now, you are in a delete mode.  Go through 
>> the list and, upon finding a book you wish to delete from your phone, 
>> press double tap on that book.  A confirmatory screen will pop up and 
>> ask whether or not you really wish to delete that book.  IF you double 
>> tap yes, the book will be erased from your phone, but, book marks for it 
>> will be kept.
>> HTH.
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the 
>> blind built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On May 26, 2013, at 7:24 PM, Christine Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I have a question about the audible app. I returned books over the 
>>> phone, but they are still in my downloads since I have an iPhone. 
>>> whenever I buy a book, I download it to my iPhone. However, when the 
>>> book is returned to audible, the books are still on my phone in the 
>>> "downloaded" section. any ideas how to delete them? When I double tap, 
>>> it starts playing the book even when it is returned.
>>> Thanks for your help and time. god bless.
>>> Christine
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Re: great newspaper app

2013-05-27 Thread Phil Halton

never used the NFB app, so I can't say.

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Gilland" 

Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: great newspaper app

Dumb question, but what makes this any better than using the NFB Newsline 
app, aside from the obvious that if you're not in the US, you'd not have 
access to that app?


- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Halton" 

Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: great newspaper app

Its for IOS. I just downloaded it and it has alot of possibilities. Its 
like using a phone menu system to dial in on a given newspaper article. 
You can choose between three different newspapers in the free 
unsubscribed version , then individual news sections like world news, 
local, late breaking etc, then the various articles in the section. You 
use words like back, reread, etc to traverse the menu system. Then once 
you select an article, it is read aloud with a very good voice quality.

I like it.

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mac accessibility while booting

2013-05-27 Thread Abdullah Alsehli
hello deer listers i want to know what boot option is accessible i know 
recovery manager is  accesible thanks 

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Re: mac accessibility while booting

2013-05-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Not clear exactly what you want.  Could you perhaps be a little plainer?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On May 27, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Abdullah Alsehli  wrote:

> hello deer listers i want to know what boot option is accessible i know 
> recovery manager is  accesible thanks 
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Re: great newspaper app

2013-05-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
The NFB app doesn't have some periodicals, so I think options for apps that 
fill in the gaps are a nice alternative.

On May 27, 2013, at 7:22 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> never used the NFB app, so I can't say.
> - Original Message - From: "Chris Gilland" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 10:44 PM
> Subject: Re: great newspaper app
>> Dumb question, but what makes this any better than using the NFB Newsline 
>> app, aside from the obvious that if you're not in the US, you'd not have 
>> access to that app?
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Phil Halton" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 9:40 PM
>> Subject: Re: great newspaper app
>>> Its for IOS. I just downloaded it and it has alot of possibilities. Its 
>>> like using a phone menu system to dial in on a given newspaper article. You 
>>> can choose between three different newspapers in the free unsubscribed 
>>> version , then individual news sections like world news, local, late 
>>> breaking etc, then the various articles in the section. You use words like 
>>> back, reread, etc to traverse the menu system. Then once you select an 
>>> article, it is read aloud with a very good voice quality.
>>> I like it.
>>> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread John Panarese
   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no problems 
while others are not able to do it at all.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> My 2 cents:
> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both my 
> iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked first 
> time.
> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the mailbox 
> itself.
> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
> However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use VO-SHIFT-COMMA 
> or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another mailbox in my 
> favourites bar.
> Cheers,
> Nic
> -- 
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Basic Recording with Garage Band

2013-05-27 Thread Harry Hogue

I need to make a simple and basic recording with Garage Band in mp3 format.  I 
need to be able to start recording, pause in the middle, resume the recording, 
and of course play, rewind, and fast forward the recording to review it once it 
is finished.  What i the best way to do this with Garage Band?



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Mixed up "busy program" with "program has now window"

2013-05-27 Thread Terje Strømberg

I mixed the "program busy" error message which i have to force to quit under 
the apple menu, with the "program has no window" error message, anoying, which 
i can do the VO + D, find the program and Command + Q it.

Take care  

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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Tim Kilburn
Yeah, I agree with you John.  Both my iMac running 10.8.3 and MacPro running 
the same work properly for the most part.  Not as functional as Nicholas 
mentioned whereby he could drop it in a specific place in the Favourites bar 
but it at least works way better than my MBP.  This is an interesting challenge 
so I'm not giving up on figuring out the differences yet.

Have a good one.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:

>   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> My 2 cents:
>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both 
>> my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked 
>> first time.
>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the mailbox 
>> itself.
>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
>> However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use VO-SHIFT-COMMA 
>> or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another mailbox in my 
>> favourites bar.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

Eureka!!!  At least for me anyway.  I thought that it was possibly VO cursor 
related and it appears that the issue has something to do with the 
magnification of the VoiceOver Cursor.  In the VoiceOver Utility, in the 
visuals category under the VoiceOver Cursor tab, all my machines were set to 
show the VO Cursor but the magnifications were slightly different.  My MacPro 
at work was set to one and my MBP was set to three.  So, I changed the MBP to 
one, like the MacPro, and I was now able to add items to the Favourites Bar and 
drop them specifically somewhere within the Bar as well.

VO is not particularly helpful, though, for me in the  process of getting rid 
of items off the Favourites Bar, because it won't drag items with press action. 
 This is what I do to get rid of items rom the Favourites Bar.  I use VO to 
navigate to the item I wish removed, press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure that my mouse 
is focused there as well, then press down on my mouse or trackpad and 
physically just drag it down and out of the bar.  You only need to do this a 
short distance, then release the button and you'll hear a swoosh like when 
something falls off your dock.

I hope this is of some help to Brian, Jürgen and others, if not, please let me 
know and I'll see if anything else makes a difference.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:

>   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> My 2 cents:
>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both 
>> my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked 
>> first time.
>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the mailbox 
>> itself.
>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
>> However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use VO-SHIFT-COMMA 
>> or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another mailbox in my 
>> favourites bar.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Brian Fischler
I tried moving a mailbox in classic mail and in the regular version, and of 
course got the same error message in both that the mailbox is not draggable. I 
also wasn't able to do it the old way with a VO shift space bar, which is what 
worked a few weeks ago when I first wanted to move the mailbox. I ended up 
having someone who could see move it, and have not tried since, if someone 
figures something out, let me know as I would love to be able to do it on my 
own if I have to in the future. Thanks
On May 27, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Yeah, I agree with you John.  Both my iMac running 10.8.3 and MacPro running 
> the same work properly for the most part.  Not as functional as Nicholas 
> mentioned whereby he could drop it in a specific place in the Favourites bar 
> but it at least works way better than my MBP.  This is an interesting 
> challenge so I'm not giving up on figuring out the differences yet.
> Have a good one.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>>   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
>> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
>> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Website,
>> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> My 2 cents:
>>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both 
>>> my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked 
>>> first time.
>>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
>>> mailbox itself.
>>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
>>> However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use VO-SHIFT-COMMA 
>>> or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another mailbox in my 
>>> favourites bar.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nic
>>> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

Did you check your VO settings that I mentioned in my previous post?  I, too, 
was unable to do anything on my MacBook Pro until today when I adjusted those 
settings.  A couple other things to note that weren't mentioned in my post:

• I was performing this using the regular view, not Classic.
• You must Interact with the given Mailbox from within the Mailboxes Table in 
order to Mark it otherwise the "Not Draggable" message will be heard.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-05-27, at 4:43 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> I tried moving a mailbox in classic mail and in the regular version, and of 
> course got the same error message in both that the mailbox is not draggable. 
> I also wasn't able to do it the old way with a VO shift space bar, which is 
> what worked a few weeks ago when I first wanted to move the mailbox. I ended 
> up having someone who could see move it, and have not tried since, if someone 
> figures something out, let me know as I would love to be able to do it on my 
> own if I have to in the future. Thanks
> On May 27, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Yeah, I agree with you John.  Both my iMac running 10.8.3 and MacPro running 
>> the same work properly for the most part.  Not as functional as Nicholas 
>> mentioned whereby he could drop it in a specific place in the Favourites bar 
>> but it at least works way better than my MBP.  This is an interesting 
>> challenge so I'm not giving up on figuring out the differences yet.
>> Have a good one.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>>>   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
>>> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
>>> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
>>> Take Care
>>> John D. Panarese
>>> Director
>>> Mac for the Blind
>>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>>> Email,
>>> Website,
>>> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
 My 2 cents:
 • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
 • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both 
 my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked 
 first time.
 • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
 mailbox itself.
 • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
 However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
 • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use 
 VO-SHIFT-COMMA or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another 
 mailbox in my favourites bar.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: great newspaper app

2013-05-27 Thread shane christenson
It's for IOS
On May 26, 2013, at 7:04 PM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

> OK, is this for I O S, or is this literally for OSX?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "shane christenson" 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 5:49 PM
> Subject: great newspaper app
> Hi, listers. For those of you who enjoy reading newspapers, here's a great 
> app for the Idevices, called EARL. It is available in the U S app store, but 
> don't know about anywhere else. It gives you access to over 250 local and 
> national newspapers, and speaks in 5 different male and female voices. The 
> app itself is free, but you can subscribe to the earl service for $9.99 a 
> month, or $99.00 a year, for unlimited access to newspaper articles. With the 
> non-subscription version, you can only read 3 articles a day. This beats any 
> other newspaper app I've ever seen for the Idevices. I think the subscription 
> price is well worth the money. When searching for the app, at least in the U 
> S app store, it is the first or second in the list of search results. Take 
> care all, and have a happy and safe Memorial Day.
> Shane
> -- 
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Re: great newspaper app

2013-05-27 Thread shane christenson
You get access to more of each paper. From what I've been able to tell, the nib 
newline app, you only get access to certain articles in certain sections.


On May 26, 2013, at 9:44 PM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

> Dumb question, but what makes this any better than using the NFB Newsline 
> app, aside from the obvious that if you're not in the US, you'd not have 
> access to that app?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Phil Halton" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 9:40 PM
> Subject: Re: great newspaper app
>> Its for IOS. I just downloaded it and it has alot of possibilities. Its like 
>> using a phone menu system to dial in on a given newspaper article. You can 
>> choose between three different newspapers in the free unsubscribed version , 
>> then individual news sections like world news, local, late breaking etc, 
>> then the various articles in the section. You use words like back, reread, 
>> etc to traverse the menu system. Then once you select an article, it is read 
>> aloud with a very good voice quality.
>> I like it.
>> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread John Panarese
   OK.  This is interesting.  I don't know how you discovered this, but this 
makes my success a lot more regular now on my Mini.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On May 27, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Eureka!!!  At least for me anyway.  I thought that it was possibly VO cursor 
> related and it appears that the issue has something to do with the 
> magnification of the VoiceOver Cursor.  In the VoiceOver Utility, in the 
> visuals category under the VoiceOver Cursor tab, all my machines were set to 
> show the VO Cursor but the magnifications were slightly different.  My MacPro 
> at work was set to one and my MBP was set to three.  So, I changed the MBP to 
> one, like the MacPro, and I was now able to add items to the Favourites Bar 
> and drop them specifically somewhere within the Bar as well.
> VO is not particularly helpful, though, for me in the  process of getting rid 
> of items off the Favourites Bar, because it won't drag items with press 
> action.  This is what I do to get rid of items rom the Favourites Bar.  I use 
> VO to navigate to the item I wish removed, press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure that 
> my mouse is focused there as well, then press down on my mouse or trackpad 
> and physically just drag it down and out of the bar.  You only need to do 
> this a short distance, then release the button and you'll hear a swoosh like 
> when something falls off your dock.
> I hope this is of some help to Brian, Jürgen and others, if not, please let 
> me know and I'll see if anything else makes a difference.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>>  There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
>> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
>> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Website,
>> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> My 2 cents:
>>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both 
>>> my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked 
>>> first time.
>>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
>>> mailbox itself.
>>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
>>> However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use VO-SHIFT-COMMA 
>>> or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another mailbox in my 
>>> favourites bar.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nic
>>> -- 
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Are there any accessible plug ins that work with GarageBand?

2013-05-27 Thread Jessica Carter
Hi all. 

Curious to know if there any plug ins that are compatible with GB 6 and 
VoiceOver?  ProToolsis out of my price range. :)
GB has lots of effects and tweaks. Just looking for more variety, if ther is 
such a thing.

Thanks for any helpor suggestions you may have.

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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Tim,

Very impressive that you discovered that 1 and 3 setting in visual. I adjusted 
my setting to 1 as it was set to 3, and for the first time VO common would mark 
and drag the mailbox, as I didn't get the hidden message. However, it wouldn't 
drop it. It said unable to drop mailbox. I tried dropping it right on the 
favorites mailbox and also in the favorites bar by first interacting with it, 
but got the same message. Am I dropping the mailbox in the wrong place? I tried 
it both in classic and non classic. Thanks.
On May 27, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Brian,
> Did you check your VO settings that I mentioned in my previous post?  I, too, 
> was unable to do anything on my MacBook Pro until today when I adjusted those 
> settings.  A couple other things to note that weren't mentioned in my post:
> • I was performing this using the regular view, not Classic.
> • You must Interact with the given Mailbox from within the Mailboxes Table in 
> order to Mark it otherwise the "Not Draggable" message will be heard.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-05-27, at 4:43 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> I tried moving a mailbox in classic mail and in the regular version, and of 
>> course got the same error message in both that the mailbox is not draggable. 
>> I also wasn't able to do it the old way with a VO shift space bar, which is 
>> what worked a few weeks ago when I first wanted to move the mailbox. I ended 
>> up having someone who could see move it, and have not tried since, if 
>> someone figures something out, let me know as I would love to be able to do 
>> it on my own if I have to in the future. Thanks
>> On May 27, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Yeah, I agree with you John.  Both my iMac running 10.8.3 and MacPro 
>>> running the same work properly for the most part.  Not as functional as 
>>> Nicholas mentioned whereby he could drop it in a specific place in the 
>>> Favourites bar but it at least works way better than my MBP.  This is an 
>>> interesting challenge so I'm not giving up on figuring out the differences 
>>> yet.
>>> Have a good one.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
 option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
 problems while others are not able to do it at all.
 Take Care
 John D. Panarese
 Mac for the Blind
 Tel, (631) 724-4479
 On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
> My 2 cents:
> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on 
> both my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it 
> worked first time.
> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
> mailbox itself.
> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived 
> etcetera. However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use 
> VO-SHIFT-COMMA or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another 
> mailbox in my favourites bar.
> Cheers,
> Nic
> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread John Panarese
   Try dropping before or after, but don't interact with the favorites bar 

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On May 27, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Tim,
> Very impressive that you discovered that 1 and 3 setting in visual. I 
> adjusted my setting to 1 as it was set to 3, and for the first time VO common 
> would mark and drag the mailbox, as I didn't get the hidden message. However, 
> it wouldn't drop it. It said unable to drop mailbox. I tried dropping it 
> right on the favorites mailbox and also in the favorites bar by first 
> interacting with it, but got the same message. Am I dropping the mailbox in 
> the wrong place? I tried it both in classic and non classic. Thanks.
> On May 27, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Did you check your VO settings that I mentioned in my previous post?  I, 
>> too, was unable to do anything on my MacBook Pro until today when I adjusted 
>> those settings.  A couple other things to note that weren't mentioned in my 
>> post:
>> • I was performing this using the regular view, not Classic.
>> • You must Interact with the given Mailbox from within the Mailboxes Table 
>> in order to Mark it otherwise the "Not Draggable" message will be heard.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-05-27, at 4:43 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> I tried moving a mailbox in classic mail and in the regular version, and of 
>>> course got the same error message in both that the mailbox is not 
>>> draggable. I also wasn't able to do it the old way with a VO shift space 
>>> bar, which is what worked a few weeks ago when I first wanted to move the 
>>> mailbox. I ended up having someone who could see move it, and have not 
>>> tried since, if someone figures something out, let me know as I would love 
>>> to be able to do it on my own if I have to in the future. Thanks
>>> On May 27, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Yeah, I agree with you John.  Both my iMac running 10.8.3 and MacPro 
 running the same work properly for the most part.  Not as functional as 
 Nicholas mentioned whereby he could drop it in a specific place in the 
 Favourites bar but it at least works way better than my MBP.  This is an 
 interesting challenge so I'm not giving up on figuring out the differences 
 Have a good one.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> My 2 cents:
>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on 
>> both my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it 
>> worked first time.
>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
>> mailbox itself.
>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived 
>> etcetera. However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use 
>> VO-SHIFT-COMMA or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another 
>> mailbox in my favourites bar.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-27 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I'm still really confused on the artifacts thing; I finally managed to get 
one dead centered yesterday, held it there, held the beam button down, it 
stayed centered the entire time, and the thing still said I missed it.  What on 
earth was that about?
On May 11, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I wanted to post a couple of findings that I have found with dimensions. A 
> couple of them are related to Facebook, and one of them is related to 
> artifact retrieval. Somehow, I have actually retrieved some artifacts, and 
> here's what I think that I did:
> Use the being to center the artifact in your headphones, and then drag your 
> finger down, to just above the home key.y Hold your finger there, and you 
> will have the artifact being dragged to you. One thing that I have noticed, 
> is that when you are directly centered with the artifact, the sound of the 
> artifact appears to me to raise infrequency, I'm not sure however if this 
> happens all of the time, or with just some specific artifacts.
> This part is for Jessica, you made mention that you would like to listen to 
> the sounds, and have a change between the different dimensions. And, not play 
> the game, it is possible to do this and here is how you do it:
> These notes are for use when voiceover is enabled:
> Find the "screen lock", button and doublecheck upon it. The game will play a 
> sound, and voiceover will stay to "round circle" and give you directions for 
> dragging this circle. If you drag the circle up to the top of the screen by 
> double tapping, holding, and dragging up word, you will pause the game if you 
> double tap, hold, and dragged down, then you will hear the game begin to play 
> again. If you just Double tap on the "screen lock" button, and don't drag the 
> circle anywhere, you can then press the home key and listen to the game in 
> the background. When an artifact is found, you will be made aware of this, 
> and what I have found is if you tap the home key twice quickly, it will place 
> you in the "app switcher". Then, find "dimensions" in the app switcher, 
> Typically for me dimensions is either the first or second application in the 
> app switcher, tap on it twice to activate it, and you will be placed in the 
> game. Find the circle, double tap, hold and drag to the bottom of the screen, 
> to unlock the screen. Find the beam, and perform the action you need to do 
> either pushing the enemy away, or dragging an artifact to you.
> Finally, find the screen lock button again after your done with this task, 
> and lock the screen. Press your home key to return to New York springboard, 
> and then double tap the home key to access your app switcher. Or, if you 
> would like you can double tap the home key after you lock the screen, some 
> directly in the dimensions application.
> Related to Facebook, I think the way that it works is each time someone 
> clicks on the link that you post, then you can be "given points", and your 
> friends can help you grow and get a stronger pain. Therefore, those of you 
> connected to Facebook, can go ahead and add me as a friend, and I will except 
> the request that is posted to Facebook, when you share the dimensions 
> application through the drawer on the main menu with your Facebook. 
> Therefore, I would also request that anyone who has me on Facebook, also do 
> the same. If you would like to acknowledge these notifications, you can do so 
> directly in the iOS application under Facebook, notifications button. If you 
> would like to add me to Facebook, do so by using this link:
> Http://
> Taking the above link may open the Facebook application directly on your iOS 
> device, if it doesn't, feel free to just find the "add friend" button by 
> using the item chooser menu on OS X, or, by using voice over on iOS.
> Hope you have a delightful rest of your day, and the above-mentioned message 
> has helped some people.
> Michael
> Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 
> Http://
> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

I will test some more and see if I can duplicate what's happening for you 
Brian.  I haven't got that issue since I fixed the magnification setting but 
that doesn't mean it won't happen if I do the right thing.  Let's just hope I'm 
paying good enough attention to what I'm doing to figure out what's going on.  
Give me a bit please and I'll get back to you.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-05-27, at 6:44 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Tim,
> Very impressive that you discovered that 1 and 3 setting in visual. I 
> adjusted my setting to 1 as it was set to 3, and for the first time VO common 
> would mark and drag the mailbox, as I didn't get the hidden message. However, 
> it wouldn't drop it. It said unable to drop mailbox. I tried dropping it 
> right on the favorites mailbox and also in the favorites bar by first 
> interacting with it, but got the same message. Am I dropping the mailbox in 
> the wrong place? I tried it both in classic and non classic. Thanks.
> On May 27, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Did you check your VO settings that I mentioned in my previous post?  I, 
>> too, was unable to do anything on my MacBook Pro until today when I adjusted 
>> those settings.  A couple other things to note that weren't mentioned in my 
>> post:
>> • I was performing this using the regular view, not Classic.
>> • You must Interact with the given Mailbox from within the Mailboxes Table 
>> in order to Mark it otherwise the "Not Draggable" message will be heard.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-05-27, at 4:43 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> I tried moving a mailbox in classic mail and in the regular version, and of 
>>> course got the same error message in both that the mailbox is not 
>>> draggable. I also wasn't able to do it the old way with a VO shift space 
>>> bar, which is what worked a few weeks ago when I first wanted to move the 
>>> mailbox. I ended up having someone who could see move it, and have not 
>>> tried since, if someone figures something out, let me know as I would love 
>>> to be able to do it on my own if I have to in the future. Thanks
>>> On May 27, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Yeah, I agree with you John.  Both my iMac running 10.8.3 and MacPro 
 running the same work properly for the most part.  Not as functional as 
 Nicholas mentioned whereby he could drop it in a specific place in the 
 Favourites bar but it at least works way better than my MBP.  This is an 
 interesting challenge so I'm not giving up on figuring out the differences 
 Have a good one.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>   There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> My 2 cents:
>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on 
>> both my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it 
>> worked first time.
>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
>> mailbox itself.
>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived 
>> etcetera. However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use 
>> VO-SHIFT-COMMA or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another 
>> mailbox in my favourites bar.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-27 Thread Alex Hall
Once it is centered, you have to move your finger back about an inch, toward 
the home button. You should hear the beam sound "ramping up" and, once you do, 
hold your finger still until the artifact is captured. Same deal for the 
Nefilim, but those you push away (move your finger away from the home button an 
inch or so) until they are gone.
On May 27, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Ok, I'm still really confused on the artifacts thing; I finally managed to 
> get one dead centered yesterday, held it there, held the beam button down, it 
> stayed centered the entire time, and the thing still said I missed it.  What 
> on earth was that about?
> On May 11, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I wanted to post a couple of findings that I have found with dimensions. A 
>> couple of them are related to Facebook, and one of them is related to 
>> artifact retrieval. Somehow, I have actually retrieved some artifacts, and 
>> here's what I think that I did:
>> Use the being to center the artifact in your headphones, and then drag your 
>> finger down, to just above the home key.y Hold your finger there, and you 
>> will have the artifact being dragged to you. One thing that I have noticed, 
>> is that when you are directly centered with the artifact, the sound of the 
>> artifact appears to me to raise infrequency, I'm not sure however if this 
>> happens all of the time, or with just some specific artifacts.
>> This part is for Jessica, you made mention that you would like to listen to 
>> the sounds, and have a change between the different dimensions. And, not 
>> play the game, it is possible to do this and here is how you do it:
>> These notes are for use when voiceover is enabled:
>> Find the "screen lock", button and doublecheck upon it. The game will play a 
>> sound, and voiceover will stay to "round circle" and give you directions for 
>> dragging this circle. If you drag the circle up to the top of the screen by 
>> double tapping, holding, and dragging up word, you will pause the game if 
>> you double tap, hold, and dragged down, then you will hear the game begin to 
>> play again. If you just Double tap on the "screen lock" button, and don't 
>> drag the circle anywhere, you can then press the home key and listen to the 
>> game in the background. When an artifact is found, you will be made aware of 
>> this, and what I have found is if you tap the home key twice quickly, it 
>> will place you in the "app switcher". Then, find "dimensions" in the app 
>> switcher, Typically for me dimensions is either the first or second 
>> application in the app switcher, tap on it twice to activate it, and you 
>> will be placed in the game. Find the circle, double tap, hold and drag to 
>> the bottom of the screen, to unlock the screen. Find the beam, and perform 
>> the action you need to do either pushing the enemy away, or dragging an 
>> artifact to you.
>> Finally, find the screen lock button again after your done with this task, 
>> and lock the screen. Press your home key to return to New York springboard, 
>> and then double tap the home key to access your app switcher. Or, if you 
>> would like you can double tap the home key after you lock the screen, some 
>> directly in the dimensions application.
>> Related to Facebook, I think the way that it works is each time someone 
>> clicks on the link that you post, then you can be "given points", and your 
>> friends can help you grow and get a stronger pain. Therefore, those of you 
>> connected to Facebook, can go ahead and add me as a friend, and I will 
>> except the request that is posted to Facebook, when you share the dimensions 
>> application through the drawer on the main menu with your Facebook. 
>> Therefore, I would also request that anyone who has me on Facebook, also do 
>> the same. If you would like to acknowledge these notifications, you can do 
>> so directly in the iOS application under Facebook, notifications button. If 
>> you would like to add me to Facebook, do so by using this link:
>> Http://
>> Taking the above link may open the Facebook application directly on your iOS 
>> device, if it doesn't, feel free to just find the "add friend" button by 
>> using the item chooser menu on OS X, or, by using voice over on iOS.
>> Hope you have a delightful rest of your day, and the above-mentioned message 
>> has helped some people.
>> Michael
>> Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 
>> Http://
>> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

I think you might have cracked the code. haha!!  I just checked my settings, 
and I have show the Voiceover cursor unchecked, and I was able to drag and drop 
with little or no problems. 

Ricardo Walker

On May 27, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Eureka!!!  At least for me anyway.  I thought that it was possibly VO cursor 
> related and it appears that the issue has something to do with the 
> magnification of the VoiceOver Cursor.  In the VoiceOver Utility, in the 
> visuals category under the VoiceOver Cursor tab, all my machines were set to 
> show the VO Cursor but the magnifications were slightly different.  My MacPro 
> at work was set to one and my MBP was set to three.  So, I changed the MBP to 
> one, like the MacPro, and I was now able to add items to the Favourites Bar 
> and drop them specifically somewhere within the Bar as well.
> VO is not particularly helpful, though, for me in the  process of getting rid 
> of items off the Favourites Bar, because it won't drag items with press 
> action.  This is what I do to get rid of items rom the Favourites Bar.  I use 
> VO to navigate to the item I wish removed, press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure that 
> my mouse is focused there as well, then press down on my mouse or trackpad 
> and physically just drag it down and out of the bar.  You only need to do 
> this a short distance, then release the button and you'll hear a swoosh like 
> when something falls off your dock.
> I hope this is of some help to Brian, Jürgen and others, if not, please let 
> me know and I'll see if anything else makes a difference.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-05-27, at 11:08 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>>  There has to be some setting that is not obvious or some configuration 
>> option.  It just seems strange that some of us are having little to no 
>> problems while others are not able to do it at all.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Website,
>> On May 27, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> My 2 cents:
>>> • I have all the same relevant settings as John.
>>> • I can successfully drag and drop mailboxes to the favourites bar on both 
>>> my iMac and MacBook Air. Just tested now on my MacBook Air and it worked 
>>> first time.
>>> • I interact with the mailbox list before dragging, but not with the 
>>> mailbox itself.
>>> • I can drag and drop collapsed mailboxes such as sent, archived etcetera. 
>>> However, I think I may have had to interact with them first.
>>> • I interact with the favourites bar before dropping and use VO-SHIFT-COMMA 
>>> or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it before or after another mailbox in my 
>>> favourites bar.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nic
>>> -- 
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Re: VO improvements in the next update

2013-05-27 Thread Jonathan Mosen
I agree, the one row added issue is my single biggest frustration with 
VoiceOver. It's not so much that you never want it, because in some 
applications it's extremely useful. But there are times when you don't, and 
there's no verbosity setting governing it.

I'd like to see a verbosity setting that allows the user to set it to off, 
tone, or announce. Then I would save the setting to off in my YoruFukurou 
activity. By default, YoruFukurou uses Twitter's streaming API. This means that 
the app doesn't check for tweets at a pre-determined interval, but instead 
pushes the tweet to you the moment it has been sent. The trouble with this, is 
that if you follow a lot of people and they're all busily tweeting away, your 
reading of tweets is constantly being interrupted by "one row added". It's hard 
to read your Twitter feed and sometimes you need to attempt to read the same 
tweet several  times before VoiceOver lets you complete hearing it.

The work-around is to turn off Twitter API streaming, but this isn't ideal and 
makes YoruFukurou less attractive.

One possible compromise would be for VoiceOver to complete the text it is 
reading before it says "one row added". Even that would be a big improvement 
over what happens now.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

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Re: irc clients

2013-05-27 Thread Pete Nalda
I like LimeChat.  There's also an iOS client as well. 

Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates
Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

On May 25, 2013, at 5:22 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> So in another OS, I had chatzilla and all sorts of wonderful chat clients 
> that worked well. Now, in the mac, is there anything? I've gotten adium to 
> half-work, but that's all. I can't display a list of channels, and I really 
> wish there was just a simple, stand-alone client I could use.
> sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
> Devin prater
> email and iMessage: or
> Skype:
> devinprater
> msn:
> -- 
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Labelling buttons on a web page

2013-05-27 Thread Agent086b
Hello all,
is it possible to label a button on a web page on the Mac?
On a particular site I just hear button.
Thanks as always for any help.

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Re: VO improvements in the next update

2013-05-27 Thread Devin Prater
I'd like a tone, that wouldn't interrupt vo. And I wish wish wish! That they 
would make the vo speech system separate from the system speech, so that if you 
have adium set to speak incoming messages, you don't have VO stopping its 
speech whenever a message comes in. Say you're reading a book in safari from 
bookshare. If you get a message in adium, it interrupts VO's speech. So I hope 
they make those independent of each other.
sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
Devin prater
email and iMessage: or

On May 28, 2013, at 12:57 AM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:

> I agree, the one row added issue is my single biggest frustration with 
> VoiceOver. It's not so much that you never want it, because in some 
> applications it's extremely useful. But there are times when you don't, and 
> there's no verbosity setting governing it.
> I'd like to see a verbosity setting that allows the user to set it to off, 
> tone, or announce. Then I would save the setting to off in my YoruFukurou 
> activity. By default, YoruFukurou uses Twitter's streaming API. This means 
> that the app doesn't check for tweets at a pre-determined interval, but 
> instead pushes the tweet to you the moment it has been sent. The trouble with 
> this, is that if you follow a lot of people and they're all busily tweeting 
> away, your reading of tweets is constantly being interrupted by "one row 
> added". It's hard to read your Twitter feed and sometimes you need to attempt 
> to read the same tweet several  times before VoiceOver lets you complete 
> hearing it.
> The work-around is to turn off Twitter API streaming, but this isn't ideal 
> and makes YoruFukurou less attractive.
> One possible compromise would be for VoiceOver to complete the text it is 
> reading before it says "one row added". Even that would be a big improvement 
> over what happens now.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> -- 
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Re: irc clients

2013-05-27 Thread Devin Prater
Hmm. well if y'all can find one that auto-reads incoming messages, that'd be 
good :)
sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
Devin prater
email and iMessage: or

On May 28, 2013, at 12:56 AM, Pete Nalda  wrote:

> I like LimeChat.  There's also an iOS client as well. 
> Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates
> Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
> Http://
> Http://
> Http://
> Twitter @lpnalda
> On May 25, 2013, at 5:22 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> So in another OS, I had chatzilla and all sorts of wonderful chat clients 
>> that worked well. Now, in the mac, is there anything? I've gotten adium to 
>> half-work, but that's all. I can't display a list of channels, and I really 
>> wish there was just a simple, stand-alone client I could use.
>> sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
>> Devin prater
>> email and iMessage: or
>> Skype:
>> devinprater
>> msn:
>> -- 
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