Actually, if you have growl, and want ITunes speaking tracks in real time as
they change, then get growl tunes through the extras downloads tab of
Growl's preferences. It's free, and will do just this very thing. I'm with
Alex though. That would drive me insane!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Hall" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system
My script will speak iTunes info on command, not automatically. I could make
it automatic, but I, too, would find that incredibly annoying, especially
since I usually know what the song is and only someimtes need the
information. So, no need to spend money, just be patient with me. <smile> It
shouldn't be too much longer...
On May 27, 2013, at 2:16 AM, Nicholas Parsons
<> wrote:
Hi Shawn,
I can't now remember where I got the script. But if you Google VoiceOver
script to speak MacBook batery status I reckon you'll find it. If you
email me off list I'll be happy to email you the script. You just copy it
into the VoiceOver folder in your scripts folder in Library I think. Then
you can assign a keyboard commander to it.
Re those iTunes apps, do they speak the song title and artist on command,
or automatically? I really dislike ones that speak it automatically (like
Apple TV) as it's really disconcerting in a party when you have your music
turned up loud for this extremely loud electronic voice to start booming
out over your sound system. It's particularly annoying when the intro of
the song is really cool and VoiceOver ruins it. So I want one that speaks
it only on command.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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