Re: Nuance Vs Alex (was Intonation)

2013-02-21 Thread BBS
Hey everyone. The Nuance voices are tolerable, but I wouldn't use them all the 
time. As for Acapela, I've lost interest of them because their voices, as I've 
said, don't sound as good as they used to. They took away too much from the 
voices. I like how I was able to get someone on here hooked on the Cereproc 
voices, now those are the best. Especially Sarah. She sounds like a souped up 
version of Ivona Amy and she's the first female voice on the Mac that takes 
breaths. As a matter of fact, since I bought Fusion 5, I may buy her for the 
Windows side as well. As for the post about ESpeak on the Mac, all I can say is 
keep dreaming. Apple will never put such a piece of crap robotic voice in 

Sent from my white MacBook

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RSS readers

2013-02-21 Thread Garth Humphreys
Okay guys, what is the best google / RSS reader client for the Mac?

The few I have tried haven't been that great. I don't care if it's paid or 
free. I just want something accessible and efficient.


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Re: Nuance Vs Alex (was Intonation)

2013-02-21 Thread BBS
Hey it's me again, I forgot one thing. Alex and Mary, I found out that if you 
have a copy of Snow Leopard, you can copy the better-sounding Alex voice and 
use it on Mountain Lion. I recently downgraded because I only had Fusion 3 but 
had to upgrade again to ML because I had too much problems with Fusion 3 so I 
bought 5. Anyway, all you have to do is in Snow Leopard go to system, library, 
speech, and in their copy the Alex speechvoice folder. Paste it somewhere you 
can find it, and once you've upgraded to ML, go to the speech folder in the 
system library and copy the Alex speechvoice folder you copied from Snow 
Leopard. It works very well with Voiceover.

Sent from my white MacBook

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Re: Nuance Vs Alex (was Intonation)

2013-02-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I haven't used the nuance voices except for foreign languages.  For my English 
voice I use Victoria, and I've found that to be a very good choice for me.  
Just something to try for those of you who, like me, don't care for Alex.
On Feb 20, 2013, at 11:28 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Well, I still like Alex over any other U.s. English voice available on the 
> Mac. If Ivona were on the Mac, I would have a different opinion, but it 
> isn't, so be it. I'm still using Snow Leopard, so perhaps Alex changed for 
> the worse on newer versions of the os. I'm just not taken with the A Capella 
> speech except for the Russian, which is decent, but off topic for this thread.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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can't empty trash

2013-02-21 Thread cait furness
Ok, now this is really weird.  when I try to empty my trash, I'm getting a 
message saying that an unknown error occurred and an ok button.  The error code 
is -50.  when I googled this, I came up with something about using the terminal 
to empty the trash, but I don't have experience using the terminal yet, so 
could use some pointers doing this.  I had some problems with this same thing 
last year and called apple and got shunted around and they said that error -50 
had something to do with iTunes and we eventually had to reinstall my OS, but 
obviously I don't really want to do this if I don't have to.  Can't I just bin 
the trash folder from a backdoor somehow?
Caitlyn, having really weird mac problems this week!

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Re: can't rename files

2013-02-21 Thread cait furness
Hi Tim,
Yep, it's on an external drive, but it's formatted mac extended journal.
I'm getting some other weird stuff  happening now, though, like not being able 
to empty the trash with an error code of -50 and just wonder if they are 
somehow related.  I really don't want to reinstall the OS, which is what 
happened the last time I called apple when stuff like this happened.  I did 
find out that in the file name I was trying to rename yesterday, for some 
reason, there's a dot at the very beginning that for some reason I can't edit 
out, so that's probably the culprit, but still..

On 2013-02-21, at 12:14 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Is the file on an external HD?  Sometimes, if the external HD is formatted 
> MSDOS instead of HFS you'll get that sort of error.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-20, at 11:28 AM, cait furness  wrote:
>> Ok, I'll give it a go later when i have a sec.
>> Thanks.
>> Cait
>> On 2013-02-20, at 1:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Hmmm. Worked fine for me. I had a file named 'junk'. I hit return on it and 
>>> pasted in your file name. It asked if I really wanted to change the file 
>>> ending to .mp3 which I gave it the OK to do. One little odd thing is that 
>>> when I hit return on a file that already ends in .mp3, it only selects the 
>>> text before the .mp3. So if I took junk.mp3, copied your filename text, hit 
>>> enter on junk.mp3 and hit paste I would actually end up with a filed called 
>>> 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3 which is not what I intended. To avoid this, 
>>> hit enter then do a select all (command-A) and then do paste to make sure 
>>> you're replacing the entire old filename with your new one. It still 
>>> shouldn't give you an error. Actually, under the hood the OS added .mp3 to 
>>> the file so my final file was really 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3.mp3 
>>> which is not what I wanted. To really know what the OS has named the file I 
>>> had to get info and then turn off the "Hide Extension" checkbox right after 
>>> the file name. Hope this helps.
>>> CB
>>> On 2/20/13 1:04 PM, cait furness wrote:
 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3
 I'm running mountain lion, the latest version.
 As I said, when I try forename the file, all I do is take out the track 
 number and leave the rest.  It's worked for me before today.
 Thanks a bunch.
 On 2013-02-20, at 12:56 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> Can you paste in a sample file name so we can try to reproduce the issue? 
> Also, what version of OSX are you running?
> CB
> On 2/20/13 12:52 PM, cait furness wrote:
>> that's just it, the file name is just like this: first name last name 
>> song title.mp3
>> that's it. It's always worked.  they're not longer then 255 characters, 
>> I know that for sure.  AllI'm doing is removing any track numbers if 
>> they're there, because for some reason they bug me if I'm keeping the 
>> files for later use.  this has never happened until today.  Now, how do 
>> I fix this so I can continue to rename files?
>> Stumped,
>> Cait
>> On 2013-02-20, at 11:17 AM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> That's interesting. Unix does use filenames that start with a period, 
>>> although, it would be inappropriate to name a audio file in this 
>>> manner. My guess is that there's an apostrophe in the name. To maintain 
>>> the character precede it with a backslash.
>>> HTH
>>> Gena
>>> On 20/02/2013 16:01, Chris Blouch wrote:
 There is a 255 character limit and I think the only limitation is that
 it can't start with a period. So there normally should be no reason you
 can't fit everything in the filename. Details about Apple's HFS+ format
 On 2/20/13 7:14 AM, cait furness wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem renaming files.  I am going through some mp3
> files I have and renaming some of them.  Basically, I hit enter on
> them and take off the track number and then add the artist to the song
> name.  this has worked fine in the past with no problems.  This
> morning, however, I am getting an error message which is saying that
> the file name is too long or has punctuation.  I have checked and
> double checked and there is no punctuation in the file name except for
> the dot before the extension of mp3.  The file name can't be too long
> as it's just the artist name and the song title and this has worked
> before.  I have done a verify disk and have repaired disk permissions.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
>>> -- 
>>> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire

Sound output problem with my Mini

2013-02-21 Thread Bill Holton
I have been using my Mini with the sound coming out of an old set of
speakers with a headset size jack.  The speakers work fine, I can connect
them to my Stream and the sound is fine.  But starting this morning the Mini
doesn't seem to want to accept them.  The sound will work from the built-in
speak, and from a pair of USB headphone I plug in, but as soon as I plug in
the speak set the sounds stops.  
When I am using the built in speakers the built-in and USB headphones both
show up in the output devices table.  When I plug in the jack, the sound
will come out of the USB headphones, but when I cursor up to where the
built-in was there is silence.  The same if I cursor down or in every other
location than the USB headphones, which still work.  Unplug the speakers and
the built-in speakers work fine again.  Again, the speaker set is
ddefinitely working and the volume is set high.
Any help appreciated.

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Re: can't rename files

2013-02-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Kate,

I'd try a few things first before going with the drastic reinstall.  First, try 
copying one of those files to your Desktop, then see if you can rename it 
there.  This will help to determine if it is an OS issue or simply something 
with the external HD.  Second, try restarting your computer to see if that 
helps.  Third, restart it with the PRAM reset.  Do this by restarting your 
computer and as the startup chime is sounding, press down the cmd-option-r and 
p keys simultaneously.  Yes, it's a lot of fingers but it is possible.  Try 
putting your thumb across the cmd and option keys then use your left index on 
the "r" key and right pinky on the "p" key.  It will make the screen do some 
funky things that us blind folks don't see but keep holding the combination 
down for three extra startup chimes before letting them go.

Let me know how it goes.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-21, at 6:00 AM, cait furness  wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Yep, it's on an external drive, but it's formatted mac extended journal.
> I'm getting some other weird stuff  happening now, though, like not being 
> able to empty the trash with an error code of -50 and just wonder if they are 
> somehow related.  I really don't want to reinstall the OS, which is what 
> happened the last time I called apple when stuff like this happened.  I did 
> find out that in the file name I was trying to rename yesterday, for some 
> reason, there's a dot at the very beginning that for some reason I can't edit 
> out, so that's probably the culprit, but still..
> Cait
> On 2013-02-21, at 12:14 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is the file on an external HD?  Sometimes, if the external HD is formatted 
>> MSDOS instead of HFS you'll get that sort of error.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-02-20, at 11:28 AM, cait furness  wrote:
>>> Ok, I'll give it a go later when i have a sec.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Cait
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 1:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 Hmmm. Worked fine for me. I had a file named 'junk'. I hit return on it 
 and pasted in your file name. It asked if I really wanted to change the 
 file ending to .mp3 which I gave it the OK to do. One little odd thing is 
 that when I hit return on a file that already ends in .mp3, it only 
 selects the text before the .mp3. So if I took junk.mp3, copied your 
 filename text, hit enter on junk.mp3 and hit paste I would actually end up 
 with a filed called 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3 which is not what I 
 intended. To avoid this, hit enter then do a select all (command-A) and 
 then do paste to make sure you're replacing the entire old filename with 
 your new one. It still shouldn't give you an error. Actually, under the 
 hood the OS added .mp3 to the file so my final file was really 03. 
 crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3.mp3 which is not what I wanted. To really know 
 what the OS has named the file I had to get info and then turn off the 
 "Hide Extension" checkbox right after the file name. Hope this helps.
 On 2/20/13 1:04 PM, cait furness wrote:
> 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3
> I'm running mountain lion, the latest version.
> As I said, when I try forename the file, all I do is take out the track 
> number and leave the rest.  It's worked for me before today.
> Thanks a bunch.
> Cait
> On 2013-02-20, at 12:56 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Can you paste in a sample file name so we can try to reproduce the 
>> issue? Also, what version of OSX are you running?
>> CB
>> On 2/20/13 12:52 PM, cait furness wrote:
>>> that's just it, the file name is just like this: first name last name 
>>> song title.mp3
>>> that's it. It's always worked.  they're not longer then 255 characters, 
>>> I know that for sure.  AllI'm doing is removing any track numbers if 
>>> they're there, because for some reason they bug me if I'm keeping the 
>>> files for later use.  this has never happened until today.  Now, how do 
>>> I fix this so I can continue to rename files?
>>> Stumped,
>>> Cait
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 11:17 AM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
 That's interesting. Unix does use filenames that start with a period, 
 although, it would be inappropriate to name a audio file in this 
 manner. My guess is that there's an apostrophe in the name. To 
 maintain the character precede it with a backslash.
 On 20/02/2013 16:01, Chris Blouch wrote:
> There is a 255 character limit and I think the only limitation is that
> it can't start with a period. So there normally should be no reason 
> you
> can't fit everything in the filename. Details about Apple's HFS+ 

Re: Losing VO after sleep

2013-02-21 Thread Phil Halton

Well, What do you know - it worked. Thanks.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: Losing VO after sleep


Its pressing VO F5 quickly.  I think its like a reset in a way.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 20, 2013, at 9:31 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

looks like I struck gold on this thread.
hitting Command F5 4 times sounds weird, that's like turning VO on and off 
twice. Or, is it a matter of pressing the key combo 4 times quickly 
causing a different function than just pressing it normallyy.

- Original Message -
From: Kerri
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Losing VO after sleep

I have this issue as well and it seems to be worsening, Phil. Sometimes 
Braille works but not speech.

On 2013-02-20, at 7:24 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:

upon waking from sleep mode, often VO will not speak. I have to mess 
around with the volume keys to get some system sounds going, then turn VO 
off and back on a few times before it will finally come up talking. It 
takes about two or three minutes to do all this and get VO talking again.

it doesn't happen consistently, but more often than not, VO will go 
silent after sleep mode, or a prolonged period of computer inactivity.

Actually, it seems to be tied into system sounds, since I won't get any 
of the thunking, beeping, quacking sounds that occur when you do 
something to invoke a system sound, whether VO is turned on or not. So, 
maybe it's not a VO problem but a system problem?

Any ideas suggestions or advice are welcome - it's getting a little 

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blind memory problems on my iphone5 with ios6.1

2013-02-21 Thread William Windels
> Hello,
> For who is playing blind memory, I have troubles with the game.
> It works fine to start and I can play the game but when I make a mistake in 
> the sequences of gestures, I hear the sound of a wrong gesture and nothing 
> more.
> I mean: I don't hear my result.
> I haven,t asked assistance from a sighted user so I don't know if the 
> programs really crashing but when I put voiceover back on, I am out of the 
> program. 
> Also strange, the program seems not available anymore in the app store but 
> stays on my phone after synchronization.
> What are the possibilities to contact the author  or what 
> solutions/workarounds do others have for this problem?
> Kind regards,
> William Windels

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can't empty trash

2013-02-21 Thread J.P.
This link will help. There are a few methods. Not hard, just a pain.


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Editing Word Documents on an IPod

2013-02-21 Thread David Griffith
I would welcome suggestions on how to easily transfer Word Documents to an 
Ipod, typically agendas and minutes in a fashion that I can edit them.

I installed Quickoffice as I was told this was accessible but it turns out that 
this is only true for the IPad version.
I have installed document 2free but this only appears able to read and not edit 
the Word documents.

I do not need to use full blown word processing software but I do need to 
be able to insert a  comment or a note into agenda or  minutes.

I know that I could convert them to text files but this is a hassle. I would 
prefer an  app  which simply lets me make simple amendments.

David Griffith

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Re: having trouble opening pdf files on the mac.

2013-02-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
I agree with your Hmmm.  I played with things some more by opening a PDF 
document with QuickLook and did find it less than useful.  I'm not sure why 
you're getting a menu when using your arrow keys.  For me, if I simply use 
arrow keys without the VO keys, then it changes pages within the PDF document.  
If I interact with the text area, then I can either use VO-keys with the arrow 
keys, just the arrow keys or if I turn on QuickNav, it works just fine as well. 
 There is no lag and no hesitation.  It is no different than reading that same 
page from within TextEdit.

My MBP has 8 GB of RAM and is a 2.4 GHz Quad Core I7 from late 2011.  It is 
quick but by no means the top of the line model nowadays.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-20, at 10:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hmm... I'm using Mountain Lion, and all that happens when I arrow in the text 
> is the share menu opens. I can vo-arrow, but that's no better than Quicklook. 
> I did hit cmd-2 to enter single page mode as you suggested, and I did 
> interact with the text.
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:39 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I navigate to the pdf wherever it is located on my computer, then open it.  
>> My default app for PDFs is Preview so it opens Preview.  I then press cmd-2 
>> if I've not already done so in an earlier read of the PDF which puts it into 
>> Single-page mode.  I can then navigate with VO-right arrow to the text area 
>> and either let it read the entire page or Interact with the text area then 
>> read word by word, line by line or whatever VO method I use in any other 
>> app.  I do not use QuickNav at all in this process.  QuickLook is not 
>> Preview, they are separate entities.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-02-20, at 10:28 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> How do you read line by line? I can enable quick nav and rotor to lines, 
>>> but that is not perfect and can be laggy. Up and down arrows just move to 
>>> the previous or next item and open it in quicklook, which I understand 
>>> preview to be. Am I missing an app others are using?
>>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:10 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Preview usually works just great for me, line by line or whatever method I 
 choose.  I do, however, find it much easier to use in Single-page mode 
 which you can enter by pressing cmd-2 in ML.  I use it for multi-page 
 curriculum guides, various manuals and much, much more.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-02-20, at 12:35 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
> Would you really say Preview works? Please interact with the text area 
> and try to navigate or read line by line. Preview for me is just a work 
> around at the moment and we should let Apple know this.
> Jürgen
> Am 20.02.2013 um 03:55 schrieb Nektarios Mallas :
>> Hi there.
>> I am sure you already know this, but why don't you just use preview to 
>> read pdf files? 
>> It is much easier and it works.
>> Nektarios.
>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 4:50 AM, Jessica Moss  
>> wrote:
>>> I've just downloaded a program I found out when doing a google search 
>>> called Skim, that's supposed to read pdf files, however when I try to 
>>> open one, it just says "pluggin process," and sits there like I never 
>>> did anything extra.
>>> Do I need to have the aplication running in the background, or should 
>>> it launch automaticly?  This is really frustrating, sense this is 
>>> something I'm needing to look over, so would really love some help with.
>>> -- 
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shared google calendars?

2013-02-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up a google calendar to be shared among a group of people so 
we can all see the same weekly schedule. We can't use Apple because I'm the 
only one in the group with an iPhone and/or mac, but everyone of us has a 
google account. The on-topic portion of my post: will this shared calendar 
sync/update with my mac and iPhone like iCloud calendars do, or are there 
problems I should know about? The off-topic portion: if anyone has managed to 
create a new calendar at I'd love to know how you did it. I 
want to make a new calendar, then invite a few people to join it and let them 
edit it. This way any of us can change the calendar and we'll all see the 
changes, them on their Android devices and me on my iPhone. Any help would be 
very much appreciated. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Voiceover NOT Reading Current Line.

2013-02-21 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

I have been having somewhat of a minor issue as of late.
When typing text and pressinging VO-L, which will read me the current line, 
voiceover will not do so.
I have to move focus away from the text area, then place focus back on the text 
area, so voiceover will announce the text I entered.
I've repaired permissions thinking this might help, but it has not.
Has anyone else had this same issue? Does anyone know how to resolve the 

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

P.S. Yes, I've rebooted my iMac and have also restarted voiceover - FYI.

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Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Kerri
Hello, Cheryl:

Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:


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new pod catcher for the mac, designed with accessibility in mind

2013-02-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I just found this on Twitter:
It is a podcatcher designed to be completely accessible. Not only can you play 
podcasts and subscribe to feeds, but you can also adjust the playback speed, 
perfect for quickly getting through podcasts. It also saves your exact place in 
podcasts you listen to. It's free to try out right now, so if podcasts are your 
thing, give it a shot.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Nuance Vs Alex (was Intonation)

2013-02-21 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks, Shawn, for that tip about keeping the better Alex voice when you get a 
Mac running ML. I am still using Snow Leopard, so will definitely need to copy 
out that speech file when I get a new Mac. I really like the SL Alex.


Mary Otten

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Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Okay, two things.

(1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
(2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.

If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you have 
to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one here" link. 
Then you only need to enter your email address and check the agreement box 

i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, Cheryl:
> Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
> receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
> On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
> -- 
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Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Don't that service use humans to do the captcha thingy?

Sent from my mac
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Okay, two things.
> (1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
> (2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.
> If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
> link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you have 
> to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one here" 
> link. Then you only need to enter your email address and check the agreement 
> box 
> i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
> again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, Cheryl:
>> Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
>> receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
>> On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Re: can't rename files

2013-02-21 Thread Chris Blouch
There's always repair permissions in Disk Utility which often times 
clears up weirdnesses.


On 2/21/13 9:47 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Kate,

I'd try a few things first before going with the drastic reinstall. 
 First, try copying one of those files to your Desktop, then see if 
you can rename it there.  This will help to determine if it is an OS 
issue or simply something with the external HD.  Second, try 
restarting your computer to see if that helps.  Third, restart it with 
the PRAM reset.  Do this by restarting your computer and as the 
startup chime is sounding, press down the cmd-option-r and p keys 
simultaneously.  Yes, it's a lot of fingers but it is possible.  Try 
putting your thumb across the cmd and option keys then use your left 
index on the "r" key and right pinky on the "p" key.  It will make the 
screen do some funky things that us blind folks don't see but keep 
holding the combination down for three extra startup chimes before 
letting them go.

Let me know how it goes.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-21, at 6:00 AM, cait furness > wrote:

Hi Tim,
Yep, it's on an external drive, but it's formatted mac extended journal.
I'm getting some other weird stuff  happening now, though, like not 
being able to empty the trash with an error code of -50 and just 
wonder if they are somehow related.  I really don't want to reinstall 
the OS, which is what happened the last time I called apple when 
stuff like this happened.  I did find out that in the file name I was 
trying to rename yesterday, for some reason, there's a dot at the 
very beginning that for some reason I can't edit out, so that's 
probably the culprit, but still..


On 2013-02-21, at 12:14 AM, Tim Kilburn > wrote:


Is the file on an external HD?  Sometimes, if the external HD is 
formatted MSDOS instead of HFS you'll get that sort of error.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-20, at 11:28 AM, cait furness > wrote:

Ok, I'll give it a go later when i have a sec.

On 2013-02-20, at 1:26 PM, Chris Blouch > wrote:

Hmmm. Worked fine for me. I had a file named 'junk'. I hit return 
on it and pasted in your file name. It asked if I really wanted to 
change the file ending to .mp3 which I gave it the OK to do. One 
little odd thing is that when I hit return on a file that already 
ends in .mp3, it only selects the text before the .mp3. So if I 
took junk.mp3, copied your filename text, hit enter on junk.mp3 
and hit paste I would actually end up with a filed called 03. 
crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3 which is not what I intended. To avoid 
this, hit enter then do a select all (command-A) and then do paste 
to make sure you're replacing the entire old filename with your 
new one. It still shouldn't give you an error. Actually, under the 
hood the OS added .mp3 to the file so my final file was really 03. 
crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3.mp3 which is not what I wanted. To 
really know what the OS has named the file I had to get info and 
then turn off the "Hide Extension" checkbox right after the file 
name. Hope this helps.


On 2/20/13 1:04 PM, cait furness wrote:

03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3
I'm running mountain lion, the latest version.

As I said, when I try forename the file, all I do is take out the 
track number and leave the rest.  It's worked for me before today.

Thanks a bunch.

On 2013-02-20, at 12:56 PM, Chris Blouch > wrote:

Can you paste in a sample file name so we can try to reproduce 
the issue? Also, what version of OSX are you running?


On 2/20/13 12:52 PM, cait furness wrote:
that's just it, the file name is just like this: first name 
last name song title.mp3
that's it. It's always worked.  they're not longer then 255 
characters, I know that for sure.  AllI'm doing is removing any 
track numbers if they're there, because for some reason they 
bug me if I'm keeping the files for later use.  this has never 
happened until today.  Now, how do I fix this so I can continue 
to rename files?


On 2013-02-20, at 11:17 AM, Georgina Joyce > wrote:


That's interesting. Unix does use filenames that start with a 
period, although, it would be inappropriate to name a audio 
file in this manner. My guess is that there's an apostrophe in 
the name. To maintain the character precede it with a backslash.


On 20/02/2013 16:01, Chris Blouch wrote:
There is a 255 character limit and I think the only 
limitation is that
it can't start with a period. So there normally should be no 
reason you
can't fit everything in the filename. Details about Apple's 
HFS+ format



On 2/20/13 7:14 AM, cait furness wrote:

I'm having a problem renaming files.  I am going through 
some mp3
files I have and renaming 

Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Yes it does; so did solona.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Don't that service use humans to do the captcha thingy?
> Sent from my mac
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> Okay, two things.
>> (1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
>> (2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.
>> If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
>> link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you 
>> have to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one 
>> here" link. Then you only need to enter your email address and check the 
>> agreement box 
>> i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
>> again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hello, Cheryl:
>>> Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
>>> receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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> -- 
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Re: new pod catcher for the mac, designed with accessibility in mind

2013-02-21 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi,  Downloading it now.


On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just found this on Twitter:
> It is a podcatcher designed to be completely accessible. Not only can you 
> play podcasts and subscribe to feeds, but you can also adjust the playback 
> speed, perfect for quickly getting through podcasts. It also saves your exact 
> place in podcasts you listen to. It's free to try out right now, so if 
> podcasts are your thing, give it a shot.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: can't empty trash

2013-02-21 Thread cait furness
Hey, JP, thanks a whole bunch!!  This helped a lot!  It also reminded me about 
Onyx, which I'd forgotten completely about.  I went and got that again, and I 
also got trash it.  Between those two apps, both my little problems are now 
Amazing what a little cleaning can do, eh?

On 2013-02-21, at 11:07 AM, J.P.  wrote:

> This link will help. There are a few methods. Not hard, just a pain. 
> J.P.
> -- 
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Re: can't rename files

2013-02-21 Thread cait furness
yep, and I've done that about three times now.  In fact, it was the first thing 
I did.  Not sure why it didn't fix things up. I've also rebooted a few times as 
well. *shrug*  lol, oh, well, no matter, things are humming along now.  
Sometimes you just have to get another wrench.

On 2013-02-21, at 2:05 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> There's always repair permissions in Disk Utility which often times clears up 
> weirdnesses.
> CB
> On 2/21/13 9:47 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Kate,
>> I'd try a few things first before going with the drastic reinstall.  First, 
>> try copying one of those files to your Desktop, then see if you can rename 
>> it there.  This will help to determine if it is an OS issue or simply 
>> something with the external HD.  Second, try restarting your computer to see 
>> if that helps.  Third, restart it with the PRAM reset.  Do this by 
>> restarting your computer and as the startup chime is sounding, press down 
>> the cmd-option-r and p keys simultaneously.  Yes, it's a lot of fingers but 
>> it is possible.  Try putting your thumb across the cmd and option keys then 
>> use your left index on the "r" key and right pinky on the "p" key.  It will 
>> make the screen do some funky things that us blind folks don't see but keep 
>> holding the combination down for three extra startup chimes before letting 
>> them go.
>> Let me know how it goes.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-02-21, at 6:00 AM, cait furness  wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> Yep, it's on an external drive, but it's formatted mac extended journal.
>>> I'm getting some other weird stuff  happening now, though, like not being 
>>> able to empty the trash with an error code of -50 and just wonder if they 
>>> are somehow related.  I really don't want to reinstall the OS, which is 
>>> what happened the last time I called apple when stuff like this happened.  
>>> I did find out that in the file name I was trying to rename yesterday, for 
>>> some reason, there's a dot at the very beginning that for some reason I 
>>> can't edit out, so that's probably the culprit, but still..
>>> Cait
>>> On 2013-02-21, at 12:14 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Is the file on an external HD?  Sometimes, if the external HD is formatted 
 MSDOS instead of HFS you'll get that sort of error.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-02-20, at 11:28 AM, cait furness  wrote:
> Ok, I'll give it a go later when i have a sec.
> Thanks.
> Cait
> On 2013-02-20, at 1:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Hmmm. Worked fine for me. I had a file named 'junk'. I hit return on it 
>> and pasted in your file name. It asked if I really wanted to change the 
>> file ending to .mp3 which I gave it the OK to do. One little odd thing 
>> is that when I hit return on a file that already ends in .mp3, it only 
>> selects the text before the .mp3. So if I took junk.mp3, copied your 
>> filename text, hit enter on junk.mp3 and hit paste I would actually end 
>> up with a filed called 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3 which is not what I 
>> intended. To avoid this, hit enter then do a select all (command-A) and 
>> then do paste to make sure you're replacing the entire old filename with 
>> your new one. It still shouldn't give you an error. Actually, under the 
>> hood the OS added .mp3 to the file so my final file was really 03. 
>> crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3.mp3 which is not what I wanted. To really know 
>> what the OS has named the file I had to get info and then turn off the 
>> "Hide Extension" checkbox right after the file name. Hope this helps.
>> CB
>> On 2/20/13 1:04 PM, cait furness wrote:
>>> 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3
>>> I'm running mountain lion, the latest version.
>>> As I said, when I try forename the file, all I do is take out the track 
>>> number and leave the rest.  It's worked for me before today.
>>> Thanks a bunch.
>>> Cait
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 12:56 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 Can you paste in a sample file name so we can try to reproduce the 
 issue? Also, what version of OSX are you running?
 On 2/20/13 12:52 PM, cait furness wrote:
> that's just it, the file name is just like this: first name last name 
> song title.mp3
> that's it. It's always worked.  they're not longer then 255 
> characters, I know that for sure.  AllI'm doing is removing any track 
> numbers if they're there, because for some reason they bug me if I'm 
> keeping the files for later use.  this has never happened until 
> today.  Now, how do I fix this so I can continue to rename files?
> Stumped,
> Cait
> On 2013-02-20, at 11:17 AM, Geor

Re: can't rename files

2013-02-21 Thread cait furness
Hi Tim,
Thanks for this.  I was trying to remember how to do the memory clear thing as 
you described below and then JP furnished the article he did and refreshed my 
memory about Onyx the app and I went and got it again as I had the older 
version for leopard.  That fixed both problems so it was house cleaning 
apparently for both the file renaming issue and the emptying trash.  I just ran 
about every option onyx has that I could run that I figured I could that I was 
sure wouldn't mess up my system and now everything is running great!

On 2013-02-21, at 9:47 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi Kate,
> I'd try a few things first before going with the drastic reinstall.  First, 
> try copying one of those files to your Desktop, then see if you can rename it 
> there.  This will help to determine if it is an OS issue or simply something 
> with the external HD.  Second, try restarting your computer to see if that 
> helps.  Third, restart it with the PRAM reset.  Do this by restarting your 
> computer and as the startup chime is sounding, press down the cmd-option-r 
> and p keys simultaneously.  Yes, it's a lot of fingers but it is possible.  
> Try putting your thumb across the cmd and option keys then use your left 
> index on the "r" key and right pinky on the "p" key.  It will make the screen 
> do some funky things that us blind folks don't see but keep holding the 
> combination down for three extra startup chimes before letting them go.
> Let me know how it goes.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-21, at 6:00 AM, cait furness  wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Yep, it's on an external drive, but it's formatted mac extended journal.
>> I'm getting some other weird stuff  happening now, though, like not being 
>> able to empty the trash with an error code of -50 and just wonder if they 
>> are somehow related.  I really don't want to reinstall the OS, which is what 
>> happened the last time I called apple when stuff like this happened.  I did 
>> find out that in the file name I was trying to rename yesterday, for some 
>> reason, there's a dot at the very beginning that for some reason I can't 
>> edit out, so that's probably the culprit, but still..
>> Cait
>> On 2013-02-21, at 12:14 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is the file on an external HD?  Sometimes, if the external HD is formatted 
>>> MSDOS instead of HFS you'll get that sort of error.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 11:28 AM, cait furness  wrote:
 Ok, I'll give it a go later when i have a sec.
 On 2013-02-20, at 1:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> Hmmm. Worked fine for me. I had a file named 'junk'. I hit return on it 
> and pasted in your file name. It asked if I really wanted to change the 
> file ending to .mp3 which I gave it the OK to do. One little odd thing is 
> that when I hit return on a file that already ends in .mp3, it only 
> selects the text before the .mp3. So if I took junk.mp3, copied your 
> filename text, hit enter on junk.mp3 and hit paste I would actually end 
> up with a filed called 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3 which is not what I 
> intended. To avoid this, hit enter then do a select all (command-A) and 
> then do paste to make sure you're replacing the entire old filename with 
> your new one. It still shouldn't give you an error. Actually, under the 
> hood the OS added .mp3 to the file so my final file was really 03. 
> crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3.mp3 which is not what I wanted. To really know 
> what the OS has named the file I had to get info and then turn off the 
> "Hide Extension" checkbox right after the file name. Hope this helps.
> CB
> On 2/20/13 1:04 PM, cait furness wrote:
>> 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3
>> I'm running mountain lion, the latest version.
>> As I said, when I try forename the file, all I do is take out the track 
>> number and leave the rest.  It's worked for me before today.
>> Thanks a bunch.
>> Cait
>> On 2013-02-20, at 12:56 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Can you paste in a sample file name so we can try to reproduce the 
>>> issue? Also, what version of OSX are you running?
>>> CB
>>> On 2/20/13 12:52 PM, cait furness wrote:
 that's just it, the file name is just like this: first name last name 
 song title.mp3
 that's it. It's always worked.  they're not longer then 255 
 characters, I know that for sure.  AllI'm doing is removing any track 
 numbers if they're there, because for some reason they bug me if I'm 
 keeping the files for later use.  this has never happened until today. 
  Now, how do I fix this so I can continue to rename files?
 On 2013-02-20, at 11:1


2013-02-21 Thread Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers

Does anyone have any experience of Readiris 14? Is it accessible with VO? I've 
tried emailing the company, but have not heard back from them on the issue.



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accidental keystroke found with the logitech 811

2013-02-21 Thread Kliphton A M
As those of you know with this logitech keyboard, you can pair it with 3 
devices.  I was in the wrong device, and hit a keystroke that locked my screen 
for me.  If you hit the function key, with the escape key while using your 
iPhone's  profile, it will lock the screen for you.  Pretty handy, that way you 
don't have to reach down to lock your screen, and then you can go to the next 
device or what ever you were going to do next. 

Kliphton Senior
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
(Life Journal)

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Re: Readiris

2013-02-21 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Adrienne,

I really wouldn't recommend ReadIris. It's too expensive for what it does, and 
ABBYY FineReader does the job much better.

The last time I tried ReadIris it was version 12 and it OCR'd my double-page 
scans in the wrong order, a problem I've never had with ABBYY FineReader.



On 21 Feb 2013, at 20:45, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers 

> Hello
> Does anyone have any experience of Readiris 14? Is it accessible with VO? 
> I've tried emailing the company, but have not heard back from them on the 
> issue.
> Regards
> Adrienne
> -- 
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translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Mark Baxter
I have a lot of longer writing projects that are in either text or RTF files on 
my Mac.  I can transfer them over to the Braille Edge 40 via the SD card and 
sneaker-net, but when I open them on the Edge, they're grade 1 Braille. I'd 
like to read them in grade II and edit them more precisely, but since these 
files are not grade II translated files, it's kind of a pain to edit them this 

Is there a way to translate these files to grade II?  Or, is there a way to 
force the Braille Edge 40 to open them as grade II files?  I"m asking here 
because I've used the Edge successfully as a BT keyboard and display for my 
MBP, where the files are, and when I did this, they always opened as grade II 
files.  Curious what I must do to prepare these files for transfer.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Recipe keeping programs for the Mac

2013-02-21 Thread Agent086b
Hello all,
I am looking for a program to keep recipes on the Mac. We used Cookbook Wizard 
on the PC. I am looking for a program that will import Meal master  or HTML 
format so I can export all the recipes we have. I really am not looking for 
online storage , so that is not a requirement.
Thanks as always for any tips.

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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread erik burggraaf
Either louis or brailleblaster should do this.  I'd go brailleblaster at this 
point I think.  Louis is a dead horse.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-02-21, at 3:28 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> I have a lot of longer writing projects that are in either text or RTF files 
> on my Mac.  I can transfer them over to the Braille Edge 40 via the SD card 
> and sneaker-net, but when I open them on the Edge, they're grade 1 Braille. 
> I'd like to read them in grade II and edit them more precisely, but since 
> these files are not grade II translated files, it's kind of a pain to edit 
> them this way.
> Is there a way to translate these files to grade II?  Or, is there a way to 
> force the Braille Edge 40 to open them as grade II files?  I"m asking here 
> because I've used the Edge successfully as a BT keyboard and display for my 
> MBP, where the files are, and when I did this, they always opened as grade II 
> files.  Curious what I must do to prepare these files for transfer.
> Thanks.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there. 
The Braille Edge 40 accepts text files and braille files that end in brf and 
brl. I have sent an rtf file to it by changing the extension on Mac first. Then 
I took out the coding, and it worked fine. 

Whatever the extension is is whatever the Braille Edge thinks it is. It doesn't 
translate anything. 

There is a program for the Mac called Louis, as in Louis Braille. I think that 
it is Share Ware or free or something. It was given to me, and I have 
translated files successfully from text files to grade 2. I've had some trouble 
doing it the other way around, and maybe somebody here can tell mehow to do 
that better. 

The reason your files opened as grade 2 showing up on the braille display is 
because VoiceOver has a translator, so if it's an rtf file or a txt file, 
VoiceOver is happy to show them to you in either format. I just translated a 
file by hand (since I couldn't figure out how to get Louis to do it) a file 
that was in Grade 2. I did it with the dictation feature, and it didn't take me 
that long to do it. I dictated text and then deleted out the grade 2 text. I 
would like to add that I made a copy of the file first before I got started. I 
started out editing the text, but that took too long. The dictation feature, 
however, made it work fine. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say, and 
I was sort of desperate, and I had already spent some time with Louis to get it 
to work. So, I just did it my way. Hope this helps. 


On Feb 21, 2013, at 2:28 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> I have a lot of longer writing projects that are in either text or RTF files 
> on my Mac.  I can transfer them over to the Braille Edge 40 via the SD card 
> and sneaker-net, but when I open them on the Edge, they're grade 1 Braille. 
> I'd like to read them in grade II and edit them more precisely, but since 
> these files are not grade II translated files, it's kind of a pain to edit 
> them this way.
> Is there a way to translate these files to grade II?  Or, is there a way to 
> force the Braille Edge 40 to open them as grade II files?  I"m asking here 
> because I've used the Edge successfully as a BT keyboard and display for my 
> MBP, where the files are, and when I did this, they always opened as grade II 
> files.  Curious what I must do to prepare these files for transfer.
> Thanks.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Erik, how do you get Brailleblaster? 


On Feb 21, 2013, at 2:33 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Either louis or brailleblaster should do this.  I'd go brailleblaster at this 
> point I think.  Louis is a dead horse.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-02-21, at 3:28 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> I have a lot of longer writing projects that are in either text or RTF files 
>> on my Mac.  I can transfer them over to the Braille Edge 40 via the SD card 
>> and sneaker-net, but when I open them on the Edge, they're grade 1 Braille. 
>> I'd like to read them in grade II and edit them more precisely, but since 
>> these files are not grade II translated files, it's kind of a pain to edit 
>> them this way.
>> Is there a way to translate these files to grade II?  Or, is there a way to 
>> force the Braille Edge 40 to open them as grade II files?  I"m asking here 
>> because I've used the Edge successfully as a BT keyboard and display for my 
>> MBP, where the files are, and when I did this, they always opened as grade 
>> II files.  Curious what I must do to prepare these files for transfer.
>> Thanks.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Mark Baxter
all I can find on the Brailleblaster project page is its specs. Where is the 
actually sour app for this project?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Mark Baxter
Thanks, GGigi. I've tried changing the file name also.  I figured the 
translation was being done by VoiceOver, thus the need for some sort of 
translator thing.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hey Mark
There's another thing you can do, and it should work fine, although it would 
involve your Mac. You could edit a braille file in TextEdit. TextEdit will 
accept brf, braille, or txt files. The first time you would be asked what 
program you wanted. Then, if you were editing a braille file, just turn the 
translator off and speech too, if it drives you crazy. Just use space and the 
letter m to toggle speech on and off. 

On Feb 21, 2013, at 2:57 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> Thanks, GGigi. I've tried changing the file name also.  I figured the 
> translation was being done by VoiceOver, thus the need for some sort of 
> translator thing.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  It's


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-02-21, at 3:50 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Erik, how do you get Brailleblaster? 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 2:33 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Either louis or brailleblaster should do this.  I'd go brailleblaster at 
>> this point I think.  Louis is a dead horse.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-02-21, at 3:28 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>>> I have a lot of longer writing projects that are in either text or RTF 
>>> files on my Mac.  I can transfer them over to the Braille Edge 40 via the 
>>> SD card and sneaker-net, but when I open them on the Edge, they're grade 1 
>>> Braille. I'd like to read them in grade II and edit them more precisely, 
>>> but since these files are not grade II translated files, it's kind of a 
>>> pain to edit them this way.
>>> Is there a way to translate these files to grade II?  Or, is there a way to 
>>> force the Braille Edge 40 to open them as grade II files?  I"m asking here 
>>> because I've used the Edge successfully as a BT keyboard and display for my 
>>> MBP, where the files are, and when I did this, they always opened as grade 
>>> II files.  Curious what I must do to prepare these files for transfer.
>>> Thanks.
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Recipe keeping programs for the Mac

2013-02-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

Take a look at this link:

Their software is usually very accessible.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-21, at 1:31 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am looking for a program to keep recipes on the Mac. We used Cookbook 
> Wizard on the PC. I am looking for a program that will import Meal master  or 
> HTML format so I can export all the recipes we have. I really am not looking 
> for online storage , so that is not a requirement.
> Thanks as always for any tips.
> Max.
> -- 
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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Mark Baxter

What I have are novella and novel length text files or RTF files on my Mac, 
that I want translated into Grade II Braille so I can work with them on the 
Edge.  I don't think TextEdit is going to work for manual translation of "and," 
to "&" and so on. *grin*

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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iPhone bricked

2013-02-21 Thread Danny Noonan
As the subject states, I've bricked my wife's iPhone 4. She had been 
complaining of it playing up so this morning when she told me, 
"It's fully crashed"
I did a sleep/home hard reset on the device. Only later did she tell me that 
she was in the middle of an update to iOS 6.1.2. 

Those missing 5 words 
"I just started updating my phone""
did such damage.

Now, even doing the 10 second sleep/home with the phone plugged into iTunes, it 
won't show up at all. I either have a permanent bright apple logo or 4 little 
dots in a diamond type shape. Well thats what my eyes give me.

Any suggestions on how to force the phone to be recognised by iTunes so I can 
restore it are so gratefully appreciated.

Kind regards,

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Re: iPhone bricked

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Well, if it isn't really bricked this should work I think.

First, you are supposed to make sure the phone is off which I suppose it is if 
it isn't working at all but make sure.

Hold down the home button and while continuing to hold it down, plug it into 
the computer. Continue to hold it down until iTunes comes up and tells you it 
sees a phone in recovery mode. 

Proceed from there.

Of course if it is really and truly bricked this won't work but I honestly 
don't think it can hurt either.

I really, really, really hope this helps!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> As the subject states, I've bricked my wife's iPhone 4. She had been 
> complaining of it playing up so this morning when she told me, 
> "It's fully crashed"
> I did a sleep/home hard reset on the device. Only later did she tell me that 
> she was in the middle of an update to iOS 6.1.2. 
> Those missing 5 words 
> "I just started updating my phone""
> did such damage.
> Now, even doing the 10 second sleep/home with the phone plugged into iTunes, 
> it won't show up at all. I either have a permanent bright apple logo or 4 
> little dots in a diamond type shape. Well thats what my eyes give me.
> Any suggestions on how to force the phone to be recognised by iTunes so I can 
> restore it are so gratefully appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Danny.
> -- 
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Re: translating a document into grade II for faster editing with a Braille Display

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Sorry, Mark. You're right. I thought about that later. That's what I get for 
not paying good enough attention. However, one could edit a grade 2 file that 

I just downloaded Brailleblaster, and I'm trying to decide what to do, 
especially after the problem poor apple had this week and the update I did to 
my Mac. When I tried to install Brailleblaster, I got the message that my 
security preferences didn't allow me to install anything unless it was from the 
Mac App store or a recognized developer. This makes me a little nervous about 
installing this program. I looked at the list of contributors, and I didn't 
recognize any names on that list. I thought I might, especially if some of them 
were names I might recognize from this list. However, no luck. What do you guys 
recommend I should do about this?

On Feb 21, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> Gigi:
> What I have are novella and novel length text files or RTF files on my Mac, 
> that I want translated into Grade II Braille so I can work with them on the 
> Edge.  I don't think TextEdit is going to work for manual translation of 
> "and," to "&" and so on. *grin*
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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2013-02-21 Thread Mark Baxter
Hmm. Okay, I got the zip file, installed Java RunTime, and opened 
Brailleblaster.jar … and got this:
The Java JAR file “brailleblaster.jar” could not be launched.
Not very helpful.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: iPhone bricked

2013-02-21 Thread Alex Hall
Try the steps at this link:

Hopefully that works. As you probably know, interrupting a firmware update is 
pretty much the worst thing you can do to an iOS device, at least the worst 
thing not involving heights or liquids. :) Let us know if that helps or if you 
are still having problems.
On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> As the subject states, I've bricked my wife's iPhone 4. She had been 
> complaining of it playing up so this morning when she told me, 
> "It's fully crashed"
> I did a sleep/home hard reset on the device. Only later did she tell me that 
> she was in the middle of an update to iOS 6.1.2. 
> Those missing 5 words 
> "I just started updating my phone""
> did such damage.
> Now, even doing the 10 second sleep/home with the phone plugged into iTunes, 
> it won't show up at all. I either have a permanent bright apple logo or 4 
> little dots in a diamond type shape. Well thats what my eyes give me.
> Any suggestions on how to force the phone to be recognised by iTunes so I can 
> restore it are so gratefully appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Danny.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: iPhone bricked

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Yes, Alex's is more thorough than mine was. I thought you might have already 
tried resetting but we all know the adage about never assuming anything!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:23 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Try the steps at this link:
> Hopefully that works. As you probably know, interrupting a firmware update is 
> pretty much the worst thing you can do to an iOS device, at least the worst 
> thing not involving heights or liquids. :) Let us know if that helps or if 
> you are still having problems.
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> As the subject states, I've bricked my wife's iPhone 4. She had been 
>> complaining of it playing up so this morning when she told me, 
>> "It's fully crashed"
>> I did a sleep/home hard reset on the device. Only later did she tell me that 
>> she was in the middle of an update to iOS 6.1.2. 
>> Those missing 5 words 
>> "I just started updating my phone""
>> did such damage.
>> Now, even doing the 10 second sleep/home with the phone plugged into iTunes, 
>> it won't show up at all. I either have a permanent bright apple logo or 4 
>> little dots in a diamond type shape. Well thats what my eyes give me.
>> Any suggestions on how to force the phone to be recognised by iTunes so I 
>> can restore it are so gratefully appreciated.
>> Kind regards,
>> Danny.
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Recipe keeping programs for the Mac

2013-02-21 Thread cait furness
I can vouch for mac gourmet here.  Works great, is accessible, and has an iOs 
sidekick too, if you're into that.  Also, sous chef is nice and accessible and 
likewise has an i OS counterpart to go with the Mac component.  

On 2013-02-21, at 4:24 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Take a look at this link:
> Their software is usually very accessible.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-21, at 1:31 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am looking for a program to keep recipes on the Mac. We used Cookbook 
>> Wizard on the PC. I am looking for a program that will import Meal master  
>> or HTML format so I can export all the recipes we have. I really am not 
>> looking for online storage , so that is not a requirement.
>> Thanks as always for any tips.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread Henry D. Hollithron
Good Day: 

For whatever reason, you need to run this program from the terminal. If 
you are comfortable with this, then the command is

java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar 

where  should be the path to the jar. You can simplify 
your life by either being in the directory where the jar can be found when you 
run the command or by creating a .command file with the full path to the jar.

Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock Homes

On 21 Feb 2013, at 17:18, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> Hmm. Okay, I got the zip file, installed Java RunTime, and opened 
> Brailleblaster.jar … and got this:
> The Java JAR file “brailleblaster.jar” could not be launched.
> Not very helpful.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again guys
Could somebody tell me what the legal situation is of me sending Mark a copy of 
Louis off list? That is, can this program be shared back-and-forth or not? I 
never really knew.
I was able to get Louis to translate the braille edge manual to grade 2 braille 
with no problem. I haven't figured out how to get it to go the other way 
around. However, translating to great two seems to be the issue right now.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:58 PM, "Henry D. Hollithron"  wrote:

> Good Day: 
>For whatever reason, you need to run this program from the terminal. If 
> you are comfortable with this, then the command is
> java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar 
> where  should be the path to the jar. You can simplify 
> your life by either being in the directory where the jar can be found when 
> you run the command or by creating a .command file with the full path to the 
> jar.
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
> last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 21 Feb 2013, at 17:18, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> Hmm. Okay, I got the zip file, installed Java RunTime, and opened 
>> Brailleblaster.jar … and got this:
>> The Java JAR file “brailleblaster.jar” could not be launched.
>> Not very helpful.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread Mark Baxter
Okay, and here's what I get when I try and launch it from terminal:
at org.brailleblaster.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
mark-baxters-macbook-pro:~ MBH$ 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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2013-02-21 Thread Kerri
Hello, all. I'm learning html and web creation. Is filezilla accessible with 
voice over? It did state it is usable on Mac but I don't want to download it 
unless it's accessible. Thanks.

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2013-02-21 Thread Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers
Hello Anne and thanks

It seems that Readiris is currently available for 69 Euros from the developers, 
while Abbyy is GBP 69.99 from the App Store.  I don't know the current 
conversion rate, but that's a wee bit cheaper. 

I had been given the impression that people had to get Vuescan as well as 
Abbyy, is this incorrect?

Years ago, I used to use OmniPage and was very happy with it, but that was with 
Outspoken and I can't find anyone who uses it with VO.



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Re: Readiris

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Some scanners can be used with Abbyy alone and some need another alternative 
for scanning such as vuescan.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers 

> Hello Anne and thanks
> It seems that Readiris is currently available for 69 Euros from the 
> developers, while Abbyy is GBP 69.99 from the App Store.  I don't know the 
> current conversion rate, but that's a wee bit cheaper. 
> I had been given the impression that people had to get Vuescan as well as 
> Abbyy, is this incorrect?
> Years ago, I used to use OmniPage and was very happy with it, but that was 
> with Outspoken and I can't find anyone who uses it with VO.
> Regards
> Adrienne
> -- 
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Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread Henry D. Hollithron
Good Day: 

Indeed. This program appears to be quite prone to crashing. I realise 
that it is open-source and thus not meant to be perfect, but I don't think it's 
yet ready for stable use. The exception thrown by the program that you copied 
below occurs, I think, when it pops up a dialog stating that "the braille 
facility is not available," whatever that means, and when you indicate that you 
don't want to continue. Even when I did get past that, when I tried to launch 
the tutorial from the help menu, it did open safari, but it also crashed the 
java runtime environment. Perhaps I should send an email to the developers to 
see if they're still planning to work on this. For now, though, I wouldn't use 
it for production use.
As for Louis, it is free, but I've had very little luck getting it to 
translate complicated documents--it keeps giving me blank braille files. It 
does, however, have the virtue of being significantly more stable and might, 
based on comments from other people who have used it successfully, be able to 
translate your document if it's simple enough. Perhaps someone more experienced 
with the program could give you better help in that direction. Here is the web 
page for it, in case you're interested:


Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock Homes

On 21 Feb 2013, at 19:06, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> Okay, and here's what I get when I try and launch it from terminal:
> ror
>   at org.brailleblaster.Main.main(Unknown Source)
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError
>   at$
>   at Method)
>   at
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   ... 1 more
> mark-baxters-macbook-pro:~ MBH$ 
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread Devin Prater
So, is there a, well, stable and featurefull braille program out there then? 
The thing I liked about Louis is that I could make files that had math in them, 
and it would turn it to Nemath code, I couldn't get it to do much though, it 
just wouldn't create the braille file after a few tries with it. 

Sent from my iPod

On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:04 PM, "Henry D. Hollithron"  wrote:

> Good Day: 
>Indeed. This program appears to be quite prone to crashing. I realise that 
> it is open-source and thus not meant to be perfect, but I don't think it's 
> yet ready for stable use. The exception thrown by the program that you copied 
> below occurs, I think, when it pops up a dialog stating that "the braille 
> facility is not available," whatever that means, and when you indicate that 
> you don't want to continue. Even when I did get past that, when I tried to 
> launch the tutorial from the help menu, it did open safari, but it also 
> crashed the java runtime environment. Perhaps I should send an email to the 
> developers to see if they're still planning to work on this. For now, though, 
> I wouldn't use it for production use.
>As for Louis, it is free, but I've had very little luck getting it to 
> translate complicated documents--it keeps giving me blank braille files. It 
> does, however, have the virtue of being significantly more stable and might, 
> based on comments from other people who have used it successfully, be able to 
> translate your document if it's simple enough. Perhaps someone more 
> experienced with the program could give you better help in that direction. 
> Here is the web page for it, in case you're interested:
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
> last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 21 Feb 2013, at 19:06, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> Okay, and here's what I get when I try and launch it from terminal:
>> ror
>>at org.brailleblaster.Main.main(Unknown Source)
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError
>>at Method)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>... 1 more
>> mark-baxters-macbook-pro:~ MBH$ 
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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> -- 
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Re: having trouble opening pdf files on the mac.

2013-02-21 Thread Jessica Moss
I've done all this, and it just sits there and says "empty html content," and 
in the end, I just get frustrated and close the page, considering the fact that 
it never goes anywhere, just sits there and says the same thing, so have no 
idea as to what to do at this point.
On Feb 21, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> I agree with your Hmmm.  I played with things some more by opening a PDF 
> document with QuickLook and did find it less than useful.  I'm not sure why 
> you're getting a menu when using your arrow keys.  For me, if I simply use 
> arrow keys without the VO keys, then it changes pages within the PDF 
> document.  If I interact with the text area, then I can either use VO-keys 
> with the arrow keys, just the arrow keys or if I turn on QuickNav, it works 
> just fine as well.  There is no lag and no hesitation.  It is no different 
> than reading that same page from within TextEdit.
> My MBP has 8 GB of RAM and is a 2.4 GHz Quad Core I7 from late 2011.  It is 
> quick but by no means the top of the line model nowadays.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-20, at 10:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hmm... I'm using Mountain Lion, and all that happens when I arrow in the 
>> text is the share menu opens. I can vo-arrow, but that's no better than 
>> Quicklook. I did hit cmd-2 to enter single page mode as you suggested, and I 
>> did interact with the text.
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:39 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I navigate to the pdf wherever it is located on my computer, then open it.  
>>> My default app for PDFs is Preview so it opens Preview.  I then press cmd-2 
>>> if I've not already done so in an earlier read of the PDF which puts it 
>>> into Single-page mode.  I can then navigate with VO-right arrow to the text 
>>> area and either let it read the entire page or Interact with the text area 
>>> then read word by word, line by line or whatever VO method I use in any 
>>> other app.  I do not use QuickNav at all in this process.  QuickLook is not 
>>> Preview, they are separate entities.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 10:28 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 How do you read line by line? I can enable quick nav and rotor to lines, 
 but that is not perfect and can be laggy. Up and down arrows just move to 
 the previous or next item and open it in quicklook, which I understand 
 preview to be. Am I missing an app others are using?
 On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:10 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> Preview usually works just great for me, line by line or whatever method 
> I choose.  I do, however, find it much easier to use in Single-page mode 
> which you can enter by pressing cmd-2 in ML.  I use it for multi-page 
> curriculum guides, various manuals and much, much more.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-20, at 12:35 AM, Jürgen Fleger  
> wrote:
>> Would you really say Preview works? Please interact with the text area 
>> and try to navigate or read line by line. Preview for me is just a work 
>> around at the moment and we should let Apple know this.
>> Jürgen
>> Am 20.02.2013 um 03:55 schrieb Nektarios Mallas :
>>> Hi there.
>>> I am sure you already know this, but why don't you just use preview to 
>>> read pdf files? 
>>> It is much easier and it works.
>>> Nektarios.
>>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 4:50 AM, Jessica Moss  
>>> wrote:
 I've just downloaded a program I found out when doing a google search 
 called Skim, that's supposed to read pdf files, however when I try to 
 open one, it just says "pluggin process," and sits there like I never 
 did anything extra.
 Do I need to have the aplication running in the background, or should 
 it launch automaticly?  This is really frustrating, sense this is 
 something I'm needing to look over, so would really love some help 
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>>> To po

Re: having trouble opening pdf files on the mac.

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Empty html content? Is this a pdf file on your computer or something in safari 
you are trying to read? Maybe this is a different kind of file and I'm showing 
my ignorance, but when I open a pdf file I see the text and/or the text area is 
blank. I don't usually see html content but I suppose there are pdf files that 
would do this?

If this is in safari, that's a whole different discussion.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:35 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I've done all this, and it just sits there and says "empty html content," and 
> in the end, I just get frustrated and close the page, considering the fact 
> that it never goes anywhere, just sits there and says the same thing, so have 
> no idea as to what to do at this point.
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> I agree with your Hmmm.  I played with things some more by opening a PDF 
>> document with QuickLook and did find it less than useful.  I'm not sure why 
>> you're getting a menu when using your arrow keys.  For me, if I simply use 
>> arrow keys without the VO keys, then it changes pages within the PDF 
>> document.  If I interact with the text area, then I can either use VO-keys 
>> with the arrow keys, just the arrow keys or if I turn on QuickNav, it works 
>> just fine as well.  There is no lag and no hesitation.  It is no different 
>> than reading that same page from within TextEdit.
>> My MBP has 8 GB of RAM and is a 2.4 GHz Quad Core I7 from late 2011.  It is 
>> quick but by no means the top of the line model nowadays.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-02-20, at 10:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hmm... I'm using Mountain Lion, and all that happens when I arrow in the 
>>> text is the share menu opens. I can vo-arrow, but that's no better than 
>>> Quicklook. I did hit cmd-2 to enter single page mode as you suggested, and 
>>> I did interact with the text.
>>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:39 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 I navigate to the pdf wherever it is located on my computer, then open it. 
  My default app for PDFs is Preview so it opens Preview.  I then press 
 cmd-2 if I've not already done so in an earlier read of the PDF which puts 
 it into Single-page mode.  I can then navigate with VO-right arrow to the 
 text area and either let it read the entire page or Interact with the text 
 area then read word by word, line by line or whatever VO method I use in 
 any other app.  I do not use QuickNav at all in this process.  QuickLook 
 is not Preview, they are separate entities.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-02-20, at 10:28 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> How do you read line by line? I can enable quick nav and rotor to lines, 
> but that is not perfect and can be laggy. Up and down arrows just move to 
> the previous or next item and open it in quicklook, which I understand 
> preview to be. Am I missing an app others are using?
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:10 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Preview usually works just great for me, line by line or whatever method 
>> I choose.  I do, however, find it much easier to use in Single-page mode 
>> which you can enter by pressing cmd-2 in ML.  I use it for multi-page 
>> curriculum guides, various manuals and much, much more.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-02-20, at 12:35 AM, Jürgen Fleger  
>> wrote:
>>> Would you really say Preview works? Please interact with the text area 
>>> and try to navigate or read line by line. Preview for me is just a work 
>>> around at the moment and we should let Apple know this.
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 20.02.2013 um 03:55 schrieb Nektarios Mallas :
 Hi there.
 I am sure you already know this, but why don't you just use preview to 
 read pdf files? 
 It is much easier and it works.
 On Feb 20, 2013, at 4:50 AM, Jessica Moss  
> I've just downloaded a program I found out when doing a google search 
> called Skim, that's supposed to read pdf files, however when I try to 
> open one, it just says "pluggin process," and sits there like I never 
> did anything extra.
> Do I need to have the aplication running in the background, or should 
> it launch automaticly?  This is really frustrating, sense this is 
> something I'm needing to look over, so would really love some help 
> with.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> T

Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread erik burggraaf
In defence of braille blaster, it's only been a going concern for a year and a 
half.  They're trying to support three operating systems.  They had no funding 
at all lat time I was in touch with the project.  And, most of their user base 
and contributing developers are using windows as a primary os.  If there are 
mac people here with java experience who can contribute to the project, we'd 
all appreciate it.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-02-21, at 8:04 PM, "Henry D. Hollithron"  wrote:

> Good Day: 
>   Indeed. This program appears to be quite prone to crashing. I realise 
> that it is open-source and thus not meant to be perfect, but I don't think 
> it's yet ready for stable use. The exception thrown by the program that you 
> copied below occurs, I think, when it pops up a dialog stating that "the 
> braille facility is not available," whatever that means, and when you 
> indicate that you don't want to continue. Even when I did get past that, when 
> I tried to launch the tutorial from the help menu, it did open safari, but it 
> also crashed the java runtime environment. Perhaps I should send an email to 
> the developers to see if they're still planning to work on this. For now, 
> though, I wouldn't use it for production use.
>   As for Louis, it is free, but I've had very little luck getting it to 
> translate complicated documents--it keeps giving me blank braille files. It 
> does, however, have the virtue of being significantly more stable and might, 
> based on comments from other people who have used it successfully, be able to 
> translate your document if it's simple enough. Perhaps someone more 
> experienced with the program could give you better help in that direction. 
> Here is the web page for it, in case you're interested:
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
> last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 21 Feb 2013, at 19:06, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> Okay, and here's what I get when I try and launch it from terminal:
>> ror
>>  at org.brailleblaster.Main.main(Unknown Source)
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError
>>  at$
>>  at Method)
>>  at
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  ... 1 more
>> mark-baxters-macbook-pro:~ MBH$ 
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Jessica Moss
Have you had this weird issue with Rumola not finding captchas on pages when 
they are, in fact there?  I have that issue with the site that my job runs, and 
had the same issue with safelink wireless, when I went there out of curiosity 
to find out what their service was like, considering the fact that when I go to 
NC on occasion, my Sprint phone doesn't get service where they live, and I 
would need a temporary phone to use when I'm there.  I contacted them about 
this, and they fixed the safelink site, but never got back to me about the site 
concerning my job, even after me giving them the url.  I find this really 
disturbing, considering the fact that this was one of the main reasons I signed 
up and bought a year's worth of credits in the first place, so have no idea 
what to make of this.
On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> Okay, two things.
> (1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
> (2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.
> If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
> link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you have 
> to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one here" 
> link. Then you only need to enter your email address and check the agreement 
> box 
> i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
> again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, Cheryl:
>> Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
>> receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
>> On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> -- 
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Re: new pod catcher for the mac, designed with accessibility in mind

2013-02-21 Thread Stacey Robinson
How much does it cost?
I didn't see that on the site, but I'm going to try it anyway.
On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just found this on Twitter:
> It is a podcatcher designed to be completely accessible. Not only can you 
> play podcasts and subscribe to feeds, but you can also adjust the playback 
> speed, perfect for quickly getting through podcasts. It also saves your exact 
> place in podcasts you listen to. It's free to try out right now, so if 
> podcasts are your thing, give it a shot.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: having trouble opening pdf files on the mac.

2013-02-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

Similar to what Cheryl is saying here, if it is saying HTML Content, I'm 
guessing that it is attempting to open the PDF from within Safari.  Usually, 
Preview handles this fine as well.  Not as much control but if the PDF is 
properly setup, then it is read properly from within Safari.  Exceptions to 
this occur when Adobe Reader takes over the PDF reading within Safari.  As 
mentioned numerous times in the Mac environment, Adobe Reader is not yet 
accessible, thus whether you access the PDF from within Safari or from Adobe 
Reader itself, you will not be able to read any of the content.  The other 
problem would occur if the PDF document is simply a copy or scan of a document. 
 In these cases, it doesn't look any different to the sighted user but to a 
screen reader, it is useless.  You need to use some sort of OCR app to make it 
readable by VO.  Also, if it is a copy or scanned image of a document, no PDF 
reader, Preview, Skim or anything similar will not be able to do anything with 
it, no matter how good of a PDF reader it is.

If you have a link to the item you're trying to read or if it is a downloaded 
document, you're welcome to send it to me off-list and I'll do my best to 
figure out what's going on for you.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-21, at 6:43 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> Empty html content? Is this a pdf file on your computer or something in 
> safari you are trying to read? Maybe this is a different kind of file and I'm 
> showing my ignorance, but when I open a pdf file I see the text and/or the 
> text area is blank. I don't usually see html content but I suppose there are 
> pdf files that would do this?
> If this is in safari, that's a whole different discussion.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:35 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> I've done all this, and it just sits there and says "empty html content," 
>> and in the end, I just get frustrated and close the page, considering the 
>> fact that it never goes anywhere, just sits there and says the same thing, 
>> so have no idea as to what to do at this point.
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> I agree with your Hmmm.  I played with things some more by opening a PDF 
>>> document with QuickLook and did find it less than useful.  I'm not sure why 
>>> you're getting a menu when using your arrow keys.  For me, if I simply use 
>>> arrow keys without the VO keys, then it changes pages within the PDF 
>>> document.  If I interact with the text area, then I can either use VO-keys 
>>> with the arrow keys, just the arrow keys or if I turn on QuickNav, it works 
>>> just fine as well.  There is no lag and no hesitation.  It is no different 
>>> than reading that same page from within TextEdit.
>>> My MBP has 8 GB of RAM and is a 2.4 GHz Quad Core I7 from late 2011.  It is 
>>> quick but by no means the top of the line model nowadays.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 10:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Hmm... I'm using Mountain Lion, and all that happens when I arrow in the 
 text is the share menu opens. I can vo-arrow, but that's no better than 
 Quicklook. I did hit cmd-2 to enter single page mode as you suggested, and 
 I did interact with the text.
 On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:39 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> I navigate to the pdf wherever it is located on my computer, then open 
> it.  My default app for PDFs is Preview so it opens Preview.  I then 
> press cmd-2 if I've not already done so in an earlier read of the PDF 
> which puts it into Single-page mode.  I can then navigate with VO-right 
> arrow to the text area and either let it read the entire page or Interact 
> with the text area then read word by word, line by line or whatever VO 
> method I use in any other app.  I do not use QuickNav at all in this 
> process.  QuickLook is not Preview, they are separate entities.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-20, at 10:28 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> How do you read line by line? I can enable quick nav and rotor to lines, 
>> but that is not perfect and can be laggy. Up and down arrows just move 
>> to the previous or next item and open it in quicklook, which I 
>> understand preview to be. Am I missing an app others are using?
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:10 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Preview usually works just great for me, line by line or whatever 
>>> method I choose.  I do, however, find it much easier to use in 
>>> Single-page mode which you can enter by pressing cmd-2 in ML.  I use it 
>>> for multi-page curriculum guides, various manuals and much,

Re: new pod catcher for the mac, designed with accessibility in mind

2013-02-21 Thread Alex Hall
I don't know, I'm not much op a podcaster. I know there's a "buy" link on the 
site, so see if it's listed there.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 21, 2013, at 20:52, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> How much does it cost?
> I didn't see that on the site, but I'm going to try it anyway.
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just found this on Twitter:
>> It is a podcatcher designed to be completely accessible. Not only can you 
>> play podcasts and subscribe to feeds, but you can also adjust the playback 
>> speed, perfect for quickly getting through podcasts. It also saves your 
>> exact place in podcasts you listen to. It's free to try out right now, so if 
>> podcasts are your thing, give it a shot.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I'm sure there are some they may not be able to "fix". I think there are 
reasons why though I don't know them all. It didn't work on taxact but I 
thought there might have been some added security blocking that. Also I was 
able to register with skype using it but a friend of mine doesn't get captcha 
and I'm thinking it has something to do with the satellite service she is 
using. I'm assuming you emailed them more than once about the site you are 
still having trouble with; if they can't do that one, they should let you know. 
Certainly they need to try to be responsive to concerns but when you sign up 
and pay 99 cents for 50 credits I don't think they offer any guarantee that 
they will be able to solve every captcha. For me there are two times it hasn't 
worked; one was taxact; the other was when I pressed submit on skype when doing 
a registration for a friend and then ended up having to correct something and 
submit again but in this case I just closed my browser and started over and the 
captcha was again taken care of. I'm far from being an expert in how this works 
so I can't say all the reasons it might not work but usually when i start 
filling out something on a website the captcha is there solved when I get to 
it. I'm sure there are reasons why the captcha can't be intercepted or seen or 
solved sometimes but before I got this service my success rate, unless there 
was intelligible audio, was zero percent.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Have you had this weird issue with Rumola not finding captchas on pages when 
> they are, in fact there?  I have that issue with the site that my job runs, 
> and had the same issue with safelink wireless, when I went there out of 
> curiosity to find out what their service was like, considering the fact that 
> when I go to NC on occasion, my Sprint phone doesn't get service where they 
> live, and I would need a temporary phone to use when I'm there.  I contacted 
> them about this, and they fixed the safelink site, but never got back to me 
> about the site concerning my job, even after me giving them the url.  I find 
> this really disturbing, considering the fact that this was one of the main 
> reasons I signed up and bought a year's worth of credits in the first place, 
> so have no idea what to make of this.
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>> Okay, two things.
>> (1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
>> (2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.
>> If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
>> link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you 
>> have to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one 
>> here" link. Then you only need to enter your email address and check the 
>> agreement box 
>> i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
>> again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hello, Cheryl:
>>> Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
>>> receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: BrailleBlaster

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I did get Louis  to work On a text file going to boil. I could not get it to 
work going the other way. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. In my case, I 
guess I better wait for Duxberry. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:04 PM, "Henry D. Hollithron"  wrote:

> Good Day: 
>Indeed. This program appears to be quite prone to crashing. I realise that 
> it is open-source and thus not meant to be perfect, but I don't think it's 
> yet ready for stable use. The exception thrown by the program that you copied 
> below occurs, I think, when it pops up a dialog stating that "the braille 
> facility is not available," whatever that means, and when you indicate that 
> you don't want to continue. Even when I did get past that, when I tried to 
> launch the tutorial from the help menu, it did open safari, but it also 
> crashed the java runtime environment. Perhaps I should send an email to the 
> developers to see if they're still planning to work on this. For now, though, 
> I wouldn't use it for production use.
>As for Louis, it is free, but I've had very little luck getting it to 
> translate complicated documents--it keeps giving me blank braille files. It 
> does, however, have the virtue of being significantly more stable and might, 
> based on comments from other people who have used it successfully, be able to 
> translate your document if it's simple enough. Perhaps someone more 
> experienced with the program could give you better help in that direction. 
> Here is the web page for it, in case you're interested:
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
> last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 21 Feb 2013, at 19:06, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> Okay, and here's what I get when I try and launch it from terminal:
>> ror
>>at org.brailleblaster.Main.main(Unknown Source)
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError
>>at Method)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>... 1 more
>> mark-baxters-macbook-pro:~ MBH$ 
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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Re: having trouble opening pdf files on the mac.

2013-02-21 Thread Cheryl Homiak
If you are trying to access a pdf in safari and aren't getting results that are 
readable, try this:

(1)Go to the pdf in safari. Check your window with vo-f2 and/or check the 
address you are in and make sure it really is the pdf you are in and not some 
kind of viewer for the pdf instead. I'm thinking you aren't actually in preview 
if you are seeing html content.

(2) Do command-l to bring up the address bar. Unless it says "contents 
selected" also do command-a to make sure the contents of the address field is 

(3) Hold down the option key and hit return.

(4) Check in downloads and see if the pdf was downloaded. This doesn't always 
work but often does.

(5) Open the pdf in preview.

Now, you may have another issue. If you have Adobe Reader or something else you 
put on your Mac to try to read pdfs, somehow they may not be opening in Preview 
in default. So when you open a pdf that is on your computer, check the window 
and see if it actually says you are in preview. If pdfs are not opening in 
preview, you need to change the default to Preview and/or uninstall whatever 
other program you put on there to use with pdfs unless there's some reason to 
keep it.

if your pdfs on your computer are not opening in preview, you need to do 
command-i with a pdf file selected in finder and go over to "open with" and 
change it to Preview and then do vo-space on the change button so all pdfs will 
be opened in preview by default.

If you do all this and a file opens in preview and is blank, it means you 
probably have a file that has to have ocr done on it to be readable; you won't 
be able to just read it.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Similar to what Cheryl is saying here, if it is saying HTML Content, I'm 
> guessing that it is attempting to open the PDF from within Safari.  Usually, 
> Preview handles this fine as well.  Not as much control but if the PDF is 
> properly setup, then it is read properly from within Safari.  Exceptions to 
> this occur when Adobe Reader takes over the PDF reading within Safari.  As 
> mentioned numerous times in the Mac environment, Adobe Reader is not yet 
> accessible, thus whether you access the PDF from within Safari or from Adobe 
> Reader itself, you will not be able to read any of the content.  The other 
> problem would occur if the PDF document is simply a copy or scan of a 
> document.  In these cases, it doesn't look any different to the sighted user 
> but to a screen reader, it is useless.  You need to use some sort of OCR app 
> to make it readable by VO.  Also, if it is a copy or scanned image of a 
> document, no PDF reader, Preview, Skim or anything similar will not be able 
> to do anything with it, no matter how good of a PDF reader it is.
> If you have a link to the item you're trying to read or if it is a downloaded 
> document, you're welcome to send it to me off-list and I'll do my best to 
> figure out what's going on for you.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-21, at 6:43 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> Empty html content? Is this a pdf file on your computer or something in 
>> safari you are trying to read? Maybe this is a different kind of file and 
>> I'm showing my ignorance, but when I open a pdf file I see the text and/or 
>> the text area is blank. I don't usually see html content but I suppose there 
>> are pdf files that would do this?
>> If this is in safari, that's a whole different discussion.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:35 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> I've done all this, and it just sits there and says "empty html content," 
>>> and in the end, I just get frustrated and close the page, considering the 
>>> fact that it never goes anywhere, just sits there and says the same thing, 
>>> so have no idea as to what to do at this point.
>>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 11:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 I agree with your Hmmm.  I played with things some more by opening a PDF 
 document with QuickLook and did find it less than useful.  I'm not sure 
 why you're getting a menu when using your arrow keys.  For me, if I simply 
 use arrow keys without the VO keys, then it changes pages within the PDF 
 document.  If I interact with the text area, then I can either use VO-keys 
 with the arrow keys, just the arrow keys or if I turn on QuickNav, it 
 works just fine as well.  There is no lag and no hesitation.  It is no 
 different than reading that same page from within TextEdit.
 My MBP has 8 GB of RAM and is a 2.4 GHz Quad Core I7 from late 2011.  It 
 is quick but by no means the top of the line model no

Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Jessica Moss
I unfortunately hadn't e-mailed them a second time about the one for my job, 
but will try that one again.  I've tried the "search for captchas on this 
page," option only for it to do nothing.
  I then tried to cancel Rumola for this page, which did nothing apparently, 
because the option never dimmed, just sat there, then tried telling it to 
search again, and still nothing, so will e-mail them again.
On Feb 21, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> I'm sure there are some they may not be able to "fix". I think there are 
> reasons why though I don't know them all. It didn't work on taxact but I 
> thought there might have been some added security blocking that. Also I was 
> able to register with skype using it but a friend of mine doesn't get captcha 
> and I'm thinking it has something to do with the satellite service she is 
> using. I'm assuming you emailed them more than once about the site you are 
> still having trouble with; if they can't do that one, they should let you 
> know. Certainly they need to try to be responsive to concerns but when you 
> sign up and pay 99 cents for 50 credits I don't think they offer any 
> guarantee that they will be able to solve every captcha. For me there are two 
> times it hasn't worked; one was taxact; the other was when I pressed submit 
> on skype when doing a registration for a friend and then ended up having to 
> correct something and submit again but in this case I just closed my browser 
> and started over and the captcha was again taken care of. I'm far from being 
> an expert in how this works so I can't say all the reasons it might not work 
> but usually when i start filling out something on a website the captcha is 
> there solved when I get to it. I'm sure there are reasons why the captcha 
> can't be intercepted or seen or solved sometimes but before I got this 
> service my success rate, unless there was intelligible audio, was zero 
> percent.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Have you had this weird issue with Rumola not finding captchas on pages when 
>> they are, in fact there?  I have that issue with the site that my job runs, 
>> and had the same issue with safelink wireless, when I went there out of 
>> curiosity to find out what their service was like, considering the fact that 
>> when I go to NC on occasion, my Sprint phone doesn't get service where they 
>> live, and I would need a temporary phone to use when I'm there.  I contacted 
>> them about this, and they fixed the safelink site, but never got back to me 
>> about the site concerning my job, even after me giving them the url.  I find 
>> this really disturbing, considering the fact that this was one of the main 
>> reasons I signed up and bought a year's worth of credits in the first place, 
>> so have no idea what to make of this.
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>>> Okay, two things.
>>> (1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
>>> (2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.
>>> If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
>>> link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you 
>>> have to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one 
>>> here" link. Then you only need to enter your email address and check the 
>>> agreement box 
>>> i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
>>> again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.
>>> -- 
>>> Cheryl
>>> May the words of my mouth
>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:
 Hello, Cheryl:
 Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
 receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
 On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
 To post to this group, send email to
 Visit this group at
 For more options, visit
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> T

Re: Losing VO after sleep

2013-02-21 Thread Marianne Denning
I have the same problem and I need to log in on my computer and that is
very difficult without VoiceOver working.  I get pretty frustrated so I
appreciate knowing I am not the only one out here.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Well, What do you know - it worked. Thanks.
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: >
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:11 AM
> Subject: Re: Losing VO after sleep
> Hi,
> Its pressing VO F5 quickly.  I think its like a reset in a way.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 20, 2013, at 9:31 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>  looks like I struck gold on this thread.
>> hitting Command F5 4 times sounds weird, that's like turning VO on and
>> off twice. Or, is it a matter of pressing the key combo 4 times quickly
>> causing a different function than just pressing it normallyy.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Kerri
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.**com 
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:07 PM
>> Subject: Re: Losing VO after sleep
>> I have this issue as well and it seems to be worsening, Phil. Sometimes
>> Braille works but not speech.
>> On 2013-02-20, at 7:24 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>  upon waking from sleep mode, often VO will not speak. I have to mess
>>> around with the volume keys to get some system sounds going, then turn VO
>>> off and back on a few times before it will finally come up talking. It
>>> takes about two or three minutes to do all this and get VO talking again.
>>> it doesn't happen consistently, but more often than not, VO will go
>>> silent after sleep mode, or a prolonged period of computer inactivity.
>>> Actually, it seems to be tied into system sounds, since I won't get any
>>> of the thunking, beeping, quacking sounds that occur when you do something
>>> to invoke a system sound, whether VO is turned on or not. So, maybe it's
>>> not a VO problem but a system problem?
>>> Any ideas suggestions or advice are welcome - it's getting a little
>>> annoying.
>>> --
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> F

Re: Capture solving

2013-02-21 Thread Kerri
well, I got through installation and it solved one on which was good 
but I do think that tax act may be overly secure for privacy reasons.
On 2013-02-21, at 6:20 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> I'm sure there are some they may not be able to "fix". I think there are 
> reasons why though I don't know them all. It didn't work on taxact but I 
> thought there might have been some added security blocking that. Also I was 
> able to register with skype using it but a friend of mine doesn't get captcha 
> and I'm thinking it has something to do with the satellite service she is 
> using. I'm assuming you emailed them more than once about the site you are 
> still having trouble with; if they can't do that one, they should let you 
> know. Certainly they need to try to be responsive to concerns but when you 
> sign up and pay 99 cents for 50 credits I don't think they offer any 
> guarantee that they will be able to solve every captcha. For me there are two 
> times it hasn't worked; one was taxact; the other was when I pressed submit 
> on skype when doing a registration for a friend and then ended up having to 
> correct something and submit again but in this case I just closed my browser 
> and started over and the captcha was again taken care of. I'm far from being 
> an expert in how this works so I can't say all the reasons it might not work 
> but usually when i start filling out something on a website the captcha is 
> there solved when I get to it. I'm sure there are reasons why the captcha 
> can't be intercepted or seen or solved sometimes but before I got this 
> service my success rate, unless there was intelligible audio, was zero 
> percent.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Have you had this weird issue with Rumola not finding captchas on pages when 
>> they are, in fact there?  I have that issue with the site that my job runs, 
>> and had the same issue with safelink wireless, when I went there out of 
>> curiosity to find out what their service was like, considering the fact that 
>> when I go to NC on occasion, my Sprint phone doesn't get service where they 
>> live, and I would need a temporary phone to use when I'm there.  I contacted 
>> them about this, and they fixed the safelink site, but never got back to me 
>> about the site concerning my job, even after me giving them the url.  I find 
>> this really disturbing, considering the fact that this was one of the main 
>> reasons I signed up and bought a year's worth of credits in the first place, 
>> so have no idea what to make of this.
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>>> Okay, two things.
>>> (1) Did you quit safari and start it again?
>>> (2) Do you see the extension name  in your toolbar in safari.
>>> If so, instead of pressing the "register" link, press the "create one here" 
>>> link to the right of where it says that although rumola is installed you 
>>> have to login. Then there's a login link and after that the "create one 
>>> here" link. Then you only need to enter your email address and check the 
>>> agreement box 
>>> i'm creting an account for somebody else and when I hit the "register" link 
>>> again I also got the message about the extension not being installed.
>>> -- 
>>> Cheryl
>>> May the words of my mouth
>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Kerri  wrote:
 Hello, Cheryl:
 Thanks for this link, I did install it but when I attempt to register, I 
 receive a message that says "plea install extension first"
 On 2013-02-20, at 9:24 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
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>> -- 
>> You receive

Re: new pod catcher for the mac, designed with accessibility in mind

2013-02-21 Thread jeffry miller

it is 10 dollars.


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Re: new pod catcher for the mac, designed with accessibility in mind

2013-02-21 Thread jeffry miller

it works really well.


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Re: Losing VO after sleep

2013-02-21 Thread Barry Abbott
I lucked in by checking this thread as I too have been experiencing this 
problem. Will definitely give Ricardo's suggestion a try next time it happens.

on My iMac. My MacBook Air also seems to sometimes freeze at the Login screen 
and I can't put in my Name or Password. I may have to go to the apple store 
again on that issue.

In both instances I hold in the power button for about 10 seconds and the iMac 
always reboots successfully, but not my MacBook Air.

Thanks to you all.

On 2013-02-20, at 9:15 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Yes,
>   I two loose VO after sleep.  It is not every time and is unpredictable. 
>  It happens more with my 2012 Mini with monitor hooked up. and a little less 
> often with my 2012 Macbook Pro.  It seems to happen more often then when I 
> first got the Pro.
> It would be nice to resolve this.
> Eric Caron 
> On Feb 20, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> I have this sometimesSometimes I loose speech but not Braille so I know VO 
>> works.
>> On 2013-02-20, at 7:56 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> I'm using an iMac with the builtin speakers.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Alex Hall
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:49 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Losing VO after sleep
>>> What are you using for speakers? My first thought is that this is a 
>>> bluetooth problem, but I don't know if you are using bluetooth audio as 
>>> your system default. Same for usb - your device may be functioning poorly 
>>> for some reason. So, what is your audio setup like?
>>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
 upon waking from sleep mode, often VO will not speak. I have to mess 
 around with the volume keys to get some system sounds going, then turn VO 
 off and back on a few times before it will finally come up talking. It 
 takes about two or three minutes to do all this and get VO talking again.
 it doesn't happen consistently, but more often than not, VO will go silent 
 after sleep mode, or a prolonged period of computer inactivity.
 Actually, it seems to be tied into system sounds, since I won't get any of 
 the thunking, beeping, quacking sounds that occur when you do something to 
 invoke a system sound, whether VO is turned on or not. So, maybe it's not 
 a VO problem but a system problem?
 Any ideas suggestions or advice are welcome - it's getting a little 
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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>> -- 
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I think I set it up

2013-02-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Anne, I did it. I bought VueScan and I had previously gotten Abby Fine Reader 
Express. I just have one question here, I think. When I was setting things up, 
I never got the pop up button for Abby Fine Reader, which is on my computer. 
However, when I went to Abby Fine Reader by hand, the scan that it called up as 
text came out gorgeous. I didn't find any mistakes in it at all. I can't figure 
out why VueScan didn't go to Abby Fine Reader, even though I checked the option 
for it to do it.

You are always so patient, and I sure hope you don't get tired of some of us 
like me asking the same things, or seem to be the same things again. I put this 
on the list instead of going off list because I suspect others may want to know 
the answer to this question. 

when I bought VueScan, they asked why I got it. I was sure to put on there that 
I heard about on the Macvisionaries list and that I got it to work with 
VoiceOver and Abby Fine Reader together. If they don't know what VoiceOver is 
why I guess they will find out sooner or later. 


Eugenia Firth

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Re: Losing VO after sleep

2013-02-21 Thread Kerri
I did press command f5 4 times and it worked. Though I appreciate the 
suggestion, why is this occurring?
On 2013-02-21, at 7:22 PM, Barry Abbott  wrote:

> I lucked in by checking this thread as I too have been experiencing this 
> problem. Will definitely give Ricardo's suggestion a try next time it happens.
> on My iMac. My MacBook Air also seems to sometimes freeze at the Login screen 
> and I can't put in my Name or Password. I may have to go to the apple store 
> again on that issue.
> In both instances I hold in the power button for about 10 seconds and the 
> iMac always reboots successfully, but not my MacBook Air.
> Thanks to you all.
> Barry
> On 2013-02-20, at 9:15 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Yes,
>>  I two loose VO after sleep.  It is not every time and is unpredictable. 
>>  It happens more with my 2012 Mini with monitor hooked up. and a little less 
>> often with my 2012 Macbook Pro.  It seems to happen more often then when I 
>> first got the Pro.
>> It would be nice to resolve this.
>> Eric Caron 
>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> I have this sometimesSometimes I loose speech but not Braille so I know VO 
>>> works.
>>> On 2013-02-20, at 7:56 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
 I'm using an iMac with the builtin speakers.
 - Original Message -
 From: Alex Hall
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:49 AM
 Subject: Re: Losing VO after sleep
 What are you using for speakers? My first thought is that this is a 
 bluetooth problem, but I don't know if you are using bluetooth audio as 
 your system default. Same for usb - your device may be functioning poorly 
 for some reason. So, what is your audio setup like?
 On Feb 20, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
> upon waking from sleep mode, often VO will not speak. I have to mess 
> around with the volume keys to get some system sounds going, then turn VO 
> off and back on a few times before it will finally come up talking. It 
> takes about two or three minutes to do all this and get VO talking again.
> it doesn't happen consistently, but more often than not, VO will go 
> silent after sleep mode, or a prolonged period of computer inactivity.
> Actually, it seems to be tied into system sounds, since I won't get any 
> of the thunking, beeping, quacking sounds that occur when you do 
> something to invoke a system sound, whether VO is turned on or not. So, 
> maybe it's not a VO problem but a system problem?
> Any ideas suggestions or advice are welcome - it's getting a little 
> annoying.
> -- 
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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