Hi Tim,
Yep, it's on an external drive, but it's formatted mac extended journal.
I'm getting some other weird stuff  happening now, though, like not being able 
to empty the trash with an error code of -50 and just wonder if they are 
somehow related.  I really don't want to reinstall the OS, which is what 
happened the last time I called apple when stuff like this happened.  I did 
find out that in the file name I was trying to rename yesterday, for some 
reason, there's a dot at the very beginning that for some reason I can't edit 
out, so that's probably the culprit, but still..

On 2013-02-21, at 12:14 AM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is the file on an external HD?  Sometimes, if the external HD is formatted 
> MSDOS instead of HFS you'll get that sort of error.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-02-20, at 11:28 AM, cait furness <caitlyn.furn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok, I'll give it a go later when i have a sec.
>> Thanks.
>> Cait
>> On 2013-02-20, at 1:26 PM, Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> wrote:
>>> Hmmm. Worked fine for me. I had a file named 'junk'. I hit return on it and 
>>> pasted in your file name. It asked if I really wanted to change the file 
>>> ending to .mp3 which I gave it the OK to do. One little odd thing is that 
>>> when I hit return on a file that already ends in .mp3, it only selects the 
>>> text before the .mp3. So if I took junk.mp3, copied your filename text, hit 
>>> enter on junk.mp3 and hit paste I would actually end up with a filed called 
>>> 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3 which is not what I intended. To avoid this, 
>>> hit enter then do a select all (command-A) and then do paste to make sure 
>>> you're replacing the entire old filename with your new one. It still 
>>> shouldn't give you an error. Actually, under the hood the OS added .mp3 to 
>>> the file so my final file was really 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3.mp3.mp3 
>>> which is not what I wanted. To really know what the OS has named the file I 
>>> had to get info and then turn off the "Hide Extension" checkbox right after 
>>> the file name. Hope this helps.
>>> CB
>>> On 2/20/13 1:04 PM, cait furness wrote:
>>>> 03. crawl-Chris Brown.mp3
>>>> I'm running mountain lion, the latest version.
>>>> As I said, when I try forename the file, all I do is take out the track 
>>>> number and leave the rest.  It's worked for me before today.
>>>> Thanks a bunch.
>>>> Cait
>>>> On 2013-02-20, at 12:56 PM, Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> wrote:
>>>>> Can you paste in a sample file name so we can try to reproduce the issue? 
>>>>> Also, what version of OSX are you running?
>>>>> CB
>>>>> On 2/20/13 12:52 PM, cait furness wrote:
>>>>>> that's just it, the file name is just like this: first name last name 
>>>>>> song title.mp3
>>>>>> that's it. It's always worked.  they're not longer then 255 characters, 
>>>>>> I know that for sure.  AllI'm doing is removing any track numbers if 
>>>>>> they're there, because for some reason they bug me if I'm keeping the 
>>>>>> files for later use.  this has never happened until today.  Now, how do 
>>>>>> I fix this so I can continue to rename files?
>>>>>> Stumped,
>>>>>> Cait
>>>>>> On 2013-02-20, at 11:17 AM, Georgina Joyce <r...@o2.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> That's interesting. Unix does use filenames that start with a period, 
>>>>>>> although, it would be inappropriate to name a audio file in this 
>>>>>>> manner. My guess is that there's an apostrophe in the name. To maintain 
>>>>>>> the character precede it with a backslash.
>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>> Gena
>>>>>>> On 20/02/2013 16:01, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>>>>>>> There is a 255 character limit and I think the only limitation is that
>>>>>>>> it can't start with a period. So there normally should be no reason you
>>>>>>>> can't fit everything in the filename. Details about Apple's HFS+ format
>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HFS_Plus
>>>>>>>> CB
>>>>>>>> On 2/20/13 7:14 AM, cait furness wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I'm having a problem renaming files.  I am going through some mp3
>>>>>>>>> files I have and renaming some of them.  Basically, I hit enter on
>>>>>>>>> them and take off the track number and then add the artist to the song
>>>>>>>>> name.  this has worked fine in the past with no problems.  This
>>>>>>>>> morning, however, I am getting an error message which is saying that
>>>>>>>>> the file name is too long or has punctuation.  I have checked and
>>>>>>>>> double checked and there is no punctuation in the file name except for
>>>>>>>>> the dot before the extension of mp3.  The file name can't be too long
>>>>>>>>> as it's just the artist name and the song title and this has worked
>>>>>>>>> before.  I have done a verify disk and have repaired disk permissions.
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Caitlyn
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