Re: hybrid computing

2012-03-05 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
the whole point of this is a net based sub operating system for sighted users. 
this won't support screen reader technologies for 2 reasons, firstly the 
compatibility of the graphics chip on the device to a system like jaws and 
secondly the legal ramifications concerning the installation of JAWS on the 
developer's hosts to then be included to each installation. this is something 
which would cost the developer an absolute fortune.

from what I have heard through a fellow techie, it is actually possible to run 
windows XP directly on it's own on an ipad without using a server elsewhere. it 
requires some tweaking and a bit of technical knowhow but from what I 
understand it's completely possible.

from my years  in the IT sector, I've worked between windows, Mac OS, linux and 
unix and I have to say, there's always challenges, always different ways an OS 
will behave, it's limitations and inclusions, etc.

oh well lol.


On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Reinhard Stebner wrote:

> There is just one problem, Assistive Technology such as screen readers. I am 
> not going to be able to access any of this stuff because I am unable to run a 
> screen reader on it.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cheree Heppe
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 1:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: hybrid computing
> Cheree Heppe here:
> This sounds as if it may solve a number of problems.  See article below.
> N Y Times Tech news for the week of Thursday 2/23/2012
>  Windows on the iPad, and Speedy
> You're probably paying something like $60 a month for high-speed
> Internet. I'm paying $5 a month, and my connection is 1,000 times
> faster.
> Your [8]iPad can't play Flash videos on the Web. Mine can.
> Your copy of Windows needs constant updating and patching and
> protection against viruses and spyware. Mine is always clean and always
> up-to-date.
> No, I'm not some kind of smug techno-elitist; you can have all of that,
> too. All you have to do is sign up for a radical iPad service called
> OnLive Desktop Plus.
> It's a tiny app -- about 5 megabytes. When you open it, you see a
> standard Windows 7 desktop, right there on your iPad. The full, latest
> versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Adobe Reader
> are set up and ready to use -- no installation, no serial numbers, no
> pop-up balloons nagging you to update this or that. It may be the least
> annoying version of Windows you've ever used.
> That's pretty impressive -- but not as impressive as what's going on
> behind the scenes. The PC that's driving your iPad Windows experience
> is, in fact, a "farm" of computers at one of three data centers
> thousands of miles away. Every time you tap the screen, scroll a list
> or type on the on-screen keyboard, you're sending signals to those
> distant computers. The screen image is blasted back to your iPad with
> astonishingly little lag.
> There's an insane amount of technology behind this stunt -- 10 years in
> the making, according to the company's founder. (He's a veteran of
> Apple's original QuickTime team and Microsoft's WebTV and Xbox teams.)
> OnLive Desktop builds on the company's original business, a service
> that lets gamers play high-horsepower video games on Macs or
> low-powered Windows computers like netbooks.
> The free version of the OnLive Desktop service arrived in January. It
> gives you Word, Excel and PowerPoint, a few basic Windows apps (like
> Paint, Media Player, Notepad and Calculator), and 2 gigabytes of
> storage.
> Plenty of apps give you stripped-down versions of Office on the iPad.
> But OnLive Desktop gives you the complete Windows Office suite. In
> Word, you can do fancy stuff like tracking changes and high-end
> typography. In PowerPoint, you can make slide shows that the iPad
> projects with all of the cross fades, zooms and animations intact.
> Thanks to Microsoft's own Touch Pack add-on, all of this works with
> touch-screen gestures. You can pinch and spread two fingers to zoom in
> and out of your Office documents. You can use Windows' impressive
> handwriting recognition to enter text (although a Bluetooth keyboard
> works better). You can flick to scroll through a list.
> Instead of clicking the mouse on things, you can simply tap, although a
> stylus works better than a fingertip; many of the Windows controls are
> too tiny for a finger to tap precisely. (On a real Windows PC, you
> could open the Control Panel to enlarge the controls for touch use --
> but OnLive's simulated PC is lacking the Control Panel, which is one of
> its few downsides.)
> OnLive Desktop is seaml

Re: Finale or music editor for mac?

2012-03-05 Thread Daniela Rubio
Thank you friends so much for your advice. It is not nice to here that we 
really need something to be done with Music editing for blind pople, But I 
really hope this can change soon.
 EN TWITTER: @macneticos

El 05/03/2012, a las 08:43, Kevin Gibbs escribió:

> Okay, here are the facts:
> 1.  No version of Sibelius or finale is accessible for the blind on a
> Mac.
> 2.  The only music notation solutions that generates print notation
> using mainstream, commercial off-the-shelf software, involves using
> Sibelius 5.25, which may not even be available from Sibelius any
> longer, and a special set of JAWS compatible scripts called Sibelius
> access. Sibelius access is available from a site in the UK called
>,uk.  The site is owned by Dan Rugman.  Rugman  has
> said  that he is working on a solution for Sibelius 6. This solution
> will involve using jaws and Sibelius However, Sibelius 6 is also
> probably  no longer available from Sibelius anymore because Avid, the
> parent company that owns Sibelius, along with Pro Tools and M-Audio,
> has moved to Sibelius 7.  Don't even think about imagining a blind
> friendly pro level solution for Sibelius 7 on the Mac.
> -- 
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in order 
to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In other words, 
should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install Windows or should 
Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the latest version of 
VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.

On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. then 
> build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it will 
> either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. start a 
> fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should automatically 
> install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
> lew
> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Install windows?
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
>>> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to install 
>>> the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except a message 
>>> that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  I have tried 
>>> this, nothing happens.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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VmWare Fusion and Windows Installation

2012-03-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in order 
to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In other words, 
should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install Windows or should 
Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the latest version of 
VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.

On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. then 
> build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it will 
> either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. start a 
> fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should automatically 
> install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
> lew
> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Install windows?
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
>>> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to install 
>>> the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except a message 
>>> that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  I have tried 
>>> this, nothing happens.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS X. so 
install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create your new virtual 
machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever spec you need, as long as 
you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an example if you're using a 4GB ram 
mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. create a disk size about 50gb depending 
on the OS you wish to install. from there, it's pretty straight forward.

it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD only, 
not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of the OS and 


On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
> order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In other 
> words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install Windows or 
> should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the latest version 
> of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
>> then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it 
>> will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. 
>> start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should 
>> automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
>> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
>> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
>> lew
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Install windows?
>>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
 I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
 machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to install 
 the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except a message 
 that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  I have tried 
 this, nothing happens.
 Any suggestions?
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: hybrid computing

2012-03-05 Thread erik burggraaf
NVDA might fly since it doesn't use proprietary drivers.  You would have to get 
sound feedback from the host machine.


Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-03-04, at 8:22 PM, Reinhard Stebner wrote:

> There is just one problem, Assistive Technology such as screen readers. I am 
> not going to be able to access any of this stuff because I am unable to run a 
> screen reader on it.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf OfCheree Heppe
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 1:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: hybrid computing
> Cheree Heppe here:
> This sounds as if it may solve a number of problems.  See article below.
> N Y Times Tech news for the week of Thursday 2/23/2012
>  Windows on the iPad, and Speedy
> You're probably paying something like $60 a month for high-speed
> Internet. I'm paying $5 a month, and my connection is 1,000 times
> faster.
> Your [8]iPad can't play Flash videos on the Web. Mine can.
> Your copy of Windows needs constant updating and patching and
> protection against viruses and spyware. Mine is always clean and always
> up-to-date.
> No, I'm not some kind of smug techno-elitist; you can have all of that,
> too. All you have to do is sign up for a radical iPad service called
> OnLive Desktop Plus.
> It's a tiny app -- about 5 megabytes. When you open it, you see a
> standard Windows 7 desktop, right there on your iPad. The full, latest
> versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Adobe Reader
> are set up and ready to use -- no installation, no serial numbers, no
> pop-up balloons nagging you to update this or that. It may be the least
> annoying version of Windows you've ever used.
> That's pretty impressive -- but not as impressive as what's going on
> behind the scenes. The PC that's driving your iPad Windows experience
> is, in fact, a "farm" of computers at one of three data centers
> thousands of miles away. Every time you tap the screen, scroll a list
> or type on the on-screen keyboard, you're sending signals to those
> distant computers. The screen image is blasted back to your iPad with
> astonishingly little lag.
> There's an insane amount of technology behind this stunt -- 10 years in
> the making, according to the company's founder. (He's a veteran of
> Apple's original QuickTime team and Microsoft's WebTV and Xbox teams.)
> OnLive Desktop builds on the company's original business, a service
> that lets gamers play high-horsepower video games on Macs or
> low-powered Windows computers like netbooks.
> The free version of the OnLive Desktop service arrived in January. It
> gives you Word, Excel and PowerPoint, a few basic Windows apps (like
> Paint, Media Player, Notepad and Calculator), and 2 gigabytes of
> storage.
> Plenty of apps give you stripped-down versions of Office on the iPad.
> But OnLive Desktop gives you the complete Windows Office suite. In
> Word, you can do fancy stuff like tracking changes and high-end
> typography. In PowerPoint, you can make slide shows that the iPad
> projects with all of the cross fades, zooms and animations intact.
> Thanks to Microsoft's own Touch Pack add-on, all of this works with
> touch-screen gestures. You can pinch and spread two fingers to zoom in
> and out of your Office documents. You can use Windows' impressive
> handwriting recognition to enter text (although a Bluetooth keyboard
> works better). You can flick to scroll through a list.
> Instead of clicking the mouse on things, you can simply tap, although a
> stylus works better than a fingertip; many of the Windows controls are
> too tiny for a finger to tap precisely. (On a real Windows PC, you
> could open the Control Panel to enlarge the controls for touch use --
> but OnLive's simulated PC is lacking the Control Panel, which is one of
> its few downsides.)
> OnLive Desktop is seamless and fairly amazing. And fast; on what other
> PC does Word open in one second?
> But the only way to get files onto and off OnLive Desktop is using a
> Documents folder on the desktop. To access it, you have to visit
> OnLive's Web site on your actual PC.
> The news today is the new service, called OnLive Desktop Plus. It's not
> free -- it costs $5 a month -- but it adds Adobe Reader, Internet
> Explorer and a 1-gigabit-a-second Internet

Re: VmWare Fusion and Windows Installation

2012-03-05 Thread Keith Watson

You install Fusion and then use Fusion to create a Winblows Virtual Machine.


On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
> order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In other 
> words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install Windows or 
> should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the latest version 
> of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
>> then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it 
>> will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. 
>> start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should 
>> automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
>> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
>> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
>> lew
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Install windows?
>>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
 I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
 machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to install 
 the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except a message 
 that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  I have tried 
 this, nothing happens.
 Any suggestions?
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Les Kriegler

First, I have 8GB RAM.  So should I give 4GB to Windows 7?  Also, do I already 
have BootCamp on the system I'll receive in order to create the driver DVD you 
reference?  Thanks.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS X. 
> so install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create your new 
> virtual machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever spec you need, 
> as long as you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an example if you're using 
> a 4GB ram mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. create a disk size about 
> 50gb depending on the OS you wish to install. from there, it's pretty 
> straight forward.
> it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD only, 
> not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of the OS and 
> installation.
> lew
> On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
>> order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In other 
>> words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install Windows or 
>> should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the latest 
>> version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
>> Les
>> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
>>> then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it 
>>> will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. 
>>> start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should 
>>> automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
>>> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
>>> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
>>> lew
>>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Install windows?
 On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to 
> install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except 
> a message that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  I 
> have tried this, nothing happens.
> Any suggestions?
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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Re: VmWare Fusion and Windows Installation

2012-03-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Boy, just love the terms, WinBlows and Internet Exploder?  How descriptive!  
Thanks for the assist.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 6:28 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Les,
> You install Fusion and then use Fusion to create a Winblows Virtual Machine.
> Keith
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
>> order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In other 
>> words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install Windows or 
>> should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the latest 
>> version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
>> Les
>> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
>>> then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it 
>>> will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. 
>>> start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should 
>>> automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
>>> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
>>> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
>>> lew
>>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Install windows?
 On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to 
> install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except 
> a message that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  I 
> have tried this, nothing happens.
> Any suggestions?
> -- 
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The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread Deamon David
Hi folks.
Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
and iWork?
There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
(2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
Hope there are some help out here :-)
Best regards David

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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread David Griffith
I personally have found Open Office completely unusable under Lion. I 
understand that there used to be some accessibility under Snow Leopard but 
under Lion I cannot get any typing echo at all.

If it is wordProcessing you are after I would stick to Text Edit perhaps 
supplemented by the Free Bean Word Processor.

I have bought Nisus Writer Pro and Pages but I must confess that I do not use 
them much, especially Pages which is a whole learning curve I have to get into. 
Unfortunately I do not currently have the time.
If you are after a spreadsheet i understand Tables is a more intuitive 
spreadsheet than Numbers. I have not really investigated this yet as I am still 
using Excel under Fusion.
I have heard Bento is an accessible database.

David Griffith.
  5 Mar 2012, at 15:36, Deamon David wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
> and iWork?
> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
> possible.
> Hope there are some help out here :-)
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Matthew Campbell
2 should be more than enough fore windows 7. Not unless you're doing something 
real intensive like audio/video editing or something of that nature.

On 2012-03-05, at 9:39 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi,
> First, I have 8GB RAM.  So should I give 4GB to Windows 7?  Also, do I 
> already have BootCamp on the system I'll receive in order to create the 
> driver DVD you reference?  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS X. 
>> so install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create your new 
>> virtual machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever spec you need, 
>> as long as you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an example if you're 
>> using a 4GB ram mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. create a disk size 
>> about 50gb depending on the OS you wish to install. from there, it's pretty 
>> straight forward.
>> it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD only, 
>> not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of the OS and 
>> installation.
>> lew
>> On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
>>> order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In 
>>> other words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install 
>>> Windows or should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the 
>>> latest version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
>>> Les
>>> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
 then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, it 
 will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on install. 
 start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it should 
 automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support tools.
 it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
 retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
 On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Install windows?
> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
>> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to 
>> install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank except 
>> a message that says boot manager is missing, press control alt delete.  
>> I have tried this, nothing happens.
>> Any suggestions?
>> -- 
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Some help with vlc

2012-03-05 Thread .dan.

I have installed vlc and want to use it from the command line in terminal.

As is no doubt known, it is a very complex application with many functions.

All I want to do at this point is to give a command and have a mp3 file 
played.  The same with a streaming audio source and podcasts is of 

I have tried to do the mp3 function using what I gleaned from the man page 
and some online discussion, no joy.

Can you help please?


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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread matthew Dyer

I like both open and libri office both of which are free and should handle ms 
word files  with no problems.  The only dall back is that vo doesn't handle 
tables very well though.  HTH.


On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
> and iWork?
> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
> possible.
> Hope there are some help out here :-)
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread Becky Knaub
Where do you get Open or Libre? I looked on the app store and I can't seem to 
find them.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:05 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi,
> I like both open and libri office both of which are free and should handle ms 
> word files  with no problems.  The only dall back is that vo doesn't handle 
> tables very well though.  HTH.
> Matthew
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
>> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
>> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
>> and iWork?
>> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
>> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
>> possible.
>> Hope there are some help out here :-)
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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Getting Started With Radium

2012-03-05 Thread Ezzie Bueno
> Hello list:
> I am just trying out Radium. I can search for stations and play them. My 
> questions are as follows:
> 1) How can I simply browse through stations?
> 2) Can I record streams? If so, how do I do this?
> 3) Is there a setting where I can schedule Radium to record a specific 
> stream? How is this done?
> 4) Please let me know of other tips and tricks for this program.
> Thank you,
> Ezzie Bueno
> Sent from my Macbook Pro
> (323) 448-0757
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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi David. 
I am running my business just fine with Pages and Numbers. True, I ended up 
telling one of my customers that due to a computer thing she didn't want to 
hear more about, I couldn't do tables. I had this option available to me which 
some people don't. I am learning, thanks to Anne, some new things with Numbers 
which i wish I had been smarter about before. I just did the test to find out 
the location in a cell in Numbers, and it works great. 

I have no need for the fancy things like footnotes, so I can do ok with 
TextEdit most The time. As far as I can see, Pages works fine with Word files, 
as g as you don't need tables. I will say that I had a little problem setting 
up a template in Pages for envelopes, and this may be that I don't know what 
I'm doing. However, my sighted husband put in a filler so I could find the 
place to put in the address. 


On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
> and iWork?
> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
> possible.
> Hope there are some help out here :-)
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: Questions regarding using the Apple keyboard with the IPhone

2012-03-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi David:
I know you can press shift down arrow on the keyboard and select by lines on 
the iPhone if you are in edit. My husband can select in Safari as a sighted 
user, but I haven't figured out how to do that on the iPhone. 


On Mar 4, 2012, at 2:40 PM, David Eagle wrote:

> Hello all, I am using the Apple Keyboard with the IPHone 4s and it
> works very well. There are however a few things I am unsure about.
> Firstly, selecting text: I used someone's IPad with an apple keyboard
> and selecting text was the same as with the Mac; you pressed VO enter,
> then selected your text and then VO enter again. This does not seem to
> work on the IPhone. Any ideas how to easily select a block of text
> using the Apple Keyboard on the IPHone?
> Secondly, I can't work out how to do a spell check. I am informed when
> a word is misspelt but I cannot find a list of corrections. This is
> the situation whether I am in a text or pages. Any ideas on that one?
> Thirdly and finally, I don't know how to do the equivolent of a double
> tap and hold. I can do a double tap but not double tap and hold on the
> second tap using the keyboard. Any ideas regarding that?
> Thank you friends.
> -- 
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Upgrading from VMWare 3.1 to 4.0

2012-03-05 Thread Antonio Guimaraes

Do I need to pay for VMWare 4 if I am upgrading from 3?



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Re: Upgrading from VMWare 3.1 to 4.0

2012-03-05 Thread irid domnori
If you didn't purchase it recently you should pay, yes.
For recently I think the term was 30th september 2011.

irid domnori
contatto skype: superirid

Il giorno 05/mar/2012, alle ore 21:26, Antonio Guimaraes ha scritto:

Do I need to pay for VMWare 4 if I am upgrading from 3?



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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread matthew Dyer
You can get open office from  Libri-office can be found by 
doing a google search for it as I do not have a site for it off hand.


On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> Where do you get Open or Libre? I looked on the app store and I can't seem to 
> find them.
> Becky
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:05 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I like both open and libri office both of which are free and should handle 
>> ms word files  with no problems.  The only dall back is that vo doesn't 
>> handle tables very well though.  HTH.
>> Matthew
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:
>>> Hi folks.
>>> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
>>> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
>>> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
>>> and iWork?
>>> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
>>> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
>>> possible.
>>> Hope there are some help out here :-)
>>> Best regards David
>>> -- 
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Re: select all command for the IPhone?

2012-03-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jessica!
OK I might have this wrong, but on your Iphone are you on the [all mail folder] 
if so this might be your problem!
That Gmail [all mail] can hold all of your history!
So if you can go to where you pick the folder you wish to be in, [Gmail 
account] if you are on [all mail] change it to Inbox!
And this might help!
If you are already on Inbox then I'm stuck!
hth Colin

On 5 Mar 2012, at 18:42, Jessica wrote:

> My e-mail's have still been downloading like mad, as I delete them, even 
> though I open the Mail ap and it does what it needs to do, and I select as 
> many as I can, which only helps somewhat.
>   So, due to my gmail account downloading months worth of mail at a time, I'm 
> really wondering if there's a select all command, so I can speed up the 
> process, sense there doesn't seem to be any other way around this.  I've done 
> a search inbox command, for a search where I get the most mail, and delete 
> those, which stops them from downloading temporarily, but as soon as those 
> get deleted, it goes right back to doing the same thing all over again, so 
> would love to know if this can be done.
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
You believe allocating 2GB of RAM is sufficient to run an OS with a screen 
reader virtually?  IDK, That sounds like the low side of acceptable to me.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Campbell  wrote:

> Hi.
> 2 should be more than enough fore windows 7. Not unless you're doing 
> something real intensive like audio/video editing or something of that nature.
> On 2012-03-05, at 9:39 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First, I have 8GB RAM.  So should I give 4GB to Windows 7?  Also, do I 
>> already have BootCamp on the system I'll receive in order to create the 
>> driver DVD you reference?  Thanks.
>> Les
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS X. 
>>> so install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create your new 
>>> virtual machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever spec you need, 
>>> as long as you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an example if you're 
>>> using a 4GB ram mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. create a disk size 
>>> about 50gb depending on the OS you wish to install. from there, it's pretty 
>>> straight forward.
>>> it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD 
>>> only, not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of the 
>>> OS and installation.
>>> lew
>>> On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:
 Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
 order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In 
 other words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install 
 Windows or should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the 
 latest version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
 On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
> then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, 
> it will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on 
> install. start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it 
> should automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support 
> tools.
> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
> lew
> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Install windows?
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
>>> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to 
>>> install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank 
>>> except a message that says boot manager is missing, press control alt 
>>> delete.  I have tried this, nothing happens.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> -- 
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
in the case of a windows 7 platform, especially 64 bit, allocate 4GB ram. if it 
was as an example windows XP then you could manage at 1GB, 2GB ideal, the same 
with windows Vista  at 1.5 to 2GB ram due to it's graphical nature and added 

for windows 7, 4GB on an 8GB ram system. solves the problem straight away.

in my honest opinion, the very idea of using VMWare for intensive windows 
sessions isn't it's pure intention. VMWare fusion was designed as a windows 
platform host for general use and data acquisition, some graphical interface 
work, etc. not for Pro Audio Work, etc due to the requirements of the 
processors, RAM, disk management, etc and not the use of a virtual drive method.


On 5 Mar 2012, at 20:03, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> You believe allocating 2GB of RAM is sufficient to run an OS with a screen 
> reader virtually?  IDK, That sounds like the low side of acceptable to me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Campbell  
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> 2 should be more than enough fore windows 7. Not unless you're doing 
>> something real intensive like audio/video editing or something of that 
>> nature.
>> On 2012-03-05, at 9:39 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> First, I have 8GB RAM.  So should I give 4GB to Windows 7?  Also, do I 
>>> already have BootCamp on the system I'll receive in order to create the 
>>> driver DVD you reference?  Thanks.
>>> Les
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS 
 X. so install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create your 
 new virtual machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever spec you 
 need, as long as you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an example if 
 you're using a 4GB ram mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. create a 
 disk size about 50gb depending on the OS you wish to install. from there, 
 it's pretty straight forward.
 it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD 
 only, not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of the 
 OS and installation.
 On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows in 
> order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  In 
> other words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to install 
> Windows or should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I have the 
> latest version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual machine. 
>> then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install windows, 
>> it will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt or on 
>> install. start a fresh install. when windows has finished loading, it 
>> should automatically install the VMWare tools including boot support 
>> tools.
>> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
>> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
>> lew
>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Install windows?
>>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
 I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
 machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to 
 install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank 
 except a message that says boot manager is missing, press control alt 
 delete.  I have tried this, nothing happens.
 Any suggestions?
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Re: problem with iPad Messages

2012-03-05 Thread Shen
It's not my iPad.
Also, I want to get to the bottom of this. It's so strange that I
don't have this problem with my iPhone, but the iPad does.

On 3/4/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> Why not just setup  iCloud to sync your contacts?  This way you don't have
> to do anything.  When you add or, edit a new entry, the change will be
> reflected across all devices.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 5:05 AM, Shen  wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm trying to share a few contacts from my iPhone to my iPad. I thought
>> the easiest way is sharing via Messages. So I sent a few contacts over to
>> my iPad.
>> On the iPad, it says I have a message with an attachment. But no matter
>> what I do, I can't find the attachment to select it. Visually, it is there
>> on the screen, but VoiceOver is skipping over it.
>> Does anyone have any  ideas what I can do to select the attachment?
>> I've already tried restarting VoiceOver and the iPad. I know this works
>> because I've done it on iPhone Messages.
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> --
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Bootcamp drivers

2012-03-05 Thread Bill Holton

I saw these on a knowledge base.  It seems to imply you cannot install the
bootcamp drivers as  a package on Win 7 64 bit.  Does anyone know if this is
still true or is this old information?

: The Boot Camp drivers setup wizard only works in the Boot Camp-supported

Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (32-bit) (Boot Camp 3-only). For
other Operating

Systems, including Windows 7 (64-bit), you must install the drivers

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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread CJ Daniel

I'm curious.  Have you tried Mesus Writer Pro @ all?  I've been considering it, 
but was wondering about accessibility, before I purchase the application.  Any 
comments about this software would be appreciated.


On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:07 AM, David Griffith wrote:

> I personally have found Open Office completely unusable under Lion. I 
> understand that there used to be some accessibility under Snow Leopard but 
> under Lion I cannot get any typing echo at all.
> If it is wordProcessing you are after I would stick to Text Edit perhaps 
> supplemented by the Free Bean Word Processor.
> I have bought Nisus Writer Pro and Pages but I must confess that I do not use 
> them much, especially Pages which is a whole learning curve I have to get 
> into. Unfortunately I do not currently have the time.
> If you are after a spreadsheet i understand Tables is a more intuitive 
> spreadsheet than Numbers. I have not really investigated this yet as I am 
> still using Excel under Fusion.
> I have heard Bento is an accessible database.
> David Griffith.
>  5 Mar 2012, at 15:36, Deamon David wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
>> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
>> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
>> and iWork?
>> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
>> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
>> possible.
>> Hope there are some help out here :-)
>> Best regards David
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Re: Anyone Ever Use Homespun Music for Instruction?

2012-03-05 Thread CJ Daniel

Good luck,


On Mar 4, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Thanks! I did find Brown's tutorials on the NLS site, but no slck-key thus 
> far. I will look at the site, too.
> The player that Homespun uses is called MOD Machine, and is completely 
> invisible to VO. I sent a nice polite inquiry off to Leaping Brains, the 
> designers of this player, and I will see what happens.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 12:18 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Teresa,
>> Actually, is up & running.  And, he doesn't right books, but 
>> creates lessons regarding particular songs or series of lessons regarding 
>> particular styles on CD or digital downloads from his site.  NLS' music 
>> section has them for loan, on cassette, via snail mail.  If you're 
>> interested go to NLS' regular site, not BARD, & put Bill Brown in the 
>> author's search h field.  It's not as quick as BARD, but well worth the 
>> outlay of effort.  I've learned a lot from his material.  His site, also, 
>> has quite a bit of sample links to listen & judge their worth to you.
>> Good Luck,
>> CJ
>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 4:21 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, the site seems to be down. I'll look at the catalog for NLS, 
>>> but none of his books appear to be on Bard either.
>>> Thanks much,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
 Hi Teresa,
 Don't know about the player in question, but I thought I'd mention  Bill brown runs it & creates tutorials for guitar, piano, 
 banjo, drums & etc for the blind.  It's a great sight & NLS carries quite 
 a few of his titles.  Might want to check it out.
 Best wishes,
 On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, all,
> It seems to me that the Instant Access app for the Mac is not accessible. 
> Does anyone know if there's another way to download the files? I saw 
> something in the app about using an alternate player, but that's probably 
> just for playing the music lessons.
> Meanwhile, I'm purchasing an old-fashioned CD from them, because I really 
> believe in what they do, and I want to learn Hawaiian slack-key guitar. :)
> TiA,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
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Re: select all command for the IPhone?

2012-03-05 Thread Jessica Moss
I'm in my inbox folder, so don't understand it either.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 5, 2012, at 2:44 PM, "Red.Falcon"  

> Hi Jessica!
> OK I might have this wrong, but on your Iphone are you on the [all mail 
> folder] if so this might be your problem!
> That Gmail [all mail] can hold all of your history!
> So if you can go to where you pick the folder you wish to be in, [Gmail 
> account] if you are on [all mail] change it to Inbox!
> And this might help!
> If you are already on Inbox then I'm stuck!
> hth Colin
> On 5 Mar 2012, at 18:42, Jessica wrote:
>> My e-mail's have still been downloading like mad, as I delete them, even 
>> though I open the Mail ap and it does what it needs to do, and I select as 
>> many as I can, which only helps somewhat.
>>   So, due to my gmail account downloading months worth of mail at a time, 
>> I'm really wondering if there's a select all command, so I can speed up the 
>> process, sense there doesn't seem to be any other way around this.  I've 
>> done a search inbox command, for a search where I get the most mail, and 
>> delete those, which stops them from downloading temporarily, but as soon as 
>> those get deleted, it goes right back to doing the same thing all over 
>> again, so would love to know if this can be done.
>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
>> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
>> check out Tmi wireless!
>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items 
>> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're 
>> payed a comission from every sale you make!
>> Check out 
>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>> to learn more, visit:
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Imap Weather Radio Fwd: TAC Contact Request

2012-03-05 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey guys. Esther, I did what you said to do about the Imap Weather Radio not 
working here in Canada. I find it odd that they can't fix whatever issues they 
have with their alert system for places outside the states. Anyway, here is 
what they said, and I guess that $9.99 has gone down the drain, eh?


Begin forwarded message:

> Good Afternoon,
> Thank you for contacting us about iMapWeather Radio. The alerting function of 
> the application never worked for international locations. We have removed the 
> ability to add these international locations to clear up any confusion. If 
> you live near a border town within the US, you can use that to receive alerts 
> and forecast for that area.
> Let us know if you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions, and 
> we thank you for understanding.
> Thanks!
> Jenifer Henslee Peck
> Support Meteorologist - Operations
> Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
> 201 David L. Boren Blvd. Suite 270,Norman, OK 73072
> 24 Hour Technical Support: 1 (866) 429-5578
> 24 Hour Technical Support via Email:
> Support and Technical Assistance Center:
> 2011 American Meteorological Society Award for
> Outstanding Services to Meteorology by a Corporation
> If you would like to leave a comment about my service click here!
> From: TAC User [] 
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 14:28
> To: WDT Technical Support
> Subject: TAC Contact Request
> TAC Contact Form Submission
> From: Shawn Krasniuk [unspecified]
> Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 20:28:21 +
> Product: iMapWeather Radio
> Hello to anyone who reads this. I've been using your Imap Weather Radio for 
> my iPhone for about a few months or so. I bought it in November or December I 
> think. Anyway I downloaded the newest update last night and I found out that 
> it no longer lets you use it where I live, which is Canada. I had to use an 
> American zip code in order to use it. It would be a shame to delete it 
> because that means $9.99 went down the drain. Is there a chance this problem 
> could get fixed?

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changing interface language of the mac with lion

2012-03-05 Thread William Windels
someone , that has worked on my macbook has changed the interface language of 
the whole system from dutch to English.
I bought it was under system preferences > languages and text but, when I set 
it to dutch,
nothing is changing.
How can I set it back  to dutch?

Any help would be great,
kind regards,

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Looking for a good English Dictionary for the iPhone that does just a little bit more

2012-03-05 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone,

I recently downloaded the Merriam-Webster dictionary App for my iPhone, and I 
really like it.  There is one feature, however, that it either doesn't have, or 
I haven't been able to activate it.

Sometimes, when entering an unfamiliar word, I don't get the spelling quite 
right, and the dictionary accurately states that the word isn't in its 
database.  I am looking for an offline dictionary that automatically lists 
alternative words that it thinks might be the word I am actually looking for.  
My old Franklyn Language Master has this feature, and I am looking for 
something similar for the iPhone.  Any and all suggestions would be greatly 
appreciated.  In case you're interested, the word over which I stumbled, i.e. 
the word that made me wish for this feature was "potemkin."


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Re: Looking for a good English Dictionary for the iPhone that does just a little bit more

2012-03-05 Thread Aser Tolentino
I would recommend WordBook.

Aser Tolentino, Esq.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I recently downloaded the Merriam-Webster dictionary App for my iPhone, and I 
> really like it.  There is one feature, however, that it either doesn't have, 
> or I haven't been able to activate it.
> Sometimes, when entering an unfamiliar word, I don't get the spelling quite 
> right, and the dictionary accurately states that the word isn't in its 
> database.  I am looking for an offline dictionary that automatically lists 
> alternative words that it thinks might be the word I am actually looking for. 
>  My old Franklyn Language Master has this feature, and I am looking for 
> something similar for the iPhone.  Any and all suggestions would be greatly 
> appreciated.  In case you're interested, the word over which I stumbled, i.e. 
> the word that made me wish for this feature was "potemkin."
> Mike
> -- 
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Re: Looking for a good English Dictionary for the iPhone that does just a little bit more

2012-03-05 Thread Aser Tolentino
Actually Advanced English Dictionary might be a better idea, since the way in 
which WordBook let's you look up any word in a definition by making each word a 
link makes definitions a pain to listen to. They're both pretty good.

Aser Tolentino, Esq.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I recently downloaded the Merriam-Webster dictionary App for my iPhone, and I 
> really like it.  There is one feature, however, that it either doesn't have, 
> or I haven't been able to activate it.
> Sometimes, when entering an unfamiliar word, I don't get the spelling quite 
> right, and the dictionary accurately states that the word isn't in its 
> database.  I am looking for an offline dictionary that automatically lists 
> alternative words that it thinks might be the word I am actually looking for. 
>  My old Franklyn Language Master has this feature, and I am looking for 
> something similar for the iPhone.  Any and all suggestions would be greatly 
> appreciated.  In case you're interested, the word over which I stumbled, i.e. 
> the word that made me wish for this feature was "potemkin."
> Mike
> -- 
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Re: Looking for a good English Dictionary for the iPhone that does just a little bit more

2012-03-05 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Aser,

Is the dictionary to which you referred in your second posting from Oxford 
University Press?  I frequently recommend the Oxford Advanced Learner's 
Dictionary to my students in Vienna.  This dictionary is great for both 
students of English and those of us who grew up with the language.  I will have 
a look.  I am sure that it is accessible. :)

Best regards and thank you,


On 5,Mar,2012, at 4:21 PM, Aser Tolentino wrote:

> Actually Advanced English Dictionary might be a better idea, since the way in 
> which WordBook let's you look up any word in a definition by making each word 
> a link makes definitions a pain to listen to. They're both pretty good.
> Respectfully,
> Aser Tolentino, Esq.
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I recently downloaded the Merriam-Webster dictionary App for my iPhone, and 
>> I really like it.  There is one feature, however, that it either doesn't 
>> have, or I haven't been able to activate it.
>> Sometimes, when entering an unfamiliar word, I don't get the spelling quite 
>> right, and the dictionary accurately states that the word isn't in its 
>> database.  I am looking for an offline dictionary that automatically lists 
>> alternative words that it thinks might be the word I am actually looking 
>> for.  My old Franklyn Language Master has this feature, and I am looking for 
>> something similar for the iPhone.  Any and all suggestions would be greatly 
>> appreciated.  In case you're interested, the word over which I stumbled, 
>> i.e. the word that made me wish for this feature was "potemkin."
>> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: Looking for a good English Dictionary for the iPhone that does just a little bit more

2012-03-05 Thread Aser Tolentino
Very sorry, was actually referring to the one by JDictionary Mobile. Apologies 
for the confusion.

Aser Tolentino, Esq.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:

> Hello Aser,
> Is the dictionary to which you referred in your second posting from Oxford 
> University Press?  I frequently recommend the Oxford Advanced Learner's 
> Dictionary to my students in Vienna.  This dictionary is great for both 
> students of English and those of us who grew up with the language.  I will 
> have a look.  I am sure that it is accessible. :)
> Best regards and thank you,
> Mike
> On 5,Mar,2012, at 4:21 PM, Aser Tolentino wrote:
>> Actually Advanced English Dictionary might be a better idea, since the way 
>> in which WordBook let's you look up any word in a definition by making each 
>> word a link makes definitions a pain to listen to. They're both pretty good.
>> Respectfully,
>> Aser Tolentino, Esq.
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I recently downloaded the Merriam-Webster dictionary App for my iPhone, and 
>>> I really like it.  There is one feature, however, that it either doesn't 
>>> have, or I haven't been able to activate it.
>>> Sometimes, when entering an unfamiliar word, I don't get the spelling quite 
>>> right, and the dictionary accurately states that the word isn't in its 
>>> database.  I am looking for an offline dictionary that automatically lists 
>>> alternative words that it thinks might be the word I am actually looking 
>>> for.  My old Franklyn Language Master has this feature, and I am looking 
>>> for something similar for the iPhone.  Any and all suggestions would be 
>>> greatly appreciated.  In case you're interested, the word over which I 
>>> stumbled, i.e. the word that made me wish for this feature was "potemkin."
>>> Mike
>>> -- 
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VoiceOver on my iPHone suddenly gets silent

2012-03-05 Thread Emrah

Is this also happening to you? Am I the only one to upset my VoiceOver?
I use the latest iOS and VO stops speaking quite frequently. I can still hear 
the clicks and so on so forth, but no more TTS.

Any idea?


“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
Albert Einstein

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Re: VoiceOver on my iPHone suddenly gets silent

2012-03-05 Thread Aser Tolentino
It has been happening frequently on both my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 since iOS 5 
first dropped. Didn't someone back then posit a possible memory leak? It can 
occasionally be extremely annoying.

Aser Tolentino, Esq.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:56 PM, Emrah  wrote:

> Guys,
> Is this also happening to you? Am I the only one to upset my VoiceOver?
> I use the latest iOS and VO stops speaking quite frequently. I can still hear 
> the clicks and so on so forth, but no more TTS.
> Any idea?
> Thanks!
> --
> Emrah
> “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
> Albert Einstein
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Re: VoiceOver on my iPHone suddenly gets silent

2012-03-05 Thread David Philip Martin Babula Hole
I also have this issue :( most often this happens in the twitter app, but
i've seen it other places too.

Sendt fra min iPhone

Den 6. mars 2012 kl. 01:56 skrev Emrah :


Is this also happening to you? Am I the only one to upset my VoiceOver?
I use the latest iOS and VO stops speaking quite frequently. I can still
hear the clicks and so on so forth, but no more TTS.

Any idea?


“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are
not.” Albert Einstein

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moveing the itunes library

2012-03-05 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, what is the easiest way to move my whole itunes library to a 
external drive? After it is all said and done what files are ok to delete from 
the computer?
Thanks, Ed

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Re: VoiceOver on my iPHone suddenly gets silent

2012-03-05 Thread Jasonlefevers.massage
Yes it happens to me a lot on my iPhone 4S.

Jason LeFevers 
State of Maryland Registered massage practitioner 
Call 443-570-8660 or email to schedule a 
massage today! 
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 5, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Emrah  wrote:

> Guys,
> Is this also happening to you? Am I the only one to upset my VoiceOver?
> I use the latest iOS and VO stops speaking quite frequently. I can still hear 
> the clicks and so on so forth, but no more TTS.
> Any idea?
> Thanks!
> --
> Emrah
> “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
> Albert Einstein
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver on my iPHone suddenly gets silent

2012-03-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
I have had this happen sometimes when I have downloaded a lot of messages from 
email. I can get VoiceOver back by pressing the home key three times, waiting, 
and then doing this again. After a few times, VoiceOver comes back. This is 
annoying, but it doesn't happen enough for me to get too upset about it. I 
figure Apple will fix it eventually, and I'm having a lot of fun playing with 
it the evenings, and talking on it all day. I probably use my iPhone these days 
more than anything I've got. 


On Mar 5, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Jasonlefevers.massage wrote:

> Yes it happens to me a lot on my iPhone 4S.
> Jason LeFevers 
> State of Maryland Registered massage practitioner 
> Call 443-570-8660 or email to schedule a 
> massage today! 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>> Guys,
>> Is this also happening to you? Am I the only one to upset my VoiceOver?
>> I use the latest iOS and VO stops speaking quite frequently. I can still 
>> hear the clicks and so on so forth, but no more TTS.
>> Any idea?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Emrah
>> “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
>> Albert Einstein
>> -- 
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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread Becky Knaub
Thanks. I appreciate it. I am downloading Open Office now to give it a try.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 2:33 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> You can get open office from  Libri-office can be found 
> by doing a google search for it as I do not have a site for it off hand.
> Matthew
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>> Where do you get Open or Libre? I looked on the app store and I can't seem 
>> to find them.
>> Becky
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:05 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I like both open and libri office both of which are free and should handle 
>>> ms word files  with no problems.  The only dall back is that vo doesn't 
>>> handle tables very well though.  HTH.
>>> Matthew
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:
 Hi folks.
 Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
 those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
 Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
 and iWork?
 There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
 (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
 Hope there are some help out here :-)
 Best regards David
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Re: select all command for the IPhone?

2012-03-05 Thread Becky Knaub
I don't know if this will help but you could set it so after you get mail from 
your server it deletes the copy it keeps or set ti to keep it for a day or 
week. HTH.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 1:42 PM, Jessica wrote:

> My e-mail's have still been downloading like mad, as I delete them, even 
> though I open the Mail ap and it does what it needs to do, and I select as 
> many as I can, which only helps somewhat.
>   So, due to my gmail acount downloading months worth of mail at a time, I'm 
> really wondering if there's a select all command, so I can speed up the 
> process, sense there doesn't seem to be any other way around this.  I've done 
> a search inbox command, for a search where I get the most mail, and delete 
> those, which stops them from downloading temporarily, but as soon as those 
> get deleted, it goes right back to doing the same thing all over again, so 
> would love to know if this can be done.
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
> check out Tmi wireless!
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Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

2012-03-05 Thread Gigi
> Hi guys
I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot of 
trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing Siri. I 
started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri does work 
better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if Siri brings up 
a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What solutions have any of 
you guys down for this?

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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread Ezzie Bueno
You can get Libre Office through the following URL:

Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
(323) 448-0757

Check out daily jokes and more!

On Mar 5, 2012, at 6:45 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> Thanks. I appreciate it. I am downloading Open Office now to give it a try.
> Becky
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 2:33 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> You can get open office from  Libri-office can be found 
>> by doing a google search for it as I do not have a site for it off hand.
>> Matthew
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>>> Where do you get Open or Libre? I looked on the app store and I can't seem 
>>> to find them.
>>> Becky
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:05 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
 I like both open and libri office both of which are free and should handle 
 ms word files  with no problems.  The only dall back is that vo doesn't 
 handle tables very well though.  HTH.
 On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:
> Hi folks.
> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
> and iWork?
> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
> possible.
> Hope there are some help out here :-)
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

2012-03-05 Thread Jessica
I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I didn't 
think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it to get so 
hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Gigi 
  Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
  Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

Hi guys 
  I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot of 
trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing Siri. I 
started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri does work 
better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if Siri brings up 
a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What solutions have any of 
you guys down for this?

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread Becky Knaub
For those of you who use Open, How do you get VO to tell you what you are 
typing. It does it for all of my other apps but not this one. I hope there's a 
way since I like the setup Open has. Is Libre more accessible?
On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:13 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:

> You can get Libre Office through the following URL:
> Ezzie Bueno
> Sent from my Macbook Pro
> (323) 448-0757
> Check out daily jokes and more!
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 6:45 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>> Thanks. I appreciate it. I am downloading Open Office now to give it a try.
>> Becky
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 2:33 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>> You can get open office from  Libri-office can be found 
>>> by doing a google search for it as I do not have a site for it off hand.
>>> Matthew
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
 Where do you get Open or Libre? I looked on the app store and I can't seem 
 to find them.
 On Mar 5, 2012, at 12:05 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I like both open and libri office both of which are free and should 
> handle ms word files  with no problems.  The only dall back is that vo 
> doesn't handle tables very well though.  HTH.
> Matthew
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Deamon David wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
>> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
>> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
>> and iWork?
>> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
>> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
>> possible.
>> Hope there are some help out here :-)
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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Re: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

2012-03-05 Thread Becky Knaub
what about turning the speech off by using the three fingered double tap and 
then turning it back on. I don't have a 4s tet because VZ suddenly changed 
there contracts so now I have to wait til October to get Siri. But I have a 
friend who has it and she had the same problem. She does it the way you are 
doing it now.


Becky and C 
On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:02 PM, Gigi wrote:

>> Hi guys
> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot of 
> trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing Siri. 
> I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri does work 
> better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if Siri brings 
> up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What solutions have any 
> of you guys down for this?
> Regards
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

2012-03-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Yes, I did a reminder; when I get time I need to delete all the extra ones I 
have right now. When I did this reminder with Siri without VoiceOver in memory, 
I was a little skeptical that I could get it done. However, luckily she said if 
I wanted it and responded to "Yes." I have had the screen come up and have ahd 
to split tap on Confirm. If she would respond to Yes, that would solve that. 


On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Jessica wrote:

> I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I 
> didn't think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it to 
> get so hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
> - Original Message -
> From: Gigi
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
> Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time
>> Hi guys
> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot of 
> trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing Siri. 
> I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri does work 
> better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if Siri brings 
> up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What solutions have any 
> of you guys down for this?
> Regards
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

2012-03-05 Thread Becky Knaub
Maybe for the next IOS they need to have a bridge since VO and Siri create a 
feedback loop just like Jaws and Dragon do if you don't have JSAY or the Old 
versions of Kurzweil and JAWS when you had to shut off the speech or it 
crashed. I would let apple know this happens often so they can fix it.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:16 PM, Jessica wrote:

> I actually noticed that as well, but didn't disable voiceover, because I 
> didn't think that was causing it.  I always wondered what was causing it to 
> get so hung up though; appreciate the tidbit.
> - Original Message -
> From: Gigi
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:02 PM
> Subject: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time
>> Hi guys
> I just had an experience which I would like to bring up. I am having a lot of 
> trouble with pressing the home key to get Siri, and basically crashing Siri. 
> I started turning voiceover off to see if that would help and Siri does work 
> better without voiceover in memory. The only problem might be if Siri brings 
> up a screen that you have to use an voiceover is off. What solutions have any 
> of you guys down for this?
> Regards
> Gigi
> -- 
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i love applescript

2012-03-05 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi list,

I was just fed up with going through long stats tables and input everything 
manually. So i looked for scientific calculators which did certain specific 
functions for me. Then either they're not yet completely accessible, quirky or 
just don't have the function, or again are on the iphone and well, it's not the 
same speed of input right?

So back home, in an hour, i tested my applescripting knowledge to make a script 
which takes any number of variables x and their probabilities, and the script 
instantly calculates mean, variants and standard deviation.

It just freaking works.

So now i'm thinking of applying it to every different application, 
probabilities, NPRs NCRs, trigonometry, complex numbers, everything thrown at 
me i'll script the correct app and unify them all into one big applescript that 
will use some objective c elements for the UI.

Seriously folks, consider applescript as an advanced tool to do a lot of things 
quickly and efficiently. 

The headache lasts a few hours after a month or two reading up and trying 
different things in applescript, but the rewards are plenty.

Now i just wish apple would enhance the voice over dictionary for more power 

Best regards,


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twitter clients on mac

2012-03-05 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi list,

I currently use yorufukuro, but it does not have a dictionary for applescriot, 
and though what i did using GUI scripting is fine, i don't like the mouse 
emulation method of doing things.

Does anyone know of an accessible twitter client on the mac appstore? I tried 
twitter and twitterrific but neither is accessible though both have 

Any other alternatives greatly appreciated 

Best regards,


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Can't open an audio based DAISY book in in daisy worm

2012-03-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Some of you may have been following my troubles on the viPhone list.
I'll summarize here by saying that I finally got the book I have,
which is in DAISY 2.2, into the file sharing section of the apps tab
of iTunes on my Mac.  However, for the life of me, I can't get the
book to open.  I can't get my iPhone to get past extracting book
archive followed by the title of the book.  How do i open the book on
the computer which should transfer it to the iPhone.

Curiously, I've messed up my ability to get into the indaisy server.
trying to get into yields a message that the connection was
refused.  Also curiously, I did manage to get in once because of a
previous connection that I found in a list of previous attempts.
Unfortunately, I closed Fetch without logging out of that session but
having cleared the menu of previous sessions.  So, I guess I'm in that
session but, because I can't remember the name of the server, I can't
get back there, or something.  does anyone know the name of the in
daisy worm server?

In any event, if anyone could help me open this book, I'd really
appreciate it.  I feel like I'm so close I can taste it.  thanks for
everyone's understanding.


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Re: New Tech Doctor Podcast

2012-03-05 Thread Dan Roy
Great, I am going to go and check it out ASAP!

On Feb 24, 2012, at 5:55 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi All,
> In this brand new Tech Doctor podcast, Robert demonstrates how he uses Sound 
> Studio to edit the Tech Doctor podcast.
> Http://
> Robert
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Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Lou, that's why I acquired 8GB of RAM.  Now one final question.  I'll run Jaws 
on the virtual Windows machine.  Jaws uses the numeric pad, and I understand 
the Mac Keyboard on the iMac does not have a numeric pad.  I'm considering 
purchasing a full-sized keyboard to replace the one that comes with the iMac 
and wonder if this is advisable?  I also recall reading about SharpKeys, think 
I got that right, in order to remap keys for use in Windows, so not certain 
which is the preferred option here.

On Mar 5, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> in the case of a windows 7 platform, especially 64 bit, allocate 4GB ram. if 
> it was as an example windows XP then you could manage at 1GB, 2GB ideal, the 
> same with windows Vista  at 1.5 to 2GB ram due to it's graphical nature and 
> added processes.
> for windows 7, 4GB on an 8GB ram system. solves the problem straight away.
> in my honest opinion, the very idea of using VMWare for intensive windows 
> sessions isn't it's pure intention. VMWare fusion was designed as a windows 
> platform host for general use and data acquisition, some graphical interface 
> work, etc. not for Pro Audio Work, etc due to the requirements of the 
> processors, RAM, disk management, etc and not the use of a virtual drive 
> method.
> lew
> On 5 Mar 2012, at 20:03, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> You believe allocating 2GB of RAM is sufficient to run an OS with a screen 
>> reader virtually?  IDK, That sounds like the low side of acceptable to me.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Campbell  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> 2 should be more than enough fore windows 7. Not unless you're doing 
>>> something real intensive like audio/video editing or something of that 
>>> nature.
>>> On 2012-03-05, at 9:39 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
 First, I have 8GB RAM.  So should I give 4GB to Windows 7?  Also, do I 
 already have BootCamp on the system I'll receive in order to create the 
 driver DVD you reference?  Thanks.
 On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS 
> X. so install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create your 
> new virtual machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever spec you 
> need, as long as you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an example if 
> you're using a 4GB ram mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. create a 
> disk size about 50gb depending on the OS you wish to install. from there, 
> it's pretty straight forward.
> it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD 
> only, not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of 
> the OS and installation.
> lew
> On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows 
>> in order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  
>> In other words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to 
>> install Windows or should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  I 
>> have the latest version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
>> Les
>> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual 
>>> machine. then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to install 
>>> windows, it will either ask for your serial number on the VMWare prompt 
>>> or on install. start a fresh install. when windows has finished 
>>> loading, it should automatically install the VMWare tools including 
>>> boot support tools.
>>> it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it a 
>>> retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
>>> lew
>>> On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Install windows?
 On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion virtual 
> machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I try to 
> install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is blank 
> except a message that says boot manager is missing, press control alt 
> delete.  I have tried this, nothing happens.
> Any suggestions?
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using crossover

2012-03-05 Thread julieledingham

does anyone use Crossover with the mac? is it accessible? work are about to buy 
me a mac and I want to be able to have windows installed (for the rare things - 
like sharing of endnote libraries) and my sighted friend suggested I use 
crossover instead of parallels do you know if it works. also has anyone used 
mendaly as a reference management tool - again is it accessible?



Sent from my iPad

On 16 Feb 2012, at 17:34, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> the messages beta [7 Updates]
> Major Finder Problem Caused by Dropbox! [5 Updates]
> Mac OSX 10.8 Moutain Lion [7 Updates]
> instructions on how to use pages with voice over? [2 Updates]
> LibreOffice 3.5.0 [1 Update]
> accessible world classrooms [2 Updates]
> multipart archives [1 Update]
>  the messages beta
> Matthew Campbell  Feb 16 11:27AM -0500  
> Hi all.
> I've just played briefly with the messages public beta and everything looks 
> great.
> One thing that's really rad is that you can easily put emojies in to you're 
> messages without having to jump through any hoops. The best part of this is 
> that VoiceOver reads the different emojies.
> Hope you find this useful,
> Matthew Campbell.
> Matt Dierckens  Feb 16 11:32AM -0500  
> Where do you get this beat?
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-02-16, at 11:27 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Ricardo Walker  Feb 16 11:39AM -0500  
> Its on the Apple site.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 16, 2012, at 11:32 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter  Feb 16 08:41AM -0800  
> What if you're still purring along with the snow kitty? Will snow kitty play 
> with the messages beta? Hmmm.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> Ricardo Walker  Feb 16 12:02PM -0500  
> Hi,
> no. You must be running Lion.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 16, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter  Feb 16 09:10AM -0800  
> I wonder if I can go from 10.6.8 to 10.8--seems to make more sense to wait 
> for the mountain kitty at this point.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> Matthew Campbell  Feb 16 12:26PM -0500  
> Hi.
> I found a direct download link on Macrumors.
> On 2012-02-16, at 11:32 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>  Major Finder Problem Caused by Dropbox!
> John Panarese  Feb 15 05:09PM -0500  
> Absolutely. If you can get a monitor, that is obviously the easiest solution. 
> In my situation, I don't have the space for a monitor with the current setup. 
> So, the converter box and adaptor fit the bill. However, I do have a monitor 
> around in case I need sighted assistance.  I just wanted folks to know that 
> there is a setup that will work if they don't have a monitor and that Apple 
> is not completely aware that the newer Minis still can't work well without a 
> monitor. Please contact me off list if anyone wants the actual hardware 
> recommendations that were suggested to me and I now use.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 15, 2012, at 4:00 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
> John Panarese  Feb 15 05:11PM -0500  
> Hi Esther,
> Thanks for saving me the effort of digging up Chris's info. I have it around 
> here, but I can never remember which folder I saved it to. *smile*
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 15, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Esther wrote:
> annelie robledo  Feb 15 10:02PM -0600  
> Thank you for this tip. I have a mac book and lately my finder was extremely 
> slow. I removed drop box from the log in and every thing is good now. Again 
> thank you.
> On Feb 14, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Chris Blouch  Feb 16 10:23AM -0500  
> Cheapest monitor I could find with shipping and all was pushing $100 so 
> it's not a whole lot cheaper to go the adapter route, but $40 is $40, 
> especially if you don't have room.
> CB
> On 2/15/12 5:09 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> "Bill Holton"  Feb 16 11:13AM -0500  
> Do you already have another computer with a monitor? If so a VM switch
> would be way to go.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Major Finder Problem Caused by Dropbox!
> Cheap

Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
yep. use the extended pro keyboard for JAWS based use and sharp keys for 
remapping. that will do the trick. 8gb ram on your machine will really help.


On 6 Mar 2012, at 05:52, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Lou, that's why I acquired 8GB of RAM.  Now one final question.  I'll run 
> Jaws on the virtual Windows machine.  Jaws uses the numeric pad, and I 
> understand the Mac Keyboard on the iMac does not have a numeric pad.  I'm 
> considering purchasing a full-sized keyboard to replace the one that comes 
> with the iMac and wonder if this is advisable?  I also recall reading about 
> SharpKeys, think I got that right, in order to remap keys for use in Windows, 
> so not certain which is the preferred option here.
> Les
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> in the case of a windows 7 platform, especially 64 bit, allocate 4GB ram. if 
>> it was as an example windows XP then you could manage at 1GB, 2GB ideal, the 
>> same with windows Vista  at 1.5 to 2GB ram due to it's graphical nature and 
>> added processes.
>> for windows 7, 4GB on an 8GB ram system. solves the problem straight away.
>> in my honest opinion, the very idea of using VMWare for intensive windows 
>> sessions isn't it's pure intention. VMWare fusion was designed as a windows 
>> platform host for general use and data acquisition, some graphical interface 
>> work, etc. not for Pro Audio Work, etc due to the requirements of the 
>> processors, RAM, disk management, etc and not the use of a virtual drive 
>> method.
>> lew
>> On 5 Mar 2012, at 20:03, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> You believe allocating 2GB of RAM is sufficient to run an OS with a screen 
>>> reader virtually?  IDK, That sounds like the low side of acceptable to me.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Campbell  
>>> wrote:
 2 should be more than enough fore windows 7. Not unless you're doing 
 something real intensive like audio/video editing or something of that 
 On 2012-03-05, at 9:39 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Hi,
> First, I have 8GB RAM.  So should I give 4GB to Windows 7?  Also, do I 
> already have BootCamp on the system I'll receive in order to create the 
> driver DVD you reference?  Thanks.
> Les
> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> For the case of istalling VMWare, VMware is a mac app and run only in OS 
>> X. so install VMware fusion first. after VMWare is installed, create 
>> your new virtual machine, you can tune the VMWare machine to whatever 
>> spec you need, as long as you leave enough memory for OS X. so as an 
>> example if you're using a 4GB ram mac setup, your max for VMWare is 2GB. 
>> create a disk size about 50gb depending on the OS you wish to install. 
>> from there, it's pretty straight forward.
>> it's a good idea at this point to open bootcamp and create a driver CD 
>> only, not to set up bootcamp. this may help depending on the nature of 
>> the OS and installation.
>> lew
>> On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Okay, a question.  When our IMAC arrives, I will be installing Windows 
>>> in order to run with VmWare Fusion.  Which should be installed first?  
>>> In other words, should I install VmWare Fusion and be prompted to 
>>> install Windows or should Windows be installed first and then VmWare?  
>>> I have the latest version of VmWare, version 4, and Windows 7.  Thanks.
>>> Les
>>> On Mar 4, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 the best thing I can suggest is to first off delete the virtual 
 machine. then build a new machine. depending on how you wish to 
 install windows, it will either ask for your serial number on the 
 VMWare prompt or on install. start a fresh install. when windows has 
 finished loading, it should automatically install the VMWare tools 
 including boot support tools.
 it may be a hickup. what windows version are you installing and is it 
 a retail disk you're using or OEM or custom?
 On 4 Mar 2012, at 17:52, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Install windows?
> On 4 Mar 2012, at 05:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have the Fusion disk burned and in my drive.  In the Fusion 
>> virtual machine menu it says there is windows is running.  But if I 
>> try to install the tools I still hang.  My wife says the screen is 
>> blank except a message that says boot manager is missing, press 
>> control alt delete.  I have tried this, nothing happens.
>> Any suggestions?