Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Well, the thing that disappointed me when Lion came out was the frequent pitch 
changes with the Nuance voices when using VO. I hope that, if the Nuance voices 
will still be in Mountain Lion, that that glitch will finally be resolved since 
I hardly doubt that they'll fix that issue in Lion. It's freaky when Samantha 
sounds either like a chipmunk or a giant. Perhaps someone should call Apple 
support and have them listen to a Nuance voice reading an email or something so 
they know what we're talking about.


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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-18 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey guys. I think that it's cool that Apple is trying to make the Mac like IOS. 
I'm about to download it myself, my question is will it read texts from people 
that don't have an I device like the iPhone does or will the messages be 
restricted to people that have an iPhone and that?


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Re: Question about Mountain Lion

2012-02-18 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
That point about some Macs not getting the Mountain Lion treatment brings up a 
good question. Does that mean my mid 2010 plastic Macbook won't be able to 
install the mountain kitty?


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Remoting two Macs

2012-02-18 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey guys. I have a friend that just bought a Mac this week and she's having 
trouble. I'm trying to convince her to join this list but, and I know that this 
has probably been talked about a lot, but how do I remote with her Mac to find 
out what she's doing wrong? She was trying to install Skype on there but she 
doesn't know what she's doing.


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Re: adding books to my nls cartrige on the mac

2012-02-18 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I must say, I have never had to do any of that nonsense when adding books to an 
SD card using my Mac book pro.  I  just take off the books I no longer want and 
paste in the books I want.  I fail to see why a cartridge should be more 
complex than that; after all, it's just another drive.  IF you've got to go 
through all those mackenations to add books, there must be an underlying issue 
with your finder or finder settings.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> OH, that sounds like a bunch of crazyness 
> not the instructions, but the need to do that at all! yuckness!
> thanks, this should help! 
> may there always be new books to read, and plenty of lazy afternoons to read 
> them in 
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi there
>> You can do it but be careful. First, you need to delete that extra stuff you 
>> were talking about. Connect your cartridge to your man, go to the empty 
>> trash item and delete all the trash this phone this will delete all the 
>> extra stuff you were talking about I do this every time I get ready to put 
>> more NLS books on.
>> Here is the only caution I have. When you are going to copy your books, then 
>> if voiceover says busy press control will be to copy and turn voiceover off. 
>> Then wait and wait. Most of the time, I can hear the cartridge turn off when 
>> the copy is complete
>> This should do it for you. I did damage one of my cartridges are not 
>> following the procedures that I mentioned.
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 9:01 PM, Angie Giltinan  wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> I have struggled with this question since i got my mac, over a half a year 
>>> ago.
>>> when I put books on my nls cartrige mac installs a bunch of random junk on 
>>> the cartrige.  so my question is this, what's the best method you use for  
>>> coppying content to your nls cartrige, or stream, or other book player.
>>> I've found that when you delete a book, it adds stuff,  to your media,
>>> I'm kind of frustrated at this point, but there's got to be a way!
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Angie
>>> -- 
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-18 Thread Scott Howell

Messages only sends to iOS devices as far as the instant messaging feature. You 
still have all the features of iChat such as Jabber etc., so it wil stil work 
with those services. Apple basically has combined the iChat and Messages app 
into one program.

On Feb 18, 2012, at 3:44 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey guys. I think that it's cool that Apple is trying to make the Mac like 
> IOS. I'm about to download it myself, my question is will it read texts from 
> people that don't have an I device like the iPhone does or will the messages 
> be restricted to people that have an iPhone and that?
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: Question about Mountain Lion

2012-02-18 Thread Scott Howell
If you can run Lion you should be able to run Mountain Lion.

On Feb 18, 2012, at 3:48 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> That point about some Macs not getting the Mountain Lion treatment brings up 
> a good question. Does that mean my mid 2010 plastic Macbook won't be able to 
> install the mountain kitty?
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom

17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:

> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would like 
> my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or the 
> built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my living 
> room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external speakers.

This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in the 
speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what sound card 
you want Voiceover to go through.
Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at least 
Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but i 
personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they want to 
see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we want these or 
those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so good. What if i totally 
disagree with suggestions that someone claims "the blind community" wants? A 
more appropriate subject in my opinion would be something like "what features 
*I* would..." etc. This reflects more what you and possibly your friends want 
and people can agree or disagree how they want. I am no moderator however, and 
i'm sorry if i sound like some kind of cop here, so i can't and won't force a 
change of subject. I'm merely expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.

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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hmm, i haven't had this problem, in fact i hear alerts and VO messages at the 
same time many times. The only time i have an issue with this is when i use the 
Realspeak voices that seem to have some kind of conflict with the Alex voice or 
the other apple and possibly even Infovox voices.
Are you using SL?

18 feb 2012 kl. 00:04 skrev Yuma Decaux:

> I think what needs to be improved with voice over is true multithreading. 
> That way Alerts from anything such as growl notifications or scripts don't 
> cut off voice over. 
> Right now the system voice and voice over voice are in conflict and there is 
> no real way for the system to prioritize which comes first.
> Multi threading would just allow one to hear both at the same time. If it's 
> an alert, it won't disrupt that much, and it's far cleaner to know that the 
> system can handle multiple voices without freezing,requiring a restart of 
> voice over or plain crash.
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
> On 18/02/2012, at 11:46 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi, the second thing that you suggested is already available. In VO utility, 
>> you can select which sound device voiceover uses. Go to VO utility, in the 
>> categories table find sound or just hit command 6.
>> Then there will be a a couple of checkboxes, then find output device, and 
>> choose your device that you wish voiceover to come out of.
>> Hth,
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2012-02-17, at 5:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
>>> accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
>>> tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
>>> to recommend mac.
>>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
>>> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or 
>>> the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my 
>>> living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external speakers.
>>> Then I have a thing that in my opinion is hanging back. I think you have 
>>> guessed what it is. Wright it is braille. There are a lot of apples choices 
>>> i simply do not understand. Why are we not allowed as users to modify 
>>> apples braille tables, there are really many bugs. I would also like to see 
>>> a function, so that we can add hotkeys to mac commands not only VOICEOver 
>>> commands.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> -- 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I think that the Braille issue is a typical European one. Here, we want to be 
able to operate the braille independent from speech, so we could make the 
braille for example track where the speech isn't at the moment if you catch my 
drift. I too want to see a more independent braille operation that doesn't tie 
the braille to the speech, and also as it stands now, the braille repeats what 
the speech said, something that isn't always useful. There should be an option 
to have Braille either read for example line by line or paragraph by paragraph 
or repeat what the speech said. I personally, however, though i see it as a 
minor annoyance don't think it's a deal breaker, far from it, but then again 
i'm not a big braille reader although i have got a braille display.

18 feb 2012 kl. 02:47 skrev John Panarese:

>   I have no idea what this means.  OS 10.8 is not out yet, and what are you 
> basing your speculation on that there will be no improvements to VoiceOver.  
> Also, for me, Braille support works just fine, and the "busy" signals that 
> occasionally appear in Safari are manageable and tolerable.  So, please 
> refrain from unnecessarily expanding and dramatizing personal experience to 
> make blanket statements implying other users are sharing those same exact 
> experiences as you.
>  Yes, we all have our share of "complaints" and bugs we can talk about.  
> I can list my share as regularly as anyone else.  Nevertheless, lets try to 
> keep them into realistic context that does not cross into the realm of 
> generalization.  For the vast majority of us, the VoiceOver experience on the 
> Mac beats anything else out there right now, and Apple's commitment and 
> support of the product is not something that should or can be easily 
> dismissed because of ones individual experiences that could be tied to system 
> specific issues or user effects.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Massimo Vettoretti wrote:
>> Il giorno 18/feb/2012, alle ore 01:35, Yuma Decaux  ha 
>> scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think this is more the case of what people hope to see in the new 
>>> release, not what they want to change in a product they haven't tried yet. 
>>> It seems pretty obvious doesn't it?
>> Hello Yuma.
>> Unfortunately, since now, there no evidences of work on voice over under 
>> macosx 10.8.
>> The Braille is still in sufficiently implemented, being the best thing we 
>> can say about this feature that… it is there. The multi-thread js not there. 
>> The busy busy busy message is still with us and isn't it reassuring? It 
>> helps remember that, while the world changes everyday, still there are 
>> things which stability is something you can always count on. And, yes, the 
>> Nuance's voices bugs are still in place. 
>> Best regards. 
>> -- 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
Has anyone ever emailed to ask for accessible tables?  
I don't do any really heavy word processing, and mostly use zoom, but I could 
see where this is a problem for those who can't see at all, or for me when my 
eyes get tired.

On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:49 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Am 17.02.2012 um 23:39 schrieb Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
>> accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
>> tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
>> to recommend mac.
> Same thing here in Germany as far as it concerns tables in text documents. 
> Tables on the internet and in numbers are perfectly accessible.
> Greets Jürgen
> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

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Re: Question about Mountain Lion

2012-02-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
I doubt it.  I don't think Apple would exclude people from updating computers 
just 2 years old.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 18, 2012, at 3:48 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> That point about some Macs not getting the Mountain Lion treatment brings up 
> a good question. Does that mean my mid 2010 plastic Macbook won't be able to 
> install the mountain kitty?
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Garth Humphreys
One thing I would like to see in Mountain Lion would be the ability to use the 
Caps Lock key as the vo modifier keys. This is not just because it is used in 
some Windows screen readers. I believe it makes a lot of sense to repurpose 
this particular keyboard location. The Caps Lock functionality could still be 

I am sure there's lots of other things some of which are much more important.



On 18/02/2012, at 9:25 PM, Louie P. (Pete) Nalda wrote:

> Has anyone ever emailed to ask for accessible tables? 
>  I don't do any really heavy word processing, and mostly use zoom, but I 
> could see where this is a problem for those who can't see at all, or for me 
> when my eyes get tired.
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:49 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Am 17.02.2012 um 23:39 schrieb Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
>>> accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
>>> tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
>>> to recommend mac.
>> Same thing here in Germany as far as it concerns tables in text documents. 
>> Tables on the internet and in numbers are perfectly accessible.
>> Greets Jürgen
>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter @lpnalda
> -- 
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Re: adding books to my nls cartrige on the mac

2012-02-18 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys. 
It's not that bad, but I have found that in my Lion, at least, that some thumb 
drives appear to need this treatment. The thing seems to be that if you don't 
delete the files first, the Trashes file gets bigger and eventually gets you 
into trouble. This may have been my problem when I messed up that cartridge 
because I got an error message saying that there wasn't space on the cartridge 
when I knew I had just deleted the files. 

These books files are big, and I guess that's the problem. I agree with you 
guys that you shouldn't have to do this, but I follow these procedures now 
every time I do books from NLS. Ever since I have done so, I have not had the 

I think this is some kind of VoiceOver conflict that I don't understand because 
if you don't have VoiceOver on, apparently everything goes along just fine. The 
other thing I don't understand, is that not all thumb drives seem to be 
affected, and I am beginning to think that, at least where my PacMate is 
concerned, it may be causing some trouble. 

This has nothing to do with NLS books, I know. But it's another device that 
read and write to the thumb drives. Yesterday, I had a thumb drive that was 
working fine and not giving me Finder Busy messages. However, I copied files to 
the thumb drive, put the thumb drive on the PacMate, and had the PacMate copy 
the files and take them off the drive. When I put the thumb drive back on the 
Mac, I got Finder Busy this time when I hadn't got it before. I gave it the 
same treatment I do cartridges, and all is well again. I don't get it, but it 


On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> OH, that sounds like a bunch of crazyness 
> not the instructions, but the need to do that at all! yuckness!
> thanks, this should help! 
> may there always be new books to read, and plenty of lazy afternoons to read 
> them in 
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi there
>> You can do it but be careful. First, you need to delete that extra stuff you 
>> were talking about. Connect your cartridge to your man, go to the empty 
>> trash item and delete all the trash this phone this will delete all the 
>> extra stuff you were talking about I do this every time I get ready to put 
>> more NLS books on.
>> Here is the only caution I have. When you are going to copy your books, then 
>> if voiceover says busy press control will be to copy and turn voiceover off. 
>> Then wait and wait. Most of the time, I can hear the cartridge turn off when 
>> the copy is complete
>> This should do it for you. I did damage one of my cartridges are not 
>> following the procedures that I mentioned.
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 9:01 PM, Angie Giltinan  wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> I have struggled with this question since i got my mac, over a half a year 
>>> ago.
>>> when I put books on my nls cartrige mac installs a bunch of random junk on 
>>> the cartrige.  so my question is this, what's the best method you use for  
>>> coppying content to your nls cartrige, or stream, or other book player.
>>> I've found that when you delete a book, it adds stuff,  to your media,
>>> I'm kind of frustrated at this point, but there's got to be a way!
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Angie
>>> -- 
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help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Hi Stranger,

I don't have your number anymore so I can't call you to ask this question so 
here goes.  I installed growl on my computer and now when I open it up on the 
apps it says Growl open in the background.  When I try to set Syrinx or Skype 
to notify me when there are messages through Growl it says that I have to do 
something with Growl in the growl pain but I can't get the growl pain to open 
with the preferences.  What did I do wrong?

I am running Lion and the newest versions of Skype and Syrinx.  If you could 
help I'd appreciate it.  If you could e-mail me your number or directions or 
both that would be great.  We are in the process of a very complicated move and 
I may not be home all day so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer my cell 
all day.  

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 17, 2012, at 12:03 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>Try hitting option and enter on the link.  That should force it to 
> download.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I need to download a podcast to be aired this evening on ACB Radio.  I go to 
>> the content well in which it resides, click the link for the podcast and it 
>> plays.  However, I need to download it to transfer the content to the ACBR 
>> server.  How do I do that?  In windows, I right click and can download but I 
>> can't find how to do that here.
>> -- 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Anne Robertson
I've contacted Apple about the problems with tables in text documents, and I've 
used the reporting facility in Pages to do the same. I'm sure they're well 
aware of the problem, but it will have to be resolved in the word-processing 
applications themselves.



On 18 Feb 2012, at 12:25, Louie P. (Pete) Nalda wrote:

> Has anyone ever emailed to ask for accessible tables? 
>  I don't do any really heavy word processing, and mostly use zoom, but I 
> could see where this is a problem for those who can't see at all, or for me 
> when my eyes get tired.

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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
I agree.

Not necessarily caps lock but, just the ability to change the voiceover 
modifier keys, to a modifier key of your choosing.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 18, 2012, at 8:05 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> One thing I would like to see in Mountain Lion would be the ability to use 
> the Caps Lock key as the vo modifier keys. This is not just because it is 
> used in some Windows screen readers. I believe it makes a lot of sense to 
> repurpose this particular keyboard location. The Caps Lock functionality 
> could still be available.
> I am sure there's lots of other things some of which are much more important.
> Garth 
> @BlindTechMusing
> On 18/02/2012, at 9:25 PM, Louie P. (Pete) Nalda wrote:
>> Has anyone ever emailed to ask for accessible 
>> tables?  I don't do any really heavy word processing, and mostly use zoom, 
>> but I could see where this is a problem for those who can't see at all, or 
>> for me when my eyes get tired.
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:49 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>>> Am 17.02.2012 um 23:39 schrieb Annie Skov Nielsen:
 One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
 accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
 tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
 to recommend mac.
>>> Same thing here in Germany as far as it concerns tables in text documents. 
>>> Tables on the internet and in numbers are perfectly accessible.
>>> Greets Jürgen
>>> -- 
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
>> Twitter @lpnalda
>> -- 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Oh yes, not just once. ;-)

But it might be highly appreciated to send more e-mails to them so that they 
notice that it's really urgent. This is a basic functionality that really 
should work.

So please feel free to write them an e-mail as well.

Greets Jürgen
Am 18.02.2012 um 12:25 schrieb Louie P. (Pete) Nalda:

> Has anyone ever emailed to ask for accessible tables? 
>  I don't do any really heavy word processing, and mostly use zoom, but I 
> could see where this is a problem for those who can't see at all, or for me 
> when my eyes get tired.
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:49 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Am 17.02.2012 um 23:39 schrieb Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
>>> accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
>>> tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
>>> to recommend mac.
>> Same thing here in Germany as far as it concerns tables in text documents. 
>> Tables on the internet and in numbers are perfectly accessible.
>> Greets Jürgen
>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter @lpnalda
> -- 
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Re: trying to join the IPhone list.

2012-02-18 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi, I just tried to email that address, and I got a delivery error.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-17, at 10:27 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Did you subscribe first? You must first email
> I believe.
> On 2/18/12, Jessica  wrote:
>> I just tried to join the IPhone list, but for some reason, the e-mail I sent
>> them just bounced back as undeliverable.
>>  The address a friend of mine gave me was:
>>  Is this address correct?
>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good
>> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come
>> check out Tmi wireless!
>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items
>> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
>> payed a comission from every sale you make!
>> Check out
>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>> to learn more, visit:
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Question about Mountain Lion

2012-02-18 Thread John Panarese
   Not sure if this will help, but a friend of mine sent me this link because 
there has been questions among our band of local Mac users.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 18, 2012, at 3:48 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> That point about some Macs not getting the Mountain Lion treatment brings up 
> a good question. Does that mean my mid 2010 plastic Macbook won't be able to 
> install the mountain kitty?
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread John Panarese
Hi Jennifer,
 OK, I use Growl here, but I don't know how you have it set up.  Can you 
find the Growl Preference Pane when you go into System Preferences?  This is 
how I configure Growl.  There should be a pane for Growl and a few tabs within 
that pane.  One of the tabs for applications, in this shows you a table of 
applications that are configured to use growl.

You need to then configure that app with the configure button and set up 
the alerts you want spoken.  It's actually not a difficult process.  Let me 
know if you are following me.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 18, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi Stranger,
> I don't have your number anymore so I can't call you to ask this question so 
> here goes.  I installed growl on my computer and now when I open it up on the 
> apps it says Growl open in the background.  When I try to set Syrinx or Skype 
> to notify me when there are messages through Growl it says that I have to do 
> something with Growl in the growl pain but I can't get the growl pain to open 
> with the preferences.  What did I do wrong?
> I am running Lion and the newest versions of Skype and Syrinx.  If you could 
> help I'd appreciate it.  If you could e-mail me your number or directions or 
> both that would be great.  We are in the process of a very complicated move 
> and I may not be home all day so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer my 
> cell all day.  
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 12:03 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>   Try hitting option and enter on the link.  That should force it to 
>> download.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I need to download a podcast to be aired this evening on ACB Radio.  I go 
>>> to the content well in which it resides, click the link for the podcast and 
>>> it plays.  However, I need to download it to transfer the content to the 
>>> ACBR server.  How do I do that?  In windows, I right click and can download 
>>> but I can't find how to do that here.
>>> -- 
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new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if you 
live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They have 
fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for voiceover 
users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind users, navigon was 
the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the top spot, especially in 
the newest versions.

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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Arrigo
I also have no problems navigating tables. The one place where this can be a 
problem is in word processor documents, but these can easily be read by 
converting them to plain text.
On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Tables?
> I find navigating tables to be perfectly fine.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
>> accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
>> tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
>> to recommend mac.
>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would like 
>> my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or the 
>> built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my 
>> living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external speakers.
>> Then I have a thing that in my opinion is hanging back. I think you have 
>> guessed what it is. Wright it is braille. There are a lot of apples choices 
>> i simply do not understand. Why are we not allowed as users to modify apples 
>> braille tables, there are really many bugs. I would also like to see a 
>> function, so that we can add hotkeys to mac commands not only VOICEOver 
>> commands.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
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Color Identifier for the iPhone 4S

2012-02-18 Thread Michael Busboom

Since acquiring my iPhone 4S a little over a week ago, I have been downloading 
Apps with abandon and thoroughly enjoying the experience of using them.

Recently, I discovered an App called Color Detector.  It is a self-voicing App, 
so you don't even need VoiceOver.  However, the App's performance is extremely 
disappointing.  All it ever says when I point the camera is "Navy Blue."  
Thinking that I was doing something wrong, I asked my sighted daughter to give 
the program a try, and her results weren't any better.  So, I was wondering if 
anyone knew of a color detection App that worked well with VoiceOver.

My best to all of you, and thanks so much for all of the help you have been 
giving me recently!


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Re: adding books to my nls cartrige on the mac

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Arrigo
THe mac does copy some folders such as for the trash. You can use an app such 
as cocktail to disable attempts to index the drive. Other than that, most of 
the time the players ignore the extra folders.
On Feb 17, 2012, at 9:01 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> hi all,
> I have struggled with this question since i got my mac, over a half a year 
> ago.
> when I put books on my nls cartrige mac installs a bunch of random junk on 
> the cartrige.  so my question is this, what's the best method you use for  
> coppying content to your nls cartrige, or stream, or other book player.
> I've found that when you delete a book, it adds stuff,  to your media,
> I'm kind of frustrated at this point, but there's got to be a way!
> Thanks in advance!
> Angie
> -- 
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Mike,

Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an expatriate 
American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy it, but knowing 
that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more interesting.

Kindest regards,

P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first MacBook, 
and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if you 
> live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They have 
> fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind users, 
> navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the top spot, 
> especially in the newest versions.
> -- 
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New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello LIsters. I have been working with an app developer to make his Social 
networking app accessible. The app is called Status Report. Here is the direct 
link to it in the app store.
The app interface is very simple. The app was made only to update your status 
and to look at, like. and comment on your friends status messages. It will not 
allow you to send direct messages to your friends, or allow you to chat with 
them, but it is a great app and Anders the developer should be commended for 
his quick turn around on this app. He is very quick to respond and had many if 
not all of the bugs with voiceover fixed with in a couple of hours of talking 
to him.

To refresh the page and see new posts by your friends just find the first 
status on the main page and double tap and drag down and this will refresh your 
feed, he  even made it so voiceover tells you that it is updateing and when it 
has finished updateing. This is a simple and great app that should not be 
overlooked. He is planning to add more social networking sites in future 

Give it a shot


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Re: adding books to my nls cartrige on the mac

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Arrigo
I don't use the cartridges either, actually don't even have an nls player since 
I already have other players that will play these books, but I have helped 
friends copy books to their cartridges, they are basically USB flash drives. 
The mac will copy some extra folders to it but the player will ignore these, 
should just be a matter of unzipping the book and copying the new folder to the 
On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:01 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I must say, I have never had to do any of that nonsense when adding books to 
> an SD card using my Mac book pro.  I  just take off the books I no longer 
> want and paste in the books I want.  I fail to see why a cartridge should be 
> more complex than that; after all, it's just another drive.  IF you've got to 
> go through all those mackenations to add books, there must be an underlying 
> issue with your finder or finder settings.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>> OH, that sounds like a bunch of crazyness 
>> not the instructions, but the need to do that at all! yuckness!
>> thanks, this should help! 
>> may there always be new books to read, and plenty of lazy afternoons to read 
>> them in 
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Gigi wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> You can do it but be careful. First, you need to delete that extra stuff 
>>> you were talking about. Connect your cartridge to your man, go to the empty 
>>> trash item and delete all the trash this phone this will delete all the 
>>> extra stuff you were talking about I do this every time I get ready to put 
>>> more NLS books on.
>>> Here is the only caution I have. When you are going to copy your books, 
>>> then if voiceover says busy press control will be to copy and turn 
>>> voiceover off. Then wait and wait. Most of the time, I can hear the 
>>> cartridge turn off when the copy is complete
>>> This should do it for you. I did damage one of my cartridges are not 
>>> following the procedures that I mentioned.
>>> Regards
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 9:01 PM, Angie Giltinan  wrote:
 hi all,
 I have struggled with this question since i got my mac, over a half a year 
 when I put books on my nls cartrige mac installs a bunch of random junk on 
 the cartrige.  so my question is this, what's the best method you use for  
 coppying content to your nls cartrige, or stream, or other book player.
 I've found that when you delete a book, it adds stuff,  to your media,
 I'm kind of frustrated at this point, but there's got to be a way!
 Thanks in advance!
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hi, ED,

Which social network is the App designed to work with ?



On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:52 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:

> Hello LIsters. I have been working with an app developer to make his Social 
> networking app accessible. The app is called Status Report. Here is the 
> direct link to it in the app store.
> The app interface is very simple. The app was made only to update your status 
> and to look at, like. and comment on your friends status messages. It will 
> not allow you to send direct messages to your friends, or allow you to chat 
> with them, but it is a great app and Anders the developer should be commended 
> for his quick turn around on this app. He is very quick to respond and had 
> many if not all of the bugs with voiceover fixed with in a couple of hours of 
> talking to him.
> To refresh the page and see new posts by your friends just find the first 
> status on the main page and double tap and drag down and this will refresh 
> your feed, he  even made it so voiceover tells you that it is updateing and 
> when it has finished updateing. This is a simple and great app that should 
> not be overlooked. He is planning to add more social networking sites in 
> future updates.
> Give it a shot
> Thanks 
> ED
> -- 
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Arrigo
It does not work in Europe at this time.
On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:50 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy it, 
> but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
> interesting.
> Kindest regards,
> Mike
> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first MacBook, 
> and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if you 
>> live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They have 
>> fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
>> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
>> users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
>> top spot, especially in the newest versions.
>> -- 
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Re: Color Identifier for the iPhone 4S

2012-02-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

The best colour identifier I've found for the iPhone is aidColors.



On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:46, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Greetings,
> Since acquiring my iPhone 4S a little over a week ago, I have been 
> downloading Apps with abandon and thoroughly enjoying the experience of using 
> them.
> Recently, I discovered an App called Color Detector.  It is a self-voicing 
> App, so you don't even need VoiceOver.  However, the App's performance is 
> extremely disappointing.  All it ever says when I point the camera is "Navy 
> Blue."  Thinking that I was doing something wrong, I asked my sighted 
> daughter to give the program a try, and her results weren't any better.  So, 
> I was wondering if anyone knew of a color detection App that worked well with 
> VoiceOver.
> My best to all of you, and thanks so much for all of the help you have been 
> giving me recently!
> Mike
> -- 
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and Ariadne 
GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out routes that are 
off the beaten track.



On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy it, 
> but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
> interesting.
> Kindest regards,
> Mike
> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first MacBook, 
> and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if you 
>> live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They have 
>> fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
>> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
>> users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
>> top spot, especially in the newest versions.
>> -- 
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Re: New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, for right now it works with FAcebook, twitter, Foursquare, and 
Instagram. He is going to add more social networking sites in the future.


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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Hey, no problem.  The thing is, I wander away a lot, and also do a lot of "down 
time," where I just shut down my external stuff ... you know, ADHD/PTSD / all 
that alphabet soup thing.  But, you can call me any time at (541) 412-6716, 
especially now that I paid the bill and it actually works!  *grin* The rest of 
my pertinent contact info is in the signature line before this last line, in 
which I wish you a happy weekend, despite the infestation and the relocation 
and the complication of the situation.  Remember it'll be hard on the pup, so 
hug him and praise him and maybe do some obedience exercises and stuff just to 
reassure him that routine is still solid at the core.   Just what you 
wanted--unsolicited dog advice.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Anne,

Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been told 
that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If this is 
true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of a program 
from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version should I grab?

Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!


On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out routes 
> that are off the beaten track.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
>> it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
>> interesting.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Mike
>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
>>> you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They 
>>> have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
>>> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
>>> users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
>>> top spot, especially in the newest versions.
>>> -- 
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Re: Color Identifier for the iPhone 4S

2012-02-18 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I have yet to find one I like

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Michael Busboom  wrote:

> Greetings,
> Since acquiring my iPhone 4S a little over a week ago, I have been 
> downloading Apps with abandon and thoroughly enjoying the experience of using 
> them.
> Recently, I discovered an App called Color Detector.  It is a self-voicing 
> App, so you don't even need VoiceOver.  However, the App's performance is 
> extremely disappointing.  All it ever says when I point the camera is "Navy 
> Blue."  Thinking that I was doing something wrong, I asked my sighted 
> daughter to give the program a try, and her results weren't any better.  So, 
> I was wondering if anyone knew of a color detection App that worked well with 
> VoiceOver.
> My best to all of you, and thanks so much for all of the help you have been 
> giving me recently!
> Mike
> -- 
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

The current version of Navigon is accessible, at least, it is on my iPhone 4. 
So if you have a 4 or a 4S, you'll be fine.



On 18 Feb 2012, at 17:33, Mike Busboom wrote:

> Hello Anne,
> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
> told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
> this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of a 
> program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
> should I grab?
> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
> Mike

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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Esther
Hello Mike and Others,

The app Mike Arrigo is speaking of only works in the US and Canada, and is 
called "MotionX GPS Drive".  Even though there is a pedestrian mode supported 
in the app, the distinguishing part of the name is that word "Drive".  What's 
confusing is that the same company also offers an app that is also available in 
the US and Canadian App Stores, as well as internationally, called "MotionX 
GPS".  The latter app is meant to be used for hiking, boating, and other sports 
that involve traveling over terrain for which there may not be street maps -- 
hence there is no support for turn-by-turn navigation, and the interface also 
presents accessibility problems.  Quite a few list users who live outside the 
US and Canada have mistakenly purchased the "MotionX GPS" app because of 
confusion over these points.  

MotionX GPS Drive costs $0.99, and comes with 30 days of free live voice 
guidance.  Voice guidance support beyond that period can either be purchased 
for $2.99/month or at a currently featured rate of $9.99 for 1 year (60% 
discount from normal yearly rate).

Here's the link to the app in the US App Store:
• MotionX GPS Drive
There's also a version of the app designed for the iPad:
• MotionX GPS Drive HD

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 18, 2012, at 6:07 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out routes 
> that are off the beaten track.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
>> it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
>> interesting.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Mike
>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
>>> you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They 
>>> have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
>>> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
>>> users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
>>> top spot, especially in the newest versions.

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Re: New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Krister Ekstrom

18 feb 2012 kl. 16:52 skrev Ed Worrell:

> The app interface is very simple. The app was made only to update your status 
> and to look at, like. and comment on your friends status messages. It will 
> not allow you to send direct messages to your friends, or allow you to chat 
> with them

What is the point then? I don't want a bunch of features to be missing and 
direct messages are one of the features i want.
Too bad facebook messenger or whatever that app was called didn't work 
propperly, oh well, shrug it looks like it's still Facely HD for me.

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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Two other questions about Navigon, Anne:
In the App Store, there are versions of Navigon for both the U.S. and for 
Europe.  If I buy the European maps, as well as the ones for the States, do 
they all use the same software engine, and does each region or country appear 
as a separate App on my home screen?

Thanks so much,


On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:42 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> The current version of Navigon is accessible, at least, it is on my iPhone 4. 
> So if you have a 4 or a 4S, you'll be fine.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 17:33, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Anne,
>> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
>> told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
>> this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of 
>> a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
>> should I grab?
>> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
>> Mike
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue
hey you,

Good to hear from you.  SorryI've been out of pocket lately, but things aren't 
going well for me mentally right now and I'm just trying to hold on.  My 
bipolar and anxiety disorders are at their limit and I was just instructed by 
my doctors to take my sedatives three times a day, the maximum dosage, until 
this calms down.  I haven't started this yet cause I have to get the timing 
right and their is so much that I have to be alert for.  I don't know how I'm 
supposed to do this all.  I don't know how I'm suppose to take care of the 
things that I can but not be so afraid of the things that are running through 
my head that may or may not be reasonable to be afraid of, and give control to 
Brad for the things that I just can't do anything about, and sit and watch that 
stuff go down without panicking that he's not doing it right or that something 
will go wrong if I don't do it but there are just things that I can't handle.  
My mind is totally overloaded or shut down to the point of being reverted to a 
child or even completely useless.  I know I need to take the sedatives, but 
then what.  I won't be as solid as I need to be.  There's still so much to do 
and I feel like time is slipping away.  Every time something good happens 
something negative droops on me too.  

My Dad sent us a check so that we could go buy some furniture that we needed 
but spent an hour tearing me a new ass whole telling me that I was going kill 
Brad because of the way that I made him cook for me and that It was somehow my 
fault that his parents wouldn't help us with this situation.  The exterminators 
were nothing but a load of bull shit and that we really didn't have to move but 
it was just me overreacting.  On and on it went for an hour and every time I 
tried to be positive and say that something was going to work out for the best 
he would hit me with something negative again.  Even when I told him that I had 
lost twelve pounds the only thing he could say was that we would see if I could 
keep it up.  

I feel like I have to justify every decision I make and that I have to explain 
every move I make.  No one just listens to any decisions that I chose and says 
OK, Jenny, let's do that, you're right.  It's always that I'm being over 
reacting or panicking or something and then when I turn out to be right then 
all hell breaks loose or we've been without something for a while or we've lost 
an opportunity.  I told Brad that I wanted to go to the hospital and stay there 
till this was over, but if I do that I'm not sure what would happen with 
Brooks.  Also, I can't sleep without the TV on and the last time I was at a 
mental hospital they didn't have TV's in the rooms and it was a total nightmare 
for me.  The silence was completely hell on earth.  I don't know what to do or 
where to go from here but something's got to give.  I figured I could tell you 
the truth.  I hoped you'd understand.  Please don't think I'm a freak of judge 
me.  If you don't want to deal with this I totally get it.  You don't have to 
reply to this at all.  I just needed to , I don't know.  I just needed someone 
who might understand my head space.  No one else gets this and it's hard to be 
the only one in this ship of panic and fear and anxiety and stress and 
everything else that I feel that I just can't express.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Hey, no problem.  The thing is, I wander away a lot, and also do a lot of 
> "down time," where I just shut down my external stuff ... you know, ADHD/PTSD 
> / all that alphabet soup thing.  But, you can call me any time at (541) 
> 412-6716, especially now that I paid the bill and it actually works!  *grin* 
> The rest of my pertinent contact info is in the signature line before this 
> last line, in which I wish you a happy weekend, despite the infestation and 
> the relocation and the complication of the situation.  Remember it'll be hard 
> on the pup, so hug him and praise him and maybe do some obedience exercises 
> and stuff just to reassure him that routine is still solid at the core.   
> Just what you wanted--unsolicited dog advice.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Esther
Hi Mike,

The Navigon North America (or US, or US region) app and the Navigon Europe apps 
each appear as separate apps on your home screen.  Dónal asked Navigon about 
this, too, before he bought the apps for Europe and the US.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 18, 2012, at 7:15 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:

> Two other questions about Navigon, Anne:
> In the App Store, there are versions of Navigon for both the U.S. and for 
> Europe.  If I buy the European maps, as well as the ones for the States, do 
> they all use the same software engine, and does each region or country appear 
> as a separate App on my home screen?
> Thanks so much,
> Mike
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:42 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> The current version of Navigon is accessible, at least, it is on my iPhone 
>> 4. So if you have a 4 or a 4S, you'll be fine.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 17:33, Mike Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello Anne,
>>> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
>>> told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
>>> this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of 
>>> a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
>>> should I grab?
>>> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
>>> Mike

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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
All I can tell you is what I keep telling myself and others when I get to this 
place.  Do the maintenance.  If you are not going to be functional anyway, give 
up and get better.  Take the meds, and breath; always remember to breathe 
correctly.  If you need to take a break and go inpatient for a while, bring a 
Walkman or something that they'll let you keep to make noise at night; explain 
to them that you need a radio or TV or book or something.  Just get through it 
and pick up on the other side.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Color Identifier for the iPhone 4S

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello Anne,

Do you know which camera on the iPhone the App uses?



On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:04 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> The best colour identifier I've found for the iPhone is aidColors.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:46, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Since acquiring my iPhone 4S a little over a week ago, I have been 
>> downloading Apps with abandon and thoroughly enjoying the experience of 
>> using them.
>> Recently, I discovered an App called Color Detector.  It is a self-voicing 
>> App, so you don't even need VoiceOver.  However, the App's performance is 
>> extremely disappointing.  All it ever says when I point the camera is "Navy 
>> Blue."  Thinking that I was doing something wrong, I asked my sighted 
>> daughter to give the program a try, and her results weren't any better.  So, 
>> I was wondering if anyone knew of a color detection App that worked well 
>> with VoiceOver.
>> My best to all of you, and thanks so much for all of the help you have been 
>> giving me recently!
>> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Thanks, do you mind if I ask if you've ever gone in-patient?  I've only done it 
once and it was hell.  They doped me up really badly and then when I couldn't 
go to therapy or group counseling they told me I wasn't cooperating with my 
recovery process and treatment plan, and at the time my father was involved in 
helping me through it and they told him also that I was not cooperating cause I 
wasn't going to any of the sessions but I was too stoned out.  What happened 
when you went in-patient, do you think I could call the hospital and find out 
first what would happen before I went in or would I have to be admitted first.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

P.S. You could call if you want to answer these questions verbally.
On Feb 18, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> All I can tell you is what I keep telling myself and others when I get to 
> this place.  Do the maintenance.  If you are not going to be functional 
> anyway, give up and get better.  Take the meds, and breath; always remember 
> to breathe correctly.  If you need to take a break and go inpatient for a 
> while, bring a Walkman or something that they'll let you keep to make noise 
> at night; explain to them that you need a radio or TV or book or something.  
> Just get through it and pick up on the other side.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Something not in window?

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue
When I open my Growl or sometimes it happens in other things too like mail, in 
voice overr will say that there is no window, but it will be open.  The only 
way I know to get to my mail again for example is to close it out and get it 
open again by just reopening it.  I can't however, do that with Growl.  Growl, 
just says that there is no window open even though it is, in fact, open 
according to the alt tabs. So, What do I do to make all this work please?

Thanks for all of your time.  Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:50 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy it, 
> but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
> interesting.
> Kindest regards,
> Mike
> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first MacBook, 
> and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if you 
>> live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They have 
>> fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
>> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
>> users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
>> top spot, especially in the newest versions.
>> -- 
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue
OK, I open growl and it says Growl is running in the background.  I press 
command , to open preferences but it sounds like it's only running the 
preferences for the OS 10 system.  Am I making any sense?  I've gone to the 
other apps like syrinx and Skype to set up my growl preferences but they say I 
have to do something in Growl first before their alerts will work.  Can you 
call and help me through.  Call 815-708-0799 whenever you have time.


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:42 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Jennifer,
> OK, I use Growl here, but I don't know how you have it set up.  Can you 
> find the Growl Preference Pane when you go into System Preferences?  This is 
> how I configure Growl.  There should be a pane for Growl and a few tabs 
> within that pane.  One of the tabs for applications, in this shows you a 
> table of applications that are configured to use growl.
>You need to then configure that app with the configure button and set up 
> the alerts you want spoken.  It's actually not a difficult process.  Let me 
> know if you are following me.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi Stranger,
>> I don't have your number anymore so I can't call you to ask this question so 
>> here goes.  I installed growl on my computer and now when I open it up on 
>> the apps it says Growl open in the background.  When I try to set Syrinx or 
>> Skype to notify me when there are messages through Growl it says that I have 
>> to do something with Growl in the growl pain but I can't get the growl pain 
>> to open with the preferences.  What did I do wrong?
>> I am running Lion and the newest versions of Skype and Syrinx.  If you could 
>> help I'd appreciate it.  If you could e-mail me your number or directions or 
>> both that would be great.  We are in the process of a very complicated move 
>> and I may not be home all day so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer my 
>> cell all day.  
>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 12:03 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>  Try hitting option and enter on the link.  That should force it to 
>>> download.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I need to download a podcast to be aired this evening on ACB Radio.  I go 
 to the content well in which it resides, click the link for the podcast 
 and it plays.  However, I need to download it to transfer the content to 
 the ACBR server.  How do I do that?  In windows, I right click and can 
 download but I can't find how to do that here.
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Jessica

Oh wow, how much does that ap cost?
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 

Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 7:46 AM
Subject: new version of motion gps drive

Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if you 
live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They have 
fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
top spot, especially in the newest versions.

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Re: Color Identifier for the iPhone 4S

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Busboom
The App uses the rear camera.
On 18,Feb,2012, at 6:46 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:

> Hello Anne,
> Do you know which camera on the iPhone the App uses?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:04 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> The best colour identifier I've found for the iPhone is aidColors.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:46, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> Since acquiring my iPhone 4S a little over a week ago, I have been 
>>> downloading Apps with abandon and thoroughly enjoying the experience of 
>>> using them.
>>> Recently, I discovered an App called Color Detector.  It is a self-voicing 
>>> App, so you don't even need VoiceOver.  However, the App's performance is 
>>> extremely disappointing.  All it ever says when I point the camera is "Navy 
>>> Blue."  Thinking that I was doing something wrong, I asked my sighted 
>>> daughter to give the program a try, and her results weren't any better.  
>>> So, I was wondering if anyone knew of a color detection App that worked 
>>> well with VoiceOver.
>>> My best to all of you, and thanks so much for all of the help you have been 
>>> giving me recently!
>>> Mike
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Massimo Vettoretti

Inviato da iPhone

Il giorno 18/feb/2012, alle ore 16:46,   

Arrigo  ha scritto:

> I also have no problems navigating tables. The one place where this can be a 
> problem is in word processor documents, but these can easily be read by 
> converting them to plain text.
> Mike mike, the point is not there and you are smart enough to understend it 
> by yourself  work with tables in an word processing environment, working 
> productively with tables i mean, doesn't involve just reading them, but the 
> ability to recognize the presence of a table without knowing preventively 
> that a table is present and its positition  i need to be able to inspect the 
> table's contents and, if necessary, I must be in condition to edit data  i 
> must be able to check on table's formatting and change them if so I decide. 


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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I have never been inpatient, though I was on a 48 hour hold after I defended my 
home; I believe I told you that story.  I made believe I was all right and they 
let me go after 48 hours. or maybe it was 72.  I've never even lasted in 
therapy other than that, so no I don't think it counts. :)  I really don't know 
the process, but you'd have to go through psychiatric evaluation or your doctor 
could prescribe you in.  I'm on my way out the door, so can't call now.  Hang 
in there, soothe yourself and do your maintenance--shower, grooming, clothing, 
meds, soothing. It'll pass.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it says 
it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then over to the 
Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open preferences from there.  
That might work better, or it might not... Hope this helps.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue
OK, I'm going to Sam's about 1:30 to get the mattress, so I'll be out for a 
while too.  Write or call when you get home or something.  I'll do my best.

Sorry to bug you.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:13 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I have never been inpatient, though I was on a 48 hour hold after I defended 
> my home; I believe I told you that story.  I made believe I was all right and 
> they let me go after 48 hours. or maybe it was 72.  I've never even lasted in 
> therapy other than that, so no I don't think it counts. :)  I really don't 
> know the process, but you'd have to go through psychiatric evaluation or your 
> doctor could prescribe you in.  I'm on my way out the door, so can't call 
> now.  Hang in there, soothe yourself and do your maintenance--shower, 
> grooming, clothing, meds, soothing. It'll pass.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Jennifer Perdue

OK, when I am on Growl and I use my VO m key, it reverts back to whatever I was 
using before growl like, for instance, mail.  Oh Lord this is confusing.  I 
must've really screwed the setup of that things up.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it says 
> it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then over to 
> the Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open preferences from 
> there.  That might work better, or it might not... Hope this helps.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread David Tanner

The new Arian seems to have added some really great new features.

David Tanner - Host
Technology from a blindness perspective!

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Busboom" 

Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: new version of motion gps drive

Hello Anne,

Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of 
a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
should I grab?

Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!


On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Mike,

This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
routes that are off the beaten track.



On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:

Hello Mike,

Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 

Kindest regards,

P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.

On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. 
They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I 
think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.

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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread David Tanner
That is not acceptable.  Converting to text files may destroy the formating 
and make getting the correct information from a table difficult or 
impossible.  This is a serious problem, and has been a known problem often 
and repeatedly reported to Apple.  I sincerely hope you are not someone 
telling Apple that they don't need to fix the problem.  If so, please let 
them know that it needs fixing if Apple is to be seriously considered by 
folks it is absolutely necessary that a person be able to read and edit 
tables, and do advanced editing or it is not going to work for a lot of 
people.  Simple text editing is not good enough.

David Tanner - Host
Technology from a blindness perspective!

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 

Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

I also have no problems navigating tables. The one place where this can be a 
problem is in word processor documents, but these can easily be read by 
converting them to plain text.

On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


I find navigating tables to be perfectly fine.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons 
not to recommend mac.
I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking 
in my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 

Then I have a thing that in my opinion is hanging back. I think you have 
guessed what it is. Wright it is braille. There are a lot of apples 
choices i simply do not understand. Why are we not allowed as users to 
modify apples braille tables, there are really many bugs. I would also 
like to see a function, so that we can add hotkeys to mac commands not 
only VOICEOver commands.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: adding books to my nls cartrige on the mac

2012-02-18 Thread Eugenia Firth
Yes, but I have found eventually the extra folders, while they will be ignored 
by the player, will fill up the drive since these are large files. I have not 
had the filling up problem on my thuma drives with smaller files, but I have 
had with the NLS files. 


On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:50 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> THe mac does copy some folders such as for the trash. You can use an app such 
> as cocktail to disable attempts to index the drive. Other than that, most of 
> the time the players ignore the extra folders.
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 9:01 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>> hi all,
>> I have struggled with this question since i got my mac, over a half a year 
>> ago.
>> when I put books on my nls cartrige mac installs a bunch of random junk on 
>> the cartrige.  so my question is this, what's the best method you use for  
>> coppying content to your nls cartrige, or stream, or other book player.
>> I've found that when you delete a book, it adds stuff,  to your media,
>> I'm kind of frustrated at this point, but there's got to be a way!
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Angie
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi John. 
Apparently jenny and I both had Growl troubles. Thanks for the tip on Growl. I 
was doing the wrong thing by going to the settings in Growl. I got mine to work 
better, but now that you said that, I will go to System Preferences and check 
it out there. 


On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:42 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Jennifer,
> OK, I use Growl here, but I don't know how you have it set up.  Can you 
> find the Growl Preference Pane when you go into System Preferences?  This is 
> how I configure Growl.  There should be a pane for Growl and a few tabs 
> within that pane.  One of the tabs for applications, in this shows you a 
> table of applications that are configured to use growl.
>You need to then configure that app with the configure button and set up 
> the alerts you want spoken.  It's actually not a difficult process.  Let me 
> know if you are following me.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi Stranger,
>> I don't have your number anymore so I can't call you to ask this question so 
>> here goes.  I installed growl on my computer and now when I open it up on 
>> the apps it says Growl open in the background.  When I try to set Syrinx or 
>> Skype to notify me when there are messages through Growl it says that I have 
>> to do something with Growl in the growl pain but I can't get the growl pain 
>> to open with the preferences.  What did I do wrong?
>> I am running Lion and the newest versions of Skype and Syrinx.  If you could 
>> help I'd appreciate it.  If you could e-mail me your number or directions or 
>> both that would be great.  We are in the process of a very complicated move 
>> and I may not be home all day so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer my 
>> cell all day.  
>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 12:03 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>  Try hitting option and enter on the link.  That should force it to 
>>> download.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I need to download a podcast to be aired this evening on ACB Radio.  I go 
 to the content well in which it resides, click the link for the podcast 
 and it plays.  However, I need to download it to transfer the content to 
 the ACBR server.  How do I do that?  In windows, I right click and can 
 download but I can't find how to do that here.
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
Can you get to the growl in system pref's!
And see if there is anything you need to do in there!
It should be after universal access [well it is in mine]
hth Colin

On 18 Feb 2012, at 18:19, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Thanks,
> OK, when I am on Growl and I use my VO m key, it reverts back to whatever I 
> was using before growl like, for instance, mail.  Oh Lord this is confusing.  
> I must've really screwed the setup of that things up.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it says 
>> it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then over to 
>> the Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open preferences from 
>> there.  That might work better, or it might not... Hope this helps.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: New accessible solution for Social networking on the iPhone

2012-02-18 Thread Christine Grassman
I am off to download this right now. I would love a streamlined way to send 
status reports and just check my friends' statuses, like, and comment upon 
them. Right now, that takes more time than it's worth going back and forth 
between Twitter and Facebook, to the point where I rarely bother any more. I 
look forward to giving it a whirl. 
Thanks, Ed, for taking the time to collaborate with a developer, and thanks to 
the developer for working so quickly and earnestly to make this app as 
available to the blind as to the sighted, who can then decide on an equal 
playing field whether it is an app which suits their needs.
On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> 18 feb 2012 kl. 16:52 skrev Ed Worrell:
>> The app interface is very simple. The app was made only to update your 
>> status and to look at, like. and comment on your friends status messages. It 
>> will not allow you to send direct messages to your friends, or allow you to 
>> chat with them
> What is the point then? I don't want a bunch of features to be missing and 
> direct messages are one of the features i want.
> Too bad facebook messenger or whatever that app was called didn't work 
> propperly, oh well, shrug it looks like it's still Facely HD for me.
> /Krister
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread Massimo Vettoretti
In data Sabato 18 Febbraio 2012 2.47.35, John Panarese 
 ha scritto:

I have no idea what this means.  OS 10.8 is not out yet, and what are you 
basing your speculation on that there will be no improvements to VoiceOver.
I am not speculating. I have that beta installed on my MBPro and, while 
I am writing this message on my windows machine, it is running on my 

   Also, for me, Braille support works just fine, and the "busy" signals that 
occasionally appear in Safari are manageable and tolerable.
Braille, right now, is just a mirror of the voice Output. And this is 
insufficient. My braille display costs 5000€ and I want to be able to do 
more with
it than reading in braille that Alex or Silvia Says. I want to be able 
to define my own braille tables, if I need. Or, for GUI controls, in 
exampe, in
italian if I encounter a checked Check box, what VO outputs on my 40 
cells braille display is "selezionato casella di spunta" or, if the 
checkbox is unchecked,
"non selezionato casella di spunta". It is more than 30 characters, on a 
40 characters display. And there is no way to customize that thing. And 
this problem
is there since braille support has been implemented. And since then, 
many users and I are requesting a solution. And since then, we all are 
receiving the
usual mail from Apple... They know the problem, they are investigating 
it (what an hard and difficult investigation!) and they are working to 
solve the


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suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-18 Thread May McDonald
Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play with 
Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?

All help would be appreciated.

May and Prince Noah
cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544

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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-18 Thread Matthew Campbell
I'd make sure you back up you're system to an external hard drive either with 
time machine or some other backup software. That way, you can restore if 
something unexpected happens.

On 2012-02-18, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play with 
> Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
> All help would be appreciated.
> May and Prince Noah
> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
> email:
> -- 
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-18 Thread Eugenia Firth
Thanks Collin. 
I think I have it now. I couldn't find anything that I dared change. I did get 
growl to stop talking so much by increasing the number of seconds by typing 20 
in that textbox. It's nice to hear when 1%f you accidentally unplug your 
computer like I have a few times and for Growl to tell me when the is completed 
its charge. Also, I'm finding that I can tell better when the thumb drive has 
been ejected. Before, the computer would just sit there and say nothing. It's 
still too slow, but I can live with it by pressing the control key when I've 
heard enough. 


On Feb 18, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi there!
> Can you get to the growl in system pref's!
> And see if there is anything you need to do in there!
> It should be after universal access [well it is in mine]
> hth Colin
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 18:19, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> OK, when I am on Growl and I use my VO m key, it reverts back to whatever I 
>> was using before growl like, for instance, mail.  Oh Lord this is confusing. 
>>  I must've really screwed the setup of that things up.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it says 
>>> it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then over to 
>>> the Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open preferences from 
>>> there.  That might work better, or it might not... Hope this helps.
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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finding friends on Facebook?

2012-02-18 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi all,

Does anyone happen to know what the best way is to find friends on Facebook 
these days?  Those checkboxes where you select town, high school, college, etc. 
don't seem to work at all, and I don't find a search box that let's you search 
by name.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

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any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-18 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hey all,

I pulled a muscle in my back so am spending the weekend convalescing.  Anyone 
know of any games in the app store that are accessible on the Mac?

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Reading daisy books on my Macbook

2012-02-18 Thread Ewoud
Hi all,
i have my macbook a month now and its working fine. But, reading a daisybok on 
it, is still no happy doing.
I use readhearpro, but that program can't fulfill me needs. The rate does not 
work and also stops it for now reason.
can anyone of you, give me a better option to read daisy books on my MacBook?
I hope so.
Greets from Ewoud 

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Re: finding friends on Facebook?

2012-02-18 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Donna!
Which face book are you using [mobile,main, face tab and so on]

On 18 Feb 2012, at 22:30, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone happen to know what the best way is to find friends on Facebook 
> these days?  Those checkboxes where you select town, high school, college, 
> etc. don't seem to work at all, and I don't find a search box that let's you 
> search by name.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Donna
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Re: finding friends on Facebook?

2012-02-18 Thread Red . Falcon
Sorry I meant menu tab for face book!
Hi Donna!
Which face book are you using [mobile,main, face tab and so on]

On 18 Feb 2012, at 22:30, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone happen to know what the best way is to find friends on Facebook 
> these days?  Those checkboxes where you select town, high school, college, 
> etc. don't seem to work at all, and I don't find a search box that let's you 
> search by name.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-18 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Scott and others,

I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press enter it 
sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when typing a message?

Eric Caron

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Just press enter
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do you 
>> send it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the conventions.  
>> Seems like it should be command s for send or shift command D like sending 
>> email.  Help appreciated.
>> -- 
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Matais keyboard on sale

2012-02-18 Thread Frank Tom
Hello Esther , et. al.,
I went to Small Dog in Burlington VT this morning to buy the Matais keyboard. 
When I went to pay for it, it was on sale from $139.95 down to $109.00 I don't 
know if this is a Presidents' day sale or not, but if anyone is thinking about 
buying this keyboard, it may be on sale at other venders as well. It is a bit 
noisy, but the keys are very tactile and I have no problems finding my way 
around.  For us older folks who learned to type on a, what do you call those 
things; oh yes, a typewriter, the feel is like the old days.


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RE: Matais keyboard on sale

2012-02-18 Thread Reinhard Stebner
Hi tom, I was wondering is this a portable keyboard or is it a full sized
keyboard? Also, when I looked for "Matais" Google changed the word to
"Matias" what is the correct spelling. Finally, do you have the mottle
number of the keyboard you are using?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Frank Tom
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 8:04 PM
Subject: Matais keyboard on sale

Hello Esther , et. al.,
I went to Small Dog in Burlington VT this morning to buy the Matais
keyboard. When I went to pay for it, it was on sale from $139.95 down to
$109.00 I don't know if this is a Presidents' day sale or not, but if anyone
is thinking about buying this keyboard, it may be on sale at other venders
as well. It is a bit noisy, but the keys are very tactile and I have no
problems finding my way around.  For us older folks who learned to type on
a, what do you call those things; oh yes, a typewriter, the feel is like the
old days.


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Re: Remoting two Macs

2012-02-18 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't recall if there was a solution mentioned the last time this came 
up. It was usually difficult to find one package that:

1. Had an accessible UI (many are Flash based)
2. Shared the screen and the audio
3. Handled firewall (local-only doesn't help here)

Seemed like many could get #1 and #2 but had to use a second app like 
Skype or just a speaker phone to get the remote voiceover feedback. 
Check the archives to find previous discussions of this topic.


On 2/18/12 3:55 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

Hey guys. I have a friend that just bought a Mac this week and she's having 
trouble. I'm trying to convince her to join this list but, and I know that this 
has probably been talked about a lot, but how do I remote with her Mac to find 
out what she's doing wrong? She was trying to install Skype on there but she 
doesn't know what she's doing.


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Re: finding friends on Facebook?

2012-02-18 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Colin, 

Have tried both mobile and main without success.

On Feb 18, 2012, at 6:01 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Donna!
> Which face book are you using [mobile,main, face tab and so on]
> Colin
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 22:30, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone happen to know what the best way is to find friends on Facebook 
>> these days?  Those checkboxes where you select town, high school, college, 
>> etc. don't seem to work at all, and I don't find a search box that let's you 
>> search by name.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Bluetooth keyboard recomendations regarding the IPhone.

2012-02-18 Thread Ryan Mann
I use the Apple Bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone and I love it. I've tried a 
couple of the mini bluetooth keyboards and I just don't like typing on those. I 
like being able to put my hands on the home row and you definitely can't do 
that with the mini bluetooth keyboards.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:47 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> I'm looking at getting the IPhone within the next month or so, and have been 
> debating over the otterbox defender case, or the keyboard buddy, which I'm a 
> little hesitant about, seeing as how I'm not sure how much protection it 
> offers as opposed to the otterbox cases.
>   So with that being the case, what do you all use as far as keyboards/cases 
> are concerned, and how are they performance-wise?
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
> check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items 
> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're 
> payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out 
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
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Re: finding friends on Facebook?

2012-02-18 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Colin,

What I did on my Mac was:
1. log into FB.
2. Click on Find Friends.
3. Tried to work with the checkboxes, Hometown, Current city, High School, etc.

I was unable to check or uncheck any of them.  I tried typing in the edit 
boxes, but this did not seem to narrow the search results.
Does this answer your question?

On Feb 18, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Sorry I meant menu tab for face book!
> Hi Donna!
> Which face book are you using [mobile,main, face tab and so on]
> Colin
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 22:30, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone happen to know what the best way is to find friends on Facebook 
>> these days?  Those checkboxes where you select town, high school, college, 
>> etc. don't seem to work at all, and I don't find a search box that let's you 
>> search by name.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
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Re: Question about Mountain Lion

2012-02-18 Thread CJ Daniel

I feel compelled to jump in here.  I returned from GDA in December with a 
successor guide.  Because of this, I'm pretty sure that a better choice than 
"Black Lab" or "German Shepherd" would be the ever popular & oh so lovable 
"Golden Retriever."  Just imagine that silly, grinning, fluffy face on every 
opening screen.  Oh well, works for me.  There could even be an Apple in his 
mouth with a bite missing.


On Feb 17, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> The second version should be called Black Lab. Grin. Nope no bias here. LOL
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:35 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I personally have asked that they consider switching to large breed dogs. 
>> They are starting to run out of large cats and mountain lions are not 
>> exactly large cats. :)
>> I have asked for German Shepherd not that I am biased or anything. :)
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 3:42 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Why call it Mountain Lion?  Are we to climb a mountain?
>>> On 17 Feb 2012, at 06:19 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Now now, just a second here.  You must remember that we were plainly told 
 this was just a  glimps.  the details always come out eventually.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:31 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi guys.
> Maybe somebody covered this already, and so maybe I missed something 
> somewhere. I watched the video on the Apple website concerning Mountain 
> Lion. Since VoiceOver is so far not mentioned in these things ever, how 
> do we know what's changed for it? It looks like that the Notification 
> Center is going to be wonderful for us, especially if it works like it 
> does on the iPhone. 
> When I first got my Mac and knew practically nothing, I asked 
> how I was going to know about VoiceOver changes. 
> The answer I got back was that I could read articles on it and that they 
> would be published with everything else. I am not finding this to be the 
> case. So, how do we find out or do we just wait and see? 
> Regards,
> Gigi
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Re: Captcha Solving on the Mac

2012-02-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Which part is weird? If anyone could create an account without a captcha 
puzzle then somebody would write a script to create a pile of accounts 
and use them for send spam or other nefarious things. More info can be 
found here:

I haven't had many issues with getting audio captcha to play (if there 
was one) on Safari. So you're saying the Apple audio captcha wasn't 
working? I just created an AppleID and it didn't seem to need any 
captcha solved.


On 2/18/12 12:38 AM, Jessica wrote:
Ok, that's weird as ever, but ok.  Either which way though, I can't 
seem to get my mac to play them for some strange reason, so have to 
use my pc if I need to sign up for anything that requires them.
 I needed to get an Apple ID this afternoon sense I'm in the process 
of getting my IPhone, and couldn't get my mac to play the audio 
captcha, which I didn't understand, sense it plays everything else 
under the sun.

- Original Message - From: "Chris Blouch" 
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: Captcha Solving on the Mac

It's to fool voice recognition algorithms. The purpose of a captcha is
to try and prove you're a real human being and not a hacker's script so
they come up with puzzles that are difficult for computers to solve. One
of those puzzles is the garbled audio with multiple conversations. Hard
for most people but also nearly impossible for an algorithm. Not sure
how else they could prevent bad folks from making a lot of fake accounts
and such to send out more spam.


On 2/17/12 12:33 AM, Jessica wrote:
They probably haven't; if they'd at least get rid of the jibberish in 
the background, those things might be a little easier to understand.  
I've never understood why that was there in the first place, sense 
it's nothing but pretty much someone talking backwards, if even that.

- Original Message - From: "Adie" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Captcha Solving on the Mac

Hi all

It's not just people with hearing impairments who have trouble with
these audio captchas. They are, generally speaking, of appalling
quality. The ones which contain a sentence, as opposed to unrelated
words and numbers, are a little easier, but really, how can any site
think they are fit for purpose?

I usually try to record what the thing says, but it often is
completely indecipherable. Sometimes I swear I have it right and it
still rejects it.

The site which most annoys me is the UK govt e-petitions site, which
has these for all signatories. My MP even complained to the Cabinet
Office and we just got the brush off. Have any of these people ever
tried one of these themselves? I think not.

It is particularly offensive when they then tell you it's to test if
you are human. Presumably they thk we are not.

Anyway, even I sometimes get fed up of complaining about them to site
owners, but I suppose we just have to keep doing it until they stop
using them. There are other more accessible solutions to the humanity


On Feb 14, 8:28 pm, Mark BurningHawk Baxter 
Google, FB, Twitter, all have audio captchas. for people with 
hearing loss, these prove abysmally challenging, but even I have 
managed to solve them. They're not at all easy, and I dread the 
thought of trying to re-sign-up for Craigslist because of this.

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: Question about a monitor on my mac mini

2012-02-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Best thing is to have the monitor connected before the Mac is powered on 
since the detect process seems to happen at bootup. I think it might be 
a cold boot thing so you might need to fully shut down, not just do a 


On 2/17/12 3:21 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:

Hi all,

I just connected a monitor to my mac mini and while my mac sees it there is 
nothing showing on the screen.  I know it works as it was tested.  Is there 
something I need to change in display settings?  Thanks.  Just wondering.


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Re: Matais keyboard on sale

2012-02-18 Thread Esther
Hi Reinhard and Tom,

I was going to reply to Tom's directly, but I'll answer your questions, since I 
wrote about the "Matias Tactile Pro 3 Keyboard" in response to his post wanting 
to find "the best extended keyboard out there, either wireless or usb, for the 
blind mac user."  (As I pointed out, "best" is subjective, but I tried to reply 
with what I thought Tom would consider to be "best" based on his comments, and 
also find a product he could check first-hand from his location in Vermont.)

Here's the link to the product description at the web site:

My full post is at the Mail Archive for this list:
• Re: Recommendation for extended keyboard.

This is a full sized keyboard that connects via USB 2, uses the ALPS key 
switches of the best tactilely responsive keyboards, and has the larger key 
travel of the older style Mac and PC keyboards in contrast to the flat, chiclet 
style keyboards currently used by Apple.  The keyboard also has three, 
non-powered USB ports.  The F-keys are arranged in separate groups of four at 
the top of the keyboard, and are vertically separated with a gap from the top 
row of number keys. You can put "Matias Tactile Pro 3" into a YouTube search, 
and listen to samples of people typing on these devices.  Younger users will 
probably find the key click sound level very loud.

I don't think this keyboard is being generally discounted as part of a 
President's Day sale -- the price on the Small Dog Electronics web site is 
still $139.95.  The best price I've seen online is from OWC (Other World 
Computing) for $117.99:

Matias makes a folding Bluetooth keyboard, which is not really more portable 
than the Apple Wireless Keyboard. (Closed to a size of 10.08 x 5 x 1.38 inches, 
the folded keyboard is almost as long as the Apple Wireless Keyboard's 11 inch 
length, and it is 18 inches long when opened.)

There's a new Matias keyboard for Mac or PC and iPhone that was announced in 
January just before MacWorld.  It's called the Matias One Keyboard, and is a 
USB keyboard that will be available in three models. Two of these will be full 
sized keyboards: the Standard Matias One Keyboard for  iPhone and PC or iPhone 
and Mac ($99.95), and the the Tactile Matias One Keyboard for iPhone and PC or 
iPhone and Mac ($199.95, all prices in US dollars).  The Tactile version uses 
the clicky  ALPS keyboard keys similar to the Matias Tactile Pro 3 keyboard.  
There will also be a Slim Matias One Keyboard for iPhone and PC or iPhone and 
Mac, that drops the extended keyboard portion.  

What's common in the design of all three models of the Matias "One Keyboard" is 
that the keyboards are powered by the USB2 connection, but will also support 
BlueTooth pairing to an iPhone or other iOS device via a switch.  So the idea 
is that you can use the same keyboard for typing either on your computer 
(through the USB connection) or on your iPhone (through BlueTooth), and have 
access to the full keyboard with numeric keypad, depending on which of the 
three One Keyboard models you get.

Other World Computer is taking pre-orders on the Slim ($74.95) and Standard 
($94.95) versions of the Matias One Keyboard, to ship in 20 days.  I haven't 
found any references to current sales of this keyboard on the internet yet, 
although you can place an order at the Matias web site.

I'm glad that Tom was able to get the Matias Tactile Pro 3 keyboard.  His 
original post was about trying to get a current model Apple Extended Keyboard 
working for a friend -- and that turned out to be easily solved by going into 
the System Preferences settings for Keyboard.  So I wasn't sure whether I'd 
written a very long post about keyboards that would never be used by anyone. 

HTH.  Cheers,

On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Reinhard Stebner wrote:

> Hi tom, I was wondering is this a portable keyboard or is it a full sized
> keyboard? Also, when I looked for "Matais" Google changed the word to
> "Matias" what is the correct spelling. Finally, do you have the mottle
> number of the keyboard you are using?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Frank Tom
> Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 8:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Matais keyboard on sale
> Hello Esther , et. al.,
> I went to Small Dog in Burlington VT this morning to buy the Matais
> keyboard. When I went to pay for it, it was on sale from $139.95 down to
> $109.00 I don't know if this is a Presidents' day sale or not, but if anyone
> is thinking about buying this keyboard, it may be on sale at other venders
> as well. It is a bit noisy, but the keys are very tactile and I have no
> problems finding my way around.  For us older folks who learned to type on
> a, what do you call those thin

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread John Panarese
   I still don't understand what you are trying to explain.  I have a 32 cell 
display, so, perhaps, I am not seeing what you are seeing.

The fact still remains that no one knows what Apple will or will not do by 
the time Mountain Lion is officially released.  It's not worth guessing, though 
I would strongly suggest sending suggestions and repeated bug reports to Apple 
Accessibility over the passing months.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Massimo Vettoretti wrote:

> In data Sabato 18 Febbraio 2012 2.47.35, John Panarese  
> ha scritto:
>>I have no idea what this means.  OS 10.8 is not out yet, and what are you 
>> basing your speculation on that there will be no improvements to VoiceOver.
> I am not speculating. I have that beta installed on my MBPro and, while I am 
> writing this message on my windows machine, it is running on my laptop.
>>   Also, for me, Braille support works just fine, and the "busy" signals that 
>> occasionally appear in Safari are manageable and tolerable.
> Braille, right now, is just a mirror of the voice Output. And this is 
> insufficient. My braille display costs 5000€ and I want to be able to do more 
> with
> it than reading in braille that Alex or Silvia Says. I want to be able to 
> define my own braille tables, if I need. Or, for GUI controls, in exampe, in
> italian if I encounter a checked Check box, what VO outputs on my 40 cells 
> braille display is "selezionato casella di spunta" or, if the checkbox is 
> unchecked,
> "non selezionato casella di spunta". It is more than 30 characters, on a 40 
> characters display. And there is no way to customize that thing. And this 
> problem
> is there since braille support has been implemented. And since then, many 
> users and I are requesting a solution. And since then, we all are receiving 
> the
> usual mail from Apple... They know the problem, they are investigating it 
> (what an hard and difficult investigation!) and they are working to solve the
> problem.
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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-18 Thread John Panarese
I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an upgrade.  
Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to doing the clean 
install, back up your current system with Time Machine or something like, Super 
 Duper, on an external drive, and after you install Lion for the first time, 
get the combo updater from the Apple Support page to go to 10.7.3.

 I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, you 
can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to you.  

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play with 
> Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
> All help would be appreciated.
> May and Prince Noah
> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
> email:
> -- 
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread Mike Arrigo
There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon worked 
fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like motion gps 
better because entering addresses is much easier.
On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:

> Hello Anne,
> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
> told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
> this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of a 
> program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
> should I grab?
> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
> Mike
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
>> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out routes 
>> that are off the beaten track.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
>>> it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
>>> interesting.
>>> Kindest regards,
>>> Mike
>>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
 you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. 
 They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility 
 for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
 users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
 top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-18 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Donna,

an interesting question. I don't know an answer but I'm also interested in 
accessible games. 

Just to mentioned it: On the iPhone is Papa Sangre highly interesting and 
nicely produced.

All the best
Am 18.02.2012 um 23:48 schrieb Goodin, Donna:

> Hey all,
> I pulled a muscle in my back so am spending the weekend convalescing.  Anyone 
> know of any games in the app store that are accessible on the Mac?
> TIA,
> Donna
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Re: Reading daisy books on my Macbook

2012-02-18 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Give Olearea a try.

All the best

Am 18.02.2012 um 23:52 schrieb Ewoud:

> Hi all,
> i have my macbook a month now and its working fine. But, reading a daisybok 
> on it, is still no happy doing.
> I use readhearpro, but that program can't fulfill me needs. The rate does not 
> work and also stops it for now reason.
> can anyone of you, give me a better option to read daisy books on my MacBook?
> I hope so.
> Greets from Ewoud 
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Re: Bluetooth keyboard recomendations regarding the IPhone.

2012-02-18 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Jesica.

I at present use a variety of keyboards when using my I phone 4S.

I use a small Ri Tech keyboard when out and about, or my braille display or my 
latest one, the Apple Wireless keyboard.  As for cases, I have a small leather 
case which has a cardholder in it too which serves my needs.  I just slip it in 
my bag.

On 19 Feb 2012, at 02:47 AM, Jessica  wrote:

> I'm looking at getting the IPhone within the next month or so, and have been 
> debating over the otterbox defender case, or the keyboard buddy, which I'm a 
> little hesitant about, seeing as how I'm not sure how much protection it 
> offers as opposed to the otterbox cases.
>   So with that being the case, what do you all use as far as keyboards/cases 
> are concerned, and how are they performance-wise?
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
> check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items 
> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're 
> payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out 
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
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