Hello Mike and Others,

The app Mike Arrigo is speaking of only works in the US and Canada, and is 
called "MotionX GPS Drive".  Even though there is a pedestrian mode supported 
in the app, the distinguishing part of the name is that word "Drive".  What's 
confusing is that the same company also offers an app that is also available in 
the US and Canadian App Stores, as well as internationally, called "MotionX 
GPS".  The latter app is meant to be used for hiking, boating, and other sports 
that involve traveling over terrain for which there may not be street maps -- 
hence there is no support for turn-by-turn navigation, and the interface also 
presents accessibility problems.  Quite a few list users who live outside the 
US and Canada have mistakenly purchased the "MotionX GPS" app because of 
confusion over these points.  

MotionX GPS Drive costs $0.99, and comes with 30 days of free live voice 
guidance.  Voice guidance support beyond that period can either be purchased 
for $2.99/month or at a currently featured rate of $9.99 for 1 year (60% 
discount from normal yearly rate).

Here's the link to the app in the US App Store:
• MotionX GPS Drive 
There's also a version of the app designed for the iPad:
• MotionX GPS Drive HD

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 18, 2012, at 6:07 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out routes 
> that are off the beaten track.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
>> it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
>> interesting.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Mike
>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
>>> you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. They 
>>> have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good accessibility for 
>>> voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the best one for blind 
>>> users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I think it has lost the 
>>> top spot, especially in the newest versions.

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