I have never been inpatient, though I was on a 48 hour hold after I defended my 
home; I believe I told you that story.  I made believe I was all right and they 
let me go after 48 hours. or maybe it was 72.  I've never even lasted in 
therapy other than that, so no I don't think it counts. :)  I really don't know 
the process, but you'd have to go through psychiatric evaluation or your doctor 
could prescribe you in.  I'm on my way out the door, so can't call now.  Hang 
in there, soothe yourself and do your maintenance--shower, grooming, clothing, 
meds, soothing. It'll pass.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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