Removing a podcast that I purchased on my IPhone through the ITunes store

2011-10-26 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. A couple of days ago I purchased a podcast from the ITunes 
store on my IPhone. I listened to it and want to remove it. I removed it from 
my library and when I synched it came back. How can I remove this podcast? none 
of the usual methods like unchecking the episode work? The episode is returned 
to my library every time I synch? I appreciate any help.

Thanks so much. I hope yu have a good day.

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Re: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look

2011-10-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
What i can't fathom is that more people haven't complained, i mean after all, 
unless this is a VO specific thing, sighted people have also been affected, so 
this has to be a known bug. If it is VO related, well, then i could understand 
that it hasn't yet been fixed.

25 okt 2011 kl. 19:57 skrev Missy Hoppe:

> VLC will play midis, but sadly, not in quicklook. The problem you're 
> describing is one of the main reasons I'm still using
> snow leopard. I know it's petty, but I enjoy my midi files, and under lion... 
> Well, You know. (smile) Maybe if a few more
> people complain, they'll actually fix it. Every time there is an update for 
> lion, I hope that maybe it will have been fixed,
> but so far, no such luck. I still haven't figured out how or why Apple broke 
> them under Lion, but they broke them very badly.
> As for vlc, you just need to download a sound font and then go into vlc 
> configuration. It's far from ideal but it's a
> work-around if you're otherwise happy using lion. Good luck, and I hope this 
> helps.
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Gavin
> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look
> Hi guys,
> I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when previewing a MIDI file 
> in Quick Look, the same sound canvas that is
> shipped with Windows can be heard. Is there a way to turn up the volume of 
> these sounds and remove the dynamics processing?
> The version of Quicktime that came preinstalled with Lion won't play MIDI 
> files, and VLC won't either.
> Regards,
> Gavin
> --
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Re: Safari Sluggishness

2011-10-26 Thread Les Kriegler

How does one reset Safari?  Can it actually be removed and re-installed?  If 
so, how is this accomplished?  Thanks.

On Oct 25, 2011, at 11:47 PM, T-Mobile Contactsportia wrote:

> It could be a number of things, but I won't go through a list of reasons. It 
> could be an Internet issue, also resetting Safari and clearing out the cache 
> could assist in solving issues. Hope this assists anyone who may need it in 
> the future.
> God bless,
> Portia.
> -- 
> Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> couldn't it just be a poor internet connection?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> > I have a friend who has a new iMac.  She does not use VoiceOver.  It has 
> > 4GB of memory.  She generally runs Pages, Mail and Safari at the same time. 
> >  She reports that she experiences 
> > web pages loading in about 20 seconds, which seems like a long time for 
> > pages to load.  WE changed her history setting to 1 day from 1 month and 
> > cleared out data from within the Privacy Tab.  Are there other settings 
> > that we should modify?  Any other ideas as to why pages seem to be taking a 
> > long time to load?  Thanks.
> > 
> > Les 
> > 
> > -- 
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> >
> > 
> -- 
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Re: Safari Sluggishness

2011-10-26 Thread Les Kriegler
The reason I don't think it's internet-specific is because she has wireless and 
her PC loads pages more quickly.  If Safari could be removed and re-installed, 
I'd like to give that a shot.

On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> couldn't it just be a poor internet connection?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> I have a friend who has a new iMac.  She does not use VoiceOver.  It has 4GB 
>> of memory.  She generally runs Pages, Mail and Safari at the same time.  She 
>> reports that she experiences 
>> web pages loading in about 20 seconds, which seems like a long time for 
>> pages to load.  WE changed her history setting to 1 day from 1 month and 
>> cleared out data from within the Privacy Tab.  Are there other settings that 
>> we should modify?  Any other ideas as to why pages seem to be taking a long 
>> time to load?  Thanks.
>> Les 
>> -- 
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Re: Safari Sluggishness

2011-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

I don't think Safari can be removed.  To reset, open safari and go to the 
Safari menu in the menu bar.  Here you will find the option to reset safari.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:55 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> The reason I don't think it's internet-specific is because she has wireless 
> and her PC loads pages more quickly.  If Safari could be removed and 
> re-installed, I'd like to give that a shot.
> Les
> On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> couldn't it just be a poor internet connection?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> I have a friend who has a new iMac.  She does not use VoiceOver.  It has 
>>> 4GB of memory.  She generally runs Pages, Mail and Safari at the same time. 
>>>  She reports that she experiences 
>>> web pages loading in about 20 seconds, which seems like a long time for 
>>> pages to load.  WE changed her history setting to 1 day from 1 month and 
>>> cleared out data from within the Privacy Tab.  Are there other settings 
>>> that we should modify?  Any other ideas as to why pages seem to be taking a 
>>> long time to load?  Thanks.
>>> Les 
>>> -- 
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Re: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look

2011-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

It might be one of those situations where many people aren't previewing midi 
files with quick look.  I must admit, I'm not.  I would think those listening 
to such files for their pure entertainment value are far and few between.  So, 
it doesn't shock me that the issue hasn't been addressed.  Look at this list 
for example.  There are hundreds of members but, I've only seen 4 people even 
bring the topic up.  But the amount of people who listen and create music on 
the list is pretty big.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:36 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> What i can't fathom is that more people haven't complained, i mean after all, 
> unless this is a VO specific thing, sighted people have also been affected, 
> so this has to be a known bug. If it is VO related, well, then i could 
> understand that it hasn't yet been fixed.
> /Krister
> 25 okt 2011 kl. 19:57 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>> VLC will play midis, but sadly, not in quicklook. The problem you're 
>> describing is one of the main reasons I'm still using
>> snow leopard. I know it's petty, but I enjoy my midi files, and under 
>> lion... Well, You know. (smile) Maybe if a few more
>> people complain, they'll actually fix it. Every time there is an update for 
>> lion, I hope that maybe it will have been fixed,
>> but so far, no such luck. I still haven't figured out how or why Apple broke 
>> them under Lion, but they broke them very badly.
>> As for vlc, you just need to download a sound font and then go into vlc 
>> configuration. It's far from ideal but it's a
>> work-around if you're otherwise happy using lion. Good luck, and I hope this 
>> helps.
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Gavin
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:24 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look
>> Hi guys,
>> I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when previewing a MIDI 
>> file in Quick Look, the same sound canvas that is
>> shipped with Windows can be heard. Is there a way to turn up the volume of 
>> these sounds and remove the dynamics processing?
>> The version of Quicktime that came preinstalled with Lion won't play MIDI 
>> files, and VLC won't either.
>> Regards,
>> Gavin
>> --
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Re: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look

2011-10-26 Thread Gigi
Hi guys.
I was disappointed that my midi files won't work on my Mac. However, I still 
have a desktop under Vista and/or I could install Windows if I really wanted 
to. Also, I suspect Apple will eventually fix that. After all, look how much 
work they have done on music things like iTues and Garage Band. 

However, right now I have a real weird thing going on with my iPhone that I 
wanted to ask about. If I am in Mail, and I read and delete all the messages in 
all my inboxes like SBCGLOBAL and iCloud, I can't access any other boxes like 
Archives, for instance. I went into Settings, hoping I could find where it was 
a view option. I moved a message and thought I had put it into the wrong box; I 
thought I had put it into the trash, and I wanted to put it into Archives. If 
this list weren't so busy, I'ad have to send a message to myself to take a 
look-see. What can I do? 

While I'm at it, I have another question. If I wanted to send messages from 
this list to iCloud so that they are synced, would I need to change my email 
address on this list by unsubscribing and starting over or can I set a rule? 


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:15 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> It might be one of those situations where many people aren't previewing midi 
> files with quick look.  I must admit, I'm not.  I would think those listening 
> to such files for their pure entertainment value are far and few between.  
> So, it doesn't shock me that the issue hasn't been addressed.  Look at this 
> list for example.  There are hundreds of members but, I've only seen 4 people 
> even bring the topic up.  But the amount of people who listen and create 
> music on the list is pretty big.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:36 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> What i can't fathom is that more people haven't complained, i mean after 
>> all, unless this is a VO specific thing, sighted people have also been 
>> affected, so this has to be a known bug. If it is VO related, well, then i 
>> could understand that it hasn't yet been fixed.
>> /Krister
>> 25 okt 2011 kl. 19:57 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>>> VLC will play midis, but sadly, not in quicklook. The problem you're 
>>> describing is one of the main reasons I'm still using
>>> snow leopard. I know it's petty, but I enjoy my midi files, and under 
>>> lion... Well, You know. (smile) Maybe if a few more
>>> people complain, they'll actually fix it. Every time there is an update for 
>>> lion, I hope that maybe it will have been fixed,
>>> but so far, no such luck. I still haven't figured out how or why Apple 
>>> broke them under Lion, but they broke them very badly.
>>> As for vlc, you just need to download a sound font and then go into vlc 
>>> configuration. It's far from ideal but it's a
>>> work-around if you're otherwise happy using lion. Good luck, and I hope 
>>> this helps.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Gavin
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:24 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when previewing a MIDI 
>>> file in Quick Look, the same sound canvas that is
>>> shipped with Windows can be heard. Is there a way to turn up the volume of 
>>> these sounds and remove the dynamics processing?
>>> The version of Quicktime that came preinstalled with Lion won't play MIDI 
>>> files, and VLC won't either.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gavin
>>> --
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can I reinstall Itunes?

2011-10-26 Thread Cam
Hi all,

I am having trouble with ITunes. I am running the latest version.
However Itunes is behaving strangely in that it is syncing everything
to my IPhone except my music etc. But when I look on the capacity bar
it tells me that the music files are on my IPhone - 8gb of audio. I
also find that ITunes is not letting me eject cds when I try to burn
them, and it is locking up in dialog boxes, refusing to allow me to
quit it etc.

I'm wondering if it is possible to reinstall Itunes? I am running the
latest version. If it is possible, how do I do this? Sorry to ask such
a basic question - while I've had a mac for a while I'm fairly new to
it still. Also if I do reinstall ITunes will it delete all my apps
music etc from my computer if I uninstall ITunes, or is this data all
saved in folders? Will it remain intact even if I reinstall ITunes?

Many thanks for your help

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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
properly for me.
BTW, I have a question.
How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a touchscreen?
You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?

On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your finger
> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other fingers,
> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go around
> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about this
> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Rahul,
>> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
>> finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
>> under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications. The
>> home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
>> the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping a
>> finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping left
>> will take you to the previous item.
>> to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
>> sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
>> you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
>> page, you can swipe down with two fingers from near the top and it will
>> read continuously. Tap once with two fingers to pause and restart it.
>> This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you
>> can explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
>>> with VoiceOver.
>>> VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
>>> know how to move forward.
>>> I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
>>> the reason for the problem I'm facing.
>>> So, can anyone here give some tips that might be useful?
>>> I really want to be able to use my iPod Touch.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rahul
>>> --
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RE: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look

2011-10-26 Thread Missy Hoppe
Nope, it's not VO related at all. I tested it with vo turned off and got the 
same results.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Krister Ekstrom
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 5:36 AM
Subject: Re: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look

What i can't fathom is that more people haven't complained, i mean after all, 
unless this is a VO specific thing, sighted
people have also been affected, so this has to be a known bug. If it is VO 
related, well, then i could understand that it
hasn't yet been fixed.

25 okt 2011 kl. 19:57 skrev Missy Hoppe:

> VLC will play midis, but sadly, not in quicklook. The problem you're
> describing is one of the main reasons I'm still using snow leopard. I
> know it's petty, but I enjoy my midi files, and under lion... Well,
> You know. (smile) Maybe if a few more people complain, they'll actually fix 
> it. Every time there is an update for lion, I
hope that maybe it will have been fixed, but so far, no such luck. I still 
haven't figured out how or why Apple broke them
under Lion, but they broke them very badly.
> As for vlc, you just need to download a sound font and then go into
> vlc configuration. It's far from ideal but it's a work-around if you're 
> otherwise happy using lion. Good luck, and I hope
this helps.
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Gavin
> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look
> Hi guys,
> I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when previewing a
> MIDI file in Quick Look, the same sound canvas that is shipped with Windows 
> can be heard. Is there a way to turn up the
volume of these sounds and remove the dynamics processing?
> The version of Quicktime that came preinstalled with Lion won't play MIDI 
> files, and VLC won't either.
> Regards,
> Gavin
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look

2011-10-26 Thread Missy Hoppe
Well, the exact same thing happens if you open midis in quicktime, so it isn't 
just quicklook. Quicklook is just the easiest
way to spot the problem.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look


It might be one of those situations where many people aren't previewing midi 
files with quick look.  I must admit, I'm not.
I would think those listening to such files for their pure entertainment value 
are far and few between.  So, it doesn't shock
me that the issue hasn't been addressed.  Look at this list for example.  There 
are hundreds of members but, I've only seen 4
people even bring the topic up.  But the amount of people who listen and create 
music on the list is pretty big.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:36 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> What i can't fathom is that more people haven't complained, i mean after all, 
> unless this is a VO specific thing, sighted
people have also been affected, so this has to be a known bug. If it is VO 
related, well, then i could understand that it
hasn't yet been fixed.
> /Krister
> 25 okt 2011 kl. 19:57 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>> VLC will play midis, but sadly, not in quicklook. The problem you're
>> describing is one of the main reasons I'm still using snow leopard. I
>> know it's petty, but I enjoy my midi files, and under lion... Well,
>> You know. (smile) Maybe if a few more people complain, they'll actually fix 
>> it. Every time there is an update for lion, I
hope that maybe it will have been fixed, but so far, no such luck. I still 
haven't figured out how or why Apple broke them
under Lion, but they broke them very badly.
>> As for vlc, you just need to download a sound font and then go into
>> vlc configuration. It's far from ideal but it's a work-around if you're 
>> otherwise happy using lion. Good luck, and I hope
this helps.
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Gavin
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:24 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MIDI File Preview In Quick Look
>> Hi guys,
>> I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but when previewing a
>> MIDI file in Quick Look, the same sound canvas that is shipped with Windows 
>> can be heard. Is there a way to turn up the
volume of these sounds and remove the dynamics processing?
>> The version of Quicktime that came preinstalled with Lion won't play MIDI 
>> files, and VLC won't either.
>> Regards,
>> Gavin
>> --
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iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family

2011-10-26 Thread Hai Nguyen Ly

iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family

With the launch of iOS 5 and iCloud on Wednesday, Apple took another huge step 
towards the Post-PC era. They have increasingly made the PC less important and 
iCloud has meant that it is no longer the ‘hub’ to which your devices sync to – 
iCloud is now that hub and importantly, it is all tied to an Apple ID. As many 
are realizing as they update to iOS 5 and begin to use iCloud, this can be 
somewhat problematic when iCloud is used with the Apple ID that is shared by 
their whole family.

Prior to iOS 5, sharing an Apple ID wasn’t really a problem because its main 
purpose was for purchasing content on iTunes, using it for support purposes and 
purchasing items on the online Apple Store – all tasks that worked fine when 
sharing an ID. Now that Apple ID is tied to a bunch of services, a lot of which 
involve personal and private data that you don’t necessarily want to share with 
others – even family members. The other issue is that iCloud involves a lot of 
data synchronization and this doesn’t work well with multiple people as it 
results in data conflicts and devices syncing data (such as calendar events) 
that are meant for another person in the family.

Fortunately there are a number of ways to resolve these issues, whilst still 
benefiting from all of the new iOS 5 and iCloud features. Jump the break to see 
all of our tips in dealing with this issue.

Essentially what we want to do is to use multiple Apple IDs on a particular 
device, sharing the existing Apple ID for purchases and downloads and creating 
a separate one for iCloud and other services – fortunately Apple has made it 
fairly easy to do in iOS 5. Within the Settings app, you can tell various 
services (e.g. FaceTime) which Apple ID to use – and you can set up a mixture 
of Apple IDs (although only 1 per service). In actual fact there are 6 services 
in which a different Apple ID can be used: iCloud, FaceTime, iMessage, iTunes 
Home Sharing, iTunes (includes App Store and iBookstore) and Game Center.

So this means you can use one Apple ID for iCloud, another for iMessage and 
another for iTunes and so on. With that said, here are my top recommendations 
for how to deal with sharing an Apple ID and using iOS 5.


1. Use a personal Apple ID for iCloud

This is the most important suggestion I can give you, iCloud includes a number 
of new services from syncing mail, calendars, contacts, reminders and bookmarks 
to Photo Stream to storing your documents and data for third party apps.

This is my first suggestion because even if you are OK with sharing email and 
Photo Stream with others, it will become frustrating to see all of your wife’s 
calendar appointments or contacts synced to your iPhone, or when her Pages 
documents start appearing on your device.


Photo Stream must be tied to your iCloud account, which means if you do decide 
to make it personal, you can’t share photos using Photo Stream with others who 
have a different iCloud Apple ID associated with their devices. For some this 
might be very frustrating.
Only one Apple ID can be used for iCloud, unfortunately this means you can’t 
mix and match iCloud services with different IDs (ie. use Photo Stream with ID 
#1 and Documents and Data with ID #2). Note there is somewhat of a partial 
workaround for this which I have described towards the end of this article.


2. Share an Apple ID for iTunes/App Stores

I would guess the number 1 reason people currently share an Apple ID is so that 
they can share Apps, Music, Movies and all the rest of iTunes’ content with 
their family without having to purchase it multiple times. This can continue to 
happen with iOS 5, and in my opinion it should probably be the only service 
which you share an Apple ID across everyone in a family.

Simply sign into the iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstore on all the iOS 
devices in your family with this shared Apple ID (preferably the one you have 
already been using for purchases – otherwise you’ll lose your previously 
purchased content). You can also go to the ‘Store’ section of the Settings app 
to ensure the correct Apple ID is being used and to turn Automatic Downloads 
on. If you are unaware, Automatic Downloads is a new feature that lets you 
purchase content from one of Apple’s stores and have every device automatically 
download that content, without any syncing or manual action by the user.


Automatic downloads can be a little annoying if one family member is 
downloading lots of games when another family member never plays games – it 
might be best to turn it off (which you can do on a device-by-device basis), 
especially for Apps because they will quickly stack up, cluttering your home 
screen with apps you never wanted.
iBookstore can sync bookmarks, and this can also get a little annoying if 2 
people are readi

Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
The keys on the touch screen are in the same location as the keys on a physical 
keyboard. So if you touch f, you know the key next to it is the d key, above f 
is r, etc. 
On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
> I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
> and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
> properly for me.
> BTW, I have a question.
> How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a touchscreen?
> You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
> practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
> On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
>> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your finger
>> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other fingers,
>> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go around
>> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about this
>> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
>> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
>> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
>> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Rahul,
>>> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
>>> finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
>>> under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications. The
>>> home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
>>> the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping a
>>> finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping left
>>> will take you to the previous item.
>>> to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
>>> sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
>>> you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
>>> page, you can swipe down with two fingers from near the top and it will
>>> read continuously. Tap once with two fingers to pause and restart it.
>>> This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you
>>> can explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
 with VoiceOver.
 VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
 know how to move forward.
 I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
 the reason for the problem I'm facing.
 So, can anyone here give some tips that might be useful?
 I really want to be able to use my iPod Touch.
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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again.
Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us, learned 
to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade. The 
keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a 
typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like 
the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind people 
prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or iPad, 
etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double tapping to 
make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the screen and 
the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your finger. Now, after 
a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing on the key you need 
without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a keyboard that I just 
got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need be. I hope this 
explanation helps. 

You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on 
the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your 
device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is a 
way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand either 
to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or turning an old 
radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly so that VoiceOver 
has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear it say typing, then 
you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen and flick it I think 
toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the other way. When it says 
touch typing, then you have set the device so that you can make letters by 
touching them and then picking up your finger. VoiceOver will say the letter in 
a different voice when it accepts the letter.

It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you don't 
have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter, however, you 
can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch typing from there.


On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
> I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
> and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
> properly for me.
> BTW, I have a question.
> How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a touchscreen?
> You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
> practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
> On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
>> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your finger
>> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other fingers,
>> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go around
>> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about this
>> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
>> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
>> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
>> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Rahul,
>>> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
>>> finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
>>> under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications. The
>>> home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
>>> the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping a
>>> finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping left
>>> will take you to the previous item.
>>> to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
>>> sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
>>> you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
>>> page, you can swipe down with two fingers from near the top and it will
>>> read continuously. Tap once with two fingers to pause and restart it.
>>> This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you
>>> can explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
 with VoiceOver.
 VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
 know how to move forward.
 I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
 the reason for the problem I'm facing.

IPhoto and Accessibility

2011-10-26 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Is the latest version of IPhoto accessible. I have a little older version and 
it doesn't look real easy to use. I'm wanting to import some photos and shrink 
them down to a manageable size for sharing. 


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Re: IPhoto and Accessibility

2011-10-26 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I just used IPhoto the other day to do just what you said--crop and reduce the 
size of some photos.  I used an older version as I haven't upgraded to ILife 
11, but it worked all right for me.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: IPhoto and Accessibility

2011-10-26 Thread Kevin Mattingly

You know what that means. I need to spend a little more time with it then 
instead of running to you guys.

Thanks Mark, I'll give it another shot,

On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:24 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I just used IPhoto the other day to do just what you said--crop and reduce 
> the size of some photos.  I used an older version as I haven't upgraded to 
> ILife 11, but it worked all right for me.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Rahul Bajaj

Where can I get a keyboard?
Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with a keyboard?

On 26/10/2011, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi again.
> Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us,
> learned to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade.
> The keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a
> typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like
> the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind
> people prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or
> iPad, etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double
> tapping to make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the
> screen and the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your
> finger. Now, after a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing
> on the key you need without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a
> keyboard that I just got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need
> be. I hope this explanation helps.
> You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on
> the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your
> device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is
> a way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand
> either to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or
> turning an old radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly
> so that VoiceOver has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear
> it say typing, then you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen
> and flick it I think toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the
> other way. When it says touch typing, then you have set the device so that
> you can make letters by touching them and then picking up your finger.
> VoiceOver will say the letter in a different voice when it accepts the
> letter.
> It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you
> don't have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter,
> however, you can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch
> typing from there.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
>> I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
>> and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
>> properly for me.
>> BTW, I have a question.
>> How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a
>> touchscreen?
>> You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
>> practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
>> On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
>>> Hi guys.
>>> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
>>> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your
>>> finger
>>> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other
>>> fingers,
>>> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go
>>> around
>>> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about
>>> this
>>> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
>>> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
>>> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
>>> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>>> wrote:
 Hi, Rahul,

 You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
 finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
 under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications.
 home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
 the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping
 finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping
 will take you to the previous item.

 to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
 sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
 you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
 page, you can swipe down with two fingers from near the top and it will
 read continuously. Tap once with two fingers to pause and restart it.

 This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you
 can explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.

 "Visualize whirled peas."

 On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being abl

Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
As far as I know, you can use your features. I haven't tested them all, but 
those you can't can be accessed with the touch screen. In fact, the touch 
screen may let you access things that a keyboard won't. This is true I think as 
long as the program you are running is accessible. For example, I downloaded 
the program for the iPhone for Public Broadcasting. It's mostly inaccessible 
because the programmers, assuming anybody could use it the way they set it up, 
used graphics or something so that the speech just says the word button all the 
time. I hear you can label those these days. I won't go into that any more 
right now.

As for where you can get the keyboard, I went to the Apple store. You can 
either go there like I did if it's available where you are, or you can go to and find the link for the Apple store. There are other keyboards 
but I got the Apple one because I didn't want to take a chance that the 
keyboard I got wouldn't work with my iPhone. Mine is not very big. 


On Oct 26, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Gigi,
> Where can I get a keyboard?
> Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with a keyboard?
> On 26/10/2011, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us,
>> learned to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade.
>> The keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a
>> typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like
>> the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind
>> people prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or
>> iPad, etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double
>> tapping to make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the
>> screen and the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your
>> finger. Now, after a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing
>> on the key you need without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a
>> keyboard that I just got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need
>> be. I hope this explanation helps.
>> You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on
>> the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your
>> device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is
>> a way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand
>> either to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or
>> turning an old radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly
>> so that VoiceOver has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear
>> it say typing, then you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen
>> and flick it I think toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the
>> other way. When it says touch typing, then you have set the device so that
>> you can make letters by touching them and then picking up your finger.
>> VoiceOver will say the letter in a different voice when it accepts the
>> letter.
>> It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you
>> don't have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter,
>> however, you can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch
>> typing from there.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
>>> I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
>>> and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
>>> properly for me.
>>> BTW, I have a question.
>>> How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a
>>> touchscreen?
>>> You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
>>> practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
>>> On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
 Hi guys.
 I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
 and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your
 is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other
 and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go
 the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about
 command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
 didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
 good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
 the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> Hi, Rahul,
> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving o

repair permission

2011-10-26 Thread joseph
hello listers

how to perform repair permission in lion please?

thank you in advance.


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Entering contacts

2011-10-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
If you get an e-mail like I just did with a lot of contact information in it 
like name, address, etc., besides whipping out one's iPhone like I just did, 
what is the easiest way to tell the Mac to put into your contacts list so that 
it will go to your iPhone? I told the computer to add the sender to the address 
book, but I don't know if that's the same thing. 

Thanks guys. 

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Re: Safari Sluggishness

2011-10-26 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Ricardo,

Okay, thanks.  We'll try that.

On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:10 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't think Safari can be removed.  To reset, open safari and go to the 
> Safari menu in the menu bar.  Here you will find the option to reset safari.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:55 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> The reason I don't think it's internet-specific is because she has wireless 
>> and her PC loads pages more quickly.  If Safari could be removed and 
>> re-installed, I'd like to give that a shot.
>> Les
>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> couldn't it just be a poor internet connection?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
 I have a friend who has a new iMac.  She does not use VoiceOver.  It has 
 4GB of memory.  She generally runs Pages, Mail and Safari at the same 
 time.  She reports that she experiences 
 web pages loading in about 20 seconds, which seems like a long time for 
 pages to load.  WE changed her history setting to 1 day from 1 month and 
 cleared out data from within the Privacy Tab.  Are there other settings 
 that we should modify?  Any other ideas as to why pages seem to be taking 
 a long time to load?  Thanks.
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can't use safari!

2011-10-26 Thread banu.bc
I tried your advise which is "vo shift f2,"but it doesn't changed.  I
think I did something wrong while I was trying to learn.   when I open
safari even I choose don't show bookmarks it shows them and says
toolbar etc.  I open a new location it opens and after clicking one
link it just reads bookmarks  and other  stuff.
and also another question I try to delete my space list  there are 7
desk top thing in my space list. I tried to follow the way  thatyou
recommend here, how ever it  doesn't work. "intract with space list
press shiftvo keys f2 and press return key" after pressing return key
it says commend doesn't work with closed window.  I made these "desk
top  exit "in spaces list accidently and wanna   delete them.
 all help is  apprishiated

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Re: tip: audio cd burning

2011-10-26 Thread Paul Henrichsen
I didn't see a web page noted for this app.

On Oct 21, 2011, at 6:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi listers,
> Burn is a mac program that, among other things, can burn audio CD's outside 
> of itunes. If your music is in the itunes library, then it is simple to do it 
> from itunes, but I had an album in the flac file format that I wanted to 
> burn, and rather than firing up fusion and windows, burn is an accessible 
> utility. Just googhle mac burn audio cd and you will find it. The only thing 
> to get started is, that you must first interact with the toolbar and hit the 
> audio button, so that you can burn an audio cd. Then, you simply hit add, 
> select the files to add, exit that dialog by hitting the open button, and 
> then hit burn. Easy and effective, and it's free. No app store needed. Just 
> get the zip file. There's a 64-bit version as well on their site. 
> Oh another thing I almost forgot to mention, is that if you want to burn a 
> live CD, i.e. one without silence gaps between tracks, then you cannot do 
> this on a per CD basis, but you have to enter a 0 second gap preference, 
> command comma from the main screen, for each CD. So, if you are going to burn 
> audio, then remember to check the burn program preferences to make sure your 
> gap setting is right for the content you burn. Just in case any one was 
> looking for an audio burner on the mac that is voiceover accessible. This one 
> is.
> Paul.
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Re: repair permission

2011-10-26 Thread Simon Cavendish
In your finder, press command+shift+u to open utilities folder in your 
applications. Then find Disk Utility. Once in it, vo+right arrow to find table 
of available disks. Interact with it and find your macintosh hd. Stop 
interacting and vo+right arrow until you find your first aid tab. Make sure it 
is selected. Then vo+right arrow again till you hear repair permissions. 
vo+space on it and it should start the process.
On 26 Oct 2011, at 18:30, joseph wrote:

> hello listers
> how to perform repair permission in lion please?
> thank you in advance.
> best  
> -- 
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Wireless keyboard

2011-10-26 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I have a few questions regarding the wireless keyboards that are
provided by Apple.
1. I have a 4th generation 8GB iPod Touch. Will such a wireless
keyboard work with my iPod?
2. Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with the wireless keyboard?
3. Is the wireless keyboard similar to the keyboard that we find on the Mac?
 4. According to you, is it easier to use the touchscreen or the keyboard?

I would be extremely grateful if you would be kind enough to answer
these questions.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Wireless keyboard

2011-10-26 Thread Scott Howell

Yes the wireless bluetooth keyboard will work with an iPod Touch and in fact 
with any iOS device. The keyboard is the same keyboard you would find on the 
MacBook line of computers. Most functions you can perform via the touch-screen 
can be performed with the keyboard.
However, as far as whether using the screen or keyboard will be subjective and 
the only advice I can offer is learn to use the touch-screen and then use the 
keyboard. You will find cases where you may not have the keyboard, so it will 
benefit you to learn how to operate with and without the keyboard.

On Oct 26, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Rahul

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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Dean Adams

Hi Rahul,
Here is the keyboard info for using the 
apple bluetooth keyboard with your Ipod touch or 
any other Apple device that accepts bluetooth keyboards.

Regards Dean

VoiceOver using an Apple Wireless Keyboard

You can control VoiceOver using an Apple Wireless 
Keyboard paired with iPhone. See 
an Apple Wireless Keyboard.

The VoiceOver keyboard commands let you navigate 
the screen, select items, read screen contents, 
adjust the rotor, and perform other VoiceOver 
actions. All the keyboard commands (except one) 
include Control-Option, abbreviated in the table below as “VO.”

VoiceOver Help speaks keys or keyboard commands 
as you type them. You can use VoiceOver Help to 
learn the keyboard layout and the actions associated with key combinations.

VoiceOver Keyboard Commands

VO = Control-Option

Read all, starting from the current position


Read from the top


Move to the status bar


Press the Home button


Select the next or previous item

VO–Right Arrow or VO–Left Arrow

Tap an item

VO–Space bar

Double-tap with two fingers


Choose the next or previous rotor item

VO–Up Arrow or VO–Down Arrow

Choose the next or previous speech rotor item

VO–Command–Left Arrow or VO–Command–Right Arrow

Adjust speech rotor item

VO–Command–Up Arrow or VO–Command–Down Arrow

Mute or unmute VoiceOver


Turn the screen curtain on or off


Turn on VoiceOver help


Return to the previous screen, or turn off VoiceOver help


Quick Nav

Turn on Quick Nav to control VoiceOver using the 
arrow keys. Quick Nav is off by default.

Turn Quick Nav on or off

Left Arrow–Right Arrow

Select the next or previous item

Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Select the next or previous item specified by the rotor setting

Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Select the first or last item

Control–Up Arrow or Control–Down Arrow

"Tap” an item

Up Arrow–Down Arrow

Scroll up, down, left, or right

Option–Up Arrow, Option–Down Arrow, Option–Left Arrow, or Option–Right Arrow

Change the rotor

Up Arrow–Left Arrow or Up Arrow–Right Arrow

You can also use the number keys on the Apple 
Wireless Keyboard to dial a phone number in Phone 
or enter numbers in Calculator.

At 10:47 PM 26/10/2011, you wrote:

Hi all,

Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
properly for me.
BTW, I have a question.
How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a touchscreen?
You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?

On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your finger
> is on an item you would like to select. Just 
take one of your other fingers,

> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go around
> the screen. Even if you don't use this 
command, it's good to know about this

> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Rahul,
>> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
>> finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
>> under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications. The
>> home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
>> the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping a
>> finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping left
>> will take you to the previous item.
>> to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
>> sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
>> you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
>> page, you can swipe down with two fingers from near the top and it will
>> read continuously. Tap once with two fingers to pause and restart it.
>> This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you
>> can explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
>>> with VoiceOver.
>>> VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
>>> know how to move forward.
>>> I have never used a device with a touchscreen bef

Re: Wireless keyboard

2011-10-26 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
You know, the more I think about it, I think some people would learn better if 
they had a keyboard in the beginning, as long as they then transitioned to the 
touch screen after getting familiar with the device. I have an acquaintance who 
has a lot of computer experience, having used Jaws and braille displays on her 
job. However, she is firmly convinced that she has to be shown everything and 
can't learn it on her own. She got an iPhone, and got frustrated because of the 
touch screen and then just put it away saying that she just couldn't do it. I 
think she might have done better with a keyboard from the beginning and 
switched to the touch screen later once she learned. I think it's a personal 
style.  didn't find out about the keyboards until later, and I'm glad I learned 
the touch screen first for myself. Rahul, I think you will want to make a 
judgment as to which method would work better for you. You definitely want to 
be able to use the touch screen for as many activities as possible because you 
don't want to have a situation where you must have the keyboard with you to 
function on your device. 


On Oct 26, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Rahul,
> Yes the wireless bluetooth keyboard will work with an iPod Touch and in fact 
> with any iOS device. The keyboard is the same keyboard you would find on the 
> MacBook line of computers. Most functions you can perform via the 
> touch-screen can be performed with the keyboard.
> However, as far as whether using the screen or keyboard will be subjective 
> and the only advice I can offer is learn to use the touch-screen and then use 
> the keyboard. You will find cases where you may not have the keyboard, so it 
> will benefit you to learn how to operate with and without the keyboard.
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Rahul
> -- 
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Re: putting books from BARD to cartridge

2011-10-26 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
The icon labeled untitled is probably the right one. It should be under your 
Hard Drive icon. You also know it it's the right one when you unplug it; your 
Mac will complain that you didn't eject it properly.

Open it with Command O and check out the folder. I get rid of unwanted files 
mby the context menu, VO Shift M. I go down and select Move to trash.  I then 
copy and paste the BARD books from my downloads file to the cartridge folder. 

Good listening.

Tom Frank

On Oct 25, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> I found something that says untitled but it doesn't have anything in it and I 
> know I have stuff in my cartridge.  What do I do now?
> I want to delete the stuff in my folder that was in it and put my new stuff 
> in my cartridge.
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 25, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Jennifer. 
>> I usually find my carridge on the desktop. Sometimes I have to do VO right 
>> arrow or Vo left arrow to get to it. You probably know what to do with it 
>> after that, but if not, you need VO space to get into the cartridge. It may 
>> say something like no title or something weird you don't recognize. It won't 
>> say cartridge or something like that. I haven't tried to see if it can be 
>> renamed. I have thought about it. 
>> Regards,
>> Bigi
>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I downloaded a book from the BARD sight and would like to copy it to my 
>>> cartridge so I can play it on my book player.  How do I get my Mac Mini to 
>>> knowledge  the cartridge.  I plugged it into the computer and so far there 
>>> is no acknowledgment that the computer sees it.
>>> Can anyone help and tell me where in the finder I would find it.  Thanks so 
>>> much.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Oct 25, 2011, at 11:36 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is there a command for this?  I've looked, but can't seem to find one.
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Re: Wireless keyboard

2011-10-26 Thread Scott Howell
I think the problem is that most people become frustrated because they have 
this idea in their mind and a set of expectations that cannot be met.
Also some people are more visual and yes this includes blind people. Some 
people have a very different spacial awareness and a touch-screen environment 
will just make sense and I feel I am sort of like that. I was very fortunate to 
have mastered the iPhone within a few days of owning it. Of course I had the 
added advantage of realizing I did not have a device to fall back on, so I had 
some real incentive. I understand for some this will not be the case, but I do 
believe that unless you immerse yourself in the experience and learning it will 
make the process take longer and will be more difficult. I have told people 
this who have switched from another OS to the Mac. You just have to dive in at 
some point and sink or swim. Chances are you will learn to swim pretty quickly.
This is why I feel strongly the keyboard should come second. I think there are 
some who have gotten the keyboard and now find themselves trapped in a world 
where they are trying to balance the keyboard against the touch-screen. Primary 
reason is efficiency of typing. True typing on a regular keyboard is going to 
be more efficient and that is true even for sighted people, but you also cheat 
yourself out of the experience in using the on-screen keyboard for those times 
when you do not have a physical keyboard handy.

On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys. 
> You know, the more I think about it, I think some people would learn better 
> if they had a keyboard in the beginning, as long as they then transitioned to 
> the touch screen after getting familiar with the device. I have an 
> acquaintance who has a lot of computer experience, having used Jaws and 
> braille displays on her job. However, she is firmly convinced that she has to 
> be shown everything and can't learn it on her own. She got an iPhone, and got 
> frustrated because of the touch screen and then just put it away saying that 
> she just couldn't do it. I think she might have done better with a keyboard 
> from the beginning and switched to the touch screen later once she learned. I 
> think it's a personal style.  didn't find out about the keyboards until 
> later, and I'm glad I learned the touch screen first for myself. Rahul, I 
> think you will want to make a judgment as to which method would work better 
> for you. You definitely want to be able to use the touch screen for as many 
> activities as possible because you don't want to have a situation where you 
> must have the keyboard with you to function on your device. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Rahul,
>> Yes the wireless bluetooth keyboard will work with an iPod Touch and in fact 
>> with any iOS device. The keyboard is the same keyboard you would find on the 
>> MacBook line of computers. Most functions you can perform via the 
>> touch-screen can be performed with the keyboard.
>> However, as far as whether using the screen or keyboard will be subjective 
>> and the only advice I can offer is learn to use the touch-screen and then 
>> use the keyboard. You will find cases where you may not have the keyboard, 
>> so it will benefit you to learn how to operate with and without the keyboard.
>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Rahul
>> -- 
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Re: repair permission

2011-10-26 Thread joseph
aha,  what is the difference between repair permission and repair disk

On 26 Oct 2011, at 20:50, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> In your finder, press command+shift+u to open utilities folder in your 
> applications. Then find Disk Utility. Once in it, vo+right arrow to find 
> table of available disks. Interact with it and find your macintosh hd. Stop 
> interacting and vo+right arrow until you find your first aid tab. Make sure 
> it is selected. Then vo+right arrow again till you hear repair permissions. 
> vo+space on it and it should start the process.
> On 26 Oct 2011, at 18:30, joseph wrote:
>> hello listers
>> how to perform repair permission in lion please?
>> thank you in advance.
>> best 
>> -- 
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erasing pictures

2011-10-26 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
How do I erase pictures from my iPhone?

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Read to go bookshare IOS app

2011-10-26 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

Have any bookshare international user try the Read to go app for the ios?

It seems like a good app, and i'm not sure if it will work outside the
US oor not.  if it won't work for bookshare international subscriber,
it is somewhat useless to pay $20 for it.

Any fitback will be good.


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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

no.  You can't access all features that you could by using gestures on the 
touch screen but, most of them.  For example, you can't use a keyboard to 
delete applications or bring up the item chooser.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Gigi,
> Where can I get a keyboard?
> Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with a keyboard?
> On 26/10/2011, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us,
>> learned to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade.
>> The keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a
>> typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like
>> the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind
>> people prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or
>> iPad, etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double
>> tapping to make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the
>> screen and the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your
>> finger. Now, after a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing
>> on the key you need without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a
>> keyboard that I just got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need
>> be. I hope this explanation helps.
>> You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on
>> the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your
>> device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is
>> a way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand
>> either to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or
>> turning an old radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly
>> so that VoiceOver has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear
>> it say typing, then you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen
>> and flick it I think toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the
>> other way. When it says touch typing, then you have set the device so that
>> you can make letters by touching them and then picking up your finger.
>> VoiceOver will say the letter in a different voice when it accepts the
>> letter.
>> It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you
>> don't have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter,
>> however, you can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch
>> typing from there.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
>>> I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
>>> and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
>>> properly for me.
>>> BTW, I have a question.
>>> How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a
>>> touchscreen?
>>> You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
>>> practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
>>> On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
 Hi guys.
 I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
 and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your
 is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other
 and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go
 the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about
 command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
 didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
 good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
 the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> Hi, Rahul,
> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
> finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
> under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications.
> The
> home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
> the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping
> a
> finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping
> left
> will take you to the previous item.
> to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
> sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
> you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
> page, you can swipe down with t

Re: erasing pictures

2011-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

just double tap on the picture and then double tap the delete button in the 
right bottom corner.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 26, 2011, at 7:51 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> All:
> How do I erase pictures from my iPhone?
> -- 
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keyboard command for launching the Item Chooser was Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Marc Workman
Ricardo wrote,
> For example, you can't use a keyboard to delete applications or bring up the 
> item chooser.

The first part is true, but the second is not.  VO-I will bring up the item 
chooser like it does on the Mac, unless this is a feature specific to iPhones.

I'm asking

to make VO-shift-M perform the same actions as the double tap and hold, which 
would allow for deleting apps via the keyboard.  No idea if this is possible, 
but I think this short cut makes sense given what double tap and hold does in 
IOS and what VO-shift-M does on the Mac.


On 2011-10-26, at 7:30 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> no.  You can't access all features that you could by using gestures on the 
> touch screen but, most of them.  For example, you can't use a keyboard to 
> delete applications or bring up the item chooser.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Gigi,
>> Where can I get a keyboard?
>> Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with a keyboard?
>> On 26/10/2011, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi again.
>>> Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us,
>>> learned to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade.
>>> The keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a
>>> typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like
>>> the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind
>>> people prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or
>>> iPad, etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double
>>> tapping to make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the
>>> screen and the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your
>>> finger. Now, after a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing
>>> on the key you need without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a
>>> keyboard that I just got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need
>>> be. I hope this explanation helps.
>>> You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on
>>> the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your
>>> device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is
>>> a way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand
>>> either to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or
>>> turning an old radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly
>>> so that VoiceOver has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear
>>> it say typing, then you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen
>>> and flick it I think toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the
>>> other way. When it says touch typing, then you have set the device so that
>>> you can make letters by touching them and then picking up your finger.
>>> VoiceOver will say the letter in a different voice when it accepts the
>>> letter.
>>> It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you
>>> don't have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter,
>>> however, you can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch
>>> typing from there.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
 Hi all,
 Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
 I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
 and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
 properly for me.
 BTW, I have a question.
 How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a
 You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
 practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
 On 25/10/2011, Gigi  wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your
> finger
> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other
> fingers,
> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go
> around
> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about
> this
> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Rahul,
>> You can start with your home screen.  You can 

Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-26 Thread Mary Otten
Ricardo, You can bring up the item chooser with a bluetooth keyboard by hitting 
vo plus i, just like with the Mac. I've done that with the IPad and the Apple 


Mary Otten

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Re: repair permission

2011-10-26 Thread Simon Cavendish
I don't quite understand the difference other than "repair permissions" seems 
to have something to do with the bits of software knowing where all the other 
bits are, and repair disk may have something to do with the sectors on the disk 
within which information is written. But I may be talking rubbish.
On 27 Oct 2011, at 00:46, joseph wrote:

> aha,  what is the difference between repair permission and repair disk
> best
> On 26 Oct 2011, at 20:50, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> In your finder, press command+shift+u to open utilities folder in your 
>> applications. Then find Disk Utility. Once in it, vo+right arrow to find 
>> table of available disks. Interact with it and find your macintosh hd. Stop 
>> interacting and vo+right arrow until you find your first aid tab. Make sure 
>> it is selected. Then vo+right arrow again till you hear repair permissions. 
>> vo+space on it and it should start the process.
>> On 26 Oct 2011, at 18:30, joseph wrote:
>>> hello listers
>>> how to perform repair permission in lion please?
>>> thank you in advance.
>>> best
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