As far as I know, you can use your features. I haven't tested them all, but 
those you can't can be accessed with the touch screen. In fact, the touch 
screen may let you access things that a keyboard won't. This is true I think as 
long as the program you are running is accessible. For example, I downloaded 
the program for the iPhone for Public Broadcasting. It's mostly inaccessible 
because the programmers, assuming anybody could use it the way they set it up, 
used graphics or something so that the speech just says the word button all the 
time. I hear you can label those these days. I won't go into that any more 
right now.

As for where you can get the keyboard, I went to the Apple store. You can 
either go there like I did if it's available where you are, or you can go to and find the link for the Apple store. There are other keyboards 
but I got the Apple one because I didn't want to take a chance that the 
keyboard I got wouldn't work with my iPhone. Mine is not very big. 


On Oct 26, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Gigi,
> Where can I get a keyboard?
> Will I be able to use all the features of my iPod with a keyboard?
> On 26/10/2011, Eugenia Firth <> wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> Let me see if I can clear this up. First, many of us, maybe most of us,
>> learned to touch type early in life. Myself, I learned in the fourth grade.
>> The keyboard on the iPhone and other devices like that is arranged like a
>> typewriter, so when my blind friend told me the arrangement was exactly like
>> the old typewriters, I was clued in right away. It seems that most blind
>> people prefer to use touch typing. There's another option on the iPhone or
>> iPad, etc.where you can use standard typing which requires split or double
>> tapping to make the keys respond. But touch typing involves going around the
>> screen and the phone says what key you landed on, and you pick up your
>> finger. Now, after a little practice, you can get pretty accurate at landing
>> on the key you need without hearing each one. It is faster for me to use a
>> keyboard that I just got, but I can input with the onscreen keyboard if need
>> be. I hope this explanation helps.
>> You may want to get a keyboard so that you can more easily do your typing on
>> the iPhone, iPad, etc. If that's not possible, you might want to set your
>> device on touch typing. To do that, you check your roter first. The roter is
>> a way to make choices on the device. Take two fingers and twist your hand
>> either to the left or right like you are dialing an old-time phone or
>> turning an old radio dial. Don;'t do it very far, and do it a little slowly
>> so that VoiceOver has a chance to say what you are landing on. When you hear
>> it say typing, then you can take one finger toward the bottom of the screen
>> and flick it I think toward the top of the screen. If doesn't work, go the
>> other way. When it says touch typing, then you have set the device so that
>> you can make letters by touching them and then picking up your finger.
>> VoiceOver will say the letter in a different voice when it accepts the
>> letter.
>> It takes a little practice to do the roter, but it's worth it so that you
>> don't have to go to settings all the time. If you can't do the roter,
>> however, you can go to VoiceOver settings and set the roter to do touch
>> typing from there.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thank you for your tips and encouragement.
>>> I always read great things about these Apple devices on the Internet
>>> and get encouraged, but I really get frustrated when they don't work
>>> properly for me.
>>> BTW, I have a question.
>>> How do you people manage to find out which alphabet is which on a
>>> touchscreen?
>>> You can easily locate all the keys on a normal keyboard after a bit of
>>> practice, but how can you do that on a device which has a touchscreen?
>>> On 25/10/2011, Gigi <> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys.
>>>> I would also like  to add to what Teresa said about devices like the iPad
>>>> and the iPhone. I also use split tapping. Split tapping is when your
>>>> finger
>>>> is on an item you would like to select. Just take one of your other
>>>> fingers,
>>>> and lay it on the screen without moving the one you are using to go
>>>> around
>>>> the screen. Even if you don't use this command, it's good to know about
>>>> this
>>>> command because there are times you might accidentally make a choice you
>>>> didn't intend and you will know that's what you did. Also, sometimes it's
>>>> good to make a choice without moving your finger. I use split tapping all
>>>> the time, and I also use the ones Teresa mentioned.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Gigi
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:42 PM, Teresa Cochran <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Rahul,
>>>>> You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one
>>>>> finger around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are
>>>>> under your finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications.
>>>>> The
>>>>> home screen has different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of
>>>>> the screen in the dock area are always there. Next, you can try swiping
>>>>> a
>>>>> finger to the right. This will take you to the next item, and swiping
>>>>> left
>>>>> will take you to the previous item.
>>>>> to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly
>>>>> sure that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it,
>>>>> you'll land on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web
>>>>> page, you can swipe down with two fingers from near the top and it will
>>>>> read continuously. Tap once with two fingers to pause and restart it.
>>>>> This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you
>>>>> can explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Teresa
>>>>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>>>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
>>>>>> with VoiceOver.
>>>>>> VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
>>>>>> know how to move forward.
>>>>>> I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
>>>>>> the reason for the problem I'm facing.
>>>>>> So, can anyone here give some tips that might be useful?
>>>>>> I really want to be able to use my iPod Touch.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Rahul
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