Change language on navigation?

2011-05-03 Thread marcelo
Derar friends from MacVisionaries,

I use an Spanish voice called iVox with Voice Over, it works

But if I navigate on a Spanish Web site (in Spanish) with only some
words in English, I am interesting in hear the english words with a
English voice, not English words with my Spanish voice ...

In Windows Jaws can change the voice every time when it find a word in

any advice? ...

(as always ... sorry for my English!).

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Re: managing processis in the background

2011-05-03 Thread Scott Howell

I concur with your comments. I have used Activity MOnitor on a number of 
occasions to track down processes and just to see what's going on. When someone 
says there is no way to do something my first response is show me why not. Then 
we go from there. :)


On May 3, 2011, at 1:17 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi William,
> You can manage processes with Activity Monitor, which will not only show you 
> active processes, CPU usage, disk activity, disk usage, and memory usage, but 
> will also let you quit processes that are active -- including background 
> processes such as you describe.  Of course, most users may not need the level 
> of detail that Activity Monitor provides, and will at most try to force quit 
> active processes with Command-Option-Escape.  However, you can set the pop up 
> in Activity Monitor to display your Processes (the default, I think), System 
> Processes, Other User Processes, or Inactive Processes (just to list a few of 
> the options).  You can filter the results by typing in search terms in the 
> text field, and once you select a specific process from the table of 
> displayed processes, you can inspect it in detail or quit it.  All of this is 
> accessible with VoiceOver, and you not only have the ability to simply quit a 
> background process, but you can get a lot more information, too (and not just 
> about processes, but also about disk and memory usage).  So your statement, 
> that I excerpt below,  is not correct:
>>> My conclusion: there is no way on the mac for voiceover users to manage the 
>>> processes in the background on a accessible way.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 30, 2011, at 08:38, William Windels wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I was trying to do a software update from inside the app store and there was 
>> a program called traficbot that had a update.
>> I was not able to do this update since the program was active and was 
>> running in the background.
>> My conclusion: there is no way on the mac for voiceover users to manage the 
>> processes in the background on a accessible way.
>> I have also tried the trick with the mouse while the trackpad commands are 
>> off but without success.
>> If it's true that voiceover users can't manage background processes , It 
>> seems to mee a really missing basic possibility of a os.
>> In windows , this is possible with alt+control+del.
>> Any comments on this meanings are very welcome,
>> best regards,
>> William Windels
> -- 
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Re: progress indicator in safari

2011-05-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

once you highlight the file you wish to download, press enter, then interact 
again once your download list opens and VO arrow right and you will see the 
status of all your files you are downloading. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 1 May 2011, at 01:46 PM, Denise Avant  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am wondering how to see the status of a download in safari? sometimes i 
> mistakenly download a file more than once because i do not know whether the 
> file is being downloaded.
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Re: Change language on navigation?

2011-05-03 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Marcelo,

VO cannot automatically change language, but you can do this easily by pressing 
VO-Command-Left or right arrow until you find Default Voice, then 
VO-Command-Down arrow to the voice you want. I always leave it on Default Voice 
so that I can switch between English and French rapidly.



On 3 May 2011, at 09:53, marcelo wrote:

> Derar friends from MacVisionaries,
> I use an Spanish voice called iVox with Voice Over, it works
> perfectly.
> But if I navigate on a Spanish Web site (in Spanish) with only some
> words in English, I am interesting in hear the english words with a
> English voice, not English words with my Spanish voice ...
> In Windows Jaws can change the voice every time when it find a word in
> English.
> any advice? ...
> (as always ... sorry for my English!).
> -- 
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Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-05-03 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:
They have always been very forward thinking, spurred on very probably by active 
consumer groups.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 02/05/2011, at 7:42 PM, "David Tanner"  wrote:

> Minnesota.
> - Original Message - From: "Cheree" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 10:10 PM
> Subject: Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on 
> the mac app store.
> Cheree Heppe here:
> So, which state did you say you are in?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 01/05/2011, at 3:04 PM, "David Tanner"  wrote:
>> - Original Message - From: "Cheree" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 11:11 PM
>> Subject: Re: For those who can actually afford this, I am sure you are right 
>> about the majority of agencies, but I am proud to say that our agency is 
>> becoming much more receptive to those of us in the technology department 
>> recommending Apples.  And, since he largest company that we contract with 
>> for computers and software carries Apple it is no problem getting hem on 
>> state contract.  We also have the great fortune of having a local company 
>> that has training classes to teach Apple with VoiceOver and even two of the 
>> three rehab centers in our state an train their students on the Mac.
>> In the last DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.
>> year and a half I have probably recommended and placed around 10 MacBook 
>> Pros and am doing an evaluation on a high school senior this week who has 
>> already requested that she be evaluated for a Mac for college use.  Given 
>> that her counselor is a Mac user himself that will be an easy one, and he 
>> will even be present when I do the evaluation.
>> The fact that DocuScan Plus is now available makes recommending the Mac an 
>> even easier recommendation now than it was before because it really is a 
>> quite usable and accessible app for scanning.
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> Yes, especially with the Apple products, most agencies for the blind still 
>> operate on a one thing fits all modality.
>> Most Apple users have gotten their own devices, but, most blind people have 
>> not and most still use Windows based technology.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 30/04/2011, at 2:07 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Lol,
>>> I think your mistaken.  If you took a survey of people on the list, or of 
>>> blind people with apple products in general, I bet you will find maybe 90% 
>>> purchased their own stuff.  Agencies are still reluctant to hand out Macs. 
>>> BTW, I don't see why the hostility is needed in your post.  My advice is 
>>> less emotion and more spell checking.  I think people will take your post 
>>> more seriously.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On Apr 30, 2011, at 5:10 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 well mst people who DO have those toys got them through vr services, which 
 doesn't happe like it used to   and I for one never got SHIT from my vr 
 jerk counselor or the commission for the blind
 On Apr 29, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I disagree,
> Since most the people on this list own Macs, iPads, iPods, notetakers, 
> and god knows what else, I don't think saving $300 will be hard for most 
> people.  At least in the United States.  Its just a matter of if you 
> think its worth the trouble.  If a person can put away $30 a month, they 
> could have it in less than a year.  I just don't think the price is that 
> much of a hardship for most.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Apr 29, 2011, at 3:43 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>> I'd say $150 or so at the absolute highest. Anything much higher than 
>> that
>> seems prohibitive  to me. Most folks have to work a long time with
>> significant effort to put away $300 after taxes and costs for food,
>> clothing, and shelter.
>> Tony Hernandez
>> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
>> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring 
>> every
>> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or 
>> whether
>> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 1:25 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is 
>> now on
>> the mac app store.
>> WHat do you feel is a fair price? Thi

braille display

2011-05-03 Thread Ronald McEwan
Hi all, 

I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  

How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to type 
grade two braille into pages with no success. 

In the Journey, 


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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Depends what braille display you have. but if you want grade 2, then press 
space G at the same time and it'll say contractions on or off.


Sent from my iPhone

On 3 May 2011, at 02:49 PM, Ronald McEwan  wrote:

> Hi all, 
> I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
> How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to type 
> grade two braille into pages with no success. 
> In the Journey, 
> Ron
> -- 
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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, grade two input is not yet supported.  Hopefully with the emergence of 
lion, especially since the IPhone has had grade two input for a long time now.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-03, at 9:49 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:

> Hi all, 
> I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
> How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to type 
> grade two braille into pages with no success. 
> In the Journey, 
> Ron
> -- 
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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread Ronald McEwan
It is showing grade 2 but not inputing grade 2. 

In the Journey, 


On May 3, 2011, at 7:58 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Depends what braille display you have. but if you want grade 2, then press 
> space G at the same time and it'll say contractions on or off.
> Kawal.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 3 May 2011, at 02:49 PM, Ronald McEwan  wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
>> How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to 
>> type grade two braille into pages with no success. 
>> In the Journey, 
>> Ron
>> -- 
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Re: managing processis in the background

2011-05-03 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
I am very sorry, you were right.
After a first look in the activity monitor, I saw no possibilities to see also 
bacground processes but after a answer from accessibility, I found how to 
handel it.

But anyway, thx for you answer.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

Op 3-mei-2011 om 10:30 heeft Scott Howell  het volgende 

> Esther,
> I concur with your comments. I have used Activity MOnitor on a number of 
> occasions to track down processes and just to see what's going on. When 
> someone says there is no way to do something my first response is show me why 
> not. Then we go from there. :)
> Scott
> On May 3, 2011, at 1:17 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi William,
>> You can manage processes with Activity Monitor, which will not only show you 
>> active processes, CPU usage, disk activity, disk usage, and memory usage, 
>> but will also let you quit processes that are active -- including background 
>> processes such as you describe.  Of course, most users may not need the 
>> level of detail that Activity Monitor provides, and will at most try to 
>> force quit active processes with Command-Option-Escape.  However, you can 
>> set the pop up in Activity Monitor to display your Processes (the default, I 
>> think), System Processes, Other User Processes, or Inactive Processes (just 
>> to list a few of the options).  You can filter the results by typing in 
>> search terms in the text field, and once you select a specific process from 
>> the table of displayed processes, you can inspect it in detail or quit it.  
>> All of this is accessible with VoiceOver, and you not only have the ability 
>> to simply quit a background process, but you can get a lot more information, 
>> too (and not just about processes, but also about disk and memory usage).  
>> So your statement, that I excerpt below,  is not correct:
 My conclusion: there is no way on the mac for voiceover users to manage 
 the processes in the background on a accessible way.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Apr 30, 2011, at 08:38, William Windels wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I was trying to do a software update from inside the app store and there 
>>> was a program called traficbot that had a update.
>>> I was not able to do this update since the program was active and was 
>>> running in the background.
>>> My conclusion: there is no way on the mac for voiceover users to manage the 
>>> processes in the background on a accessible way.
>>> I have also tried the trick with the mouse while the trackpad commands are 
>>> off but without success.
>>> If it's true that voiceover users can't manage background processes , It 
>>> seems to mee a really missing basic possibility of a os.
>>> In windows , this is possible with alt+control+del.
>>> Any comments on this meanings are very welcome,
>>> best regards,
>>> William Windels
>> -- 
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iPhoto and the iPhone

2011-05-03 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello Listers.
I've got iPhoto 09 installed on my macbook so I can manage photos on my iPhone. 
Would it be worth upgrading to iPhoto 11?
What my biggest problem is I can't see each photo separately. All I have is a 
table that has the sources and then an empty scroll area. Can anyone help with 
Matthew Campbell.

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Porting a python app to mac.

2011-05-03 Thread Ashley Cox

Hey all,
As many of you out there may know, there is a twitter client for windows 
called Qwitter, found at
Now, as this application is written in python, i was wondering how long 
programmers on the list think it would take to port the application to 
mac? The app is open source, and I think that if enough people were 
interested and there are people willing to do it, it would be a great 
app to have on the mac; i know I will certainly miss it when I switch.


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RE: Porting a python app to mac.

2011-05-03 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi Ash. The Mac has the ability to run Python programs. The length of time
would be determined by how long it takes to port the API calls to Voiceover
and the skill of the programmer and his/her willingness to learn to do this.

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ashley Cox
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:26 PM
Subject: Porting a python app to mac.

Hey all,
As many of you out there may know, there is a twitter client for windows 
called Qwitter, found at
Now, as this application is written in python, i was wondering how long 
programmers on the list think it would take to port the application to 
mac? The app is open source, and I think that if enough people were 
interested and there are people willing to do it, it would be a great 
app to have on the mac; i know I will certainly miss it when I switch.

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Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore

Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  Anyone 
up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email requesting that 
Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them to this web 

Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and say 
something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for the 
Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not accessible as it 
is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in screen reader for the 
blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for VoiceOver, this would result in 
thousands of Sales.

Money always gets their attention.


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bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Matt Dierckens
hi all, i just got a bluetooth keyboard. Its an apple one. I paired it with my 
mac, but for some reason, the iphone cant see any devices. It gets stuck on 
searching, in progress. Any suggestions on what to do? thanks.

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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread E.J. Zufelt
Good afternoon,

Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows 
screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to make 
windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.

I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point out 
that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.

Everett Zufelt

Follow me on Twitter

View my LinkedIn Profile

On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> hi,
> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  Anyone 
> up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email requesting that 
> Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them to this web 
> page.
> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for 
> the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not accessible 
> as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in screen reader 
> for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for VoiceOver, this would 
> result in thousands of Sales.
> Money always gets their attention.
> Chris 
> -- 
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Re: the chat that won't die...

2011-05-03 Thread Jes Smith
HAve you tried deleting the preferences, under /library/your user name / 
application support / adium?

On May 2, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I'm using Adium for AIM and, for some reason, every time I reconnect, a 
> *VERY* old chat window comes up containing a fragment of a conversation with 
> a buddy from 10/31/10.  It's the same fragment every time, whether we 
> actually IM each other or not.  This doesn't happen with any of my other IM 
> sessions, just this one. Anyone got a clue how to make the pesky thing go 
> away:
> Thanks, and happy May! :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: the chat that won't die...

2011-05-03 Thread Jes Smith
HAve you tried deleting the preferences, under /library/your user name / 
application support / adium?

On May 2, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I'm using Adium for AIM and, for some reason, every time I reconnect, a 
> *VERY* old chat window comes up containing a fragment of a conversation with 
> a buddy from 10/31/10.  It's the same fragment every time, whether we 
> actually IM each other or not.  This doesn't happen with any of my other IM 
> sessions, just this one. Anyone got a clue how to make the pesky thing go 
> away:
> Thanks, and happy May! :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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RE: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Tony Hernandez
I was under the impression that Apple's philosophy is that the developers
should be the ones to take care of accessibility by using the tools they
provide for the purpose. I'd faint dead away if Microsoft were actually to
take a thing like that seriously. They've certainly all but abandoned it in
Windows and limit themselves to token efforts.


Tony Hernandez

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)


[] On Behalf Of E.J. Zufelt
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac


Good afternoon,


Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows
screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to
make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.


I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point
out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.



Everett Zufelt


Follow me on Twitter

View my LinkedIn Profile




On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:


Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.
Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email
requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them
to this web page.

Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and
say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for
the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not
accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in
screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for
VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.

Money always gets their attention.


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Re: the chat that won't die...

2011-05-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Won't that also get rid of all my account information and other settings?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Brett C.
Hi Matt,

In my experience, the Apple bluetooth keyboard doesn't like to be connected to 
more than one device at a time.  The way I paired my keyboard with both Mac and 
iPhone, was to shut down my Mac so that there was no connection in progress.  
After doing this, my phone was able to see and pair with the keyboard.  I have 
to shut off the phone prior to starting up the Mac to have the keyboard connect 
again.  Perhaps someone on list will have better suggestions.

Brett C.

On May 3, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> hi all, i just got a bluetooth keyboard. Its an apple one. I paired it with 
> my mac, but for some reason, the iphone cant see any devices. It gets stuck 
> on searching, in progress. Any suggestions on what to do? thanks.
> Matt
> -- 
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Re: bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Ronald McEwan
Instead of shutting down you can always just disable bluetooth. 

In the Journey, 


On May 3, 2011, at 1:10 PM, Brett C. wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> In my experience, the Apple bluetooth keyboard doesn't like to be connected 
> to more than one device at a time.  The way I paired my keyboard with both 
> Mac and iPhone, was to shut down my Mac so that there was no connection in 
> progress.  After doing this, my phone was able to see and pair with the 
> keyboard.  I have to shut off the phone prior to starting up the Mac to have 
> the keyboard connect again.  Perhaps someone on list will have better 
> suggestions.
> Brett C.
> On May 3, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> hi all, i just got a bluetooth keyboard. Its an apple one. I paired it with 
>> my mac, but for some reason, the iphone cant see any devices. It gets stuck 
>> on searching, in progress. Any suggestions on what to do? thanks.
>> Matt
>> -- 
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voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi all,
Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  

Thanks for any help.  


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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Ashley Cox

Great idea; just done it!

On 03/05/2011 19:28, Chris Moore wrote:


Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  Anyone 
up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email requesting that 
Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them to this web 

Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and say 
something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for the 
Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not accessible as it is 
not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in screen reader for the blind for 
OS X.  If you were to add support for VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of 

Money always gets their attention.


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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Scott Howell
Correct, it is up to Microsoft. This is a difference between WIndows Screen 
readers and VoiceOver. Apple has pushed the responsibility onto the developer 
and as I understand it this is not an impossible or burdensome process. 
I have obtained a number to someone at Microsoft and I'm going to explore the 
issue and see what comes of it. I'll let you all know assuming anything comes 
of it.


On May 3, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> hi,
> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  Anyone 
> up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email requesting that 
> Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them to this web 
> page.
> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for 
> the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not accessible 
> as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in screen reader 
> for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for VoiceOver, this would 
> result in thousands of Sales.
> Money always gets their attention.
> Chris 
> -- 
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Re: bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Brett C.
I've actually tried just shutting bluetooth off, but the iPhone still didn't 
see the keyboard until I shut down the Mac.  Just my experience.

Brett C.

On May 3, 2011, at 1:13 PM, Ronald McEwan wrote:

> Instead of shutting down you can always just disable bluetooth. 
> In the Journey, 
> Ron
> On May 3, 2011, at 1:10 PM, Brett C. wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> In my experience, the Apple bluetooth keyboard doesn't like to be connected 
>> to more than one device at a time.  The way I paired my keyboard with both 
>> Mac and iPhone, was to shut down my Mac so that there was no connection in 
>> progress.  After doing this, my phone was able to see and pair with the 
>> keyboard.  I have to shut off the phone prior to starting up the Mac to have 
>> the keyboard connect again.  Perhaps someone on list will have better 
>> suggestions.
>> Brett C.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> hi all, i just got a bluetooth keyboard. Its an apple one. I paired it with 
>>> my mac, but for some reason, the iphone cant see any devices. It gets stuck 
>>> on searching, in progress. Any suggestions on what to do? thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> -- 
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore
That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the screen 
readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on OS X is 
not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply pressure on 
Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  Adobe are making 
strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and Acrobat.  ok it is 
not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 months.

We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen readers 
on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their products to 
work with the OS and it's applications.  
On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows 
> screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to make 
> windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> hi,
>> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
>> Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
>> requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them 
>> to this web page.
>> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
>> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for 
>> the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
>> accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
>> screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
>> VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
>> Money always gets their attention.
>> Chris 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore
You can follow it at 80? Jeez!
On 3 May 2011, at 20:15, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
> different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
> that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  
> Thanks for any help.  
> -Greg
> -- 
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread E.J. Zufelt
You are actually incorrect.  Windows has both the MSAA and UIA accessibility 
APIs that allow developers to ensure that their applications are exposing 
information that can be used by assistive technology.

Everett Zufelt

Follow me on Twitter

View my LinkedIn Profile

On 2011-05-03, at 3:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the 
> screen readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on 
> OS X is not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply pressure 
> on Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  Adobe are 
> making strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and Acrobat.  ok 
> it is not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 months.
> We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen 
> readers on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their 
> products to work with the OS and it's applications.  
> On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows 
>> screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to 
>> make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
>> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
>> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
>> Everett Zufelt
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> View my LinkedIn Profile
>> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
>>> Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
>>> requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point 
>>> them to this web page.
>>> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
>>> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite 
>>> for the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
>>> accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
>>> screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
>>> VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
>>> Money always gets their attention.
>>> Chris 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
You can only use the keyboard with one device at at time. So, if you're using 
the keyboard with the Mac and you want to pair it with the phone, you'll have 
to turn off bluetooth on the Mac to use the keyboard with the phone. I think 
this is because when the keyboard is being used and paired, it is not in 
"Discoverable" mode (I think that's what it's called.)
HTH and hope this works out for you  as well as it does for me,
On May 3, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> hi all, i just got a bluetooth keyboard. Its an apple one. I paired it with 
> my mac, but for some reason, the iphone cant see any devices. It gets stuck 
> on searching, in progress. Any suggestions on what to do? thanks.
> Matt
> -- 
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Re: bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
This is also how it works for me. Other than that I really like and enjoy using 
my Apple bluetooth keyboard.
On May 3, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Brett C. wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> In my experience, the Apple bluetooth keyboard doesn't like to be connected 
> to more than one device at a time.  The way I paired my keyboard with both 
> Mac and iPhone, was to shut down my Mac so that there was no connection in 
> progress.  After doing this, my phone was able to see and pair with the 
> keyboard.  I have to shut off the phone prior to starting up the Mac to have 
> the keyboard connect again.  Perhaps someone on list will have better 
> suggestions.
> Brett C.
> On May 3, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> hi all, i just got a bluetooth keyboard. Its an apple one. I paired it with 
>> my mac, but for some reason, the iphone cant see any devices. It gets stuck 
>> on searching, in progress. Any suggestions on what to do? thanks.
>> Matt
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore
i am aware of that, and it offers very basic support, hence why all the screen 
readers have to implement extra scripting to make them half decent.  Look what 
happens when a new version of a application comes out, you usually have to wait 
for a screen reader update for it to work.  ANyway, I am not interested in the 
Windows platform and how it works and does not work.  I am interested in having 
an alternative platform for blind users to access the business standard Office 
On 3 May 2011, at 20:46, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> You are actually incorrect.  Windows has both the MSAA and UIA accessibility 
> APIs that allow developers to ensure that their applications are exposing 
> information that can be used by assistive technology.
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> On 2011-05-03, at 3:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the 
>> screen readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on 
>> OS X is not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply 
>> pressure on Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  
>> Adobe are making strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and 
>> Acrobat.  ok it is not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 
>> months.
>> We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen 
>> readers on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their 
>> products to work with the OS and it's applications.  
>> On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with 
>>> Windows screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in 
>>> order to make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
>>> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
>>> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
>>> Everett Zufelt
>>> Follow me on Twitter
>>> View my LinkedIn Profile
>>> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
 Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
 Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
 requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point 
 them to this web page.
 Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
 say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite 
 for the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
 accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
 screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
 VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
 Money always gets their attention.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I'm using grade II with the Mac.  If you go into the braille settings, you 
should get it.  Also you need to selected American Apple Braille.

On 3 May 2011, at 15:11, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, grade two input is not yet supported.  Hopefully with the emergence of 
> lion, especially since the IPhone has had grade two input for a long time now.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-05-03, at 9:49 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
>> How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to 
>> type grade two braille into pages with no success. 
>> In the Journey, 
>> Ron
>> -- 
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Re: voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread Greg Aikens
For some tasks yes.  I generally adjust it between 55 and 80, depending on what 
I am doing.  

On May 3, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> You can follow it at 80? Jeez!
> On 3 May 2011, at 20:15, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
>> different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
>> that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  
>> Thanks for any help.  
>> -Greg
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore
I usually have it at 55 and sometimes 60, but after that I think WTF, mind I 
have only been using a screen reader since July last year.
On 3 May 2011, at 21:34, Greg Aikens wrote:

> For some tasks yes.  I generally adjust it between 55 and 80, depending on 
> what I am doing.  
> -Greg
> On May 3, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> You can follow it at 80? Jeez!
>> On 3 May 2011, at 20:15, Greg Aikens wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
>>> different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
>>> that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  
>>> Thanks for any help.  
>>> -Greg
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread erik burggraaf
Sure, I can follow it at 80 too.  It's all about training the ear.  I could 
probably go up to 85 at this point but I really don't see the need.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-03, at 4:34 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:

> For some tasks yes.  I generally adjust it between 55 and 80, depending on 
> what I am doing.  
> -Greg
> On May 3, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> You can follow it at 80? Jeez!
>> On 3 May 2011, at 20:15, Greg Aikens wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
>>> different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
>>> that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  
>>> Thanks for any help.  
>>> -Greg
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Mike Reiser
All the screen readers as previously mentioned have to do quite a bit of 
hacking to work with it on Windows, they'll need to overhall access on both 
platforms imho.  

On May 3, 2011, at 12:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the 
> screen readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on 
> OS X is not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply pressure 
> on Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  Adobe are 
> making strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and Acrobat.  ok 
> it is not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 months.
> We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen 
> readers on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their 
> products to work with the OS and it's applications.  
> On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows 
>> screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to 
>> make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
>> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
>> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
>> Everett Zufelt
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> View my LinkedIn Profile
>> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
>>> Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
>>> requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point 
>>> them to this web page.
>>> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
>>> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite 
>>> for the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
>>> accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
>>> screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
>>> VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
>>> Money always gets their attention.
>>> Chris 
>>> -- 
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mac equivalence to Finale?

2011-05-03 Thread Isaac Obie

- Original Message - 
From: "Dorothea Martin" 

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Blindad] editorial from the mac!

Hello, Isaac,
First I want to thank you for bringing this informative article to our 
attention. I am considering a new computer at some time around the end 
of the summer and will think about a MAC because of this article. My 
only question is whether there is a program similar to the Finale for 
Windows and the Braille plug-in which will allow a blind user to turn a 
midi file into Braille music. I would be glad if someone would let me 
know about this.

Dotty Martin

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: mac equivalence to Finale?

2011-05-03 Thread Christopher Wright
If this person needs Finale, that might be one reason for not kicking 
Windows to the curb entirely.
- Original Message - 
From: "Isaac Obie" 

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:52 PM
Subject: mac equivalence to Finale?

- Original Message - 
From: "Dorothea Martin" 

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Blindad] editorial from the mac!

Hello, Isaac,
First I want to thank you for bringing this informative article to our 
attention. I am considering a new computer at some time around the end of 
the summer and will think about a MAC because of this article. My only 
question is whether there is a program similar to the Finale for Windows 
and the Braille plug-in which will allow a blind user to turn a midi file 
into Braille music. I would be glad if someone would let me know about 

Dotty Martin

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Kawal,  Either it's not supported on baum/humanware/aph displays or you are 
very much mistaken.  Although my display shows output in grade two braille, I 
can only write grade one computer braille on the braille input keyboard.  Grade 
two braille input is not supported which is the feature being discussed here.

You really got my hopes up there for a minute since I couldn't remember 
perusing the braille settings in at least a couple of updates and I was 
wondering if they might have snuck it in without my noticing.  Ah but no.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-03, at 3:59 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm using grade II with the Mac.  If you go into the braille settings, you 
> should get it.  Also you need to selected American Apple Braille.
> Kawal.
> On 3 May 2011, at 15:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi, grade two input is not yet supported.  Hopefully with the emergence of 
>> lion, especially since the IPhone has had grade two input for a long time 
>> now.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-05-03, at 9:49 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
>>> I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
>>> How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to 
>>> type grade two braille into pages with no success. 
>>> In the Journey, 
>>> Ron
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: remote access on mac

2011-05-03 Thread erik burggraaf
I'm clammering for this as well.  Just out of curiosity I went to the app store 
and did a couple of searches.  I couldn't find a remote desktop app for $12.00, 
and none of the once I looked at listed sound card access as a feature.

Logmein pro does offer remote access to the sound card of a mac, but it's a 
windows app and highly inaccessible.  On top of that it's super expensive and 
needs to be licensed for the number of client computers you want to support.

I'm happy to pay since I'd make money charging for remote support, but I'd 
rather not have to use a windows 7/window-eyes virtual machine setup to 
remotely access mac computers.  Seems highly inefficient.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-01, at 3:49 PM, Oriol Gómez wrote:

> Hello,
> A few days ago I heard mentioned an app here for accessible remote
> access which would transfer the audio of the target pc, and I wrote it
> down to my USB but I had a problem with it and the files on it
> disappeared. Would anyone who has heard about it tell me the name of
> this app? I think it was $12 on the mac app store.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Eric.

I'm using the Eurobraille Essys 40 and I assure you that I can write grade two 
braille.  I have always been able to do this using my Essys 40.

I do not like the Baum products as I have had problems using them and in the 
past have had problems when writing although I was not using Apple devices then.
On 3 May 2011, at 22:17, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Kawal,  Either it's not supported on baum/humanware/aph displays or you 
> are very much mistaken.  Although my display shows output in grade two 
> braille, I can only write grade one computer braille on the braille input 
> keyboard.  Grade two braille input is not supported which is the feature 
> being discussed here.
> You really got my hopes up there for a minute since I couldn't remember 
> perusing the braille settings in at least a couple of updates and I was 
> wondering if they might have snuck it in without my noticing.  Ah but no.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-05-03, at 3:59 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm using grade II with the Mac.  If you go into the braille settings, you 
>> should get it.  Also you need to selected American Apple Braille.
>> Kawal.
>> On 3 May 2011, at 15:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi, grade two input is not yet supported.  Hopefully with the emergence of 
>>> lion, especially since the IPhone has had grade two input for a long time 
>>> now.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2011-05-03, at 9:49 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:
 Hi all, 
 I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
 How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to 
 type grade two braille into pages with no success. 
 In the Journey, 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread erik burggraaf
I've not been able to write grade two braille with any of the baum displays, or 
the focus blue, or the braille sense plus.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-03, at 5:53 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi Eric.
> I'm using the Eurobraille Essys 40 and I assure you that I can write grade 
> two braille.  I have always been able to do this using my Essys 40.
> I do not like the Baum products as I have had problems using them and in the 
> past have had problems when writing although I was not using Apple devices 
> then.
> On 3 May 2011, at 22:17, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi Kawal,  Either it's not supported on baum/humanware/aph displays or you 
>> are very much mistaken.  Although my display shows output in grade two 
>> braille, I can only write grade one computer braille on the braille input 
>> keyboard.  Grade two braille input is not supported which is the feature 
>> being discussed here.
>> You really got my hopes up there for a minute since I couldn't remember 
>> perusing the braille settings in at least a couple of updates and I was 
>> wondering if they might have snuck it in without my noticing.  Ah but no.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-05-03, at 3:59 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm using grade II with the Mac.  If you go into the braille settings, you 
>>> should get it.  Also you need to selected American Apple Braille.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 3 May 2011, at 15:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi, grade two input is not yet supported.  Hopefully with the emergence of 
 lion, especially since the IPhone has had grade two input for a long time 
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
 On 2011-05-03, at 9:49 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
> How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to 
> type grade two braille into pages with no success. 
> In the Journey, 
> Ron
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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Re: voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread Matt Dierckens
I can understand VO at around 75, but ifi'm reading something then i slow it 
down to about 55 to 60
On 2011-05-03, at 4:47 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Sure, I can follow it at 80 too.  It's all about training the ear.  I could 
> probably go up to 85 at this point but I really don't see the need.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-05-03, at 4:34 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> For some tasks yes.  I generally adjust it between 55 and 80, depending on 
>> what I am doing.  
>> -Greg
>> On May 3, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> You can follow it at 80? Jeez!
>>> On 3 May 2011, at 20:15, Greg Aikens wrote:
 Hi all,
 Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
 different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
 that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  
 Thanks for any help.  
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Re: Porting a python app to mac.

2011-05-03 Thread Ryan Mann
Was this app written using Wxpython?  If so, it should be able to work 
on both Mac and Windows without much work.  For more information check 
out the following sites:

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bluetooth keyboard commands

2011-05-03 Thread Matt Dierckens
hi guys, is there a way of getting a list of basic and advanced keyboard 

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Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my MacBook.  My 
husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD.  I hit Eject, but 
nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a disk in there.  I tried 
Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation about a lcking mechanism on the 
drive, but nothing is coming up under Spotlight -- I checked Security 
preferences, which is the only place where "unlock" came up. Is this a defect, 
or is there some simple maneuver I must do?

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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Tony Hernandez
I think that even if the scripting system worked the same, the developer should 
be the one to bear that responsibility. From what I hear, programming best 
practices generally turn out decent programs, but Windows programmers mostly 
seem to be more interested in slapping the UI together as fast as possible and 
just make sure it can be seen with the naked eye and manipulated with a mouse.
Tony Hernandez
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring every 
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether 
[it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

On May 3, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the 
> screen readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on 
> OS X is not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply pressure 
> on Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  Adobe are 
> making strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and Acrobat.  ok 
> it is not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 months.
> We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen 
> readers on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their 
> products to work with the OS and it's applications.  
> On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows 
>> screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to 
>> make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
>> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
>> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
>> Everett Zufelt
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> View my LinkedIn Profile
>> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
>>> Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
>>> requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point 
>>> them to this web page.
>>> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
>>> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite 
>>> for the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
>>> accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
>>> screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
>>> VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
>>> Money always gets their attention.
>>> Chris 
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Tony Hernandez
but how much does Microsoft do to promote that? Apple makes their accessibility 
stuff pretty obvious and seems to be making quite an effort to be sure that 
folks know about it. 
Tony Hernandez
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring every 
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether 
[it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

On May 3, 2011, at 3:46 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> You are actually incorrect.  Windows has both the MSAA and UIA accessibility 
> APIs that allow developers to ensure that their applications are exposing 
> information that can be used by assistive technology.
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> On 2011-05-03, at 3:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the 
>> screen readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on 
>> OS X is not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply 
>> pressure on Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  
>> Adobe are making strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and 
>> Acrobat.  ok it is not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 
>> months.
>> We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen 
>> readers on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their 
>> products to work with the OS and it's applications.  
>> On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with 
>>> Windows screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in 
>>> order to make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
>>> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
>>> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
>>> Everett Zufelt
>>> Follow me on Twitter
>>> View my LinkedIn Profile
>>> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
 Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
 Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
 requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point 
 them to this web page.
 Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
 say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite 
 for the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
 accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
 screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
 VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
 Money always gets their attention.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the keystroke is 
option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I first tried to do 
this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The Macbook took my disk in and 
then spit it back out after a few seconds. I turned the disk over to insert it 
mirror side down and that worked. I'm sorry for not being any more helpful than 
Tony Hernandez
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring every 
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether 
[it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my MacBook.  
> My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD.  I hit Eject, 
> but nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a disk in there.  I 
> tried Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation about a lcking mechanism 
> on the drive, but nothing is coming up under Spotlight -- I checked Security 
> preferences, which is the only place where "unlock" came up. Is this a 
> defect, or is there some simple maneuver I must do?
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very quick, 
slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about halfway, (with no 
sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go further. A slight shove 
meets with resistance.
On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:

> Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the keystroke is 
> option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I first tried to 
> do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The Macbook took my disk in 
> and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I turned the disk over to 
> insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm sorry for not being any more 
> helpful than that. 
> Tony Hernandez
> “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
> commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
> every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or 
> whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my MacBook.  
>> My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD.  I hit 
>> Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a disk in 
>> there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation about a 
>> lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is coming up under Spotlight -- I 
>> checked Security preferences, which is the only place where "unlock" came 
>> up. Is this a defect, or is there some simple maneuver I must do?
>> Christine
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Christine,
I would be sure that the disk is oriented properly, and try the whole process 
again.  I don't know if your MacBook is a slot loader or not?  My MacBook Pro 
is, and I just push gently until the machine takes the disk in.  How old is 
your machine?  If it's not terribly new some kind of weird hardware defect may 
have cropped up, though I still think that rather unlikely.
All the best,
On May 3, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very quick, 
> slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about halfway, (with 
> no sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go further. A slight shove 
> meets with resistance.
> Christine
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>> Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the keystroke 
>> is option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I first tried 
>> to do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The Macbook took my disk 
>> in and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I turned the disk over to 
>> insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm sorry for not being any more 
>> helpful than that. 
>> Tony Hernandez
>> “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
>> commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
>> every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or 
>> whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my MacBook.  
>>> My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD.  I hit 
>>> Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a disk in 
>>> there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation about a 
>>> lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is coming up under Spotlight -- 
>>> I checked Security preferences, which is the only place where "unlock" came 
>>> up. Is this a defect, or is there some simple maneuver I must do?
>>> Christine
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Nope, it's brand-new, just over two months. Just called Apple and they told me 
I have to mail it in or bring it in. I am not a happy camper.
On May 3, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Christine,
> I would be sure that the disk is oriented properly, and try the whole process 
> again.  I don't know if your MacBook is a slot loader or not?  My MacBook Pro 
> is, and I just push gently until the machine takes the disk in.  How old is 
> your machine?  If it's not terribly new some kind of weird hardware defect 
> may have cropped up, though I still think that rather unlikely.
> All the best,
> Zack.
> On May 3, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very quick, 
>> slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about halfway, (with 
>> no sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go further. A slight 
>> shove meets with resistance.
>> Christine
>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>>> Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the keystroke 
>>> is option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I first tried 
>>> to do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The Macbook took my disk 
>>> in and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I turned the disk over to 
>>> insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm sorry for not being any 
>>> more helpful than that. 
>>> Tony Hernandez
>>> “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
>>> commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
>>> every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or 
>>> whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my MacBook. 
  My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD.  I hit 
 Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a disk in 
 there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation about a 
 lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is coming up under Spotlight -- 
 I checked Security preferences, which is the only place where "unlock" 
 came up. Is this a defect, or is there some simple maneuver I must do?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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in reguards to the bluetooth keyboard

2011-05-03 Thread Matt Dierckens
hi, when i sent the message about the bt keyboard i am refering to using it 
with the iphone.

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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Kevin Shaw
Greetings Christine,

I have had a Macbook Pro for almost 2 years and have just encountered this 
problem in the last few weeks. I inserted a disc and heard an error beep coming 
from the  drive itself, as if the mechanism was having trouble loading the disc 
onto the spindle.

Now, when I insert a CD, I get it in about 7/8 of the way and then it meets 

I'm curious as to whether this is a defect with the drives themselves. I'd hate 
to think this is a problem across other MBPs.

I'm taking mine in soon.


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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Christine,
Urgh.  I'm sorry you'll have to do that.  Here's hoping they get it fixed 
quickly.  From all I've heard, APple tech support is usually quite good.  Is 
your MacBOok still in warranty?  If it's only two months old, I'd imagine so.
All the best,
On May 3, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Nope, it's brand-new, just over two months. Just called Apple and they told 
> me I have to mail it in or bring it in. I am not a happy camper.
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> I would be sure that the disk is oriented properly, and try the whole 
>> process again.  I don't know if your MacBook is a slot loader or not?  My 
>> MacBook Pro is, and I just push gently until the machine takes the disk in.  
>> How old is your machine?  If it's not terribly new some kind of weird 
>> hardware defect may have cropped up, though I still think that rather 
>> unlikely.
>> All the best,
>> Zack.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very quick, 
>>> slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about halfway, 
>>> (with no sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go further. A 
>>> slight shove meets with resistance.
>>> Christine
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
 Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the keystroke 
 is option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I first 
 tried to do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The Macbook took 
 my disk in and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I turned the 
 disk over to insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm sorry for not 
 being any more helpful than that. 
 Tony Hernandez
 “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
 commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
 every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, 
 or whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
 On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my 
> MacBook.  My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD. 
>  I hit Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a 
> disk in there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation 
> about a lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is coming up under 
> Spotlight -- I checked Security preferences, which is the only place 
> where "unlock" came up. Is this a defect, or is there some simple 
> maneuver I must do?
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Mine is stopping just at the point where the hole in the center is fully 
inside. There is no grabbing of it at all, and no error sound, just resistance. 
On May 3, 2011, at 8:04 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Greetings Christine,
> I have had a Macbook Pro for almost 2 years and have just encountered this 
> problem in the last few weeks. I inserted a disc and heard an error beep 
> coming from the  drive itself, as if the mechanism was having trouble loading 
> the disc onto the spindle.
> Now, when I insert a CD, I get it in about 7/8 of the way and then it meets 
> resistance.
> I'm curious as to whether this is a defect with the drives themselves. I'd 
> hate to think this is a problem across other MBPs.
> I'm taking mine in soon.
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Yes, thank goodness. Thanks. I was so hoping this was fixable; I've got 
something I *really* want to listen to!
On May 3, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Christine,
> Urgh.  I'm sorry you'll have to do that.  Here's hoping they get it fixed 
> quickly.  From all I've heard, APple tech support is usually quite good.  Is 
> your MacBOok still in warranty?  If it's only two months old, I'd imagine so.
> All the best,
> Zack.
> On May 3, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Nope, it's brand-new, just over two months. Just called Apple and they told 
>> me I have to mail it in or bring it in. I am not a happy camper.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> I would be sure that the disk is oriented properly, and try the whole 
>>> process again.  I don't know if your MacBook is a slot loader or not?  My 
>>> MacBook Pro is, and I just push gently until the machine takes the disk in. 
>>>  How old is your machine?  If it's not terribly new some kind of weird 
>>> hardware defect may have cropped up, though I still think that rather 
>>> unlikely.
>>> All the best,
>>> Zack.
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very quick, 
 slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about halfway, 
 (with no sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go further. A 
 slight shove meets with resistance.
 On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
> Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the 
> keystroke is option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I 
> first tried to do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The 
> Macbook took my disk in and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I 
> turned the disk over to insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm 
> sorry for not being any more helpful than that. 
> Tony Hernandez
> “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
> commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
> every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, 
> or whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my 
>> MacBook.  My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the 
>> CD.  I hit Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there 
>> was a disk in there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any 
>> documentation about a lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is 
>> coming up under Spotlight -- I checked Security preferences, which is 
>> the only place where "unlock" came up. Is this a defect, or is there 
>> some simple maneuver I must do?
>> Christine
>> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:
Around here, the Apple stores, at least the two I know of and visit in the 
city, fix things fast and are easy to get to independently.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 03/05/2011, at 5:05 PM, Zachary Kline  wrote:

> Hi Christine,
> Urgh.  I'm sorry you'll have to do that.  Here's hoping they get it fixed 
> quickly.  From all I've heard, APple tech support is usually quite good.  Is 
> your MacBOok still in warranty?  If it's only two months old, I'd imagine so.
> All the best,
> Zack.
> On May 3, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Nope, it's brand-new, just over two months. Just called Apple and they told 
>> me I have to mail it in or bring it in. I am not a happy camper.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> I would be sure that the disk is oriented properly, and try the whole 
>>> process again.  I don't know if your MacBook is a slot loader or not?  My 
>>> MacBook Pro is, and I just push gently until the machine takes the disk in. 
>>>  How old is your machine?  If it's not terribly new some kind of weird 
>>> hardware defect may have cropped up, though I still think that rather 
>>> unlikely.
>>> All the best,
>>> Zack.
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very quick, 
 slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about halfway, 
 (with no sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go further. A 
 slight shove meets with resistance.
 On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
> Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the 
> keystroke is option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when I 
> first tried to do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The 
> Macbook took my disk in and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I 
> turned the disk over to insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm 
> sorry for not being any more helpful than that. 
> Tony Hernandez
> “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
> commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
> every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, 
> or whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my 
>> MacBook.  My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the 
>> CD.  I hit Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there 
>> was a disk in there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any 
>> documentation about a lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is 
>> coming up under Spotlight -- I checked Security preferences, which is 
>> the only place where "unlock" came up. Is this a defect, or is there 
>> some simple maneuver I must do?
>> Christine
>> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Mike Arrigo
If you want to eject the disk, highlight it on the desktop and press command e, 
if that doesn't work even after a reboot, you may have a problem with the drive.
On May 3, 2011, at 6:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my MacBook.  
> My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the CD.  I hit Eject, 
> but nothing happened --just on the off chance there was a disk in there.  I 
> tried Restarting.  I tried to find any documentation about a lcking mechanism 
> on the drive, but nothing is coming up under Spotlight -- I checked Security 
> preferences, which is the only place where "unlock" came up. Is this a 
> defect, or is there some simple maneuver I must do?
> Christine
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Christine Grassman
That won't be a problem; very accessible, and I love the people there. We've 
had several one-to-one lessons, and I couldn't complain if I tried.
On May 3, 2011, at 8:15 PM, Cheree wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> Around here, the Apple stores, at least the two I know of and visit in the 
> city, fix things fast and are easy to get to independently.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 03/05/2011, at 5:05 PM, Zachary Kline  wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> Urgh.  I'm sorry you'll have to do that.  Here's hoping they get it fixed 
>> quickly.  From all I've heard, APple tech support is usually quite good.  Is 
>> your MacBOok still in warranty?  If it's only two months old, I'd imagine so.
>> All the best,
>> Zack.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Nope, it's brand-new, just over two months. Just called Apple and they told 
>>> me I have to mail it in or bring it in. I am not a happy camper.
>>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
 Hi Christine,
 I would be sure that the disk is oriented properly, and try the whole 
 process again.  I don't know if your MacBook is a slot loader or not?  My 
 MacBook Pro is, and I just push gently until the machine takes the disk 
 in.  How old is your machine?  If it's not terribly new some kind of weird 
 hardware defect may have cropped up, though I still think that rather 
 All the best,
 On May 3, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Tried command eject and option eject. Every few tries I hear a very 
> quick, slight clicky sound, but nothing else. The disk goes in about 
> halfway, (with no sound or tray moving) then stops dead and won't go 
> further. A slight shove meets with resistance.
> Christine
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>> Hi Christine. To be sure that you have no disk in the drive, the 
>> keystroke is option-eject. I don't know if this will help you, but when 
>> I first tried to do this, I was putting the disk in upside down. The 
>> Macbook took my disk in and then spit it back out after a few seconds. I 
>> turned the disk over to insert it mirror side down and that worked. I'm 
>> sorry for not being any more helpful than that. 
>> Tony Hernandez
>> “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
>> commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring 
>> every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, 
>> or whether [it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> OK, so this is the first time I am attempting to put a CD into my 
>>> MacBook.  My husband had no trouble with his MacBook, so it's not the 
>>> CD.  I hit Eject, but nothing happened --just on the off chance there 
>>> was a disk in there.  I tried Restarting.  I tried to find any 
>>> documentation about a lcking mechanism on the drive, but nothing is 
>>> coming up under Spotlight -- I checked Security preferences, which is 
>>> the only place where "unlock" came up. Is this a defect, or is there 
>>> some simple maneuver I must do?
>>> Christine
>>> -- 
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Kevin Shaw
A few points from me:

Windows comes with a screen reader called narrator. It's not as robust as 
Voiceover, but Microsoft does "develop" it, much the same way as one vacuums 
under the sofa—You're lucky if it's done every few years.

Yes, I agree with the initial suggestion. Tell Microsoft you want to 
participate as a full user of their software. The squeaky wheel gets the 
grease. Peer-selling can be of great benefit, like telling them that if a 
company like DigiDesign can render a highly complex program like ProTools 
accessible, it would be easy for Microsoft to do the same for its most familiar 
productivity software.

We may also mention the fact that 65 to 70% of blind people are unemployed or 
underemployed. Perhaps one person could take up the initiative, start a 
petition and be the go to person when it comes to engaging Microsoft in a 
dialog, much like my hero Slau did with ProTools. In which case, a carefully 
articulated and well-crafted series of statements could bring light to this 

In addition, opening lines of communication to the media on this issue could 
also be of benefit to our cause. This is a large issue, as there is much to 
explain to a largely sighted audience. Explaining how screen readers work is 
one thing. Explaining how a popular program like MS Word doesn't work with a 
Mac or Windows screen reader is a whole other challenge, orders of magnitude 
beyond telling the journalist that talking computers let blind people surf the 

If it's at all possible, we could establish a list of people with the skills 
and connections to create these documents, the petition, press releases and 
other communication strategies to bring attention to this issue. If there is a 
lawyer on the list (and I doubt it because no one answered my black's Law 
Dictionary question), perhaps the mention of an anti-trust investigation will 
get things moving. I say this with a bit of jest, so please don't fill the list 
with messages bashing these suggestions.

I work for a radio station here in Canada and would be willing to invest 
resources into getting this story told. If anyone else has a media contact or 
connection, let's develop the tools that we need to tell this story.

the only question that remains is, are you ready to change the world?


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Re: voiceover words per minute

2011-05-03 Thread Tyler Spivey
In all these thread replies, I don't think anyone has
answered the author's question. While I don't have a mac,
the same thing should apply here. To get an approximate value for
words per minute, you should be able to do something like this:
1. Select a portion of text, for example out of a book,
webpage or email with about 1000 words. Copy and paste it into a document.
Get a word count. Your editor should have some way to do that.
Set your desired rate, go to the top of the document, and start a timer. I don't
know if there are any software timers for the mac, but you need to time it to 
the second or so, or get a longer sample.
When it finishes reading, stop the timer and do the math.
wpm = wordcount/elapsed time in minutes
On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 02:15:52PM -0500, Greg Aikens wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know the estimate of words per minute corresponding to the 
> different voiceover rates?  If I am reading with VO at 80% how many WPM is 
> that?  How many WPM is 55%, etc.?  
> Thanks for any help.  
> -Greg
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore
Some excellent valid points Kevin, thank you.  You have given me even more to 
think about.
On 4 May 2011, at 01:28, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> A few points from me:
> Windows comes with a screen reader called narrator. It's not as robust as 
> Voiceover, but Microsoft does "develop" it, much the same way as one vacuums 
> under the sofa—You're lucky if it's done every few years.
> Yes, I agree with the initial suggestion. Tell Microsoft you want to 
> participate as a full user of their software. The squeaky wheel gets the 
> grease. Peer-selling can be of great benefit, like telling them that if a 
> company like DigiDesign can render a highly complex program like ProTools 
> accessible, it would be easy for Microsoft to do the same for its most 
> familiar productivity software.
> We may also mention the fact that 65 to 70% of blind people are unemployed or 
> underemployed. Perhaps one person could take up the initiative, start a 
> petition and be the go to person when it comes to engaging Microsoft in a 
> dialog, much like my hero Slau did with ProTools. In which case, a carefully 
> articulated and well-crafted series of statements could bring light to this 
> issue.
> In addition, opening lines of communication to the media on this issue could 
> also be of benefit to our cause. This is a large issue, as there is much to 
> explain to a largely sighted audience. Explaining how screen readers work is 
> one thing. Explaining how a popular program like MS Word doesn't work with a 
> Mac or Windows screen reader is a whole other challenge, orders of magnitude 
> beyond telling the journalist that talking computers let blind people surf 
> the web.
> If it's at all possible, we could establish a list of people with the skills 
> and connections to create these documents, the petition, press releases and 
> other communication strategies to bring attention to this issue. If there is 
> a lawyer on the list (and I doubt it because no one answered my black's Law 
> Dictionary question), perhaps the mention of an anti-trust investigation will 
> get things moving. I say this with a bit of jest, so please don't fill the 
> list with messages bashing these suggestions.
> I work for a radio station here in Canada and would be willing to invest 
> resources into getting this story told. If anyone else has a media contact or 
> connection, let's develop the tools that we need to tell this story.
> the only question that remains is, are you ready to change the world?
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Chris Moore  wrote:
> i am aware of that, and it offers very basic support

This was true of the original MSAA API.

But the newer UI Automation API is comparable to the Apple
Accessibility API and the Gnome AT-SPI API.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

So, with Tim's help I set up a rule to delete messages from this guy whose 
spamming me.  Everything looks OK, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Anyone 
know what might be the problem.  I've entered his email address in the Contains 
field, and chosen delete message as the action.

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Re: rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Donna,

Did you make the rule active? I believe you'll need to do that in order for it 
to take effect. There's also an option under the message menu to apply rules. 
Command-Option L I believe.


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Re: rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Chris Moore
Can you not just add him to your junk list?
On 4 May 2011, at 02:02, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> So, with Tim's help I set up a rule to delete messages from this guy whose 
> spamming me.  Everything looks OK, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Anyone 
> know what might be the problem.  I've entered his email address in the 
> Contains field, and chosen delete message as the action.
> thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Help! Can't insert disk into drive

2011-05-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Try turning the disk over?  Is it physically obstructed? doe it go in part way 
and then slide back out, or just not go in at all?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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rearranging tables

2011-05-03 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date column in 
my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to Splasm, I can 
drag the column to the location where I want it in the table. How do I do this 
with VO?

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Re: rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Kevin,

Yeah, I did make it active, at least it looks like it is.

On May 3, 2011, at 8:58 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Did you make the rule active? I believe you'll need to do that in order for 
> it to take effect. There's also an option under the message menu to apply 
> rules. Command-Option L I believe.
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: rearranging tables

2011-05-03 Thread Goldfinga Productions
isn't it VO, shift, command, `

I think that puts you in a place for dragging, if not, take the command key 


On May 3, 2011, at 10:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hello:
> I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date column 
> in my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to Splasm, I 
> can drag the column to the location where I want it in the table. How do I do 
> this with VO?
> -- 
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Check me out on twitter

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Re: rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Donna Goodin
I thought that the only way to do this was in Rules.  Is there a different way?

On May 3, 2011, at 9:01 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Can you not just add him to your junk list?
> On 4 May 2011, at 02:02, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So, with Tim's help I set up a rule to delete messages from this guy whose 
>> spamming me.  Everything looks OK, but it doesn't seem to be working.  
>> Anyone know what might be the problem.  I've entered his email address in 
>> the Contains field, and chosen delete message as the action.
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

What exactly did you put in the rule criteria?

• Full eMail address or partial?
• Person's name or just the eMail address?


On 2011-05-03, at 7:02 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> So, with Tim's help I set up a rule to delete messages from this guy whose 
> spamming me.  Everything looks OK, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Anyone 
> know what might be the problem.  I've entered his email address in the 
> Contains field, and chosen delete message as the action.
> thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: braille display

2011-05-03 Thread Les Kriegler
Actually, I've got the Braille Connect 24 and in the Messages app, I input in 
Grade 2 exclusively.

On May 3, 2011, at 5:17 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Kawal,  Either it's not supported on baum/humanware/aph displays or you 
> are very much mistaken.  Although my display shows output in grade two 
> braille, I can only write grade one computer braille on the braille input 
> keyboard.  Grade two braille input is not supported which is the feature 
> being discussed here.
> You really got my hopes up there for a minute since I couldn't remember 
> perusing the braille settings in at least a couple of updates and I was 
> wondering if they might have snuck it in without my noticing.  Ah but no.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-05-03, at 3:59 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm using grade II with the Mac.  If you go into the braille settings, you 
>> should get it.  Also you need to selected American Apple Braille.
>> Kawal.
>> On 3 May 2011, at 15:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi, grade two input is not yet supported.  Hopefully with the emergence of 
>>> lion, especially since the IPhone has had grade two input for a long time 
>>> now.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2011-05-03, at 9:49 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:
 Hi all, 
 I have been given a refreshabraille to play with for a couple of weeks.  
 How does one use the display to input grade two braille?  I am trying to 
 type grade two braille into pages with no success. 
 In the Journey, 
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Re: rearranging tables

2011-05-03 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
No that moves windows, not columns in tables.
On May 3, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> isn't it VO, shift, command, `
> I think that puts you in a place for dragging, if not, take the command key 
> away.
> GF
> On May 3, 2011, at 10:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date column 
>> in my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to Splasm, I 
>> can drag the column to the location where I want it in the table. How do I 
>> do this with VO?
>> -- 
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> GF
> Check me out on twitter
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Re: rearranging tables

2011-05-03 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Sarai,
The VO command to begin dragging is vo-command-shift-space.  I've not tried 
this myself, though I imagine you start the process on the column you want to 
move and move it left or right until it is where you want to put it.  To stop 
dragging, use vo-command-shift-space again.
Best, and hope this helps,

On May 3, 2011, at 7:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hello:
> I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date column 
> in my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to Splasm, I 
> can drag the column to the location where I want it in the table. How do I do 
> this with VO?
> -- 
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Re: rules again

2011-05-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

I tested the process I outlined to you and it worked as it should for me.  
Maybe, try the following:

1.  Select a message from the person you wish to filter.
2.  Press cmd-comma to bring up the Preferences.
3.  Select the Rules tab.
4.  Interact with the Rules Table and select the rule you created.
5.  Press the Edit button.
6.  Interact with the Criteria Scroll Area.
7.  Make sure the first item is "From".  Actually, if you already have it as 
"From", change it away from "From" then back again.
7.  Leave the second item as "contains".
8.  If you navigate to the edit field, the address of the person you wish to 
filter should automatically be entered into this field.
9.  Make sure that "Delete" is set for the Action.

If you have multiple eMail accounts or a friend that you could confirm things 
with, you can test things by doing the following:

• Set up a Test rule whereby you do the same action as outlined above, but 
using your friend's address or your second eMail address.
• Send yourself an eMail or have your friend send you one depending on your 
• When you check your mail, it will ding but no eMail will appear, not even in 
the Trash mailbox.

If it works in the test situation, then it should work for the spammer.  If it 
does not, then your spammer has a false address in the return address field in 
which case you'll need to use other criteria to perform this action. If the 
problem persists, forward me one of the spam eMails off-list and I'll help you 
with the criteria.


On 2011-05-03, at 8:46 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Donna,
> What exactly did you put in the rule criteria?
> • Full eMail address or partial?
> • Person's name or just the eMail address?
> Later...
> On 2011-05-03, at 7:02 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So, with Tim's help I set up a rule to delete messages from this guy whose 
>> spamming me.  Everything looks OK, but it doesn't seem to be working.  
>> Anyone know what might be the problem.  I've entered his email address in 
>> the Contains field, and chosen delete message as the action.
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: rearranging tables

2011-05-03 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I tried that, and the column didn't move. 
On May 3, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Sarai,
> The VO command to begin dragging is vo-command-shift-space.  I've not tried 
> this myself, though I imagine you start the process on the column you want to 
> move and move it left or right until it is where you want to put it.  To stop 
> dragging, use vo-command-shift-space again.
> Best, and hope this helps,
> Zack.
> On May 3, 2011, at 7:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date column 
>> in my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to Splasm, I 
>> can drag the column to the location where I want it in the table. How do I 
>> do this with VO?
>> -- 
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Re: rearranging tables

2011-05-03 Thread Zachary Kline
How did you rearrange the columns in the first place?  If you can reverse that 
process it will probably fix itself.  Is it more that you don't know how you 
did it?  Was there some VO keystroke you might have accidentally pressed?
On May 3, 2011, at 8:58 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I tried that, and the column didn't move. 
> On May 3, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Sarai,
>> The VO command to begin dragging is vo-command-shift-space.  I've not tried 
>> this myself, though I imagine you start the process on the column you want 
>> to move and move it left or right until it is where you want to put it.  To 
>> stop dragging, use vo-command-shift-space again.
>> Best, and hope this helps,
>> Zack.
>> On May 3, 2011, at 7:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> I've messed up my checking account enteres in Checkbook Pro. My date column 
>>> in my entry table isn't where it is supposed to be. According to Splasm, I 
>>> can drag the column to the location where I want it in the table. How do I 
>>> do this with VO?
>>> -- 
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Re: Change language on navigation?

2011-05-03 Thread marcelo
Thanks, I consider the best way to hear words in other language, but
it is no very confortable, isn't it? ...


On 3 mayo, 12:28, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Marcelo,
> VO cannot automatically change language, but you can do this easily by 
> pressing VO-Command-Left or right arrow until you find Default Voice, then 
> VO-Command-Down arrow to the voice you want. I always leave it on Default 
> Voice so that I can switch between English and French rapidly.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 3 May 2011, at 09:53, marcelo wrote:
> > Derar friends from MacVisionaries,
> > I use an Spanish voice called iVox with Voice Over, it works
> > perfectly.
> > But if I navigate on a Spanish Web site (in Spanish) with only some
> > words in English, I am interesting in hear the english words with a
> > English voice, not English words with my Spanish voice ...
> > In Windows Jaws can change the voice every time when it find a word in
> > English.
> > any advice? ...
> > (as always ... sorry for my English!).
> > --
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