Re: ipad: how to enable new touch typing feature

2010-06-17 Thread Ben King
Dear John,
You put two fingers on the iPad and rotate them until you come to typing mode.  
You flick down with two fingers and when you hear touch typing you double tap 
to select it.  It will stay in Touch Typing Mode until you go back to typing 
mode and change it back to the traditional way of typing.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:23 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers, 
> I went to my apple store today to check out the IPad. I liked it over all, 
> but I have a question. How do I enable the new form of touch typing? I really 
> wanted to try this out, but when I put my fingers on the keyboard, found the 
> letter I wanted, and then lifted them, nothing happened. The only way to type 
> was the old clunky way we currently have to use on the I touch and Iphone. I 
> looked in the voiceover menu under accessibility but could not find this 
> option. Also, the apple employee, while he did know the traditional way of 
> typing with voiceover, couldn't help me find the feature either. 
> Thanks for your help. I intend to go back there some time soon and mess with 
> it more. Pages seems particularly appealing. 
> John 
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Re: IPad question # 2: find feature in Ibooks?

2010-06-17 Thread Ben King
Dear John,
The iBooks does have a search function where you can search for phrases and 
such.  Also, I believe you can search for books using iTunes.  I hope you get 
the iPad it is an amazing device.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:29 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers, 
> I have a lot of IPad questions after todays apple visit, but I won't flood 
> the list with them. I'll stop after this one. Does Ibooks have a find 
> feature, so that you can find particular words and phrases in books? Also, 
> can you quickly and easily find the next instance of a phrase or word 
> provided you just searched for it? I'm thinking something similar to an f3 
> command in kurzweil. As a law student, I need such functionality if I am to 
> consider using the IPad with books I purchase and those I scan myself. Also, 
> while we're on the subject of books, is there a way to browse the book store 
> just using ITunes from my macbook? I'd love to buy a 3g enabled IPad, but 
> really can't justify the purchase if they don't have law/education books 
> digitized. At that point, though it pains me to say it, I'm probably better 
> off putting the scanned files on my mac and netbook, and stick with kurzweil 
> a bit longer. Your thoughts are appreciated. 
> John 
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Re: The Safari 5 Journey

2010-06-17 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Dan,

On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:28 AM, Dan Roy wrote:
> Do you use IChat?
I'm afraid I don't use iChat as there seems to be a problem with our router 
being incompatible with iChat. We can probably solve the problem, but it's low 
on the priority list at the moment.



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address book bug fixed

2010-06-17 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Apart from a placebo feeling that things are running smoother, i just got my 
first contacts group created without a problem :) 

Now going to check if any new commands have been added to the voice over 
applescript library as well as in voice over preferences.

Yuma DX®


"Light has no value without darkness"

Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 

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applications affected in 10.6.4

2010-06-17 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi list,

Here is the list of applications affected by the update. They come usually when 
their sizes change and my optimizer picks them for slimming.

bluetooth file exchange
Disk Utility
Front row
Keychain access
Quicktime player
Raid utility
Time machine
Voice over utility

Yes, voice over utility has been updated but i believe that is for the braille 
device compatibility updates.
Unlike my previous message declared, address book hasn't been fixed. I just 
created a smart group not a group.

Also, very strange that calculator has been updated. 

Thought this might interest someone 


Yuma DX®

"Light has no value without darkness"

Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 

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RE: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a prospective
Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear if one
needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way they are.
In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind of task
we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or space,
both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around, but we
know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing. Most times,
our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and give us
the option of automating that task, often on a per application basis. They
can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application basis to
do tasks specific to that application. 

It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different way to
select things and that only one of them will work in a given situation. It
comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and it comes
across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen reader would
automate something that you have to tell VO to do. 

Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting, I'm here
because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the next one
will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the answers
people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be reflected in
some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much want to
know what's possible, not seem in opposition. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now, when I
pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key is and
not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
disorienting some times.  LOL!
On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Dave,
> You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field where
this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to navigate with
VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing everywhere.
As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I think
about for navigation.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Hi
>> Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?
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RE: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.

1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
NVDA rather than Jaws.

2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
easy is this in Mac?

3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.

It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
share them. Is this possible for VO?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User

What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
I'm just curious.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:

> Hi Kolby,
> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
> portability features seem terrific but you should consider which
> environments you'll be wanting to access because at least for now the
> Mac market is quite small in comparison to PCs, so the number of
> computers where your USB settings will work is fairly small.  3) VO is
> very good, but it isn't JAWS or ZoomText.  Many of us dream of a day
> when we can use out-of-the-box technology just like everyone else;
> we're much, much closer, but that day isn't there yet.  4) The user
> support is limited for VO.  This discussion list is excellent, but I
> still have a growing list of questions that people can't answer and
> that are impossible to look up.  Even the in-depth manual isn't *that*
> in-depth.  This means there's a kind of pioneer spirit to the whole
> thing, with people figuring out this and that just like they would
> sort out how to repair a wagon wheel a thousand miles from
> civilization.  That's exciting, hip, and creative, but sometimes you
> just want a simple answer to a nagging problem that's still beyond
> even the best macvisionaries.  All that said, I'm enjoying my new
> machine.
> Best,
> Cathyk
> On Jun 16, 2:10 pm, Pete Nalda  wrote:
>> First off, don't worry about what may be going on at the moment, with the
update.  Mac OS is still so much easier in general to deal with than windows
and its various screen readers.  This may not apply for everyone on here but
to me the choice was economical.  Every time there was a new version of
windows, I'd have to purchase a new version ("upgrade") of ZoomText.  I got
tired of playing that game. Every time I buy a new version of Mac OSX, I get
a new version of Zoom *and* VoiceOver :)
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what
satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows.
I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen
reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I
have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purc

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can have vo scripts but i don't find them necessary.

As for curser tracking you can do that in vo. just press vo shift f3 to toggle 
that and it will remember where you are in a lot of apps at once if that is 
off. Toggle it back on  and you should  be good to go. and saving locations you 
can use hot spots that can defying what you want to do but they are not app 
specific sadly.

Sorry I could not answer everything.

Take care.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
> NVDA rather than Jaws.
> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
> easy is this in Mac?
> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
> share them. Is this possible for VO?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
> I'm just curious.
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>> Hi Kolby,
>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
>> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
>> portability features seem terrific but you should consider which
>> environments you'll be wanting to access because at least for now the
>> Mac market is quite small in comparison to PCs, so the number of
>> computers where your USB settings will work is fairly small.  3) VO is
>> very good, but it isn't JAWS or ZoomText.  Many of us dream of a day
>> when we can use out-of-the-box technology just like everyone else;
>> we're much, much closer, but that day isn't there yet.  4) The user
>> support is limited for VO.  This discussion list is excellent, but I
>> still have a growing list of questions that people can't answer and
>> that are impossible to look up.  Even the in-depth manual isn't *that*
>> in-depth.  This means there's a kind of pioneer spirit to the whole
>> thing, with people figuring out this and that just like they would
>> sort out how to repair a wagon wheel a thousand miles from
>> civilization.  That's exciting, hip, and creative, but sometimes you
>> just want a simple answer to a nagging problem that's still beyond
>> even the best macvisionaries.  All that said, I'm enjoying my new
>> machine.
>> Best,
>> Cathyk
>> On Jun 16, 2:10 pm, Pete Nalda  wrote:
>>> First off, don't worry about what may be going on at the moment, with the
> update.  Mac OS is still so much easier in general to deal with than windows
> and its various screen readers.  This may not apply for everyone on here but
> to me the choice was economical.  Every time there was a new version of
> windows, I'd have t

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode for 
when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which VoiceOver is 
part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add on.  Mac OS X has 
Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must admit I have not 
used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.

Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the Mac 
I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat to 
automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so I can 
easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit box and 
type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my replies in a 
conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep scrolling down the 
entire history to read my last message received.  Not sure if there is a better 
way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was about to try it Safari 5 seemed 
to mess up my iChat experience.  I have seen JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows 
and it is far superior, if we keep the pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat 
will work just as well.  As for other IM applications, we are best writing to 
the developers directly.
On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
> NVDA rather than Jaws.
> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
> easy is this in Mac?
> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
> share them. Is this possible for VO?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
> I'm just curious.
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>> Hi Kolby,
>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
>> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
>> portability features seem terrific but you should consider which
>> environments you'll be wanting to access because at least for now the
>> Mac market is quite small in comparison to PCs, so the number of
>> computers where your USB settings will work is fairly small.  3) VO is
>> very good, but it isn't JAWS or ZoomText.  Many of us dream of a day
>> when we can use out-of-the-box technology just like everyone else;
>> we're much, much closer, but that day isn't there yet.  4) The user
>> support is limited for VO.  This discussion list is excellent, but I

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
I found this interesting thread regarding scripting for VO:

On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:49, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You can have vo scripts but i don't find them necessary.
> As for curser tracking you can do that in vo. just press vo shift f3 to 
> toggle that and it will remember where you are in a lot of apps at once if 
> that is off. Toggle it back on  and you should  be good to go. and saving 
> locations you can use hot spots that can defying what you want to do but they 
> are not app specific sadly.
> Sorry I could not answer everything.
> Take care.
> S
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>> easy is this in Mac?
>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
>> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>> I'm just curious.
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>>> Hi Kolby,
>>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>>> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
>>> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
>>> portability features seem terrific but you should consider which
>>> environments you'll be wanting to access because at least for now the
>>> Mac market is quite small in comparison to PCs, so the number of
>>> computers where your USB settings will work is fairly small.  3) VO is
>>> very good, but it isn't JAWS or ZoomText.  Many of us dream of a day
>>> when we can use out-of-the-box technology just like everyone else;
>>> we're much, much closer, but that day isn't there yet.  4) The user
>>> support is limited for VO.  This discussion list is excellent, but I
>>> still have a growing list of questions that people can't answer and
>>> that are impossible to look up.  Even the in-depth manual isn't *that*
>>> in-depth.  This means there's a kind of pioneer spirit to the whole
>>> thing, with people figuring out this and that just like they would
>>> sort out how to repair a wagon wheel a thousand miles from
>>> civilization.  That's exciting, hip, and creative, but sometimes you
>>> just want a simple answer to a nagging problem that's still beyond
>>> even the best macvisionaries.  All that said, I'm enjoying my new
>>> machine.
>>> Best,
>>> Cathyk
>>> On Jun 16, 2:10 pm, Pete Nalda  wrote:
 First off, don't worry about what

dj software for mac

2010-06-17 Thread chad baker
Hi i seen people talking about the dj software what is it called and is there a 
trial of it.
I want to check it out.

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RE: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
This is what Mac demos never tell us though, and Mac users seem similar.
Navigating to between two areas could either be really simple or really
straightforward, depending whereabouts on the screen they are, looks like VO
is a recipe for RSI to me! Please discuss!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User

You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as
launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread
messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode
for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which
VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add
on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must
admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.

Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the
Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat
to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so I
can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit
box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my
replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep
scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.  Not
sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was
about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have seen
JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep the
pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for other
IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to
> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise
> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
> NVDA rather than Jaws.
> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with
> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
> easy is this in Mac?
> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio,
> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading
> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like
> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
> share them. Is this possible for VO?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
> I'm just curious.
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>> Hi Kolby,
>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
>> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
>> portability features seem terrific but you should consider wh

RE: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
Thanks. That is interesting and I largely agree. It is exactly getting
information quickly and easily and being able to instantly get at areas of
applications that concerns me. Accessibility requires that the users knows
where they are and how to proceed at all times, and VO seems very good at
that to me, but usability is more. It's about how easy it is to do something
and how quickly it can be done. That's important in so many areas of life
that it does need taking into account.

I have a lot of sympathy for the ideas in VO since it makes accessibility
much easier to achieve, but it must be pointed out that reading a screen
through speech works very differently than by sight, and the screen reader
needs to try to tell us the information a sighted person would look at
without us having to navigate to it.. Glancing is effortless, navigating
requires yet more fingerwork. Further, you can assess the whole layout of a
screen visually, you don't have to explore element by element. If you want
to translate a visual way of working into speech, you need to try to
recreate that as best you can. Granted, that is why you get an overview of
the different parts of the screen then interact with the part you want, that
is a good concept in many ways, and you can also learn where things are.

Oh yes, one other thing that Jaws is unbeatable at. I need different
settings for different websites. Nothing else does that. For instance, I can
hide inline frames, stop only some sites from refreshing automatically when
that's inconvenient, have higher verbosity on some and lower on others etc.
I don't need to change that every time I visit!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User

I found this interesting thread regarding scripting for VO:

On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:49, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You can have vo scripts but i don't find them necessary.
> As for curser tracking you can do that in vo. just press vo shift f3 to
toggle that and it will remember where you are in a lot of apps at once if
that is off. Toggle it back on  and you should  be good to go. and saving
locations you can use hot spots that can defying what you want to do but
they are not app specific sadly.
> Sorry I could not answer everything.
> Take care.
> S
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to
>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise
>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with
>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>> easy is this in Mac?
>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on
>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio,
>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading
>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like
>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things
>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
>> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>> I'm just curious.
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>>> Hi Kolby,
>>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>>> which isn't ideal when do

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread John André Netland
Here is what to do when doing IM with VoiceOver:
•Navigate to the text field
•Press control-option-shift-F3 to turn cursor tracking off
•Navigate to the area for incoming messages
•read and answer just by navigating the message area, you don't need to move to 
the text field. Just write and press enter.
•Remember to press control-option-shift-F3 to turn curser tracking on before 
using other apps.

This should work in all IM apps, like text chat in Skype, iChat etc. etc.

Hope this helps someone.

John André
On 17. juni 2010, at 11.47, Chris Moore wrote:

> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode for 
> when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which VoiceOver 
> is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add on.  Mac OS X 
> has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must admit I have 
> not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so I 
> can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit box 
> and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my replies 
> in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep scrolling down 
> the entire history to read my last message received.  Not sure if there is a 
> better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was about to try it Safari 
> 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have seen JAWS use MSN Messenger 
> for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep the pressure up with Apple 
> hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for other IM applications, we are 
> best writing to the developers directly.
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>> easy is this in Mac?
>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
>> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>> I'm just curious.
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>>> Hi Kolby,
>>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>>> lot.  Even if it works better than th

Re: dj software for mac

2010-06-17 Thread Allison Manzino

I think it's by Algerythm. I think there's a link to it on the Rogue Amoeba 
site. THey have Nicecast which allows you to broadcast and there is a link to 
the DJ software. Just go to:

Click on Our Programs and scroll down. I hope that helps!

On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:11 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi i seen people talking about the dj software what is it called and is there 
> a trial of it.
> I want to check it out.
> thanks
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Scott Howell

I can only speak for me personally, but first I believe some of these 
tutorials or podcasts do make things seem complicated, but in reality it is not 
as difficult as it may seem. I am sure when you started out with a 
windows-based screen reader, all those keystrokes seemed a little much, but 
with time you became familiar enough to get what you needed done. I have to use 
windows and thus a windows-based screen reader for certain tasks 
professionally, but I use a Mac both professionally and personally. I have not 
found it difficult at all to accomplish tasks and even learning the menus or 
other aspects of applications, while using VOiceOver. One advantage of the Mac 
is that VOiceOver does not interfere with standard OS commands, so you do have 
several ways to accomplish the same task. An example of this is accessing the 
status menu that shows the clock, wireless network status etc. The standard Mac 
command is control-f8 and the VO command is control-option-mm (m twice). So, 
perhaps the issue is more that there is more choices for getting the same thing 
done and on windows a windows-based screen reader effectively takes over the 
keyboard. Perhaps Apple could have used more OS-specific commands in lieu of 
VO-specific commands, but I cannot comment as I was not there during the design 
and initial development. I have however been using VO since the release of 
TIger, so I have had a good deal of experience using the Mac. So, I also have 
learned how to leverage these different ways of accomplishing various tasks. 
When I first started learning about VO, I agree it seemed like a lot of 
commands and tricky keystrokes, but honestly once I started using VO, it was 
easier than I imagined. Like anything new, the more you use it the more quickly 
you will learn how to use it effectively.
Another thing I appreciate is the fact that I make my own choices and I 
do not have to depend on the screen reader to determine what I need to know. 
YOu can argue the merits of my logic because some just want to get the task 
accomplished and that I agree with. I however do not want my screen reader 
assuming anything because there is no way that assumption can account for all 
situations. Another issue is an application you may really need is not 
accessible or as much as you may require because someone has not developed a 
script, set file, or other configuration that makes the application accessible 
for your needs. However, with VO, provided a developer has used standard 
controls and followed Apples accessibility guidelines, the application will be 
accessible out of the box. In fact some apps that do not exactly follow Apple's 
guidelines still will work fine, but may take a little more effort on the 
user's part.
I certainly am not interested in arguing which is better because that 
debate has and still rages on. The point I want to make is that the Mac OS or 
the WIndows OS, and VoiceOver and windows-based screen readers, have their 
place. It is up to you as a user to choose the OS and screen reader that best 
fits your needs. For me the Mac and VO has been the best thing that has happen 
and I could point out more examples then I want to type, but I again can only 
speak for myself. I think the number of blind users who have switched to the 
Mac speaks  for itself. I will of course state that VO like any other screen 
reader is not perfect, but Apple has more than proven VOiceOver is a viable 
alternative, just as APple has proven the Mac and its OS are viable 

On Jun 17, 2010, at 5:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a prospective
> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear if one
> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way they are.
> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind of task
> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or space,
> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around, but we
> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing. Most times,
> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and give us
> the option of automating that task, often on a per application basis. They
> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application basis to
> do tasks specific to that application. 
> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different way to
> select things and that only one of them will work in a given situation. It
> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and it comes
> across that there are a lot of situat

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
hey thanks just tried that and it works a treat, shame it does not auto read 
out the new message automatically as it arrives, but still a damn sight better 
then the way I was using IM before.  Just tried it with Adium, will try it with 
ichat/facebook when I get that working again. 
On 17 Jun 2010, at 11:47, John André Netland wrote:

> Here is what to do when doing IM with VoiceOver:
> •Navigate to the text field
> •Press control-option-shift-F3 to turn cursor tracking off
> •Navigate to the area for incoming messages
> •read and answer just by navigating the message area, you don't need to move 
> to the text field. Just write and press enter.
> •Remember to press control-option-shift-F3 to turn curser tracking on before 
> using other apps.
> This should work in all IM apps, like text chat in Skype, iChat etc. etc.
> Hope this helps someone.
> John André
> On 17. juni 2010, at 11.47, Chris Moore wrote:
>> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
>> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
>> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode 
>> for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which 
>> VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add 
>> on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must 
>> admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
>> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
>> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
>> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so I 
>> can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit 
>> box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my 
>> replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep 
>> scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.  Not 
>> sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was 
>> about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have seen 
>> JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep the 
>> pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for other 
>> IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
>>> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
>>> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
>>> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
>>> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
>>> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
>>> NVDA rather than Jaws.
>>> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
>>> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
>>> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
>>> easy is this in Mac?
>>> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
>>> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
>>> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
>>> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
>>> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
>>> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
>>> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
>>> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
>>> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
>>> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
>>> share them. Is this possible for VO?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Olivia Norman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:13 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User
>>> What do you feel Freedom Sciencefiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>>> I'm just curious.
>>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
 Hi Kolby,
 I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
 there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
 programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
 standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
 which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
 on hundreds of papers electr

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread John André Netland
Great, you might also play with the "watch at hot spot" feature in VO. It might 
work with some IM services, but not with others.

•Navigate to the line where the most recent incoming message is shown.
•Press control-option-shift-1 or another number to set the Hot Spot.
•Press control-option-command-shift-1 or the number you selected to activate 
the "watch hot spot" feature.
•In some cases, VO will announce the incoming message, since the text will 
change at the specified location.
•If the changes is not automatically spoken, you might press control-option-1 
or the number you selected, and see what happens.

Remember, this will only work in some cases. 

JOhn André

On 17. juni 2010, at 13.26, Chris Moore wrote:

> hey thanks just tried that and it works a treat, shame it does not auto read 
> out the new message automatically as it arrives, but still a damn sight 
> better then the way I was using IM before.  Just tried it with Adium, will 
> try it with ichat/facebook when I get that working again. 
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 11:47, John André Netland wrote:
>> Here is what to do when doing IM with VoiceOver:
>> •Navigate to the text field
>> •Press control-option-shift-F3 to turn cursor tracking off
>> •Navigate to the area for incoming messages
>> •read and answer just by navigating the message area, you don't need to move 
>> to the text field. Just write and press enter.
>> •Remember to press control-option-shift-F3 to turn curser tracking on before 
>> using other apps.
>> This should work in all IM apps, like text chat in Skype, iChat etc. etc.
>> Hope this helps someone.
>> John André
>> On 17. juni 2010, at 11.47, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such as 
>>> launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many unread 
>>> messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group mode 
>>> for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which 
>>> VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add 
>>> on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I 
>>> must admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
>>> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on the 
>>> Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like iChat 
>>> to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active window so 
>>> I can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to the edit 
>>> box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to read my 
>>> replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to keep 
>>> scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.  Not 
>>> sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I was 
>>> about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have 
>>> seen JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep 
>>> the pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for 
>>> other IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
 Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
 will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to 
 in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
 have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise 
 would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
 NVDA rather than Jaws.
 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
 keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
 keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
 easy is this in Mac?
 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
 several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
 Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
 those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, 
 and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
 control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
 much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
 while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
 VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
 It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
 share them. Is this possible for VO?
 -Original Message-

Re: searching for artists on Iphone

2010-06-17 Thread Donna Goodin
Sorry, I think at least for now, you're stuck with Samantha.  You could though, 
change the country to UK, which would give you a British voice, can't remember 
which one it is, though.  Be warned if you do this that it will also change a 
few other things like how your date is displayed.
Take care,
On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Thank you, Donna,
> It worked like a charm. You eased my frustration. Now if I can only figure 
> out how to change Samantha to Karen :). 
> Allison
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Allison,
>> If memory serves--and I haven't done this in a while--you can simply press 
>> the home button from the home screen.  This will  open a search box, wherein 
>> you can type Sarah McLaghlan, and that should do the trick.
>> HTH,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This is probably one of the dumbest questions ever, but how do you search 
>>> for a specific artist on your Iphone? I did it once and searched for Sarah 
>>> McLachlan, but I can't remember how I got to that screen. Can anyone help? 
>>> Thanks in advance. Have a great day.
>>> Allison
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Resolved, WasRe: Focus 40 Blue Display Again

2010-06-17 Thread Teresa Cochran
Um, well, I feel a little foolish. It hadn't occurred to me to look at
the supported Braille displays list in the updated help file. Amazing
that the updates came about exactly a day after I purchased the Focus
40 Blue. Whew!


Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi all,
> Everything seems to be going well with the new Snow Leopard update. However, 
> I just ordered a Focus 40 Blue Braille display, and then realized it wasn't 
> supported. I'm hoping the focus 40 drivers for USB will suffice, or, barring 
> that,  there will be support in the near future. Anyone know if there's 
> specific support for the Focus 40 Blue in this new Os x release?
> Thanks,
> Teresa

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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Brandon Misch
well, the voiceover is built-in and for a pac mate user like you, it is 
supported by voice over so you could use it as a braille display without 
installing any drivers. plus, when you lose speech, it restarts the screen 
reader restarts so you won't have to worry about it. and, if you ever need to, 
you can install the operating system without sighted assistants and you could 
even use braille while doing it. hope this helps. 

On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. I 
> have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
> willing to learn all that I can.
> Thank you,
> Kolby
> -- 
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

As far as I know, though, there is no way to pan the display. I haven't found a 
way, but hopefully, it's just me overlooking something.

At any rate, I suggested it to the accessibility team because I felt like I was 
looking everywhere with no luck. But that was really the only disadvantage to 
the displays I found.

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On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> well, the voiceover is built-in and for a pac mate user like you, it is 
> supported by voice over so you could use it as a braille display without 
> installing any drivers. plus, when you lose speech, it restarts the screen 
> reader restarts so you won't have to worry about it. and, if you ever need 
> to, you can install the operating system without sighted assistants and you 
> could even use braille while doing it. hope this helps. 
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
>> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. 
>> I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
>> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
>> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
>> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
>> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
>> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
>> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
>> willing to learn all that I can.
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
>> -- 
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Re: Resolved, WasRe: Focus 40 Blue Display Again

2010-06-17 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Teresa,
Congratulations on using your Focus 40 Blue. I'm still trying to have the 
Commissin purchase a Handytech Braillino for me. I wonder if the BrailleNote 
Mpower will work being that Snow Leopard was just updated. Hmm, I should try 
that. Have a great day!


On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Um, well, I feel a little foolish. It hadn't occurred to me to look at
> the supported Braille displays list in the updated help file. Amazing
> that the updates came about exactly a day after I purchased the Focus
> 40 Blue. Whew!
> Teresa
> Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Everything seems to be going well with the new Snow Leopard update. However, 
>> I just ordered a Focus 40 Blue Braille display, and then realized it wasn't 
>> supported. I'm hoping the focus 40 drivers for USB will suffice, or, barring 
>> that,  there will be support in the near future. Anyone know if there's 
>> specific support for the Focus 40 Blue in this new Os x release?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
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Re: searching for artists on Iphone

2010-06-17 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Donna,

Thank you again for this wonderful and helpful information. I tried what you 
described last night, but unfortunately had to change back to Samantha due to 
how the date and time were displayed. I just wish that everyone didn't use 
Samantha as the default voice. She can grade on your nerves :).  Hey, at least 
she's better than Loquendo Susan with Mobile Speak, I could barely understand 
what she was saying lol.


On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:34 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Sorry, I think at least for now, you're stuck with Samantha.  You could 
> though, change the country to UK, which would give you a British voice, can't 
> remember which one it is, though.  Be warned if you do this that it will also 
> change a few other things like how your date is displayed.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Thank you, Donna,
>> It worked like a charm. You eased my frustration. Now if I can only figure 
>> out how to change Samantha to Karen :). 
>> Allison
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Allison,
>>> If memory serves--and I haven't done this in a while--you can simply press 
>>> the home button from the home screen.  This will  open a search box, 
>>> wherein you can type Sarah McLaghlan, and that should do the trick.
>>> HTH,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi all,
 This is probably one of the dumbest questions ever, but how do you search 
 for a specific artist on your Iphone? I did it once and searched for Sarah 
 McLachlan, but I can't remember how I got to that screen. Can anyone help? 
 Thanks in advance. Have a great day.
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Re: searching for artists on Iphone

2010-06-17 Thread Donna Goodin
Ugh!  Loquendo Susan was awful! I couldn't believe that people actually paid 
extra for that voice! lol

Samantha doesn't bother me as much as she does some people, but who knows.  
Maybe as upcoming versions of the iphone get more processing power, there'll be 
options for other voices.
Take care,
On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Thank you again for this wonderful and helpful information. I tried what you 
> described last night, but unfortunately had to change back to Samantha due to 
> how the date and time were displayed. I just wish that everyone didn't use 
> Samantha as the default voice. She can grade on your nerves :).  Hey, at 
> least she's better than Loquendo Susan with Mobile Speak, I could barely 
> understand what she was saying lol.
> Allison
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:34 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Sorry, I think at least for now, you're stuck with Samantha.  You could 
>> though, change the country to UK, which would give you a British voice, 
>> can't remember which one it is, though.  Be warned if you do this that it 
>> will also change a few other things like how your date is displayed.
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Thank you, Donna,
>>> It worked like a charm. You eased my frustration. Now if I can only figure 
>>> out how to change Samantha to Karen :). 
>>> Allison
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Allison,
 If memory serves--and I haven't done this in a while--you can simply press 
 the home button from the home screen.  This will  open a search box, 
 wherein you can type Sarah McLaghlan, and that should do the trick.
 On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is probably one of the dumbest questions ever, but how do you search 
> for a specific artist on your Iphone? I did it once and searched for 
> Sarah McLachlan, but I can't remember how I got to that screen. Can 
> anyone help? Thanks in advance. Have a great day.
> Allison
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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max

On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  

Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
if one

needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
they are.
In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
of task
we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
but we
know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
Most times,
our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
give us
the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
basis. They
can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
basis to

do tasks specific to that application.

It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
way to
select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
situation. It

comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
it comes
across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
reader would

automate something that you have to tell VO to do.

Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
I'm here
because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
next one
will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be  
reflected in
some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much  
want to

know what's possible, not seem in opposition.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,  
when I
pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key  
is and

not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
disorienting some times.  LOL!
On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Dave,

You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field  
this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to  
navigate with
VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing  
As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I  

about for navigation.



On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:


Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?

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Re: Resolved, WasRe: Focus 40 Blue Display Again

2010-06-17 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Alison,

Basically, it seems that only direct USB and Bluetooth displays are supported. 
For example, my Braille Lite is not supported, even with a USB-to-serial 
connector. (I even installed the drivers for the adapter, and it works with 
ZTerm, so I can transfer my files).

Here's the Braille Note-like stuff that's supported:

*** Excerpt from VO online help:
BrailleConnect 12 (Bluetooth)
BrailleConnect 24 (USB and Bluetooth)
BrailleConnect 32 (USB and Bluetooth)
BrailleConnect 40 (USB and Bluetooth)
BrailleNote Apex BT (USB and Bluetooth)
BrailleNote Apex QT (USB and Bluetooth)
Note: VoiceOver supports only the navigation keys on this display.
BrailleNote mPower BT 18 (Bluetooth)
BrailleNote mPower BT 32 (Bluetooth)
BrailleNote PK (Bluetooth)
Note: VoiceOver identifies this display as Humanware BrailleNote mPower BT 18.
***End excerpt
On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:24 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Teresa,
> Congratulations on using your Focus 40 Blue. I'm still trying to have the 
> Commissin purchase a Handytech Braillino for me. I wonder if the BrailleNote 
> Mpower will work being that Snow Leopard was just updated. Hmm, I should try 
> that. Have a great day!
> Allison
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Um, well, I feel a little foolish. It hadn't occurred to me to look at
>> the supported Braille displays list in the updated help file. Amazing
>> that the updates came about exactly a day after I purchased the Focus
>> 40 Blue. Whew!
>> Teresa
>> Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Everything seems to be going well with the new Snow Leopard update. 
>>> However, I just ordered a Focus 40 Blue Braille display, and then realized 
>>> it wasn't supported. I'm hoping the focus 40 drivers for USB will suffice, 
>>> or, barring that,  there will be support in the near future. Anyone know if 
>>> there's specific support for the Focus 40 Blue in this new Os x release?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>> -- 
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automatically having incoming messages read i nIChat

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
There has been some talk about IM clients lately and I thought folks might be 
interested in something I just learned about yesterday on another Mac-related 
list. You can get your incoming IChat messages read out to you by opening the 
Ichat preferences (command comma when in Ichat. There is an events pop up 
button which you activate with the space bar and then arrow down the list of 
events until you hear message received and press enter. There is a series of 
choices found by vo right arrowing. One of those options, the last one in the 
group is speak an announcement. that's a misleading label, because what this 
actually does is to read the incoming message. check that check box and your 
incoming messages will be read automatically. You can apparently adjust the 
speed of the reading by the system preferences, speech area, but I haven't 
looked for that yet so can't report. By default, at least on my system, the 
voice used was Alex, but the speech rate was really slow. Since I have had the 
problem with VO crashing in the Ichat html area, I was very glad to hear about 
this method of hearing incoming messages. there appears to be a lot of 
customization that you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that events 
pop up menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements etc. 
Hope that helps somebody.


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Re: automatically having incoming messages read i nIChat

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
This is very useful, thank you Mary.  I also stumbled across this when I looked 
in the VO help area getting started, using os x applications.  There is a very 
useful section on using iChat.  I forgot how useful pressing VO+H is for help 
is lol. 
On 17 Jun 2010, at 16:51, Mary Otten wrote:

> There has been some talk about IM clients lately and I thought folks might be 
> interested in something I just learned about yesterday on another Mac-related 
> list. You can get your incoming IChat messages read out to you by opening the 
> Ichat preferences (command comma when in Ichat. There is an events pop up 
> button which you activate with the space bar and then arrow down the list of 
> events until you hear message received and press enter. There is a series of 
> choices found by vo right arrowing. One of those options, the last one in the 
> group is speak an announcement. that's a misleading label, because what this 
> actually does is to read the incoming message. check that check box and your 
> incoming messages will be read automatically. You can apparently adjust the 
> speed of the reading by the system preferences, speech area, but I haven't 
> looked for that yet so can't report. By default, at least on my system, the 
> voice used was Alex, but the speech rate was really slow. Since I have had 
> the problem with VO crashing in the Ichat html area, I was very glad to hear 
> about this method of hearing incoming messages. there appears to be a lot of 
> customization that you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that 
> events pop up menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements 
> etc. Hope that helps somebody.
> mary
> -- 
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Re: automatically having incoming messages read i nIChat

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Westbrook
adium doesn't seem to have the problem of crashing vo when interacting
with chat areas.  It also doesn't separate accounts into multiple
windows like ichat does.  You can also get messagesread allowed in
adium too.  Might want to try it out.

On 6/17/10, Chris Moore  wrote:
> This is very useful, thank you Mary.  I also stumbled across this when I
> looked in the VO help area getting started, using os x applications.  There
> is a very useful section on using iChat.  I forgot how useful pressing VO+H
> is for help is lol.
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 16:51, Mary Otten wrote:
>> There has been some talk about IM clients lately and I thought folks might
>> be interested in something I just learned about yesterday on another
>> Mac-related list. You can get your incoming IChat messages read out to you
>> by opening the Ichat preferences (command comma when in Ichat. There is an
>> events pop up button which you activate with the space bar and then arrow
>> down the list of events until you hear message received and press enter.
>> There is a series of choices found by vo right arrowing. One of those
>> options, the last one in the group is speak an announcement. that's a
>> misleading label, because what this actually does is to read the incoming
>> message. check that check box and your incoming messages will be read
>> automatically. You can apparently adjust the speed of the reading by the
>> system preferences, speech area, but I haven't looked for that yet so
>> can't report. By default, at least on my system, the voice used was Alex,
>> but the speech rate was really slow. Since I have had the problem with VO
>> crashing in the Ichat html area, I was very glad to hear about this method
>> of hearing incoming messages. there appears to be a lot of customization
>> that you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that events pop up
>> menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements etc. Hope
>> that helps somebody.
>> mary
>> --
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Re: One more thing for Colbie

2010-06-17 Thread Kimberly thurman
Of course, we can also add the fact that aps are so easy to install on the Mac. 
 I couldn't believe it the first time I installed an ap.  I remember thinking, 
"Is that all there is to it?"  
On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Someone mentioned this earlier but, maintenance.  I bet if we took a pole 
> less than half the people on the list have some kind of 3rd party anti 
> malware or anti virus software on their Mac.  Its just one less thing that 
> needs serious consideration right now.  That will probably change in the 
> future as Macs become more common place in the home and work place.  But for 
> now,  en enjoying it.  A long with no disk defragmenting.  lol 
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:00 PM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> Very very true. I can't count the number of times my windows machines did 
>> that, and in my three years of using macs I've never had an issue that 
>> required sighted help to resolve.
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 5:25 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> Colbie, I forgot to say this.  I have never had the Mac crash to where I 
>>> couldn't fix it myself without sighted assistance.  In my opinion, that is 
>>> probably top of the list in the advantages column.  You can completely 
>>> reinstall the operating system all on your own without sighted assistance.  
>>> We can't say that about windows.  
>>> -- 
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Fwd: VoiceOver Used to automatically jump to the Text Area When Opening a Mail Message but not in 10.6.4

2010-06-17 Thread Pete Nalda
Thought I'd share this email I got back from

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Accessibility 
> Date: June 17, 2010 2:56:17 AM CDT
> To: Pete Nalda 
> Subject: Re: VoiceOver Used to automatically jump to the Text Area When 
> Opening a Mail Message but not in 10.6.4
> Hi,
> Thanks for your email.  We appreciate you bringing this to our attention and 
> have passed it on to the engineering team for their review.
> Apple Accessibility
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> This means we have to interact, then navigate to text, then read.  A lot of 
>> folks are having this problem since the 10.6.4 update.  Just thought I'd 
>> write in.  Thanks in Advance.
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Syncing Iphone music library

2010-06-17 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I know this is probably an odd  question, but how do you sync music to the 
Iphone? I know how to sync by selecting sync entire music library, but it has 
cut down severely on the free space. Is there any way to select what gets 
synced? I know there is a sync selected playlists and artists, but I'm not sure 
what happens when you select that. Thank you for any help.


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Re: VoiceOver Used to automatically jump to the Text Area When Opening a Mail Message but not in 10.6.4

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
what problems are you having? I just use VO +J and it works fine.  Mind I must 
admit it would be nice if I did not have to do that. 
On 17 Jun 2010, at 17:09, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Thought I'd share this email I got back from
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Accessibility 
>> Date: June 17, 2010 2:56:17 AM CDT
>> To: Pete Nalda 
>> Subject: Re: VoiceOver Used to automatically jump to the Text Area When 
>> Opening a Mail Message but not in 10.6.4
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for your email.  We appreciate you bringing this to our attention and 
>> have passed it on to the engineering team for their review.
>> Apple Accessibility
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> This means we have to interact, then navigate to text, then read.  A lot of 
>>> folks are having this problem since the 10.6.4 update.  Just thought I'd 
>>> write in.  Thanks in Advance.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver Used to automatically jump to the Text Area When Opening a Mail Message but not in 10.6.4

2010-06-17 Thread Pete Nalda
Yeah, my point was, that we didn't have to do that before, or at least I 
didn't.  I did find a way to duplicate vo+j by 2 finger swiping right then down 
on the trackpad.  I just wanted them to know that we didn't have to do those 
things pre 10.6.4

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:22 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> what problems are you having? I just use VO +J and it works fine.  Mind I 
> must admit it would be nice if I did not have to do that. 
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 17:09, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Thought I'd share this email I got back from
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Accessibility 
>>> Date: June 17, 2010 2:56:17 AM CDT
>>> To: Pete Nalda 
>>> Subject: Re: VoiceOver Used to automatically jump to the Text Area When 
>>> Opening a Mail Message but not in 10.6.4
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for your email.  We appreciate you bringing this to our attention 
>>> and have passed it on to the engineering team for their review.
>>> Apple Accessibility
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
 This means we have to interact, then navigate to text, then read.  A lot 
 of folks are having this problem since the 10.6.4 update.  Just thought 
 I'd write in.  Thanks in Advance.
 Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
 Pete Nalda
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
Hi folks,

I just had a look through the braille support section of the vo help, since I'm 
at least thinking about getting a display. I've never had one of my own; I use 
to use one at work, and it was wonderful for foreign language work. So now I 
have some questions that the help section didn't address.

There was no mention of being able to have alternate language tables. I think I 
remember seeing reports that you can't do that. Is that right? I know there 
will be a bunch of them in ios4, and I was rather hoping that this would have 
migrated to SL, but I guess it didn't.

I didn't see anything about being able to actually enter text using the keys 
which some displays have dedicated to that purpose, or if you own a notetaker 
like a braille sense plus, using that keyboard to enter text. Does that mean 
that text entry from the display is not possible? the number of displays 
supported is impressive. I'd be curious to hear what displays people are using 
and how that is working out for you. 

Somebody mentioned wanting a braillino. that's one I'd looked at, although the 
price tag is a bit high. I've never seen the special concave cells that 
Handytech uses. One of the toughest things about deciding n a display, aside 
from the money, is getting to really try a variety of them if you don't attend 
one of the big conventions. but I'm getting off topic.


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Re: Syncing Iphone music library

2010-06-17 Thread Donna Goodin

There's an option that reads something like: "Sync only manually checked songs" 
or something like that.  Make sure that's checked, and then you'll be able to 
sync only selected music. 
On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this is probably an odd  question, but how do you sync music to the 
> Iphone? I know how to sync by selecting sync entire music library, but it has 
> cut down severely on the free space. Is there any way to select what gets 
> synced? I know there is a sync selected playlists and artists, but I'm not 
> sure what happens when you select that. Thank you for any help.
> Allison
> -- 
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pairing a display with more than one device

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
One other braille related question. Is it possible for a bluetooth display to 
be paired with more than one device? Not simultaneously, of course. but could 
you have an Ipad and an Iphone and a Mac, all of which are paired with the one 
braille display, using one or another of these devices throughout the day? Or 
do you have to pair the display anew each time you move to using a different 
device? I'm sure that's a silly question. But I've found that assuming can lead 
to unpleasant surprises.


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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Mary,

I'm the one who desperately  wants the Braillino :). I have never seen the 
Handytech displays in person, but I was very impressed with their customer 
service staff. I'm trying to get the state agency here in New York, The 
Commission for the Blind to pay for the Braillino. The display I currently use 
is the BrailleNote Mpower by HumanWare. It's the 32 cell model. I'm not sure 
about the alternate languages table, or entering text using the displays 
keyboard. I'm not sure if it's supported by the new Snow Leopard update. I love 
displays, and can't wait to get one of my own yay! I have had some trouble 
configuring HumanWare via Bluetooth, but maybe it's just because it's an older 
display. Well, I hope I have been of some help. I don't think it's VoiceOver 
that's the problem configuring the BrailleNote but the BrailleNote itself. 
We'll see how it does with the new Snow Leopard updates.


On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:37 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I just had a look through the braille support section of the vo help, since 
> I'm at least thinking about getting a display. I've never had one of my own; 
> I use to use one at work, and it was wonderful for foreign language work. So 
> now I have some questions that the help section didn't address.
> There was no mention of being able to have alternate language tables. I think 
> I remember seeing reports that you can't do that. Is that right? I know there 
> will be a bunch of them in ios4, and I was rather hoping that this would have 
> migrated to SL, but I guess it didn't.
> I didn't see anything about being able to actually enter text using the keys 
> which some displays have dedicated to that purpose, or if you own a notetaker 
> like a braille sense plus, using that keyboard to enter text. Does that mean 
> that text entry from the display is not possible? the number of displays 
> supported is impressive. I'd be curious to hear what displays people are 
> using and how that is working out for you. 
> Somebody mentioned wanting a braillino. that's one I'd looked at, although 
> the price tag is a bit high. I've never seen the special concave cells that 
> Handytech uses. One of the toughest things about deciding n a display, aside 
> from the money, is getting to really try a variety of them if you don't 
> attend one of the big conventions. but I'm getting off topic.
> mary
> -- 
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RE: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
What awful keystrokes! I am not 50 fingered lol! By the way, complex
keystrokes is also an issue on Windows, which is why I think the trackpad is
so exciting!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John André Netland
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Prospective Mac User

Great, you might also play with the "watch at hot spot" feature in VO. It
might work with some IM services, but not with others.

•Navigate to the line where the most recent incoming message is shown.
•Press control-option-shift-1 or another number to set the Hot Spot.
•Press control-option-command-shift-1 or the number you selected to activate
the "watch hot spot" feature.
•In some cases, VO will announce the incoming message, since the text will
change at the specified location.
•If the changes is not automatically spoken, you might press
control-option-1 or the number you selected, and see what happens.

Remember, this will only work in some cases. 

JOhn André

On 17. juni 2010, at 13.26, Chris Moore wrote:

> hey thanks just tried that and it works a treat, shame it does not auto
read out the new message automatically as it arrives, but still a damn sight
better then the way I was using IM before.  Just tried it with Adium, will
try it with ichat/facebook when I get that working again. 
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 11:47, John André Netland wrote:
>> Here is what to do when doing IM with VoiceOver:
>> •Navigate to the text field
>> •Press control-option-shift-F3 to turn cursor tracking off
>> •Navigate to the area for incoming messages
>> •read and answer just by navigating the message area, you don't need to
move to the text field. Just write and press enter.
>> •Remember to press control-option-shift-F3 to turn curser tracking on
before using other apps.
>> This should work in all IM apps, like text chat in Skype, iChat etc. etc.
>> Hope this helps someone.
>> John André
>> On 17. juni 2010, at 11.47, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> You can create keyboard command shortcuts to perform basic tasks, such
as launch an application, tell you the current time, tell you how many
unread messages you have and I have assigned a toggle between DOM and Group
mode for when using Safari.  mAC os x has scripting built into the OS which
VoiceOver is part of too as VoiceOver is built into the OS its not an add
on.  Mac OS X has Automator too fa visual way to build many scripts.  I must
admit I have not used scripts yet as I am fairly new to VoiceOver too.
>>> Like you I would prefer a better way of using IM, it is a bit clumsy on
the Mac I find.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about iChat, I would like
iChat to automatically speak out a message as it arrives in the active
window so I can easily quickly type a response.  Currently I have to move to
the edit box and type my message and then navigate to the HTML window to
read my replies in a conversation and a lot of the time (Adium) I have to
keep scrolling down the entire history to read my last message received.
Not sure if there is a better way.  I think iChat supports VO +J but as I
was about to try it Safari 5 seemed to mess up my iChat experience.  I have
seen JAWS use MSN Messenger for Windows and it is far superior, if we keep
the pressure up with Apple hopefully iChat will work just as well.  As for
other IM applications, we are best writing to the developers directly.
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 10:35, Dave Taylor wrote:
 Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is
 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes
 will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to
 in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want
 have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws
otherwise it
 would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched
 NVDA rather than Jaws.
 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
 keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with
 keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger,
 easy is this in Mac?
 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
 several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on
 Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
 those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio,
 and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
 control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates
 much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading
 while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like
 VIP communicator for the

re-organizing the dock?

2010-06-17 Thread clarence griffin
is there a way to move things around on the doc? Like if I wanted to group apps 


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RE: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor

Oh yes, I remember the last major OS transition well and my points are to
try to avoid people making the same mistakes again. People who view a new OS
as a challenge and try to develop rigid ways of doing things in it cause
half the problems in my view. However, I think screen readers have to make
assumptions to be really productive. The key is to be able to customise them
so that you have the choice. I do not want to have to investigate several
columns individually to have email messages identified, I know I want to
know both the subject and sender, I just want to hear it the second I land
there, and likewise when I open a message, I just want it read, but am happy
to be able to tell the screen reader that I want that level of automation. I
don't want a three finger keystroke to do it every time when one will do
fine in windows. Email is so fundamental it would mean hundreds of extra
keypresses every day. Eyes make assumptions all the time and things just
happen naturally, we need to be able to use devices that help us keep up.

Don't get me wrong, the advantages you quote are good and genuine ones and I
totally welcome what Apple are doing, otherwise I would not even care, but I
want to try to ensure I could be pretty efficient when I switch before I do
it, and so far, efficiency is not something I hear from Mac users.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically


I can only speak for me personally, but first I believe some of
these tutorials or podcasts do make things seem complicated, but in reality
it is not as difficult as it may seem. I am sure when you started out with a
windows-based screen reader, all those keystrokes seemed a little much, but
with time you became familiar enough to get what you needed done. I have to
use windows and thus a windows-based screen reader for certain tasks
professionally, but I use a Mac both professionally and personally. I have
not found it difficult at all to accomplish tasks and even learning the
menus or other aspects of applications, while using VOiceOver. One advantage
of the Mac is that VOiceOver does not interfere with standard OS commands,
so you do have several ways to accomplish the same task. An example of this
is accessing the status menu that shows the clock, wireless network status
etc. The standard Mac command is control-f8 and the VO command is
control-option-mm (m twice). So, perhaps the issue is more that there is
more choices for getting the same thing done and on windows a windows-based
screen reader effectively takes over the keyboard. Perhaps Apple could have
used more OS-specific commands in lieu of VO-specific commands, but I cannot
comment as I was not there during the design and initial development. I have
however been using VO since the release of TIger, so I have had a good deal
of experience using the Mac. So, I also have learned how to leverage these
different ways of accomplishing various tasks. When I first started learning
about VO, I agree it seemed like a lot of commands and tricky keystrokes,
but honestly once I started using VO, it was easier than I imagined. Like
anything new, the more you use it the more quickly you will learn how to use
it effectively.
Another thing I appreciate is the fact that I make my own choices
and I do not have to depend on the screen reader to determine what I need to
know. YOu can argue the merits of my logic because some just want to get the
task accomplished and that I agree with. I however do not want my screen
reader assuming anything because there is no way that assumption can account
for all situations. Another issue is an application you may really need is
not accessible or as much as you may require because someone has not
developed a script, set file, or other configuration that makes the
application accessible for your needs. However, with VO, provided a
developer has used standard controls and followed Apples accessibility
guidelines, the application will be accessible out of the box. In fact some
apps that do not exactly follow Apple's guidelines still will work fine, but
may take a little more effort on the user's part.
I certainly am not interested in arguing which is better because
that debate has and still rages on. The point I want to make is that the Mac
OS or the WIndows OS, and VoiceOver and windows-based screen readers, have
their place. It is up to you as a user to choose the OS and screen reader
that best fits your needs. For me the Mac and VO has been the best thing
that has happen and I could point out more examples then I want to type, but
I again can only speak for myself. I think the number of blind users who
have switched to the Mac speaks  for itself. I will of course state that VO
like any oth

RE: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would make
a lot of difference I think!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
> prospective
> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
> if one
> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
> they are.
> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
> of task
> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
> space,
> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
> but we
> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
> Most times,
> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
> give us
> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
> basis. They
> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
> basis to
> do tasks specific to that application.
> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
> way to
> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
> situation. It
> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
> it comes
> across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
> reader would
> automate something that you have to tell VO to do.
> Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
> I'm here
> because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
> next one
> will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
> answers
> people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be  
> reflected in
> some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much  
> want to
> know what's possible, not seem in opposition.
> Cheers
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,  
> when I
> pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key  
> is and
> not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
> disorienting some times.  LOL!
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Dave,
>> You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field  
>> where
> this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to  
> navigate with
> VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing  
> everywhere.
> As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I  
> think
> about for navigation.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?
>> -- 
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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mary,

You can download a multi-lingual Braille package from:
All the instructions are there.



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Re: re-organizing the dock?

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can but it is  a bit slow.

1. get to the doc bu vo d or ctrl f3.

2. arrow to the app you want to j move and hit  option cmd right and left arrow 
to move stuff around until you are satisfied. That should dot he trick.

Tood luck.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:07 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> is there a way to move things around on the doc? Like if I wanted to group 
> apps together?
> Thanks
> GF
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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Anne Robertson
Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.

However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If you 
can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.



On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would make
> a lot of difference I think!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>> prospective
>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>> if one
>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>> they are.
>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>> of task
>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>> space,
>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>> but we
>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>> Most times,
>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>> give us
>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>> basis. They
>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>> basis to
>> do tasks specific to that application.
>> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
>> way to
>> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
>> situation. It
>> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
>> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
>> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
>> it comes
>> across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
>> reader would
>> automate something that you have to tell VO to do.
>> Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
>> I'm here
>> because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
>> next one
>> will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
>> answers
>> people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be  
>> reflected in
>> some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much  
>> want to
>> know what's possible, not seem in opposition.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>> Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,  
>> when I
>> pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key  
>> is and
>> not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
>> disorienting some times.  LOL!
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Dave,
>>> You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field  
>>> where
>> this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to  
>> navigate with
>> VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing  
>> everywhere.
>> As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I  
>> think
>> about for navigation.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
 Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>>> Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>> Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to

Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
I have one with leopard and i do that with control option semi colon.   
in snow leopard you have what is called quick nav that is similar but  
better.  I have to press semi colon to turn the lock off to enter  
text, but its a big help.  ask someone to tell you about their  
experiences with quick nav.  take care, Max

On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that  
would make

a lot of difference I think!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus
option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and
shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links
menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar
with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad
commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a
Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot  

different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear
if one
needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way
they are.
In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind
of task
we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or
both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,
but we
know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.
Most times,
our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and
give us
the option of automating that task, often on a per application
basis. They
can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application
basis to
do tasks specific to that application.

It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different
way to
select things and that only one of them will work in a given
situation. It
comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens  

multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and
it comes
across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen
reader would
automate something that you have to tell VO to do.

Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,
I'm here
because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the
next one
will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the
people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be
reflected in
some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much
want to
know what's possible, not seem in opposition.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kimberly  

Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,
when I
pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key
is and
not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
disorienting some times.  LOL!
On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Dave,

You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field

this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to
navigate with
VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing
As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I
about for navigation.



On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:


Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?

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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
in case you did not know, to activate quick nav hold the cursor keys left and 
right together until you hear quick nav is on, press agains to turn it off.  
quick nav saves you having to hold down the VO buttons when surfing the web etc 

On 17 Jun 2010, at 18:18, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.
> However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If you 
> can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would make
>> a lot of difference I think!
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
>> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
>> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
>> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
>> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
>> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>>> prospective
>>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>>> if one
>>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>>> they are.
>>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>>> of task
>>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>>> space,
>>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>>> but we
>>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>>> Most times,
>>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>>> give us
>>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>>> basis. They
>>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>>> basis to
>>> do tasks specific to that application.
>>> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
>>> way to
>>> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
>>> situation. It
>>> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
>>> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
>>> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
>>> it comes
>>> across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
>>> reader would
>>> automate something that you have to tell VO to do.
>>> Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
>>> I'm here
>>> because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
>>> next one
>>> will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
>>> answers
>>> people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be  
>>> reflected in
>>> some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much  
>>> want to
>>> know what's possible, not seem in opposition.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>>> Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,  
>>> when I
>>> pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key  
>>> is and
>>> not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
>>> disorienting some times.  LOL!
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Dave,
 You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field  
>>> this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to  
>>> navigate with
>>> VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing  
>>> everywhere.
>>> As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I  
>>> think
>>> about for navigation.
 On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
> Hi
> Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email t

yes try one

2010-06-17 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello; you can find apples at either an authorized store or best buy.   
If you can get to a demo model you just type command f5 or shift  
command f5 and voiceover will come on.  then you go to command f8 or  
shift command f8 and that should take you to the customization  
menues.  Might be wrong about that one.  best if you can make it to an  
apple store.  to me that is one of the best things about voiceover,  
you can pick up any mac notebook or sit down at any mac desktop and go  
right to work.  I understand you can do this to some extent with jaws  
and a dongle but this is so much easier.  good luck, max 

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Re: re-organizing the dock?

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Moore
yes, select the item in the doc you wish to move and then press and hold the 
option key and the command key together whilst pressing the cursor key left or 
right depending on where you wish to move the app to. voice over will announce 
what it is moving and to where as you press the cursor keys. 
On 17 Jun 2010, at 18:07, clarence griffin wrote:

> is there a way to move things around on the doc? Like if I wanted to group 
> apps together?
> Thanks
> GF
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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2010-06-17 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I saw it discussed the other day but has anyone figured out why the 
crahes and a solution for that?


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RE: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor

Quick Nav certainly sounds excellent but doesn't appear to mimic things like
VO J. I in fact instigated the BCAB Apple day in July after Sight Village
Birmingham which seems to be very popular, so will be doing exactly what you
suggest as well. I'm asking so many questions right now in order to maximise
the effectiveness of the day should many people's fears about the presenters
be proved right. I don't know who they are but know the people sourcing them
will be finding the best they can.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.

However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If
you can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.



On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would
> a lot of difference I think!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>> prospective
>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>> if one
>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>> they are.
>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>> of task
>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>> space,
>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>> but we
>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>> Most times,
>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>> give us
>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>> basis. They
>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>> basis to
>> do tasks specific to that application.
>> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
>> way to
>> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
>> situation. It
>> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
>> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
>> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
>> it comes
>> across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
>> reader would
>> automate something that you have to tell VO to do.
>> Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
>> I'm here
>> because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
>> next one
>> will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
>> answers
>> people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be  
>> reflected in
>> some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much  
>> want to
>> know what's possible, not seem in opposition.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>> Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,  
>> when I
>> pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key  
>> is and
>> not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
>> disorienting some times.  LOL!
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Dave,
>>> You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field  
>>> where
>> this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to  
>> navigate with
>> VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing  
>> everywhere.
>> As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I  
>> think

Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Anne,
Since I don't have a display yet, I don't imagine trying to install this will 
be terribly useful just now, but I did read the instructions and have a 
question. I get the idea that if you install this package, you can't switch 
between American English contracted braille and some other language. Your 
choice is one of the other. Am I understanding that right? Or would it be 
possible to check the check box for American English when you aren't doing 
anything that requires another language? 


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Ignore Question

2010-06-17 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I figured it out.

Instead of going to, I went to

All is good,

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Re: re-organizing the dock?

2010-06-17 Thread clarence griffin
ah! Thank you!


On Jun 17, 2010, at 1:23 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> yes, select the item in the doc you wish to move and then press and hold the 
> option key and the command key together whilst pressing the cursor key left 
> or right depending on where you wish to move the app to. voice over will 
> announce what it is moving and to where as you press the cursor keys. 
> On 17 Jun 2010, at 18:07, clarence griffin wrote:
>> is there a way to move things around on the doc? Like if I wanted to group 
>> apps together?
>> Thanks
>> GF
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Mary.

If I should recommend a display, I would recommend a display from
baum, 32 or 40 cells and choose the one with a braille keyboard that
is called  vario connect. I know that it is more expensive than other
displays on the market, but it is a good quality it is rather small
and it has the advantage that you can write directly from it. I have a
12 cells for mobile phones and things like that, for fun I tried it on
my mac for about a year ago, and it works great, I could also use the
input braille keyboard, I hope I still can do that.

If you need any further assistance when write again.

Best regards Annie.

2010/6/17, Mary Otten :
> Hi Anne,
> Since I don't have a display yet, I don't imagine trying to install this
> will be terribly useful just now, but I did read the instructions and have a
> question. I get the idea that if you install this package, you can't switch
> between American English contracted braille and some other language. Your
> choice is one of the other. Am I understanding that right? Or would it be
> possible to check the check box for American English when you aren't doing
> anything that requires another language?
> mary
> --
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Re: re-organizing the dock?

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
It is a quick and dirty solution but it works. You can't put them in to folders 
but you can group them together in abc order if you wanted to. lol.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:59 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> ah! Thank you!
> GF
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 1:23 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> yes, select the item in the doc you wish to move and then press and hold the 
>> option key and the command key together whilst pressing the cursor key left 
>> or right depending on where you wish to move the app to. voice over will 
>> announce what it is moving and to where as you press the cursor keys. 
>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 18:07, clarence griffin wrote:
>>> is there a way to move things around on the doc? Like if I wanted to group 
>>> apps together?
>>> Thanks
>>> GF
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Snyder
Now Olivia,
As an avid science fiction reader, watcher and even singer, I feel you have 
insulted science fiction to the core by slapping the name of a noble genre onto 
a company which has absolutely no interest in the end users of its products. 
Remember the first law of robotics? Do not harm humans. Jaws has certainly 
harmed me financially and at times emotionally. Be kind to science fiction, and 
don't besmirch its good name. :) lol


On Jun 16, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Olivia Norman wrote:

> What do you feel Freedom Science-fiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
> I'm just curious.
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>> Hi Kolby,
>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
>> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
>> portability features seem terrific but you should consider which
>> environments you'll be wanting to access because at least for now the
>> Mac market is quite small in comparison to PCs, so the number of
>> computers where your USB settings will work is fairly small.  3) VO is
>> very good, but it isn't JAWS or ZoomText.  Many of us dream of a day
>> when we can use out-of-the-box technology just like everyone else;
>> we're much, much closer, but that day isn't there yet.  4) The user
>> support is limited for VO.  This discussion list is excellent, but I
>> still have a growing list of questions that people can't answer and
>> that are impossible to look up.  Even the in-depth manual isn't *that*
>> in-depth.  This means there's a kind of pioneer spirit to the whole
>> thing, with people figuring out this and that just like they would
>> sort out how to repair a wagon wheel a thousand miles from
>> civilization.  That's exciting, hip, and creative, but sometimes you
>> just want a simple answer to a nagging problem that's still beyond
>> even the best macvisionaries.  All that said, I'm enjoying my new
>> machine.
>> Best,
>> Cathyk
>> On Jun 16, 2:10 pm, Pete Nalda  wrote:
>>> First off, don't worry about what may be going on at the moment, with the 
>>> update.  Mac OS is still so much easier in general to deal with than 
>>> windows and its various screen readers.  This may not apply for everyone on 
>>> here but to me the choice was economical.  Every time there was a new 
>>> version of windows, I'd have to purchase a new version ("upgrade") of 
>>> ZoomText.  I got tired of playing that game. Every time I buy a new version 
>>> of Mac OSX, I get a new version of Zoom *and* VoiceOver :)
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
 satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and 
 windows. I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very 
 stable screen reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, 
 and from what I have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will 
 be purchased in my very near future. I will go to an apple store for some 
 hands on time with a mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences 
 with me I would appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve 
 going from the windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I 
 am ready and willing to learn all that I can.
 Thank you,
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>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
>> -- 
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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Snyder
There is quicknav which works a treat. I think, for those of us that don't have 
a track pad, quick nav is nearly as awesome!


On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:13 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would make
> a lot of difference I think!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>> prospective
>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>> if one
>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>> they are.
>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>> of task
>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>> space,
>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>> but we
>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>> Most times,
>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>> give us
>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>> basis. They
>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>> basis to
>> do tasks specific to that application.
>> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
>> way to
>> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
>> situation. It
>> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
>> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
>> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
>> it comes
>> across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
>> reader would
>> automate something that you have to tell VO to do.
>> Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
>> I'm here
>> because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
>> next one
>> will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
>> answers
>> people give to these points will reassure them and hopefully be  
>> reflected in
>> some sort of searchable tips and tricks kind of website. I very much  
>> want to
>> know what's possible, not seem in opposition.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:31 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>> Yeah, I fell into that trap early on with VO coming from Jaws.  Now,  
>> when I
>> pick up my windows laptop, I have to remind myself where the tab key  
>> is and
>> not to grab the control and windows key with the arrows.  It's very
>> disorienting some times.  LOL!
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Dave,
>>> You can set VO to interact automatically when you tab to a field  
>>> where
>> this is appropriate, but tabbing isn't always the best way to  
>> navigate with
>> VO. Many ex-JAWS users get themselves into a muddle by tabbing  
>> everywhere.
>> As a very very long-term Mac user, the tab key is the last thing I  
>> think
>> about for navigation.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
 Does tabbing around not make VO automatically interact?
>>> -- 
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Olivia Norman
LOL! I shall keep that in mind! :)
Very true.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 17, 2010, at 1:01 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Now Olivia,
> As an avid science fiction reader, watcher and even singer, I feel you have 
> insulted science fiction to the core by slapping the name of a noble genre 
> onto a company which has absolutely no interest in the end users of its 
> products. Remember the first law of robotics? Do not harm humans. Jaws has 
> certainly harmed me financially and at times emotionally. Be kind to science 
> fiction, and don't besmirch its good name. :) lol
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> What do you feel Freedom Science-fiction and jaws provide that VO lacks?
>> I'm just curious.
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:25 PM, cathyk wrote:
>>> Hi Kolby,
>>> I bought my MacBook Pro about a month ago, and am largely happy.  But
>>> there are a few important things to know. 1) VO doesn't work with all
>>> programs, notably MS Word.  I was surprised that such an industry
>>> standard requires finding workarounds every time you open a document,
>>> which isn't ideal when doing collaborative writing projects or comment
>>> on hundreds of papers electronically as I do.  Whether this is Apple's
>>> or Microsoft's fault, the bottom line is that Word files need to be
>>> "translated" through programs like "Preview" (which comes installed)
>>> or Pages in iworks, which requires laying out another $50 or $60.
>>> Some say the new freeware version of Open Office works better; I
>>> haven't tried, so I'd love to hear from someone who writes and edits a
>>> lot.  Even if it works better than the paid version, I suspect other
>>> features get lost - alas, you get what you pay for.  2) the
>>> portability features seem terrific but you should consider which
>>> environments you'll be wanting to access because at least for now the
>>> Mac market is quite small in comparison to PCs, so the number of
>>> computers where your USB settings will work is fairly small.  3) VO is
>>> very good, but it isn't JAWS or ZoomText.  Many of us dream of a day
>>> when we can use out-of-the-box technology just like everyone else;
>>> we're much, much closer, but that day isn't there yet.  4) The user
>>> support is limited for VO.  This discussion list is excellent, but I
>>> still have a growing list of questions that people can't answer and
>>> that are impossible to look up.  Even the in-depth manual isn't *that*
>>> in-depth.  This means there's a kind of pioneer spirit to the whole
>>> thing, with people figuring out this and that just like they would
>>> sort out how to repair a wagon wheel a thousand miles from
>>> civilization.  That's exciting, hip, and creative, but sometimes you
>>> just want a simple answer to a nagging problem that's still beyond
>>> even the best macvisionaries.  All that said, I'm enjoying my new
>>> machine.
>>> Best,
>>> Cathyk
>>> On Jun 16, 2:10 pm, Pete Nalda  wrote:
 First off, don't worry about what may be going on at the moment, with the 
 update.  Mac OS is still so much easier in general to deal with than 
 windows and its various screen readers.  This may not apply for everyone 
 on here but to me the choice was economical.  Every time there was a new 
 version of windows, I'd have to purchase a new version ("upgrade") of 
 ZoomText.  I got tired of playing that game. Every time I buy a new 
 version of Mac OSX, I get a new version of Zoom *and* VoiceOver :)
 On Jun 16, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and 
> windows. I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very 
> stable screen reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, 
> and from what I have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will 
> be purchased in my very near future. I will go to an apple store for some 
> hands on time with a mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences 
> with me I would appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve 
> going from the windows operating system to the mac operating system, but 
> I am ready and willing to learn all that I can.
> Thank you,
> Kolby
> --
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 Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Ma

Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks for the tip, annie. I thikn those Baum displays are sold here under the 
Humanware brand; there doesn't seem to be a Baum dealer in the U.S.


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Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Mary,

On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:11 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Since I don't have a display yet, I don't imagine trying to install this will 
> be terribly useful just now, but I did read the instructions and have a 
> question. I get the idea that if you install this package, you can't switch 
> between American English contracted braille and some other language. Your 
> choice is one of the other. Am I understanding that right?
No. You can go at any time into VoiceOver Utility and use the pop up menu to 
change the language then check the Contracted Braille check box. The box must 
be unchecked for other languages as my husband, Archie, hasn't found a way to 
implement contracted Braille in other languages. I'm sure he could do it if he 
had the time, but this is all work he does in the small amount of free time he 

In any case, it probably isn't worth the effort now if Apple is going to 
provide multi-lingual Braille support.

Oh yes, and you can use the input Braille keys to input text. You can also 
configure a Braille display with input to use all the VO commands from the 



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Re: pairing a display with more than one device

2010-06-17 Thread Scott Howell
Mary you can pare the device with as many machines, iPhones, etc. you wish. Of 
course you can't use them all at once, which is a bummer. :) Ok, so I just want 
that all inclusive single-point control box. Then I could run the WOrld or at 
least my little part of it. :)
On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> One other braille related question. Is it possible for a bluetooth display to 
> be paired with more than one device? Not simultaneously, of course. but could 
> you have an Ipad and an Iphone and a Mac, all of which are paired with the 
> one braille display, using one or another of these devices throughout the 
> day? Or do you have to pair the display anew each time you move to using a 
> different device? I'm sure that's a silly question. But I've found that 
> assuming can lead to unpleasant surprises.
> mary  
> -- 
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Re: Safari 5 / 10.64 do I install?

2010-06-17 Thread phil stephenson
Me again,

so have done the OSX update and Safari 5 and iTunes, ok I don't so far seem to 
be having the major issues people were having with Safari so far.  I have been 
able to log in to my account ok and so far no issues on the Apple 
site.  I have noticed the issue of VO not starting to read mail automatically 
but I am using the vo J command and seems ok.

so far so good but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!



On 16 Jun 2010, at 21:26, phil stephenson wrote:

> Hi,
> Ok in light of recent traffic over issues people have been having with Safari 
> 5 and the new 10.64 update I am really confused  about whether r not I should 
> go ahead an install them.
> I find it most bizarre that a good number of people on the list are having 
> such major problems and yet others are .
> As a still fairly new switcher to the Mac I am slowly but sure getting to fid 
> my way around it and someone from the group should also contact someone 
> higher up in Apple, I even think I recall someone a while ago emailing Steve 
> Jobbs and getting a reply.
> yes I know i the great scheme of things us blind mac users are a tiny 
> proportion of their global market but in view of their otherwise excellent 
> work and commitment to accessibility I think they need to be aware of the 
> evel of problems / frustration people are experiencing.
> Anyway that's just my view.
> Yours confusedly,
> Phil
> the last thing I want is to have some of the problems others are having.
> I know there is probably no one answer to this but I'm really uncertain as to 
> how to proceed.  I'm also very disappointed that these issues have arisen and 
> I wonder that as well as the emails to not
> ---
> Phil Stephenson
> 07841 714931
> Skype = philstephenson
> -- 
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Phil Stephenson
07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Dave;

  What you'd like to do in Mail on the Mac in Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with VO, is 
certainly doable. :)

  First, simply move to the messages table and then just use plain arrow keys 
(no VO keys necessary) to move through your message headers. This will read the 
sender and subject etc. as you move to each message in the table. 

YOu can also select or deselect as well as rearrange the displayed columns so 
you can customize what you'd like to hear in what order. 

  Then, to read a message, you need only use the tab key and the message will 
read automatically. 

  From here, if you delete the message, you'll be automatically placed back in 
the messages table with the next message highlighted, and you can again simply 
press tab to read that message. this is a very quick way to go through mail. If 
you choose not to delete a particular message, you can also use shift tab if 
you like, to get back to the message table as well, and then simply continue 
reading your mail as above. 

HTH and have a lovely day / evening!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:


Quick Nav certainly sounds excellent but doesn't appear to mimic things like
VO J. I in fact instigated the BCAB Apple day in July after Sight Village
Birmingham which seems to be very popular, so will be doing exactly what you
suggest as well. I'm asking so many questions right now in order to maximise
the effectiveness of the day should many people's fears about the presenters
be proved right. I don't know who they are but know the people sourcing them
will be finding the best they can.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.

However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If
you can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.



On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would
> a lot of difference I think!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>> prospective
>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>> if one
>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>> they are.
>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>> of task
>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>> space,
>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>> but we
>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>> Most times,
>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>> give us
>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>> basis. They
>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>> basis to
>> do tasks specific to that application.
>> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
>> way to
>> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
>> situation. It
>> comes across that you have to navigate relatively complex screens with
>> multi-finger keystrokes to do what you can often do with one single
>> keystroke in Windows, specific questions in a separate message, and  
>> it comes
>> across that there are a lot of situations when a Windows screen  
>> reader would
>> automate something that you have to tell VO to do.
>> Be assured, I raise these points not in opposition to converting,  
>> I'm here
>> because I'm seriously thinking that when this computer goes, the  
>> next one
>> will be a Mac, but for others thinking of converting, I hope the  
>> answe

Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Anne,
Thanks for setting me straight on the ability to have both contracted english 
and other languages in uncontracted braille. Apple is providing multilingual 
support for ios4, but its not yet in SL. So if I end up with a display, I will 
most certainly install the package I got from your site. And thanks to your 
husband for doing this work!


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RE: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Taylor
Now then. I suspected that was the case, but it amazes me that the demos
tell you to do things entirely differently. This kind of description is
exactly what we need more of. We need to make things as intuitive as
possible. You've certainly given me just what I need to make sure our
session works, so thank you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Hi Dave;

  What you'd like to do in Mail on the Mac in Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with VO,
is certainly doable. :)

  First, simply move to the messages table and then just use plain arrow
keys (no VO keys necessary) to move through your message headers. This will
read the sender and subject etc. as you move to each message in the table. 

YOu can also select or deselect as well as rearrange the displayed columns
so you can customize what you'd like to hear in what order. 

  Then, to read a message, you need only use the tab key and the message
will read automatically. 

  From here, if you delete the message, you'll be automatically placed back
in the messages table with the next message highlighted, and you can again
simply press tab to read that message. this is a very quick way to go
through mail. If you choose not to delete a particular message, you can also
use shift tab if you like, to get back to the message table as well, and
then simply continue reading your mail as above. 

HTH and have a lovely day / evening!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:


Quick Nav certainly sounds excellent but doesn't appear to mimic things like
VO J. I in fact instigated the BCAB Apple day in July after Sight Village
Birmingham which seems to be very popular, so will be doing exactly what you
suggest as well. I'm asking so many questions right now in order to maximise
the effectiveness of the day should many people's fears about the presenters
be proved right. I don't know who they are but know the people sourcing them
will be finding the best they can.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.

However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If
you can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.



On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would
> a lot of difference I think!
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>> prospective
>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>> if one
>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>> they are.
>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>> of task
>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>> space,
>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>> but we
>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>> Most times,
>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>> give us
>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>> basis. They
>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>> basis to
>> do tasks specific to that application.
>> It comes across that with a Mac you have at least three different  
>> way to
>> select things and that only one of them will work in a given  
>> situation. It
>> comes across that you have to n

Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Cara,
In a recent message you noted that it is possible to reorder the columns in the 
messages table. I see in the view menu where you can eliminate some although 
message status isn't one of them, sadly. But I don't see where you can reorder 
them,  e.g. I want subject first, furtherst to the left in the row, such that 
it will be the first thing read when moving through the table as you described 
to Dave. Tab to the preview pane, read the message, delete it and you're moved 
back to the messages table. then you have to listen to the message status and 
the sender's info before you hear the next subject. I'd like to not hear 
message status and would like subject prior to sender. Not a big deal unless 
you've got hundreds of emails backed up, I suppose. but it would be nice. 


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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I think there is a good reason for this. I'll try to explain my own reasoning 
below for those who care.

Since VoiceOver is integrated into Mac OS X, VoiceOVer demos will obviously 
show you how to do things using VoiceOVer-specific commands only, and do not 
necessarily have to focus upon using Built-in operating system keystrokes. The 
good thing is to this approach, however, is that you are not tied to one single 
choice and you can use whichever you deem mostly efficient for your needs as 
you explore the Mac, unlike other platforms which may only provide one way of 
doing a  particular task, or any task without having a choice. I'm sure this 
has already been said, though.

Mobile Me:
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On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Now then. I suspected that was the case, but it amazes me that the demos
> tell you to do things entirely differently. This kind of description is
> exactly what we need more of. We need to make things as intuitive as
> possible. You've certainly given me just what I need to make sure our
> session works, so thank you.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> Hi Dave;
>  What you'd like to do in Mail on the Mac in Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with VO,
> is certainly doable. :)
>  First, simply move to the messages table and then just use plain arrow
> keys (no VO keys necessary) to move through your message headers. This will
> read the sender and subject etc. as you move to each message in the table. 
> YOu can also select or deselect as well as rearrange the displayed columns
> so you can customize what you'd like to hear in what order. 
>  Then, to read a message, you need only use the tab key and the message
> will read automatically. 
>  From here, if you delete the message, you'll be automatically placed back
> in the messages table with the next message highlighted, and you can again
> simply press tab to read that message. this is a very quick way to go
> through mail. If you choose not to delete a particular message, you can also
> use shift tab if you like, to get back to the message table as well, and
> then simply continue reading your mail as above. 
> HTH and have a lovely day / evening!…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
> Hi
> Quick Nav certainly sounds excellent but doesn't appear to mimic things like
> VO J. I in fact instigated the BCAB Apple day in July after Sight Village
> Birmingham which seems to be very popular, so will be doing exactly what you
> suggest as well. I'm asking so many questions right now in order to maximise
> the effectiveness of the day should many people's fears about the presenters
> be proved right. I don't know who they are but know the people sourcing them
> will be finding the best they can.
> Cheers
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.
> However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If
> you can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would
> make
>> a lot of difference I think!
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
>> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
>> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
>> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
>> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
>> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>>> prospective
>>> Mac user, from th

Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread John André Netland
Just would like to add to Cara's tip that if you would like to only hear 
subjects, but don't wanna change your column setup, you can select VO to 
automatically interact with tables when using tab key (a setting in the 
navigation category of VO Utility), and use this method also after interacting 
with the message list and focusing on the subject. By moving up and down in the 
subject column only with plain arrow keys, jumping with tab key/shift tab key, 
you have a snappy way to read messages, and only hear subjects.

Take care,
John André

On 17. juni 2010, at 23.02, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Hi Dave;
>  What you'd like to do in Mail on the Mac in Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with VO, is 
> certainly doable. :)
>  First, simply move to the messages table and then just use plain arrow keys 
> (no VO keys necessary) to move through your message headers. This will read 
> the sender and subject etc. as you move to each message in the table. 
> YOu can also select or deselect as well as rearrange the displayed columns so 
> you can customize what you'd like to hear in what order. 
>  Then, to read a message, you need only use the tab key and the message will 
> read automatically. 
>  From here, if you delete the message, you'll be automatically placed back in 
> the messages table with the next message highlighted, and you can again 
> simply press tab to read that message. this is a very quick way to go through 
> mail. If you choose not to delete a particular message, you can also use 
> shift tab if you like, to get back to the message table as well, and then 
> simply continue reading your mail as above. 
> HTH and have a lovely day / evening!…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
> Hi
> Quick Nav certainly sounds excellent but doesn't appear to mimic things like
> VO J. I in fact instigated the BCAB Apple day in July after Sight Village
> Birmingham which seems to be very popular, so will be doing exactly what you
> suggest as well. I'm asking so many questions right now in order to maximise
> the effectiveness of the day should many people's fears about the presenters
> be proved right. I don't know who they are but know the people sourcing them
> will be finding the best they can.
> Cheers
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
> Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.
> However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If
> you can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one out.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>> Wish you could lock the VO keys with an arrow based command, that would
> make
>> a lot of difference I think!
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 4:38 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically
>> hello;  from my experience I generally use vo, which is control plus  
>> option, with the arrow keys, space bar, and shift key.  I use tab and  
>> shift tab for some things.  I use vo i and vo u a lot for the links  
>> menu and items menu.  and if you have the newer ones and are familiar  
>> with using a mouse you can do a lot of things with the track pad  
>> commander feature.  good luck with your decision, max
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> Here is where I think one of the biggest issues is though. As a  
>>> prospective
>>> Mac user, from the demos and manuals, there seem to be an awful lot of
>>> different and often complex keystrokes to do things. I'm not clear  
>>> if one
>>> needs all of them or if people doing the demos are making things more
>>> complex than needed, or just not explaining why things are the way  
>>> they are.
>>> In Windows we can work out which methods to try based on what kind  
>>> of task
>>> we are doing. We know that you activate things with either enter or  
>>> space,
>>> both single keystrokes. We know there are many ways to move around,  
>>> but we
>>> know that we can find most things by exploring menus or tabbing.  
>>> Most times,
>>> our screen readers know what we are most likely to want to do and  
>>> give us
>>> the option of automating that task, often on a per application  
>>> basis. They
>>> can also give us relatively simple keystrokes on a per application  
>>> basis to
>>> do tasks specific to that application.

web site weirdness

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi folks,
So that odd resetting your position on a website thing I wrote about a while 
back has occurred again. This time, it's with a fairly used news site.
 According to a sighted friend who was here when I encountered this oddity, 
when the cursor goes over an item that has a related pop up ad, but not a full 
window pop up, VO takes you back to an earlier point on the page. This makes it 
very difficult to read the article and use the site in general. I would be 
interested to hear others' thoughts on this.


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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Brandon, I'd like to agree with yu regarding the install of the OS. I would 
also loke to poit out that that I've had my mac for over a year now and I love 
On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> well, the voiceover is built-in and for a pac mate user like you, it is 
> supported by voice over so you could use it as a braille display without 
> installing any drivers. plus, when you lose speech, it restarts the screen 
> reader restarts so you won't have to worry about it. and, if you ever need 
> to, you can install the operating system without sighted assistants and you 
> could even use braille while doing it. hope this helps. 
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
>> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. 
>> I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
>> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
>> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
>> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
>> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
>> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
>> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
>> willing to learn all that I can.
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
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Re: a sign of things to come?

2010-06-17 Thread Michael Thurman
yeah and when we gt pissed off enough and start crashing their networks maybe 
they will get the idea  or maybe we will all just stop buying their service... 
where are the hackers when we need them to hack service from some of these 
multi millionaire clients? lol
I'm just sick of being screwed left and right noone can afford their assanine 
prices  thanks at and t for screwing us right before the i phone 4 comes 
On Jun 11, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Can't find it, but this one should do:
> Verizon Likely to Follow ATT's Move to End Unlimited Data Pricing
> Probably, the only provider left with unlimited will be the ghetto data 
> network of T-Mobile.
> Basically, they gave out unlimited, and didn't realize how much data people 
> would actually use streaming movies and such. When you go to some areas of 
> cities where a lot of smartphone users are located, it is difficult to access 
> anything, because the network is so clogged. I guess they should upgrade 
> capacity, but they've decided that people want data so badly, they'll pay, 
> and having people pay will both bring in more money, and force people to cut 
> back on their data use at the same time. People will gripe and whine, but if 
> you want to use a smartphone, you'll pay, or else have no Internet.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 4:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: a sign of things to come?
> Is there a link you can provide to that blog post from the verison exec? 
> thanks.
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> if that is the case I hope all of the companies go under i am sick of 
>> being screwed by money hungry big buisness they want us to get on their 
>> netowrk  buy these expensive phones and data plans and then not USE them at 
>> all  i wouldn't do buisness with verizon if they were the last carrier on 
>> earth! everyone I know who has ever had them has been screwed On Jun 9, 
>> 2010, at 4:16 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, I saw a blog post from a Verizon exec saying that they were 
>>> also going to stop their unlimited data plan when they introduce their LTE 
>>> network later this year.
>>> I think that unlimited data is just over. period.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Snyder
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 1:51 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: a sign of things to come?
>>> Indeed. I might have purchased a new iPhone 4g, but if I have to go with 
>>> AT&T and the new cap they put on data usage, I think I'll wait until the 
>>> phone is offered to some other carrier.
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
>>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 now if we can get at and t to not screw us on data  30 was bad enough now 
 we get to pay extra if we actually  USE our phones too? gives me pause if 
 i even want an I phone now is 2 gig worth anything since i want the phone 
 for skype echolink navigation and streaming audio?
 On Jun 8, 2010, at 12:10 PM, william lomas wrote:
>   hi i wonder what languages we get then in the OS for mac?
> iPhone 4 supports more than 30 Bluetooth wireless braille displays right 
> out of the box. Just pair one and start using it to navigate your iPhone 
> with VoiceOver - no additional software needed. In addition, iPhone 
> includes braille tables for more than 25 international languages.
> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@goog

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Michael Thurman
what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball sof 
r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new I phone 
becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will surely 
screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh beofre at 
and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
  as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real
On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be blunt 
> jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just because we can 
> is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made itself usable out 
> of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead is not only a touch 
> unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
> On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the beta 
>> via legitimate means, I cannot believe you have the nerve to ask how to 
>> install/upgrade software you are not entitled to use.  I hope no one 
>> provides you with any help on this list.  Perhaps waiting for the official 
>> release makes even more sense and wow, you would have to wait one entire 
>> week.
>> On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> I have downloaded the iphone os 4, and the itunes beta.
>>> How can i do that, i have tryed to check for updates, but i can't find
>>> the boks, there i can shose the file with the update i have
>>> downloaded.
>>> Are there anyone, there have tryed to upgrade to i os 4.
>>> Best regards
>>> Jorgen
>>> 2010/6/11, Scott Howell :
 Man you guys really cant' wait another week or so?  How do you know what
 your downloading has not been hacked and has malicious code installed.  Of
 course at the very least, do you not respect the fact that these downloads
 are illegal or certainly are not in line with Apples policy.  I can't wait
 either, but these are not legitimate sources and you do not know what your
 On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
> I'm running IOS 4 from check it out all of the
> betas are there
> I will be preordering the iPhone 4G on Tuesday, I'm very excited for it.
> Cody
> On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
>> hi when I go to down the actual os 4 file the torrent file is gone
>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> The problem is I'm not registered witht he apps store so I don't think I
>>> can install os4. Can I?
>>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
 Wow. Thanks for that great info, and we don't  brake any laws by doing
 that. We don't crack any software. You only install free apps and
 Best regards
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den Jun 9, 2010 kl. 7:07 PM skrev David Hole:
> Hi folkes.
> For you interested in installing iOS 4 today, you can do that.
> Since the guide how to do it is in Norwegian, i suggest you translate
> it with
> Here's the guide:
> -David
> --
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>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Cara Quinn
  Hi Mary;

  While the process to rearrange columns is somewhat annoying in my opinion, :) 
it is really a set it and forget it type of thing, so once you do it you really 
need not do it again. I.E. these settings will persist over newer versions of 
Mail as well as entire OS updates or restorations from backups. 

  Here's an excerpt (below) from a post from Josh De Lioncourt on this, which 
is how I learned it. :) Thanks Josh! -Just a note of my own though, I'm 
actually able to avoid many of these steps now and simply do this free-hand 
with the trackpad as I have VO set to speak what's under the mouse with no 
delay. So I go to the top of the table as Josh says and route my mouse cursor 
to VO. then, I do everything else just by using the trackpad. VO allows me to 
locate the button I'd like, and I then hold down the trackpad button and move 
left or right, depending on where I'd like to move the column. There is guess 
work here with this approach though, as VO doesn't seem to want to read while 
I'm dragging, so I first note where the columns are currently, and then move 
appropriately. So Josh's solution may offer more feedback when you get to this 
point. Best of luck and enjoy!


Cara :)
---Josh's post follows---

If you're comfortable using the mouse or trackpad, you can actually do this on 
your own.  I just figured out how.  Here's the steps.

Move to the top of the messages table and, while interacting with it, navigate 
to the status column, which is one of those that says "blank".  Then do this:

1. Move the mouse to VO cursor with VO-Command-F5

2. Lock the VO keys with VO-Semicolon

3.  Move the mouse/trackpad slowly upward while repeatedly pressing F5 to hear 
what's under the mouse.  Eventually, you will hear "Status sort button".  I 
don't know of anyway to get to these directly with VO, but VO does recognize 
them.  These are the column headers and you will notice that they exist for all 
the columns.

4. Physically hold down the mouse button and slowly drag to the right.  You 
will pass over the other sort buttons.  If you move off course above or below, 
you can adjust and find the sort buttons again.  Once you've passed all the 
columns, let go of the mouse button.  You will know it is safe to do this 
because VO will report the "Status Sort button" is under your mouse instead of 
the others.

It's not an elegant, or even great, solution, but it works if you're 
comfortable with the mouse.  I drag-and-drop like this all the time when the VO 
D&D doesn't get the job done.  I just did this in mail and now have the Status 
column to the far right and out of the way.

Josh de Lioncourt

"The rich declare themselves poor,
"And most of us are not sure,
"If we have too much,
"But we'll take our chances,
"'cause God stopped keeping score."
Praying for Time--George Michael

View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

Hi Cara,
In a recent message you noted that it is possible to reorder the columns in the 
messages table. I see in the view menu where you can eliminate some although 
message status isn't one of them, sadly. But I don't see where you can reorder 
them,  e.g. I want subject first, furtherst to the left in the row, such that 
it will be the first thing read when moving through the table as you described 
to Dave. Tab to the preview pane, read the message, delete it and you're moved 
back to the messages table. then you have to listen to the message status and 
the sender's info before you hear the next subject. I'd like to not hear 
message status and would like subject prior to sender. Not a big deal unless 
you've got hundreds of emails backed up, I suppose. but it would be nice. 


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Re: web site weirdness

2010-06-17 Thread Scott Howell
I did encounter the issue, but not sure what the cause is. However, I use 
groups mode and once I located the beginning of the article, I was able to just 
arrow down (I was using quick nav) and I was able to read the entire article, 
which was quite interesting by the way.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi folks,
> So that odd resetting your position on a website thing I wrote about a while 
> back has occurred again. This time, it's with a fairly used news site. 
>  According to a sighted friend who was here when I encountered this oddity, 
> when the cursor goes over an item that has a related pop up ad, but not a 
> full window pop up, VO takes you back to an earlier point on the page. This 
> makes it very difficult to read the article and use the site in general. I 
> would be interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker
It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
saving money in the long run.  
On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new I 
> phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>  as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real
> On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be blunt 
>> jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just because we 
>> can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made itself usable 
>> out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead is not only a 
>> touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
>> On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the beta 
>>> via legitimate means, I cannot believe you have the nerve to ask how to 
>>> install/upgrade software you are not entitled to use.  I hope no one 
>>> provides you with any help on this list.  Perhaps waiting for the official 
>>> release makes even more sense and wow, you would have to wait one entire 
>>> week.
>>> On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:
 I have downloaded the iphone os 4, and the itunes beta.
 How can i do that, i have tryed to check for updates, but i can't find
 the boks, there i can shose the file with the update i have
 Are there anyone, there have tryed to upgrade to i os 4.
 Best regards
 2010/6/11, Scott Howell :
> Man you guys really cant' wait another week or so?  How do you know what
> your downloading has not been hacked and has malicious code installed.  Of
> course at the very least, do you not respect the fact that these downloads
> are illegal or certainly are not in line with Apples policy.  I can't wait
> either, but these are not legitimate sources and you do not know what your
> getting.
> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> I'm running IOS 4 from check it out all of 
>> the
>> betas are there
>> I will be preordering the iPhone 4G on Tuesday, I'm very excited for it.
>> Cody
>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
>>> hi when I go to down the actual os 4 file the torrent file is gone
>>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 The problem is I'm not registered witht he apps store so I don't think 
 can install os4. Can I?
 On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Wow. Thanks for that great info, and we don't  brake any laws by doing
> that. We don't crack any software. You only install free apps and
> updates.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Jun 9, 2010 kl. 7:07 PM skrev David Hole:
>> Hi folkes.
>> For you interested in installing iOS 4 today, you can do that.
>> Since the guide how to do it is in Norwegian, i suggest you translate
>> it with
>> Here's the guide:
>> -David
>> --
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 To post to this group, send email to macvisio

Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Cara Quinn
  NO problem Dave! :) -Glad I could help!

  this is one aspect of the Mac which is very important. The idea that there 
are several ways to do something doesn't need to be confusing. 

  there are patterns in the system keystrokes on a Mac just like there are on 
Windows. -And, to be honest, these patterns are actually, in a manner of 
speaking, more universal on the Mac than on Windows. I.E. Windows Screen 
readers create the illusion of universality where none actually exists such as 
in the use of the enter key. while I'm not familiar with  the latest versions 
of Windows, in Win 95 / 98 / XP, the enter key didn't actually open 
applications or shortcuts if one wasn't using Jaws or WindowEyes. 

  Pressing enter on a shortcut on a Windows desktop used to actually bring up 
an edit field where you could type a new name for that shortcut. -And, 
incidentally, this is exactly the same behavior as on a Mac. The Windows screen 
readers changed some functionality which presented a visually impaired user 
with a faux sense of the universality of the OS. This isn't the case on the 
Mac. VO leaves the system keystrokes intact, and simply adds it's own layer of 
additional keystrokes a user can choose to work with if they like. 

  this gives the added advantage that (if a visually impaired user chooses) 
they can more easily interact with sighted coworkers / friends / family because 
other Mac users will be more likely to be familiar with the type of universal 
keyboard commands for the system as they aren't specialized to the screen 
reader in use. Does this make sense?…

  This paradigm also allows one to seamlessly combine system commands and VO 
commands to achieve their goal as well. 

  Finally, add to this, the ability to create automator / apple scripts which 
can involve VO and you can see that this can truly be a very powerful platform. 

  Anyway, blah blah blah! :) -AGain, glad I could help and I hope all goes well 
for you in the presentation!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:14 PM, Dave Taylor wrote:

Now then. I suspected that was the case, but it amazes me that the demos
tell you to do things entirely differently. This kind of description is
exactly what we need more of. We need to make things as intuitive as
possible. You've certainly given me just what I need to make sure our
session works, so thank you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Hi Dave;

 What you'd like to do in Mail on the Mac in Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with VO,
is certainly doable. :)

 First, simply move to the messages table and then just use plain arrow
keys (no VO keys necessary) to move through your message headers. This will
read the sender and subject etc. as you move to each message in the table. 

YOu can also select or deselect as well as rearrange the displayed columns
so you can customize what you'd like to hear in what order. 

 Then, to read a message, you need only use the tab key and the message
will read automatically. 

 From here, if you delete the message, you'll be automatically placed back
in the messages table with the next message highlighted, and you can again
simply press tab to read that message. this is a very quick way to go
through mail. If you choose not to delete a particular message, you can also
use shift tab if you like, to get back to the message table as well, and
then simply continue reading your mail as above. 

HTH and have a lovely day / evening!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Dave Taylor wrote:


Quick Nav certainly sounds excellent but doesn't appear to mimic things like
VO J. I in fact instigated the BCAB Apple day in July after Sight Village
Birmingham which seems to be very popular, so will be doing exactly what you
suggest as well. I'm asking so many questions right now in order to maximise
the effectiveness of the day should many people's fears about the presenters
be proved right. I don't know who they are but know the people sourcing them
will be finding the best they can.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

Has no one told you about Quick Nav? It sounds like what you're asking for.

However, you won't get any idea of VoiceOver by just asking questions. If
you can get to an Apple Store or Apple reseller, try one 

anyone tried wordpress synching with drop box on the mac?

2010-06-17 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi listers,

I really like my drop box as it allows me to synch all my dev projects with my 
team 4000 clicks away, and i have been looking at other ways to increase 

In this case, wordpress 3 which has just come out allows one to manage his 
blogs from one central blog.

This is a perfect feature for creating lots of blogs with localized permissions 
from managers and directors through to blog editors and clients.

I was wondering if anyone tried figuring a way to synch an ftp location with 
drop box in order to automatically update templates from drop box to all blog 
template locations. 

It is one step closer as one blog can direct template and plugin locations for 
all its subordinate blog Pages. This is apparent with the fact that pages 
aren't static anymore.

As well as updating templates automatically from each updates of wordpress, a 
user can just upload an image through the sandbox folder of drop box with an 
applescript which would copy that file remotely from the uploaded folder to the 
right location on the server and delete the file in drop box when the task is 

Anyone hearing me on this?

Best regards,

Yuma DX®

"Light has no value without darkness"

Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 

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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Mary Otten
thanks, Cara, for the post from Josh. I don't have a Macbook, so the trackpad 
isn't available here. But I do have numpad commander and quicknav. Not much 
good here, but good other places. Tradeoffs.


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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Michael Thurman
themac is great if you dont plan on doing any irc and don't expect much if 
anything in the way of amateur radio software. theonly ham radio software i 
have found  so far that I have used that is accessible is mac doppler and it's 
abit expensive at $09 bu tit works

On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. I 
> have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
> willing to learn all that I can.
> Thank you,
> Kolby
> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Agreed. I normally don't speak out over your oppiones but at&t has been nothing 
but nice to me and I'm even going to maybe consult the dev about making the app 
for the iphone they have more accessibal. Go for the iphone. 5 gigs is a lot 
and you will never use all of it. In fact I was out on 3g tuesday and only used 
8 mb up and 300 k down.

Ok I was playing with haytel and browsing for a phone number I lost ona a 
sebsite but I'm mostly on the wireless and if 8 mb is all I use when I'm on the 
go then so bee it. 2 gigs I'll never ever ever reach.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
> people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
> placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
> saving money in the long run.  
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
>> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new I 
>> phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
>> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
>> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>> as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real
>> On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>>> right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be blunt 
>>> jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just because we 
>>> can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made itself usable 
>>> out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead is not only a 
>>> touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
>>> On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the beta 
 via legitimate means, I cannot believe you have the nerve to ask how to 
 install/upgrade software you are not entitled to use.  I hope no one 
 provides you with any help on this list.  Perhaps waiting for the official 
 release makes even more sense and wow, you would have to wait one entire 
 On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:
> I have downloaded the iphone os 4, and the itunes beta.
> How can i do that, i have tryed to check for updates, but i can't find
> the boks, there i can shose the file with the update i have
> downloaded.
> Are there anyone, there have tryed to upgrade to i os 4.
> Best regards
> Jorgen
> 2010/6/11, Scott Howell :
>> Man you guys really cant' wait another week or so?  How do you know what
>> your downloading has not been hacked and has malicious code installed.  
>> Of
>> course at the very least, do you not respect the fact that these 
>> downloads
>> are illegal or certainly are not in line with Apples policy.  I can't 
>> wait
>> either, but these are not legitimate sources and you do not know what 
>> your
>> getting.
>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>> I'm running IOS 4 from check it out all of 
>>> the
>>> betas are there
>>> I will be preordering the iPhone 4G on Tuesday, I'm very excited for it.
>>> Cody
>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
 hi when I go to down the actual os 4 file the torrent file is gone
 On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> The problem is I'm not registered witht he apps store so I don't 
> think I
> can install os4. Can I?
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Wow. Thanks for that great info, and we don't  brake any laws by 
>> doing
>> that. We don't crack any software. You only install free apps and
>> updates.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Jun 9, 2010 kl. 7:07 PM skrev David Hole:
>>> Hi folkes.
>>> For you interested in installing iOS 4 today, you can do that.
>>> Since the guide how to do it is in Norwegian, i suggest you 
>>> translate
>>> it with
>>> Here's the guide:
>>> -David
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to 
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@g

Moderator Note - language / yelling through your keyboard

2010-06-17 Thread Cara Quinn
  Hi All;

  while I know we all get a bit upset from time to time, let's please keep this 
a bit easy on the language. Okay?… 

  I don't really mind the occasional bit of colorful language here and there 
for emphasis if need be, however, yelling through your keyboard I.E. throwing 
together a string of expletives (no matter how minor you think they may be) 
with no regard for who will be reading it is really not cool for this list. 

  So please, just take a few breaths before hitting that send button and read 
over your message to see if it's really worth subjecting several hundred people 
to, okay? Does this make sense?…

  Thanks so much and do have a lovely day / evening, wherever you may be!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread John André Netland
...and if you use the Mouse Keys feature, it's even easier to move a mail 
message column:

•Turn off the NumPad Commander and turn on Mouse Keys, for example with the 5 
times option key pressed (if you have enabled this shortcut)
•Make sure VO will speak what's under the mouse (see VO Utilities)
•Navigate the VO cursor to the top row of the column you want to move 
•Press 8 about 10 times to find the button
•Practice first by counting the number of times you have to press 4 or 6 to 
find the place you would like to drop the column
•Go back to your column and hold the 5 key while pressing 4 or 6 the number of 
times you found in previous step.
•When you lift from the 5 key your column will be moved to your required 

Take care,
John André

On 18. juni 2010, at 00.42, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hi Mary;
>   While the process to rearrange columns is somewhat annoying in my opinion, 
> :) it is really a set it and forget it type of thing, so once you do it you 
> really need not do it again. I.E. these settings will persist over newer 
> versions of Mail as well as entire OS updates or restorations from backups. 
>   Here's an excerpt (below) from a post from Josh De Lioncourt on this, which 
> is how I learned it. :) Thanks Josh! -Just a note of my own though, I'm 
> actually able to avoid many of these steps now and simply do this free-hand 
> with the trackpad as I have VO set to speak what's under the mouse with no 
> delay. So I go to the top of the table as Josh says and route my mouse cursor 
> to VO. then, I do everything else just by using the trackpad. VO allows me to 
> locate the button I'd like, and I then hold down the trackpad button and move 
> left or right, depending on where I'd like to move the column. There is guess 
> work here with this approach though, as VO doesn't seem to want to read while 
> I'm dragging, so I first note where the columns are currently, and then move 
> appropriately. So Josh's solution may offer more feedback when you get to 
> this point. Best of luck and enjoy!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---Josh's post follows---
> If you're comfortable using the mouse or trackpad, you can actually do this 
> on your own.  I just figured out how.  Here's the steps.
> Move to the top of the messages table and, while interacting with it, 
> navigate to the status column, which is one of those that says "blank".  Then 
> do this:
> 1. Move the mouse to VO cursor with VO-Command-F5
> 2. Lock the VO keys with VO-Semicolon
> 3.  Move the mouse/trackpad slowly upward while repeatedly pressing F5 to 
> hear what's under the mouse.  Eventually, you will hear "Status sort button". 
>  I don't know of anyway to get to these directly with VO, but VO does 
> recognize them.  These are the column headers and you will notice that they 
> exist for all the columns.
> 4. Physically hold down the mouse button and slowly drag to the right.  You 
> will pass over the other sort buttons.  If you move off course above or 
> below, you can adjust and find the sort buttons again.  Once you've passed 
> all the columns, let go of the mouse button.  You will know it is safe to do 
> this because VO will report the "Status Sort button" is under your mouse 
> instead of the others.
> It's not an elegant, or even great, solution, but it works if you're 
> comfortable with the mouse.  I drag-and-drop like this all the time when the 
> VO D&D doesn't get the job done.  I just did this in mail and now have the 
> Status column to the far right and out of the way.
> Josh de Lioncourt
> Mac-cessibility:
> Twitter:
> "The rich declare themselves poor,
> "And most of us are not sure,
> "If we have too much,
> "But we'll take our chances,
> "'cause God stopped keeping score."
> Praying for Time--George Michael
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Cara,
> In a recent message you noted that it is possible to reorder the columns in 
> the messages table. I see in the view menu where you can eliminate some 
> although message status isn't one of them, sadly. But I don't see where you 
> can reorder them,  e.g. I want subject first, furtherst to the left in the 
> row, such that it will be the first thing read when moving through the table 
> as you described to Dave. Tab to the preview pane, read the message, delete 
> it and you're moved back to the messages table. then you have to listen to 
> the message status and the sender's info before you hear the next subject. 
> I'd like to not hear message status and would like subject prior to sender. 
> Not a big deal unless you've got hundreds of emails backed up, I suppose. but 
> it would be nice. 
> Mary
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou

Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
actually you can do irc through the termanal. I  believe the software i scalle 
irsi but I don't use the terminal so someone more knoledgible can correct me on 
that one.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> themac is great if you dont plan on doing any irc and don't expect much if 
> anything in the way of amateur radio software. theonly ham radio software i 
> have found  so far that I have used that is accessible is mac doppler and 
> it's abit expensive at $09 bu tit works
> On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
>> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. 
>> I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
>> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
>> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
>> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
>> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
>> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
>> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
>> willing to learn all that I can.
>> Thank you,
>> Kolby
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: automatically having incoming messages read i nIChat

2010-06-17 Thread Michael Thurman
hw do you get addoum to read the incomming chats automatically I must have 
missed that

On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> adium doesn't seem to have the problem of crashing vo when interacting
> with chat areas.  It also doesn't separate accounts into multiple
> windows like ichat does.  You can also get messagesread allowed in
> adium too.  Might want to try it out.
> On 6/17/10, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> This is very useful, thank you Mary.  I also stumbled across this when I
>> looked in the VO help area getting started, using os x applications.  There
>> is a very useful section on using iChat.  I forgot how useful pressing VO+H
>> is for help is lol.
>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 16:51, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> There has been some talk about IM clients lately and I thought folks might
>>> be interested in something I just learned about yesterday on another
>>> Mac-related list. You can get your incoming IChat messages read out to you
>>> by opening the Ichat preferences (command comma when in Ichat. There is an
>>> events pop up button which you activate with the space bar and then arrow
>>> down the list of events until you hear message received and press enter.
>>> There is a series of choices found by vo right arrowing. One of those
>>> options, the last one in the group is speak an announcement. that's a
>>> misleading label, because what this actually does is to read the incoming
>>> message. check that check box and your incoming messages will be read
>>> automatically. You can apparently adjust the speed of the reading by the
>>> system preferences, speech area, but I haven't looked for that yet so
>>> can't report. By default, at least on my system, the voice used was Alex,
>>> but the speech rate was really slow. Since I have had the problem with VO
>>> crashing in the Ichat html area, I was very glad to hear about this method
>>> of hearing incoming messages. there appears to be a lot of customization
>>> that you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that events pop up
>>> menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements etc. Hope
>>> that helps somebody.
>>> mary
>>> --
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>> --
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> -- 
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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Michael Thurman
how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i want 
an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also want it 
for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the telephone. and i 
can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of streaming audio a 
week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off thier can and fix 
their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o ownload movies but 2 
gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did want to listen to 
something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will have an ap for netflix 
just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of acutlaly using it except at 
home. if I have to be home to stream audio with my I phone that I was going to 
buy I'd jus tuse my laptop
On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
> people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
> placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
> saving money in the long run.  
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
>> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new I 
>> phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
>> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
>> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>> as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real
>> On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>>> right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be blunt 
>>> jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just because we 
>>> can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made itself usable 
>>> out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead is not only a 
>>> touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
>>> On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the beta 
 via legitimate means, I cannot believe you have the nerve to ask how to 
 install/upgrade software you are not entitled to use.  I hope no one 
 provides you with any help on this list.  Perhaps waiting for the official 
 release makes even more sense and wow, you would have to wait one entire 
 On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:
> I have downloaded the iphone os 4, and the itunes beta.
> How can i do that, i have tryed to check for updates, but i can't find
> the boks, there i can shose the file with the update i have
> downloaded.
> Are there anyone, there have tryed to upgrade to i os 4.
> Best regards
> Jorgen
> 2010/6/11, Scott Howell :
>> Man you guys really cant' wait another week or so?  How do you know what
>> your downloading has not been hacked and has malicious code installed.  
>> Of
>> course at the very least, do you not respect the fact that these 
>> downloads
>> are illegal or certainly are not in line with Apples policy.  I can't 
>> wait
>> either, but these are not legitimate sources and you do not know what 
>> your
>> getting.
>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>> I'm running IOS 4 from check it out all of 
>>> the
>>> betas are there
>>> I will be preordering the iPhone 4G on Tuesday, I'm very excited for it.
>>> Cody
>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
 hi when I go to down the actual os 4 file the torrent file is gone
 On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> The problem is I'm not registered witht he apps store so I don't 
> think I
> can install os4. Can I?
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Wow. Thanks for that great info, and we don't  brake any laws by 
>> doing
>> that. We don't crack any software. You only install free apps and
>> updates.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Jun 9, 2010 kl. 7:07 PM skrev David Hole:
>>> Hi folkes.
>>> For you interested in installing iOS 4 today, you can do that.
>>> Since the guide how to do it is in Norwegian, i suggest you 
>>> translate
>>> it with
>>> Here's the guide:
>>> -David
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscri

Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Michael Thurman
the limit was 2 gig if it was 5 I wouldn't be upset
On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Agreed. I normally don't speak out over your oppiones but at&t has been 
> nothing but nice to me and I'm even going to maybe consult the dev about 
> making the app for the iphone they have more accessibal. Go for the iphone. 5 
> gigs is a lot and you will never use all of it. In fact I was out on 3g 
> tuesday and only used 8 mb up and 300 k down.
> Ok I was playing with haytel and browsing for a phone number I lost ona a 
> sebsite but I'm mostly on the wireless and if 8 mb is all I use when I'm on 
> the go then so bee it. 2 gigs I'll never ever ever reach.
> S
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
>> people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
>> placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
>> saving money in the long run.  
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
>>> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
>>> I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
>>> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
>>> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>>> as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real
>>> On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
 right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be 
 blunt jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just 
 because we can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made 
 itself usable out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead 
 is not only a touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
 On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the 
> beta via legitimate means, I cannot believe you have the nerve to ask how 
> to install/upgrade software you are not entitled to use.  I hope no one 
> provides you with any help on this list.  Perhaps waiting for the 
> official release makes even more sense and wow, you would have to wait 
> one entire week.
> On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> I have downloaded the iphone os 4, and the itunes beta.
>> How can i do that, i have tryed to check for updates, but i can't find
>> the boks, there i can shose the file with the update i have
>> downloaded.
>> Are there anyone, there have tryed to upgrade to i os 4.
>> Best regards
>> Jorgen
>> 2010/6/11, Scott Howell :
>>> Man you guys really cant' wait another week or so?  How do you know what
>>> your downloading has not been hacked and has malicious code installed.  
>>> Of
>>> course at the very least, do you not respect the fact that these 
>>> downloads
>>> are illegal or certainly are not in line with Apples policy.  I can't 
>>> wait
>>> either, but these are not legitimate sources and you do not know what 
>>> your
>>> getting.
>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
 I'm running IOS 4 from check it out all of 
 betas are there
 I will be preordering the iPhone 4G on Tuesday, I'm very excited for 
 On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
> hi when I go to down the actual os 4 file the torrent file is gone
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> The problem is I'm not registered witht he apps store so I don't 
>> think I
>> can install os4. Can I?
>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Wow. Thanks for that great info, and we don't  brake any laws by 
>>> doing
>>> that. We don't crack any software. You only install free apps and
>>> updates.
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den Jun 9, 2010 kl. 7:07 PM skrev David Hole:
 Hi folkes.
 For you interested in installing iOS 4 today, you can do that.
 Since the guide how to do it is in Norwegian, i suggest you 
 it with
 Here's the guide:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: automatically having incoming messages read i nIChat

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
I missed the thread but probably through growl. I don't do that though as I 
don't like to be disturbed but to each his or her own.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> how do you get adium to read the incoming chats automatically I must have 
> missed that
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> adium doesn't seem to have the problem of crashing vo when interacting
>> with chat areas.  It also doesn't separate accounts into multiple
>> windows like ichat does.  You can also get messages read allowed in
>> adium too.  Might want to try it out.
>> On 6/17/10, Chris Moore  wrote:
>>> This is very useful, thank you Mary.  I also stumbled across this when I
>>> looked in the VO help area getting started, using os x applications.  There
>>> is a very useful section on using iChat.  I forgot how useful pressing VO+H
>>> is for help is lol.
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 16:51, Mary Otten wrote:
 There has been some talk about IM clients lately and I thought folks might
 be interested in something I just learned about yesterday on another
 Mac-related list. You can get your incoming IChat messages read out to you
 by opening the Ichat preferences (command comma when in Ichat. There is an
 events pop up button which you activate with the space bar and then arrow
 down the list of events until you hear message received and press enter.
 There is a series of choices found by vo right arrowing. One of those
 options, the last one in the group is speak an announcement. that's a
 misleading label, because what this actually does is to read the incoming
 message. check that check box and your incoming messages will be read
 automatically. You can apparently adjust the speed of the reading by the
 system preferences, speech area, but I haven't looked for that yet so
 can't report. By default, at least on my system, the voice used was Alex,
 but the speech rate was really slow. Since I have had the problem with VO
 crashing in the Ichat html area, I was very glad to hear about this method
 of hearing incoming messages. there appears to be a lot of customization
 that you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that events pop up
 menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements etc. Hope
 that helps somebody.
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More trouble with saving podcasts and dropbox files and such with Safari

2010-06-17 Thread Courtney Curran
I'm trying to download some podcasts to my Mack and when I press VO-space, it 
plays it. I do try to do VO-shift-M, but there's no option to download the 
linked file. And with direct links from Dropbox, it does the same thing. Any 
help with these two matters would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
No you canb't. the data rate is different  I believe. I'll have to look up 
where I saw a comaprison but I believe teh phone companies stram in bits not 
bytes so 8 mb I used for the whle day was not bad pluss I am onthe wireless 
network 99 poercent of the time. only when I'm out am I on edge or 3g. so I 
have not even touch the 3g network unless I'm ont he go with twitter, email, 
haytel, fring, I won't touch skype and stuff. I"ll have to be out all day and 
use the 3g one day to see how far I get with echolink and stuff. I can see my 
usage via the settings button I'll show anyone off list wiht a recording if you 
want. I'm not well versed but I'll show what I do know.

Takecare all.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It sounds like your just mad for the sake of being mad.  ATT is not screwing 
>> people over data prices per say.  It is just the feeling of having limits 
>> placed on you.  The timing was definitely grimy but, most people will end up 
>> saving money in the long run.  
>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:39 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> what is unethical is the fact that apple doesn't kick at and t in the ball 
>>> sof r screwing us ont he data prices!!! i doubt i wil be getting a new 
>>> I phone becuase of the screw job at and t is doing to us   and verizon will 
>>> surely screw us as well beofre they get the I phone it was expensive enugh 
>>> beofre at and t decided to piss on all of us who want to get an I phone
>>> as for trying a beta it's a beta  get real
>>> On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
 right on scott the huge wait time is absolutely staggering, and to be 
 blunt jumping ahead of the line to install unsanctioned product just 
 because we can is a bit of a kick in the nuts to a company that has made 
 itself usable out of the box for us. It's not only free, but jumping ahead 
 is not only a touch unethical considering, but a touch rude to boot.
 On 2010-06-12, at 8:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Considering the fact that unless you are a developer and obtained the 
> beta via legitimate means, I cannot believe you have the nerve to ask how 
> to install/upgrade software you are not entitled to use.  I hope no one 
> provides you with any help on this list.  Perhaps waiting for the 
> official release makes even more sense and wow, you would have to wait 
> one entire week.
> On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> I have downloaded the iphone os 4, and the itunes beta.
>> How can i do that, i have tryed to check for updates, but i can't find
>> the boks, there i can shose the file with the update i have
>> downloaded.
>> Are there anyone, there have tryed to upgrade to i os 4.
>> Best regards
>> Jorgen
>> 2010/6/11, Scott Howell :
>>> Man you guys really cant' wait another week or so?  How do you know what
>>> your downloading has not been hacked and has malicious code installed.  
>>> Of
>>> course at the very least, do you not respect the fact that these 
>>> downloads
>>> are illegal or certainly are not in line with Apples policy.  I can't 
>>> wait
>>> either, but these are not legitimate sources and you do not know what 
>>> your
>>> getting.
>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
 I'm running IOS 4 from check it out all of 
 betas are there
 I will be preordering the iPhone 4G on Tuesday, I'm very excited for 
 On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
> hi when I go to down the actual os 4 file the torrent file is gone
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> The problem is I'm not registered witht he apps store so I don't 
>> think I
>> can install os4. Can I?
>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Wow. 

Re: automatically having incoming messages read i nIChat

2010-06-17 Thread Chris Westbrook
You have to go to preferences with command comma, interact with the toolbar, go 
to events, find the event you want to modify and click edit.  One of the 
choices is to read incoming events.  You might have to play with it for a while 
till you get it set up, but it's worth it.  I'll see if there is a way I can 
export my preferences or something to share them with the list.  Don't think 
there is but who knows.  haha.  Hope that helps.  If you can't figure it out 
let me know.  Maybe I'll do a podcast on it.
On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:18 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> hw do you get addoum to read the incomming chats automatically I must have 
> missed that
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> adium doesn't seem to have the problem of crashing vo when interacting
>> with chat areas.  It also doesn't separate accounts into multiple
>> windows like ichat does.  You can also get messagesread allowed in
>> adium too.  Might want to try it out.
>> On 6/17/10, Chris Moore  wrote:
>>> This is very useful, thank you Mary.  I also stumbled across this when I
>>> looked in the VO help area getting started, using os x applications.  There
>>> is a very useful section on using iChat.  I forgot how useful pressing VO+H
>>> is for help is lol.
>>> On 17 Jun 2010, at 16:51, Mary Otten wrote:
 There has been some talk about IM clients lately and I thought folks might
 be interested in something I just learned about yesterday on another
 Mac-related list. You can get your incoming IChat messages read out to you
 by opening the Ichat preferences (command comma when in Ichat. There is an
 events pop up button which you activate with the space bar and then arrow
 down the list of events until you hear message received and press enter.
 There is a series of choices found by vo right arrowing. One of those
 options, the last one in the group is speak an announcement. that's a
 misleading label, because what this actually does is to read the incoming
 message. check that check box and your incoming messages will be read
 automatically. You can apparently adjust the speed of the reading by the
 system preferences, speech area, but I haven't looked for that yet so
 can't report. By default, at least on my system, the voice used was Alex,
 but the speech rate was really slow. Since I have had the problem with VO
 crashing in the Ichat html area, I was very glad to hear about this method
 of hearing incoming messages. there appears to be a lot of customization
 that you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that events pop up
 menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements etc. Hope
 that helps somebody.
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vertical alignment in Text edit

2010-06-17 Thread Christina
Can I vertically center text on a page using Text edit?  If so, how can I do 
this?  I can't figure it out nor can I find any help via a google search.


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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Laura M
As to 1, I find messaging on the Mac to be much, much more enjoyable
than I ever did on Windows. If you want to, you can use it the way you
describe, so you don't have to switch back and forth between the
message area and typing field, but even if you use it by tabbing
between them, your place is generally remembered, at least on iChat.
It also handles multi-person chats better than anything I ever had
with Windows. and the best part is, it works without any kind of Jaws
overlay. The same commands I use to switch between windows, or bring
up contacts are exactly the same for non-Voiceover users.

On a general point, I think listening to demos isn't a good way of
figuring out whether you'll be efficient. They don't sound convincing
in that regard, I know. That's no fault of the demos, I don't think.
It's just hard because some of the concepts, like interacting, seem
much more complicated than they are when you're just hearing about
them. When you're using them, they're far more intuitive--or at least,
they were for me.

Once I started using it, I found that I loved the Voiceover way of
doing things. I don't know if it's always more efficient (though I
certainly don't think it's less), but it's more useful than that for
me. Between group mode and the trackpad, I have a far better sense of
how websites and screens work. There's a context that was never
present with JAWS. I know, for example, how the mail program is laid
out, or that certain webpages have easily accessible sidebars that I
can instantly reach. That absolutely does make me more efficient,
because instead of tabbing or arrowing everywhere, I can just touch
where I want to be. Far, far fewer keystrokes. And because I know
where things are, if I'm explaining something to a friend or family
member, I can help them visually identify it far more easily than I
could've with JAWS. It really has shortened the distance between how I
use a computer and how my sighted friends do, and that's awesome.

That's also why I like that VO doesn't make assumptions about what I
want it to do, or decide that I'll inevitably want certain extra
commands. There are some essential things that really do have to be
there for basic functionality, and a lot of really cool stuff that
just makes life easier, but I'm not relying on the kind of special
JAWS scripts to get things done. Again, it increase parity between me
and everyone else using Macs. I didn't know it at the time, but now I
really do feel that JAWS was a layer between me and the operating
system, which in many cases made it very difficult if scripts broke,
or programs were updated, or I was simply trying to explain to a non-
JAWS user how I did something. Now I tell them what steps I take, and
in most cases, they can replicate them.

On Jun 17, 10:35 am, "Dave Taylor"  wrote:
> Here are some specific questions on areas where it appears Jaws is ahead.
> 1. In messenger programs, is it possible to have a set of keystrokes that
> will read messages and stay within the history area while being able to type
> in the edit area at the same time and review that typing? I would want to
> have a feature set like the alt plus numbers and arrows in Jaws otherwise it
> would be too slow. This is one of the main reasons I haven't switched to
> NVDA rather than Jaws.
> 2. In Skype, I can get to my contacts or conversations list with single
> keystrokes using ctrl 1 and ctrl 2, and focus most other areas with similar
> keystrokes. In addition to the feature I just asked for in messenger, how
> easy is this in Mac?
> 3. This one is not a Mac problem, but is really important to me. I use
> several programs that make tasks so easy in Windows that don't work on the
> Mac. How much does it cost to buy Windows stand alone these days to run
> those on a Mac? I'm thinking of SpeakOn which makes internet radio, podcasts
> and all sorts of other audio things much easier and gives you fantastic
> control over speed etc, Kurzweil 1000 which though expensive automates so
> much of my mail reading by simply scanning and automatically reading things
> while I'm doing things, and programs that don't even exist for Mac like the
> VIP communicator for the Accessible Friends Network and VIP Conduit.
> It is also possible with Jaws for people to write scripts to do things and
> share them. Is this possible for VO?

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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-17 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Thanks a lot for this, Cara and Josh. I've always been wanting to know how to 
do this. :)

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:42 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hi Mary;
>   While the process to rearrange columns is somewhat annoying in my opinion, 
> :) it is really a set it and forget it type of thing, so once you do it you 
> really need not do it again. I.E. these settings will persist over newer 
> versions of Mail as well as entire OS updates or restorations from backups. 
>   Here's an excerpt (below) from a post from Josh De Lioncourt on this, which 
> is how I learned it. :) Thanks Josh! -Just a note of my own though, I'm 
> actually able to avoid many of these steps now and simply do this free-hand 
> with the trackpad as I have VO set to speak what's under the mouse with no 
> delay. So I go to the top of the table as Josh says and route my mouse cursor 
> to VO. then, I do everything else just by using the trackpad. VO allows me to 
> locate the button I'd like, and I then hold down the trackpad button and move 
> left or right, depending on where I'd like to move the column. There is guess 
> work here with this approach though, as VO doesn't seem to want to read while 
> I'm dragging, so I first note where the columns are currently, and then move 
> appropriately. So Josh's solution may offer more feedback when you get to 
> this point. Best of luck and enjoy!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---Josh's post follows---
> If you're comfortable using the mouse or trackpad, you can actually do this 
> on your own.  I just figured out how.  Here's the steps.
> Move to the top of the messages table and, while interacting with it, 
> navigate to the status column, which is one of those that says "blank".  Then 
> do this:
> 1. Move the mouse to VO cursor with VO-Command-F5
> 2. Lock the VO keys with VO-Semicolon
> 3.  Move the mouse/trackpad slowly upward while repeatedly pressing F5 to 
> hear what's under the mouse.  Eventually, you will hear "Status sort button". 
>  I don't know of anyway to get to these directly with VO, but VO does 
> recognize them.  These are the column headers and you will notice that they 
> exist for all the columns.
> 4. Physically hold down the mouse button and slowly drag to the right.  You 
> will pass over the other sort buttons.  If you move off course above or 
> below, you can adjust and find the sort buttons again.  Once you've passed 
> all the columns, let go of the mouse button.  You will know it is safe to do 
> this because VO will report the "Status Sort button" is under your mouse 
> instead of the others.
> It's not an elegant, or even great, solution, but it works if you're 
> comfortable with the mouse.  I drag-and-drop like this all the time when the 
> VO D&D doesn't get the job done.  I just did this in mail and now have the 
> Status column to the far right and out of the way.
> Josh de Lioncourt
> Mac-cessibility:
> Twitter:
> "The rich declare themselves poor,
> "And most of us are not sure,
> "If we have too much,
> "But we'll take our chances,
> "'cause God stopped keeping score."
> Praying for Time--George Michael
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Cara,
> In a recent message you noted that it is possible to reorder the columns in 
> the messages table. I see in the view menu where you can eliminate some 
> although message status isn't one of them, sadly. But I don't see where you 
> can reorder them,  e.g. I want subject first, furtherst to the left in the 
> row, such that it will be the first thing read when moving through the table 
> as you described to Dave. Tab to the preview pane, read the message, delete 
> it and you're moved back to the messages table. then you have to listen to 
> the message status and the sender's info before you hear the next subject. 
> I'd like to not hear message status and would like subject prior to sender. 
> Not a big deal unless you've got hundreds of emails backed up, I suppose. but 
> it would be nice. 
> Mary
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread Scott Howell
Laura, very well stated and very much to the point.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:43 PM, Laura M wrote:

> As to 1, I find messaging on the Mac to be much, much more enjoyable
> than I ever did on Windows. If you want to, you can use it the way you
> describe, so you don't have to switch back and forth between the
> message area and typing field, but even if you use it by tabbing
> between them, your place is generally remembered, at least on iChat.
> It also handles multi-person chats better than anything I ever had
> with Windows. and the best part is, it works without any kind of Jaws
> overlay. The same commands I use to switch between windows, or bring
> up contacts are exactly the same for non-Voiceover users.
> On a general point, I think listening to demos isn't a good way of
> figuring out whether you'll be efficient. They don't sound convincing
> in that regard, I know. That's no fault of the demos, I don't think.
> It's just hard because some of the concepts, like interacting, seem
> much more complicated than they are when you're just hearing about
> them. When you're using them, they're far more intuitive--or at least,
> they were for me.
> Once I started using it, I found that I loved the Voiceover way of
> doing things. I don't know if it's always more efficient (though I
> certainly don't think it's less), but it's more useful than that for
> me. Between group mode and the trackpad, I have a far better sense of
> how websites and screens work. There's a context that was never
> present with JAWS. I know, for example, how the mail program is laid
> out, or that certain webpages have easily accessible sidebars that I
> can instantly reach. That absolutely does make me more efficient,
> because instead of tabbing or arrowing everywhere, I can just touch
> where I want to be. Far, far fewer keystrokes. And because I know
> where things are, if I'm explaining something to a friend or family
> member, I can help them visually identify it far more easily than I
> could've with JAWS. It really has shortened the distance between how I
> use a computer and how my sighted friends do, and that's awesome.
> That's also why I like that VO doesn't make assumptions about what I
> want it to do, or decide that I'll inevitably want certain extra
> commands. There are some essential things that really do have to be
> there for basic functionality, and a lot of really cool stuff that
> just makes life easier, but I'm not relying on the kind of special
> JAWS scripts to get things done. Again, it increase parity between me
> and everyone else using Macs. I didn't know it at the time, but now I
> really do feel that JAWS was a layer between me and the operating
> system, which in many cases made it very difficult if scripts broke,
> or programs were updated, or I was simply trying to explain to a non-
> JAWS user how I did something. Now I tell them what steps I take, and
> in most cases, they can replicate them.

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Re: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Scott Howell
So, would you be upset if AT&T instead setup a price plan for users such as 
yourself and charged $100 a month for unlimited data? Maybe AT&T needs to "fix" 
their infrastructure, but they still reserve the right to charge whatever they 
choose for their service. YOu of course always have the option to choose the 
service and carrier. Of course there are a number of wi-fi hotspots available 
when your out and I suspect more carriers will be leveraging hotspots to 
relieve congestion on their networks. Of course you could always find another 
phone that meets your needs. :)
Oh and what is the difference in "yapping" on the telephone or using Skype? 
Seems to me they both accomplish the same thing.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> how do you figure that  if you don't actually USE your phone maybe, but i 
> want an I phone for streaming and data NOT for yapping onthe phone  i also 
> want it for the echlink client and skype. i almost never talk on the 
> telephone. and i can suck down 2 gb in a day I'd imagine. a couple hours of 
> streaming audio a week and I'd bus tmy limit. at and t just needs to get off 
> thier can and fix their outdated infastructure! it's not like I'm tryinh o 
> ownload movies but 2 gb can't be worth anything and god forbid i ever did 
> want to listen to something from netflix or huly  great job the i pad will 
> have an ap for netflix just in time for at and t to kill of any chance of 
> acutlaly using it except at home. if I have to be home to stream audio with 
> my I phone that I was going to buy I'd jus tuse my laptop

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2010-06-17 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi again fellow mac folk,
When I'm chatting in skype, every time the other person responds, I get this 
weird "growl system wrap dialog" thing. I end up having to command tab back to 
the chat window to read the response. Is there a way I can either modify 
growl's behavior, perhaps with a muzzle, or turn it off? Has anyone found a fix 
for this issue? Thanks again. I appreciate all of you and the awesome 
information I learn on this list.


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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-17 Thread sandi sørensen

On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

themac is great if you dont plan on doing any irc

tried xchat and macirssi?

 i have used it for over 2 years works perfectly


and don't expect much if anything in the way of amateur radio  
software. theonly ham radio software i have found  so far that I  
have used that is accessible is mac doppler and it's abit expensive  
at $09 bu tit works

On Jun 16, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:

Hello Everyone,
I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know  
what satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac  
and windows. I have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like  
a very stable screen reading solution. I like the portable  
preferences feature, and from what I have read thus far I do  
believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my very near  
future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a  
mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would  
appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going  
from the windows operating system to the mac operating system, but  
I am ready and willing to learn all that I can.

Thank you,

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Re: Growl

2010-06-17 Thread Courtney Curran
I don't know how much this will help, but I just turned it off, I think it's 
under system preferences or maybe in the Skype preferences.

On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi again fellow mac folk,
> When I'm chatting in skype, every time the other person responds, I get this 
> weird "growl system wrap dialog" thing. I end up having to command tab back 
> to the chat window to read the response. Is there a way I can either modify 
> growl's behavior, perhaps with a muzzle, or turn it off? Has anyone found a 
> fix for this issue? Thanks again. I appreciate all of you and the awesome 
> information I learn on this list.
> Friendly,
> Chris
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