Applications started via KDE Kicker in wrong language (via shell ok)

2002-11-27 Thread Manegold

After updating to woody and KDE 3 non-kde-applications started via kicker 
start with the wrong language setting. If I start them via kconsole they 
start up with the right setting (except galeon, which then hangs). 

My guess is that the language environment variables are not set correctly 
before kde starts. (I had some problems with those too, since I got "locale 
not supported by C library errors. running dpkg-reconfigure locales did not 
help, so I added de_DE.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15 in /etc/locale.gen and 
regenereated the locales. This seemed to solve that problem. I don't really 
know why.)

I have LANG, LC_ALL etc. set for de_DE@euro for bash in /etc/language-de and 
source that from environment, profile and bashrc, which seem to work as 
starting via kconsole works (as far as language setting is concerned).

What do I have to change to have them start via kicker in my chosen language 

Any ideas?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

System freezes sporadically during user initiated HD access (SCSI)

2003-04-03 Thread Manegold
Hi all,
my debian woody system developed a quirk that I can't isolate. From time to 
time the system freezes with the HD access light on. This LED is attaced to 
the SCSI controller (Terratec) so I guess this means it happens while it 
accesses on of the SCSI devices. I have a DVD-ROM and two SCSI HD attached, 
but the access can only be related to one HD, since the other is normally not 
mounted and it happens without using the DVD-ROM in any way.
The freezing is not reproducible to any specific task as such that it would 
then freeze up every time, but it usually happens only when the (read) drive 
access is initiated by a logged in user like when loggin in in KDM while KDE 
is starting or while using the system. The heavy drive access during cron job 
activity alone does not freeze system. Also I'm usually fine as a normal 
user, after the cron job is finished. Using the system while the cron 
activity is going on, however, is risky and usually freezes the system with 
drive LED on either during login or shortly thereafter (mostly while starting 
applications, but also while just typing away.)

Of course there are no messages in any logs, since the system freezes 

Also the problem seems not to be restricted to Linux. It happened under 
Windows 98, which I use for some games, too. That leads me to conclude that 
it might be hardware related.

Can anybody give me a clue what I can try to isolate the problem?


PS: please cc via private mail so that I don't miss the reply

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

apt-get error

2000-08-23 Thread Manegold

I got potato on CD's and followed the update instructions on them. That
is, I updated my slink versions of apt and dpkg to the statically linked
newer versions. Then I did apt-cdrom add for all binary cd's and followed
that with apt-get update. So far so good.
When I did apt-get --fix-broken --show-upgrade dist-upgrade, I got the
info about what apt wanted to remove, install and update. Then it asked
for teh first CD. After RETURN it calculated dependencies and quit with
the message:

E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration

What does that mean, and how to I make apt-get do the update?

I had
 script -a update2.2.log
running to get a transcript. I attach it to this message


Thorsten Manegold

 ( o.o )
Date: 23-Aug-00 
Time: 21:55:53 CET
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  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Description: upgrade-2.2.typescript

Re: apt-get error

2000-08-24 Thread Manegold
Hi !

Well apt-get upgrade did never finish OK. It started out more or less ok,
but after a while it could not properly configure some packages
(gimp-manual and libpaperg (here it never accepted any paper format like
a4 and there was no list to choose from; therefore forcing a ctrl+c and
thereby aborting everything)). After this incomplete upgrade nothing was
changed with apt-ger dist-upgrade.

What now?


On 23-Aug-00 Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> When I did apt-get --fix-broken --show-upgrade dist-upgrade, I got the
>> info about what apt wanted to remove, install and update. Then it
>> asked
> Hm. You have more packages installed than I have ever seen.. This is a
> bug
> - can you please send me a copy of /var/lib/dpkg/status [mime+gzip]
> when
> this is happening.
> For your immediate problem.. I recommend you attempt starting with
> 'upgrade' and then switch to dist-upgrade after that completes OK. 
> Jason

 ( o.o )
Date: 24-Aug-00 
Time: 19:31:10 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: KDE2 dependence problem

2000-10-27 Thread Manegold
Anthony Fox wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Peter Fedichev wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have seen a couple of "I have installed KDE2" reports here. How have
> > you managed, since .debs on seem to require libgl1?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> I apt-got kde2 debs from  It installed without a
> hitch on my potato box.  The appropriate line in your sources.list file is
> deb http://kde.tdyc.potato kde2
> kde2 is another story though.  kde2 apps seem to be crashing on me left
> and right.  Within 5 min of starting up, the little kde2 clipboard app
> crashes and pops up an annoying segfault warning window.  Then, every time
> I exit an app from within the kde2 window manager (i.e. kde2 and non-kde2
> apps), I get the annoying segfault warning window explaining to me that
> the app crashed.
> Is anyone else experiencing these same problems?

Yep same here. konqueror sometimes won't even start without segfault.
After waiting a while it suddenly does. Even though its not stable.

How to use Suspend to RAM

2000-11-02 Thread Manegold
I have a Tekram DC390F SCSI adapter Bios 3.20 and an ASUS K7V Mainboard,
which supports suspend to RAM. I have a 9GB IBM SCSI HD and a DVD ROM on
the SCSI Adapter and use Kernel 2.2.17 and Potato with apm support

Now my question. How can I have the System go into suspend? When I issue
the command, the system beeps three times, the Processor (Athlon 700)
seems to swich into suspend and its ventilator seems to power down.
However, the HD and its fans as well as the power supply with its fan
continue to run. How can I have them go to suspend too, as they should??

Thorsten Manegold

external apps in Netscape

2000-11-02 Thread Manegold
How can I have Netscape use external apps for certain files? I did add
them in the Preferences and they get started, but they are not passed
the file to display. I tried " %f" and ... %d but nothing
The help system does not even mention that aspect. At least I can't find
it. Any ideas?

Thorsten Manegold

T-Online Software for Linux?

2000-11-07 Thread Manegold
Hi All!

Is there a software to access the german T-Online (formerly BTX) under
I know how to use PPP (Internet) via T-Online and Linux, but the
official decoder supplied by the Telekom is Windows. It's however needed
for doing the telebanking stuff more securely, since it is a closed
system not going via the internet.
If I could find a software for that, I think I could induce my mother to
swich to Linux, since she is not doing much else on her computer besides
some correspondence and StarOffice et. al. can take care of that.


mp3 ID Editor?

2000-11-09 Thread Manegold
Hi All!

Does anyone know, how I can edit the ID tag of an mp3 file?


Re: more than one .sty file in a tex document!?

2000-11-23 Thread Manegold
Manuel Hendel wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to use more than one .sty file in a tex document? For
> example, let's say I use g-brief as documentclass, but also want to
> use letter or dinbrief and a package called rechnung.
yes and no. Some packages like footmisc, soul, which are not a document
class can be used alonside each other. g-brief und dinbrief, however,
are different documten classes. Same as you can't write a document based
on book.cls and a letter (based on g-brief, letter, dinbrief or
whatever) at the same time, you can't do that with different classes for
a letter. This also applies for the different variants for reports,
books or articles. If you tried, the last one will probably overwrite
the previous if it does not give you an error.


Re: more than one .sty file in a tex document!?

2000-11-23 Thread Manegold
Manuel Hendel wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 09:44:40AM +0100, Manegold wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 09:44:40 +0100
> > From: Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Manuel Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: Debian-User-Mailinglist 
> > Subject: Re: more than one .sty file in a tex document!?
> >
> > Manuel Hendel wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > is it possible to use more than one .sty file in a tex document? For
> > > example, let's say I use g-brief as documentclass, but also want to
> > > use letter or dinbrief and a package called rechnung.
> > >
> > Hi,
> > yes and no. Some packages like footmisc, soul, which are not a document
> > class can be used alonside each other. g-brief und dinbrief, however,
> > are different documten classes. Same as you can't write a document based
> > on book.cls and a letter (based on g-brief, letter, dinbrief or
> > whatever) at the same time, you can't do that with different classes for
> > a letter. This also applies for the different variants for reports,
> > books or articles. If you tried, the last one will probably overwrite
> > the previous if it does not give you an error.
> >
> > HTH
> > Thorsten
> >
> Actually I want to use the class g-breif, but I need the functions for
> the footer from the letter class or is there any package which I can
> add to my .tex file together with g-brief to get the footers?

Well you can always try and see if it works. In your case try to input
the letter class after the g-brief class. I don't think this will give
the desired result though.
The prelim2e package puts something at the lower edge of the each page
that you can customize to what you want there. Maybe that does what you

Re: strange syslog messages

2000-11-23 Thread Manegold
Michael Bürkle wrote:
> several times i got this syslog message popping up on the console:
> kernel: CPU0: Machine Check Exception: 0004<0>BANK 4:
> b240151general protection fault: 
> I'm running kernel 2.2.17
> any suggestions?
Could this be a memory module in Bank 4 with a defect?
Just a guess...

Re: fetchmail not communicating with exim.

2000-11-23 Thread Manegold
Timmy Douglas wrote:
> "John-Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello all
> > I have been battling with exim, fetchmail and mutt now for what seems like
> > eons! I have made progress over the time and am at a situation now where I
> > can receive mal I send to a normal user from root. However when trying to
> > connect receive mail from my remote server fetchmail does not seem to be
> > passing the mail to exim and  therefore I am receiving no mail in the jmj
> > mail box. Does nay one have any idea a how I can rectify this problem? Also
> > if fetchmail is not transferring mail to exim where is it putting it?
> > Thanks for all help which is much appreciated.
> i would start by telling fetchmail to be verbose.. fetchmail -v?
> maybe you could figure out what it is doing from that.
> heh.. i think i've seen you before ;)

Is exim running, or if it's started by inetd, as per default I think, do
you have inetd running and exim set up correctly to be started by inetd?


Re: more than one .sty file in a tex document!?

2000-11-25 Thread Manegold
In what order did you load the packages?

Maybe g-brief overwrites your settings, if it's loades after fancyhdr.


On 24-Nov-2000 Manuel Hendel wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 08:42:05AM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:42:05 -0800
>> From: "Eric G . Miller" 
>> To: Debian-User-Mailinglist 
>> Cc: Manuel Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: more than one .sty file in a tex document!?
>> On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 10:40:46AM +0100, Manuel Hendel wrote:
>> > Actually I want to use the class g-breif, but I need the functions
>> > for
>> > the footer from the letter class or is there any package which I can
>> > add to my .tex file together with g-brief to get the footers?
>> Have you tried \usepackage{fancyhdr}? It gives you pretty good control
>> over headers and footers.
> Now I've tried the "fancyhdr". I use the documentclass "g-brief", the
> "rechnung" and the "fancyhdr" package. I did a "latex file.tex", I
> didn't get any errors, but if I do a "xdvi file.dvi" I don't see
> anything of the thigs I've done with \cfoot{}. I can't see any
> problems. Can anyone give me a hint?
> Thanks,
> Manuel
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

 ( o.o )
Date: 24-Nov-2000 
Time: 21:30:37 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

TTF - Fonts in KDE 2.0 apps

2000-11-26 Thread Manegold
Hi All!

Why is it that KDE2 apps don't offer any ttf-fonts supplied by the
xfstt-server? Other apps (Netscape Mozilla etc.) offer those fonts. Even
some other (PS Type1) fonts supplied via xfs are not an option. Again
why?? How can I convince those apps to accept the ttf fonts too?

I'm running potato 2.2r0 with the debs of tdyc installed.

Thorsten Manegold
 ( o.o )
Date: 25-Nov-2000 
Time: 23:53:12 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: how to keep portmap from running?

2000-11-27 Thread Manegold
Gary Hennigan wrote:
> "Anthony Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 22 Nov 2000, Christoph Simon wrote:
> > > On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:59:52 -0800 (PST)
> > > Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > bleah.  how do i keep this program from starting on boot?
> > > >
> > > > i looked in /etc/init.d.  can't even find a startup script for this 
> > > > thing!
> > > > it's not in inetd.conf either.   how does this thing get started?
> > > >
> > >
> > > Have a look at /etc/init.d/portmap
> > >
> > > --
> > > Christoph Simon
> > > ---
> >
> > Is it a good idea to stop portmap from running? I did this a long time
> > ago and it broke a lot of things (couldn't send or receive mail, as I
> > remember).
> In the past there have been a few security incidents with things
> associated with portmap. I definately don't run it on my 24/7 system
> that's connected to the internet. If you do use it make sure you use
> tcp wrappers to secure it.

How is that done? (or where can I find info regarding this)


> It should NOT affect email. The only thing I know of that uses portmap
> is NFS.
> Gary
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TTF - Fonts in KDE 2.0 apps

2000-11-27 Thread Manegold
Sorry I didn't explain that properly. I meant, that I have xfstt serving
ttf fonts to X. This works fine with other apps (Nescape, Mozilla etc.),
so the problem is not there. konqueror and the other KDE2 apps however do
not see those fonts and do not offer them for selection.



On 26-Nov-2000 Bruce Sass wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> Why is it that KDE2 apps don't offer any ttf-fonts supplied by the
>> xfstt-server? Other apps (Netscape Mozilla etc.) offer those fonts.
>> Even
>> some other (PS Type1) fonts supplied via xfs are not an option. Again
>> why?? How can I convince those apps to accept the ttf fonts too?
>> I'm running potato 2.2r0 with the debs of tdyc installed.
> There are no fonts supplied with xfstt, but the fonts from my brothers
> w95 disk and the TTF's packaged for Debian work just fine with the
> KDE2 .debs Ivan has been building.
> later,
>   Bruce

 ( o.o )
Date: 26-Nov-2000 
Time: 22:35:28 CET
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  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

RE: Problem with Z32 in a Woody box

2000-11-28 Thread Manegold

On 28-Nov-2000 curro wrote:
>   Hi, I have been unable to configure my Linux box to print in a
> LexmarkZ32 printer connected to the serial port. I have installed in 

Do you really mean "serial port"?
I seem to remember that the Z32 does not work under Linux. At least I
think that is what (or .com?) has in it's database.

> my 700MHz Inspiron 5000e laptop the Woody dist (It seems necessary to
> get
> X correctly configured) and everything else seems to work correctly  (I

X should have nothing to do with it, since lpd/lpdng are deamons that do
not depend on X. Also ghostscript as the filter ("driver") does not need

> didn't try to compile neither sound support nor APM yet). My problem is
> that I am not able to "communicate" with the printer.
>   Reading the Printing-HOWTO it seems necessary to disable PnP
> support for the parallel port from the BIOS setup, what I am not sure
> how

Is it the parallel port now?

> to do it. In any case I have tried the various setup configurations for
> the parallel port and none of the allowed me to "talk" to the printer.
> I
> got /dev/lp[0,1,2,21] but sending a file to these devices had any
> effect

Since you said you connected it to the serial port that is correct.

> on the printer (Normally lp1 and lp2 complained the device doesn't
> exist
> and lp0 does nothing and display no error message. I would appreciate
> greatly some help or hint on this. The output of the command: cat
> /proc/parport/0/* in my system is the following
> MODEL:Unknown device;
> MANUFACTURER:Unknown vendor;
>  lp
> base:   0x378
> irq:none
> dma:none
> modes:  SPP,ECP,ECPPS2
> none

Sorry, not to be of help.

 ( o.o )
Date: 28-Nov-2000 
Time: 22:14:59 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: Problem with Z32 in a Woody box

2000-11-29 Thread Manegold
curro wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > On 28-Nov-2000 curro wrote:
> > >
> > >   Hi, I have been unable to configure my Linux box to print in a
> > > LexmarkZ32 printer connected to the serial port. I have installed in
> >
> > Do you really mean "serial port"?
> > I seem to remember that the Z32 does not work under Linux. At least I
> > think that is what (or .com?) has in it's database.
> >
> You are completely right, I am sorry, it is my fault. The printer
> is connected to the parallel port, the usual one for printers. It seems
> that this printer is supported. I downloaded the linux driver from the
> lexmark site. It was available as an rpm package but I installed it with
> alien without any problem, just the printer is still completely "deaf" to
> any of my requirements.
> >
> > > my 700MHz Inspiron 5000e laptop the Woody dist (It seems necessary to
> > > get
> > > X correctly configured) and everything else seems to work correctly  (I
> >
> > X should have nothing to do with it, since lpd/lpdng are deamons that do
> > not depend on X. Also ghostscript as the filter ("driver") does not need
> > X ASAIK.
> Again you are completely right. I only said that in order to explain why I
> choose Woody instead of Potato. I am not completely newbie to Debian and
> Linux but I would have installed potato as it is the stable distribution
> which should give less problems. The need of a running X  force me to try
> woody, with very good results up to now.
> >
> > > didn't try to compile neither sound support nor APM yet). My problem is
> > > that I am not able to "communicate" with the printer.
> > >
> > >   Reading the Printing-HOWTO it seems necessary to disable PnP
> > > support for the parallel port from the BIOS setup, what I am not sure
> > > how
> >
> > Is it the parallel port now?
> >
> Yes.
> > > to do it. In any case I have tried the various setup configurations for
> > > the parallel port and none of the allowed me to "talk" to the printer.
> > > I
> > > got /dev/lp[0,1,2,21] but sending a file to these devices had any
> > > effect
> >
> > Since you said you connected it to the serial port that is correct.
> >
> It was connected to the parallel port.
> >
> > Sorry, not to be of help.
> >
> >
I assume that the parport support in the kernel/modules is enabled/the
module loaded and PLIP disabled.
Can you try with some other device if it's a port problem (looks like
one though) or printer Problem?


Re: new kdm not reading kdmrc??

2000-11-30 Thread Manegold
Nate Amsden wrote:
> Evan Van Dyke wrote:
> >
> > Ok, this seems silly but does anyone know why since one or two upgrades
> > ago on kdm it would have stopped reading my /etc/kde2/kdmrc file?
> > the session-types box has dropped down to just kde and failsafe...
> yes i noticed that too when i installed kde2 from ..
> (running potato..)
It disappeared for me too, but can be readded via the login manager.


Re: Problem with Z32 in a Woody box

2000-12-01 Thread Manegold
curro wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Manegold wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > I assume that the parport support in the kernel/modules is enabled/the
> > module loaded and PLIP disabled.
> > Can you try with some other device if it's a port problem (looks like
> > one though) or printer Problem?
> >
> > Thorsten
> >
> I do not have other device available to check the port. I think
> the modules are enabled and what I am not sure is if PLIP is disabled.
> How could I check this? I enclose here some outputs that could be of help
> a) lsmod output
> Module  Size  Used by
> parport_probe   3344   0  (autoclean)
> parport_pc  7184   1  (autoclean)
> lp  5168   0  (autoclean)
> parport 7280   1  (autoclean) [parport_probe parport_pc lp]
> lockd  31152   1  (autoclean)
> sunrpc 52432   1  (autoclean) [lockd]
> ds  6544   2
> i82365 28528   2
> pcmcia_core44384   0  [ds i82365]
> nls_iso8859-1   2272   1  (autoclean)
> nls_cp437   3776   1  (autoclean)
> vfat9008   1  (autoclean)
> serial 19696   0  (autoclean)
> unix   10160   9  (autoclean)

If you compiled your kernel, you could look in the configuration that
you used (eg. make menuconfig). If not: I don't know of an insall-kernel
that had it enabled. From your modules it does not appear that you have
plip loaded, but it could still be compiled into the kernel, thererfore
the above. The parport moudules seem to be there.

> b) cat /proc/parport/0/*
> CLASS:Printer;
> MODEL:Lexmark Z22-Z32;
> DESCRIPTION:Lexmark Z22-Z32;
>  lp
> base:   0x378
> irq:none
> dma:none
> modes:  SPP
> none

So it seems like your Parport is ok and communcating with the printer.

> c) lpq (just after sending an ASCII file to the printer with lp)
> Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'z32'
>  Queue: no printable jobs in queue
>  Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 21:47:06.076
>  Filter_status: lp is ready and printing
> It seems to be ready but as soon as the file arrives it is removed from
> the queue. If I just do cat file > /dev/lp0 as root neither it complains
> nor it prints anything.

I agree, seems to be ready. So the parport is ok, Linux sees the port
and as it seems to see the printer as well. The problem therefore seems
to be either with the printer or the driver/filter. But since cat file >
/dev/lp0 does not give any reaktion from the printer (no lights blinking
indicating that it receives data, right?), it seems more like a problem
of the printer itself (unless it can't print plain ASCII as some
printers can't).
Therefore: You are sure the printer itself is working? It works with
other computers/OSs? Just to check all the bases, since I'm running out
of ideas.

> I hope this information could give you a hint. Thanks for your
> interest. I posted a similar asking to a DELL Laptop users mail list and I
> got any answer from there. Sorry for the mistakes in my first messages,
> I am a full newbie in mail lists and I may be prone to this silly
> mistakes.

Maybe someone else got some input too??


Re: filter

2000-12-01 Thread Manegold

On 29-Jun-2000 Frederico S. Muñoz wrote:
> Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 13:46:05 +0100, Sven Garbade wrote:
>> >Why don t you use apsfilter or magicfilter? I think you can save a
>> >lot
>> >of work.
>> >
> Also I found that CUPS works flawlessly on my bix, it's very easy to
> configure and comes with HP and EPSON drivers by default, network
> aware,
> etc.
> I really like CUPS, it solved most of my problems, and you can still
> use
> the lp* commands (CUPS substitutes them with a new version).

Did you use the deb of potato? I tried to install CUPS this way, but
apparently it only has a laserjet and a deskjet driver. Also there are no
config questions during package installation. Therefore giving an
unusable state. I'm back to lprng and apsfilter now, but am still
interested in getting CUPS to work for me.
Any hints?


> hope it helps,
> fsm
> --
> Frederico Serrano Muñoz   GNU:
> SDF - Public Access Unix Systems -
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

 ( o.o )
Date: 29-Nov-2000 
Time: 17:44:35 CET
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  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: Printer woes

2000-12-04 Thread Manegold
Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi again,
> I earlier sent a message about problems I have been having getting a
> printer to work under kernel 2.4.0-test11.  Well, I since have tried
> it under a 2.15 kernel on a laptop and got the same problem ---
> printer not active or something to that effect.
> I also took the printer home where I have a computer (using a
> 2.4.0-test10 kernel) with a printer where everything works.  I
> connected up the problem printer instead, and it doesn't work!  Except
> that here the problem is a bit different.  Here it doesn't say the
> printer is not active, or offline.  On the contrary, it says that it
> is active and printing, the only problem is that all that happens, is
> that after a suitable period of time (1 minute or so, maybe 2) it
> claims to have finished printing when in actual fact nothing has
> printed at all!
> Now why this is different behaviour from the original desktop (and the
> laptop) I do not know.  Perhaps because the more sophisticated
> parallel port communication stuff was compiled into the kernels of the
> former?  I don't know.  But the bottom line is that the printer
> doesn't seem to be working whichever computer I attach it to.
> I know that printing works for my home desktop, so it seems to me that
> it probably is a problem with the printer.  I swapped cables and that
> didn't change matters, so it would seem to be a problem with the
> actual printer.  It is a Canon BJC-4200.
> So, the question that I have is
> What should I do now?  Should I just take the printer to some repair
> shop (can anyone recommend anyone?)?  Or are there other simple things
> I could do to try and fix the problem?  Is there something simple I am
> missing?
> Are there any other ways I could check whether it is really a problem
> with the printer?  (I could always, shock, horror, try and use it
> under windows --- of course that would mean having to work out how to
> set it up under windows).
> Well I suppose this email is as much me thinking out aloud than
> anything else, but if anyone has some useful feedback, I'd love to
> hear it.
Unless it's a problem that Linux has with this printer, I agree that it
seems to be the printer that is the problem. If you want to make really
sure, try if you can get it to work with Windoze, if you have that
option. Otherwise back to the vendor or whoever.


Re: Setting up a postscript printer

2000-12-11 Thread Manegold
"S.Salman Ahmed" wrote:
> I have a Lexmark Optra E312 Postscript printer that I am trying,
> unsuccessfully, to configure.
> I decided to use CUPS as the LinuxPrinting-HOWTO mentions that to be
> quite easy. So I apt-get installed cupsys, cupsys-bsd, cupsys-client,
> qtcups and xpp, the last two packages being frontends.

The last two are not part of potato. Did you install them from woody?
> I copied the Optra E312's PPD file to /usr/share/cups/models and was
> able to successfully add the Optra E312 printer using their web
> interface (running on localhost:631). And I was also able to print the
> test page from web interface, and the test page came out fine.
> But that is all I have been able to print. When I try using either of
> the two frontend, qtcups or xpp, to print a file, I can see the Data LED
> on the printer blink but nothing gets printed. The log file shows the
> following:
> (/var/log/cups/error_log)
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Job 15 queued on 'OptraE312' by 'ssahmed'.
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops 
> (PID 658) for job 15.
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
> (PID 659) for job 15.
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel 
> (PID 660) for job 15.
> I have added myself to the lp group but I don't know if that makes a
> difference or not. My printer is setup on the first parallel port:
> (some output from dmesg)
> parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [PCSPP,TRISTATE,COMPAT,ECP]
> parport0: irq 7 detected
> parport0: cpp_daisy: aa5500ff(98)
> parport0: assign_addrs: aa5500ff(98)
> parport0: Printer, Lexmark International Lexmark Optra E312
> lp0: using parport0 (polling).
> lp0: console ready
> I also tried using the CUPS-bsd command line utilities (lp, lpr) and
> they produce the same effect as well: the Data LED blinks but nothing
> gets printed at the printer.
> Can someone explain what I am doing wrong, or what step I have missed
> setting up CUPS ?
> Alternatively, is there another way to setup this postscript printer ? I
> have the printer's PPD file so I was assuming that this would have been
> really easy.

I tried CUPS too, but didn't get it to work (potato packages). Since I
print locally only, I went back to magicfilter, which works. In your
case you could set up magicfilter (or apsfilter) to use the postscript


What is VNC?

2000-12-11 Thread Manegold
I'm wondering what VNC is. According to the package listing it is a
remote display system. Therefore something like X.
But what does that mean? Can I use it instead of X?
Does it need special apps that make use of it, or can normal X/KDE/Gnome
- apps make use of it?
What are the advantages of VNC over X?


Printing with TrueType fonts ?

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold

How do I make eg. StarOffice print using the truetype fonts selected?
After all it's little use seeing them on screen, but not be able to
print out, what you did.


Re: es1371

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold
romain lerallut wrote:
> Hello debian-users !
> I have a problem using a es1371 sound card (it's really a SB128 PCI).
> In a nutshell: the system can't talk to the card...
> I am using woody and a kernel 2.2.17
> Here's what I did:
> recompiling the kernel (sound support: module , es1371: module )
>  es1371.o and soundcore.o are in /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc,  OK
> reboot.
> I see something flashing about a char-major-14 but It's too fast.
>  adding a "alias char-major-14 es1371" to the /etc/modutils/aliases
>  seems to have fixed it. At least I don't get that error anymore.
> (I got this in reading Documentation/sound/Introduction in the kernel source 
> tree.)
> the es1371 driver gets loaded, no complaint
> "es1371:  es1371 card found rev8, io=0xe000 , IRQ=11 "  and so on.
> the card is in /proc/pci
> lsmod shows:
> es1371  0   unused
> soundcore  4  [es1371]
> It seems fine until  now.(at least to me)
> - there's nothing in /dev/sndstat  (the file "exists" but cat /dev/sndstat 
> say no such device)
> - there's no /proc/sound file
> - if I try to use the sound card the whole system freezes.( I experience it 
> mostly with
> xmms1.2.3 )
> I'd REALLY appreciate someone who uses an es1371 to tell me exactly what I'm
> missing (option something or other).
> I've already  RTFMed  /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/es1371 , but there's
> scarcely any info in there.
> Thanks
> Romain
> PS: i've this sndconfig lurking around, is it useful ?
I have a SB128 working. However I compiled the es1371 into the kernel,
since I had problems with it as a module (don't remember what was the
reason, if I ever found it). Even that way it did not work initially. I
later found out, that my BIOS settings were at fault, since PnP was
enabled and that way the kernel did not see the SB. Now it's working.
You might also try the es1370 driver, since The SB128 can supposedly
also contain that chip.

BTW. You can look at the output during boot with "dmsg"


Re: What is VNC?

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold
Alson van der Meulen wrote:
> > When it comes to controlling a Linux X display, I'm a little more hazy.
> >
> > Near as I can figure, if you want to control a Linux box using VNC, you
> > don't run your normal X server. Instead you run vncserver from a non-X
> > environment. This starts the VNC server, but you don't see any GUI
> > locally. To see a local GUI, you then have to do some magic to get your
> > window manager to run on the VNC server; this means that you're not
> > running your accelerated X server, so you may see some speed issues,
> > etc. Then from the second Linux (or Mac, or Windows) box, you run the
> > VNC client and connect like in Example 2 above.
> >
> > In other words, as far as I can tell, you can't run your super-duper
> > accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server locally if you want to
> > see the same desktop locally and via remote control. This is not the
> > (semi-equivalent) case on Windows, but it seems to be the case on Linux.
> >
> > I may very well misunderstand how the thing works, but this is the
> > conclusion I've come to after trying it three or four times over the
> > past couple of years.
> how about xvncviewer connecting to localhost, from using the super-duper
> accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server

As I have come to understand, that will give you two desktops. One under
the super-duper ... XFree86 Server and one via VNC (running in a Window,
liken an application, on that said super-duper X-Server).

Also you always get a whole Desktop (even if it's in a window), while
with X you get only the window for the respective application. That
seems to be preferrable, if you want to run 5 apps on 5 different
computers, since with VNC you would then have 5 Desktops on one screen
(one for each computer).

>From what I learned off the web page of VNC (thanks for the link to to
poster!), I can't use VNC as a replacement for X (unless you get the
non-X vncviewer to work on the console), which would have been
interesting because of the footprint of X. Also it seems that VNC is not
as efficient via Network as X, but I don't really understand why. Maybe
someone can elaborate on that.

Making the X Desktop accessible / transferrable via VNC, as is possible
with Windows, is not possible with UNIX/Linux.

Thank you to all that replied to my question. I think I know now, what I
can use VNC for.


Using Postgres SQL with Staroffice?

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold

How can I use Staroffice (the database stuff) as a front end to Postgres
(I can't get the supplied Adabas to work with me without major
investment of time, and I need to to relational database stuff [more
than one tabel], which does not work with dbf of starbase table


Re: configuring kdm or gdm to see both kde and gnome

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold

On 11-Dec-2000 mario wrote:
> On Monday 11 December 2000 20:13, Anderson, Tim   TL33E wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to have both KDE and GNOME (helix) in my display manager's
>> session
>> menu (I'm not bothered which one I use).  I thought this would be
>> quite
>> simple but after looking through docs, config files and mailing list
>> archives I'm still not sure what to do.   Can anyone give me some
>> help,
>> background knowledge or link to a HOWTO that I've missed?
>> Thanks
>> Tim
> the config file of gdm is in /etc/gdm. Under /etc/gdm/Sessions/ are 
> executable shell scripts that describe the types of sessions you can
> start 
> from the login screen. Each file here shows up as a menu entry in the
> login 
> screen's session menu. Ideally here you should place a file "kde" that
> does 
> all the necessary initialization for a kde session, but I don't know
> what 
> should be the content for kde. Probably kdm installs such a  file
> somewhere 
> too, so maybe you could use that (Can someone step in here, thanks?). 

Simply adding "gnome-session" (either manually in /etc/kde2/kdm or via
the session manager of kde (as root)) allows to execute that command via
the selection in kdm. Initially this started the gnome environment, but
without a window-manager. But if you start gnome control center (or via
commandline might also work), you can use the windowmanager applet, which
allows you to chose which Windowmanager you want. That is then also saved
in the session management of gnome-session, so the next time you start
gnome session it will start the chosen window-manager too.
Works for me.


> Alternatively (quick & dirty fix) just do this:
> 1. create a file .xsession in your home directory
> 2. In the first line of the file write:
> exec startkde
> 3. chmod u+x .xsession
> 4. cp /etc/X11/Xsession /etc/gdm/Sessions/Kde
> Then, when you use Kde as session type it should work.
> Greetings

 ( o.o )
Date: 11-Dec-2000 
Time: 22:37:14 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: Re: es1371 (SOLVED hopefully )

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold

On 12-Dec-2000 romain lerallut wrote:
>  Begin Original Message 
> Hello,
> * romain lerallut ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>> BUT
>>> - there's nothing in /dev/sndstat _(the file "exists" but cat
>>> /dev/sndstat say no such device)
>>> - there's no /proc/sound file
>>> AND
>>  This is normal since the es1371 driver is not fully OSS
>  End of Original Message 
> I was using as an output plugin for xmms. I compiled es1371
> in the 
> kernel, I also installed esd and it works fine.
> I guess cat > /dev/dsp uses OSS, so that may be why it trashed
> also the system.
> Can anyone tell me more about this ?

I remember reading, that this is not possible with au files on the es1371
(works with wav files though).

> This is a security risk, how can I protect my system against this ??

Access permissions should do it, since they come before anything is sent
out to /dev/dsp. However, I don't know why it locks up your system.



 ( o.o )
Date: 12-Dec-2000 
Time: 20:30:57 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: What is VNC?

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold

On 12-Dec-2000 Erik Steffl wrote:
> Manegold wrote:
>> Alson van der Meulen wrote:
>> >
>> > > When it comes to controlling a Linux X display, I'm a little more
>> > > hazy.
>> > >
>> > > Near as I can figure, if you want to control a Linux box using
>> > > VNC, you
>> > > don't run your normal X server. Instead you run vncserver from a
>> > > non-X
>> > > environment. This starts the VNC server, but you don't see any GUI
>> > > locally. To see a local GUI, you then have to do some magic to get
>> > > your
>> > > window manager to run on the VNC server; this means that you're
>> > > not
>> > > running your accelerated X server, so you may see some speed
>> > > issues,
>> > > etc. Then from the second Linux (or Mac, or Windows) box, you run
>> > > the
>> > > VNC client and connect like in Example 2 above.
>> > >
>> > > In other words, as far as I can tell, you can't run your
>> > > super-duper
>> > > accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server locally if you want
>> > > to
>> > > see the same desktop locally and via remote control. This is not
>> > > the
>> > > (semi-equivalent) case on Windows, but it seems to be the case on
>> > > Linux.
>> > >
>> > > I may very well misunderstand how the thing works, but this is the
>> > > conclusion I've come to after trying it three or four times over
>> > > the
>> > > past couple of years.
>> > how about xvncviewer connecting to localhost, from using the
>> > super-duper
>> > accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server
>> As I have come to understand, that will give you two desktops. One
>> under
>> the super-duper ... XFree86 Server and one via VNC (running in a
>> Window,
>> liken an application, on that said super-duper X-Server).
>> Also you always get a whole Desktop (even if it's in a window), while
>> with X you get only the window for the respective application. That
>> seems to be preferrable, if you want to run 5 apps on 5 different
>> computers, since with VNC you would then have 5 Desktops on one screen
>> (one for each computer).
>> >From what I learned off the web page of VNC (thanks for the link to
>> >to
>> poster!), I can't use VNC as a replacement for X (unless you get the
>> non-X vncviewer to work on the console), which would have been
>> interesting because of the footprint of X. Also it seems that VNC is
>> not
>   well, vnc server IS X server (on unix machines).
>   so you are not avoiding X, you are replacing one X server (+ the rest
> of X) by another one (you still need the rest of X like fonts,
> programs,
> utilities etc., whether you use the ones that come with xfree86 or some
> different one)
>> as efficient via Network as X, but I don't really understand why.
>> Maybe
>> someone can elaborate on that.
>   it depends, some operation are more efficient some are less.
> basically
> vnc transfers bitmaps, X transfers 'commands' (very simplified).
>   for example the moving of a window - if you have X window, the moving
> is done locally (by local X server), with vnc the moving is done in vnc
> server and is only displayed locally, which is of course slower (much
> more network traffic).

I guess that's why vnc hasn't replaced the X window system yet.

>> Making the X Desktop accessible / transferrable via VNC, as is
>> possible
>> with Windows, is not possible with UNIX/Linux.
>   ???
>   windows have no X desktop.


>   if you mean that you can use vnc to view windows desktop but not to
> view your 'normal' linux X desktop, that's sort of true, it's not
> possible with 'straight' vnc, but I've just seen ITP on debian-devel
> for
> a program that does that (not sure how well it works).

Yes that's what I meant. I would like to run my normal local display
system (X), but also have the option to kind of teleport my display to
some other computer that I happen to be at. When I'm done I want to be
able to return to my computer and find everything the way I left it when
I left the other computer.
   vnc does that. As a display I still seem to
need X locally though, since the console vncviewer does not work with my
graphics card. I don't know if I would save much overhead as long as I'm
working with vnc locally compared with normal X. But starting X plus
windowmanager, vncserver (running another windowmanager and the apps on
that display), and also xvncviewer, is certainly quite a footprint. It
would do what I described above.


 ( o.o )
Date: 12-Dec-2000 
Time: 20:18:23 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

ldconfig message

2000-12-13 Thread Manegold

ldconfig gives the following message:

ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (file or directory
not found), skipping

ls -l /usr/lib/


lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   20 Sep 27 13:14
/usr/lib/ ->

What is the problem?


Re: Konqueror in GNOME, no response to Save Yourself

2000-12-16 Thread Manegold
"Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 04:06:11PM -0500, Anderson, Tim   TL33E wrote:
> >   Hi,
> >   I run the Konqueror browser from KDE2 on a GNOME desktop, and it
> > seems to work OK (as I expected).  A minute or so after startup I get an
> > error saying 'No response to Save Yourself command', and lets me kill the
> > process.  This doesn't affect anything, the browser stays running fine, but
> > I was just wondering what might be causing the error and if it was
> > important.   Anyone else seen this?
> It's the gnome-session manager.  Annoying isn't it.  I guess the
> gnome-session manager thinks it can talk to kde apps, but they don't
> agree.  Don't know if there's a way to tell gnome-session to always
> assume "yes" to the question.
Yep. Same problem here. However, it sometimes means, that I can't log
out of gnome. Only after I kill some of the stuff that koqueror leaves
behing in the tasklist, can I get it to work again.


apt-get with Packages out of arbitrary directory?

2000-12-19 Thread Manegold
Hi all!

Is there a way to use apt-get on packages in a directory somewhere on a
system, that are not organized like archive and that do not have
Packages.gz files (how are those created anyhow?).

The reason I ask is, that I have a system that has fast internet access
and apt-get works great in such a situation. I also want to use the
downloaded packages, which I have apt-get leave undeleted, to update my
home system, which has only a 14400 Baud connection for e-mail, by
placing them on a CD. So far I had to install them manually via dpkg -i.
Apt-get was useless in that situation (or I did not know how to make it

Any ideas?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: apt-get with Packages out of arbitrary directory?

2000-12-19 Thread Manegold

On 19-Dec-2000 David Z. Maze wrote:
> Manegold  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> M> Is there a way to use apt-get on packages in a directory somewhere
> on a
> M> system, that are not organized like archive and that do not have
> M> Packages.gz files
> Nope.
> M> (how are those created anyhow?).
> Install the dpkg-dev package, and look at the dpkg-scanpackages
> program and its documentation.

Thanks will do that. Maybe I will find what I'm looking for there.

> M> The reason I ask is, that I have a system that has fast internet
> access
> M> and apt-get works great in such a situation. I also want to use the
> M> downloaded packages, which I have apt-get leave undeleted, to update
> my
> M> home system, which has only a 14400 Baud connection for e-mail, by
> M> placing them on a CD. So far I had to install them manually via dpkg
> -i.
> M> Apt-get was useless in that situation (or I did not know how to make
> it
> M> usefull).
> What's wrong with using 'dpkg --install'?  'apt-get's major utility
> here is in automagically downloading packages other packages depend
> on, but if you don't have any way to download packages you aren't
> installing then it's far less useful.

Well apt-get allows upgrading with dpkg -i I have to do it by hand and in
the correct order, which is a pain if you want to upgrade 100s of
packages or only install kde2 instead of the version potato comes with.
I'd like a way to do apt-get upgrade at home too, but without Internet
access and using the Packages that I download on the other computer.

> (This objection goes away if you're creating relatively complete CDs
> with just about every Debian package.  You might also look at the

No need to go that far to make dpkg -i a pain compared to the ease of
apt-get upgrade on the connected computer (I know I'm spoiled by that
kind of easy upgrade ;-) ).

> apt-move program, which is supposed to deal with this case fairly
> well.)

Yep. Apt-move I used, but It only works with packages that are in the
current release. Therefore if I have other packages sources (like for kde2 on potato), apt-get will happily use them. Apt-
move, however, skips those packages. Unfortunately apt-move
does not allow simply making use of what's in /etc/apt/sources.list, but
uses it's own sources in apt-move.conf. And there is no way to add other
sources there besides the standard archive with it's sections.

Thorsten Manegold
 ( o.o )
Date: 19-Dec-2000 
Time: 23:09:56 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

  __/ /   \ \__
 (___| |___)

Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread Manegold
ktb wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:02:14AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> > I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
> > firewalls and Linux. I am having a cable modem installed soon and want my
> > system to be secure. I have only the one computer, and am running Woody.
> >
> > Is there a free (or low-cost) firewall which will work on Debian? I don't
> > feel confident enough to be messing with ipchains and such. I had a look
> > at Storm Firewall, but this is expensive at 99USD and seems way over the
> > top for what I would need on a single workstation.
> >
> > I downloaded gfcc, but don't understand what to do with it. I have read
> > the Firewall HOWTO but I really don't grasp much of it. I am embarassed to
> > admit that I really want an out-of-box solution - something I can install
> > and perhaps tweak a little as I get more confident. I don't do anything
> > out of the ordinary on the Internet, just the usual mail, news and web. I
> > occasionally use ReadAudio and ftp, but not a lot else.
> >
> >
> Install something like "pmfirewall" or "seawall."  I've used
> pmfirewall before and it is simple to set up.  Basically what
> these two scripts do is write ipchains rules for you based on
> some of the questions you answer.  I don't have any urls' handy
> but they should be easy to find.  After installing your chains
> take a look at them and learn from them.  One other thing you
> might think about is getting a cheap or free 486 and make it
> your firewall.
> hth,
> kent

I used pmfirewall too, but the problem with it is, that it only blocks
certain things it knows about. The default stand is allow (!). In my
opinion that is not so good. It should be deny unless the port is
explicitly opened up. I think that this would be possible via a script
setup too and much better. I don't know "seawall". Maybe that does it
However, if you don't want to learn at least something about ipchains
and some basics about what a firewall can do, then maybe it is ok. But
then you will not know, how much security you got.

just my two cents worth.


Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread Manegold
Gary Hennigan wrote:
> Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ktb wrote:
> > >
> > > On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:02:14AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> > > > I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
> > > > firewalls and Linux. I am having a cable modem installed soon and want 
> > > > my
> > > > system to be secure. I have only the one computer, and am running Woody.
> > > >
> > > > Is there a free (or low-cost) firewall which will work on Debian? I 
> > > > don't
> > > > feel confident enough to be messing with ipchains and such. I had a look
> > > > at Storm Firewall, but this is expensive at 99USD and seems way over the
> > > > top for what I would need on a single workstation.
> > > >
> > > > I downloaded gfcc, but don't understand what to do with it. I have read
> > > > the Firewall HOWTO but I really don't grasp much of it. I am embarassed 
> > > > to
> > > > admit that I really want an out-of-box solution - something I can 
> > > > install
> > > > and perhaps tweak a little as I get more confident. I don't do anything
> > > > out of the ordinary on the Internet, just the usual mail, news and web. 
> > > > I
> > > > occasionally use ReadAudio and ftp, but not a lot else.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > Install something like "pmfirewall" or "seawall."  I've used
> > > pmfirewall before and it is simple to set up.  Basically what
> > > these two scripts do is write ipchains rules for you based on
> > > some of the questions you answer.  I don't have any urls' handy
> > > but they should be easy to find.  After installing your chains
> > > take a look at them and learn from them.  One other thing you
> > > might think about is getting a cheap or free 486 and make it
> > > your firewall.
> > > hth,
> > > kent
> >
> > I used pmfirewall too, but the problem with it is, that it only blocks
> > certain things it knows about. The default stand is allow (!). In my
> > opinion that is not so good. It should be deny unless the port is
> > explicitly opened up. I think that this would be possible via a script
> > setup too and much better. I don't know "seawall". Maybe that does it
> > better.
> > However, if you don't want to learn at least something about ipchains
> > and some basics about what a firewall can do, then maybe it is ok. But
> > then you will not know, how much security you got.
> I think you may be mistaken on this point. The policy PMFirewall
> defaults to is ACCEPT but, at least on my installation, the last rule,
> in my input chain, is:

Yep the policy is ACCEPT.

> target prot opt sourcedestinationports
>  .
>  .
>  .
> DENY   all  l- n/a
> I'm no ipchains expert, but I believe that this rule implies that if
> none of the previous rules caused the packet to be accepted it'll be
> denied here.

I would not call myself an ipchains expert either. I'm still learning
that firewall stuff myself.

> Now personally in addition to leaving the rule above as the last one
> in my input chain I set the policy to DENY, just as a precaution,
> but, I *think*, it's redudant given the rule above.

Well I had someone portscan me from outside and he found a number of
ports not blocked, even though I opted to have only SSH open during
setup. Don't know why that was, but it's not good. Therefore I went
ahead and did a setup with policy on DENY. For learning pmfirewall
served me well though.

> And of course the nice thing about a script approach like PMFirewall
> is that it's easy to modify as you learn more about ipchains.

Yes as above, but sometimes it's better to know that you don't have the
security of a packet filter than to be mistaken about the level of
securtiy you really have.

Thorsten Manegold

What means: Warning: /proc/ksyms not normal

2001-08-02 Thread Manegold


When using ps or top, I get:

Warning: /proc/ksyms not normal

What does that mean?

I'm using debian potato with all the latest patches and kernel 2.4.7


PS: pls cc to personal e-mail so that I don't miss the answer.


1999-06-09 Thread Thorsten Manegold

Has anybody HylaFAX working?.
I use slink and HylaFAX just spools the files to fax but does not 
start to fax at all.
I assume, that the problem is in the stage where it converts the PS 
files to fax/tiff files.
How can I verify this?

Also what ownerships to the files in /var/spool/fax have to have? In 
SuSE (there it is working) they have uucp.uucp.

I looked at the log files, but can't find an error-message.


ESD and x11amp

1999-06-09 Thread Thorsten Manegold
I want to compiele x11amp so that it usese esd. However the configure 
script does not find esd.
I installed enlightenment 0.15.5 from source to /usr/local.

Thorsten Manegold

Re: HylaFAX

1999-06-10 Thread Thorsten Manegold
> On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 12:32:50PM +0200, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Has anybody HylaFAX working?.
> I've been using it for a few years without any problems (I never could
> get efax to work).
> > I use slink and HylaFAX just spools the files to fax but does not 
> > start to fax at all.
> Just a thought, but:
> Have you installed both hylafax-server and hylafax-client?


> Did you run faxaddmodem?


> What does faxstat indicate?

something like ... ttyS1 .. idle
as it should

> > I assume, that the problem is in the stage where it converts the PS 
> > files to fax/tiff files.
> > How can I verify this?
> > 
> > Also what ownerships to the files in /var/spool/fax have to have? In 
> > SuSE (there it is working) they have uucp.uucp.
> On my system (potato) it is root.fax.

dto here. So that is not the problem

> > 
> > I looked at the log files, but can't find an error-message.
> > 

 Any more thoughts?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: HylaFAX

1999-06-10 Thread Thorsten Manegold
> On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 12:32:50PM +0200, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Has anybody HylaFAX working?.
> I've been using it for a few years without any problems (I never could
> get efax to work).
> > I use slink and HylaFAX just spools the files to fax but does not 
> > start to fax at all.
> Just a thought, but:
> Have you installed both hylafax-server and hylafax-client?


> Did you run faxaddmodem?


> What does faxstat indicate?

something like ... ttyS1 .. idle
as it should

> > I assume, that the problem is in the stage where it converts the PS 
> > files to fax/tiff files.
> > How can I verify this?
> > 
> > Also what ownerships to the files in /var/spool/fax have to have? In 
> > SuSE (there it is working) they have uucp.uucp.
> On my system (potato) it is root.fax.

dto here. So that is not the problem

> > 
> > I looked at the log files, but can't find an error-message.
> > 

 Any more thoughts?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: ESD and x11amp

1999-06-10 Thread Thorsten Manegold
> On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I want to compiele x11amp so that it usese esd. However the configure 
> > script does not find esd.
> > I installed enlightenment 0.15.5 from source to /usr/local.
> You can get esd from your preferred Debian mirror, just install the
> packages esound, libesd0, and libesd0-dev (for compiling)

I have the slink version of libesd0 and esound installed, but their 
version is not sufficient.
The debs from the unstable branch seem to be linked to libc2.1...

Also I have esound (0.2.8 I think) compieled from source in 
/usr/local but it seems like it's not found there...

> Also, the x11amp deb has esound support, so you don't need to compile if
> you don't want to.
Yes, but the deb-package for the  beta1.1 version is linked to libc 
2.1 which does not work with slink.

Ho can I have configure find essound in /usr/local ...

Thorsten Manegold


difference between magicfilter and apsfilter

1999-06-10 Thread Thorsten Manegold
What is the difference between magicfilter and apsfilter?
As far as I can tell they both do about the same.
Is one better?

Thorsten Manegold


1999-06-10 Thread Thorsten Manegold
What does the file /etc/adjtime do?
It seems that when it is there that is called at startup 
always sets my systemtime to some funny value...

Any ideas?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: systemtime

1999-06-11 Thread Thorsten Manegold

On 10-Jun-99 Brian Servis wrote:
> *- On 10 Jun, Thorsten Manegold wrote about "systemtime"
>> Hi!
>> What does the file /etc/adjtime do?
>> It seems that when it is there that is called at startup 
>> always sets my systemtime to some funny value...
>> Any ideas?
> Read the hwclock man page, there is a discussion about this file and
> its use.

Thanks. Must have overlooked that

> % man hwclock
> []
> The Adjust Function
>The Hardware Clock is usually not very accurate.  However,
>much of its inaccuracy is  completely  predictable  --  it
>gains or loses the same amount of time every day.  This is
>called systematic drift.  Hwclock's "adjust" function lets
>you  make systematic corrections to correct the systematic
>It works like this: Hwclock keeps  a  file,  /etc/adjtime,
>that  keeps  some  historical information.  This is called
>the adjtime file.
> []
> Is it off by a fixed hour everytime?  I think Debian by default sets the
> hwclock to GMT/UTC time and then sets the local time according to your
> timezone. Run tzconfig and make sure your timezone is correct. I am not 
> an expert on this so this is about all the advice I can give.

No it changes all over the place (last time to the year 2006. So now I at least
know that I don't have a Y2K bug...). The Bios however is not that bad as that.
I first thought it might be the mainboard battery, but after I checked the bios
before startup for a while I came away ok.

Often I will find it set to the time/date that I last shut down my system
(almost to the second according to my messages file). Almost as if it saved the
time to restore it when started again...

> Anybody else have more concrete advice?

Thorsten Manegold

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Jun-99 
Time: 19:43:48 CET
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RE: kppp error - pppd dies unexpectedly

1999-06-12 Thread Thorsten Manegold

On 11-Jun-99 Micha Feigin wrote:
> when i try to connect to my internet provider with kppp i get a
> message
> pppd died unexpectedly, and then it hangs up. Any solution to the
> problem?

This is caused by a bug in kppp. It requires that the entry "lock" in
/etc/ppp/options to be removed.

Thorsten Manegold

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Jun-99 
Time: 22:05:32 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

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Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Thorsten Manegold
> Carl Mummert wrote:
> > >> I am uploading here a small, hackish perl script that, along with some
> > >> apache configuration changes, will allow you to view the compressed
> > >> files in http://your-machine/doc as if they were not comrpessed.
> > >
> > >Very nice, but I urge people to file bug reports against packages
> > >that have compressed html files without hacked URLs such that they
> > >still work.
> > 
> > Not good.  If the html is hacked so that links work while it is compressed,
> > then when someone UNcompresses it, the links will break.  This would
> > certainly be a surprising effect of unzpping html files.
> Then don't do that!  :-)
> My point is that files should work as installed by dpkg.  If you
> uncompress them, then you're on your own wrt upgrading, package
> purging, and yes, even wrt the package working correctly.  There
> are lots of _surprising effects_ after unzipping packaged files.
> Sometimes html _is_ hacked so that links work when the file is
> compressed in order to save space on user systems.  This should
> only be done on large HTML documentation packages. AFAIK, not
> many packages do this, but I have done it myself.  Should you
> file it a bug report on it, the most I'd do is provide a
> decompressor script to change the URLs so it still worked, with a
> large disclaimer saying that using it would render the package
> not upgradable and not removable by dpkg.

teTeX is on area in which the html page does not work because of the 
gz. format.
Where do I have to report that to?

Do I understand correctly, that all files in /usr/doc are supposed to 
be gz? If yes, then rezipping them recursevly should solve the 
problems with dpkg updateing etc.

Thorsten Manegold

difference between magicfilter and apsfilter

1999-06-17 Thread Thorsten Manegold
I sent this question before but did not receive any reply, so I try again:

What is the difference between magicfilter and apsfilter?
As far as I can tell they both do about the same.
Is one better?

Thorsten Manegold

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16-Jun-99 
Time: 22:19:35 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

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RE: Getting there

1999-06-18 Thread Thorsten Manegold
>... Then there is email software connected to Gnome and KDE. I do not
> want
> that either. Is Linux going to become "worse" than Windows, because you will
> have to choose a desktop environment you do not really like because it comes
> with "must have" apps? I hope not Help me out here! :)

Why? You don't need to run KDE just to use KMail. Dto for Gnome. Sure you need
to install the runtime libraries (like qt for KMail) and maybe it's easier to
install the environment, but you can run those apps from Windowmaker too (or
from any another Windowmanager).

Thorsten Manegold

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-Jun-99 
Time: 23:14:20 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

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HD activity

1999-06-21 Thread Thorsten Manegold

I seem to remember, that this was asked before, but can't find it in 
the list-archive:

1) What causes the HD activity every 3 seconds? That 
way powersaving will never take effect.

2) How can I change the setup, so that the HD will not be needlessly 

Thorsten Manegold

(ana)cron message

1999-07-02 Thread Thorsten . Manegold
What does the following (ana)cron message mean? I get it every time.

45375 45375
File /usr/lib/emacs/19.34/i386-debian-linux/movemail registered but not

Thorsten Manegold
 ( o.o )
Date: 01-Jul-99 
Time: 22:13:06 CET
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rebuliding dpkg database

1999-07-06 Thread Thorsten Manegold
As someone already asked about problems with dpkg after dataloss...

Is there a way to rebuild the dpkg database if it gets corrupted?
With rpm there was a way to rebuild if you had some data still 


dpkg --> html?

1999-07-06 Thread Thorsten Manegold
with rpm there is a tool rpm2html to make the database readable via a 
browser  (espec. the depenancies and files). Is there something like 
that for debs as well?

Thorsten Manegold

faxrunq in what package

1999-08-07 Thread Thorsten . Manegold
I have a man page for faxrunqd (part of the mgetty package), but not the
program. Also I don't have faxrunq, which is mentioned in the  man page.

Where can I find those? My HylaFAX server only spools faxes and I think I need
this program to make it send it out.

 ( o.o )
Date: 07-Aug-99 
Time: 16:22:22 CET
PGP Keys on public keyservers

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deb vs. rpm

1999-04-26 Thread Thorsten Manegold
Could someone please enlighten me to the differences in functionality 
between deb and rpm packages? I'm especially interested in 
dependencies. Is this done on a per file basis, so that each package 
has info, what files the program needs, or on a package(name) basis 
(meaning the packages contains the names of other packages that it 
Which behaves better during updates?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: deb vs. rpm

1999-04-26 Thread Thorsten Manegold
> It is done on a per package basis.  
So in that respect it's like rpm. No?

> 'apt-get install exim' will install
> all libraries that it depends on and
Doesn't rpm do that too?

> uninstall  all mta's that it conflicts
> with.
With or without asking?

> The .deb format is not just a package format it is a database of
> information about packages, namely version, dependencies, conflicts and
As far as I know that is the case with rpm too, isn't it?

> recommends.
That is not a feature of rpm as far as I know.

> Thus when you upgrade your system, dpkg/apt downloads all software
> selected and dependencies, then sets them up, if there is a conflict it
> uninstalls what is conflicting, then after everthing is installed and
> configure correctly, it deletes the downloaded packages so that your
> system is not loaded down with .deb files.  
> There is nothing like it in existence, it is the superior package format.
> Forget about popularity for a moment and think about raw technical
> superiority.  That is the debian format.  You will love it when you try
> it.  
I heard that it's supposed to be supperior. As a matter of fact that 
is the main reason for me to try Debian (I started out with SuSE and 
am still using it. However I don't like the way they package things 
as it's not compatible to rpm's that I find on the net since they 
aor usually for RedHat).

Where can I get a more detailed comparison?

Thorsten Manegold
> On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> > HI!
> > Could someone please enlighten me to the differences in functionality 
> > between deb and rpm packages? I'm especially interested in 
> > dependencies. Is this done on a per file basis, so that each package 
> > has info, what files the program needs, or on a package(name) basis 
> > (meaning the packages contains the names of other packages that it 
> > requires).
> > Which behaves better during updates?
> > 
> > TIA
> > Thorsten Manegold
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: deb vs. rpm

1999-04-27 Thread Thorsten Manegold
>  No, RPM has nothing like APT. If you have any dependency problems,
>  misconfigured packages, etc, one "apt-get -f install" will fix it. I
>  can set up an /etc/apt/sources.list file that points to two different
>  FTP sites and APT will automagically download any package I tell it to
>  and all of the dependencies. Want to upgrade to the latest stuff
>  in unstable? Just run "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade". FTP
>  installation/update with RedHat is a pain, probably b/c their main
>  economic goal is to sell more CDs. Personally, I've been using Debian
>  for several years and have never bought a CD. I've gone from waiting
> 4 hours on a 64K ISDN line to waiting about 30 minutes on a 10MB cable
> modem.
So if I understand you and others who have replied correctly, the 
main advantage is the automatic dep-resolustion via ftp.
But it seems to me that this has nothing to do with the deb format 
itself. Instead it is something that results out of Debian making 
better use of the features of the packageformat.
I guess you could write a program like apt-get for rpm too.

As I see it after reading the comparison at
the rpm format  is comparible with the dep format feature-wise.
Rpm is even ahead in some (IMHO important)  areas like 
file-dependencies whereas dep only supports package deps.
The area in which dep  is better in an important area is 

So maybe RedHat (and others) only do not make use of the features 
that rpm offers, while dep-Packagers do.
Also with deps you can be sure that they are comptible with your 
Debian system, something not the case with rpms.

Am I missing someting here?

Thorsten Manegold 

setting domain - name

1999-04-29 Thread Thorsten Manegold
I installed Debian using the dialup option. It asked me the name that 
my computer should get, but not the domain name. I guess that's ok as 
I'm only using PPP?
Does the local mail-delivery work without a fully qualifide name?
>From my SuSE experience I know, that pine constantly complains 
without a domainname.

So. How do I set the domainname??

Thorsten Manegold

contens fo /etc/rc0.d

1999-05-05 Thread Thorsten Manegold

Hitting return a bit too fast I deleted the rc0.d directory.
Now I know, that there are only links to the scripts in /etc/init.d 
in there, so it should be easy to repair.
I copied the links from /rc1.d but that does not seem to be all there 

So could anybody send me their directory-list of rc0.d?

Thorsten Manegold

changing default LANGUAGE

1999-05-05 Thread Thorsten Manegold

I managed to change the default language for the shells via the LANG 
environment-variable, that I put into /etc/profile and ~/.bashrc.

When I start apps that support NLS from there they come up the way 
they are supposed to in my language, but starting them from the Panel 
of KDE 1.1 (or via mime-assoziation) they don't.

What do I have to change to make that work? I have set the languge 
in K-Controlcenter but that does not change it.

Thorsten Manegold

Re: packages for dialing isp

1999-05-16 Thread Thorsten Manegold
AFAIK kppp does not like to have "lock" set in /etc/ppp/options. Commenting it
out made kppp work for me.

Thorsten Manegold

On 14-May-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 5/13/99 5:24:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>> How about x-isp or kppp (for KDE users)?  If you use x-isp (you can search
>>  "xisp" on Yahoo for the URL) you will first need to install xforms.
>>  I might have the URL for x-isp.  I will send it to you if I find it.
>>  kppp is for KDE but xisp will work with any window manager.
> YMMV - I tried KPPP (I do have KDE installed) and could never get a 
> successfull connection.  I can dial using any other means without problems, 
> but KPPP refuses to do the job.  XISP is nice, but I couldn't get it to dial 
> over 38,000kbps for me for some reason.  WVDial is what I use now.  It's not 
> graphic, but does the job, and does it well.  I'd love to find an app that 
> works AND will dock in KDE's panel - but so far, no such luck.
> -Jay
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16-May-99 
Time: 00:06:01 CET
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Re: Web site shuts down Netscape

1999-05-25 Thread Thorsten Manegold

> Try disabling java and javascript and see what happens. For me, some
> java pages either lock Netscape up, or kill it dead.

That one might be problematic, as even though you try to swich 
javascript off it stays on.
That checkbox seems to be only windowdressing...

Thorsten Manegold

> On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 11:15:28PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> > My cousin sent the following link to me:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Whenever I try to access it using Netscape 4.5 on a system using a 2.2.1
> > kernel, I start to connect to the site and then Netscape just quits; no
> > warning; no error messages, just bang! and it's gone. I can restart
> > Netscape, but if I try to access the site again, bang! gone again.
> > 
> > I was able to access it via lynx, and was able to tell that it's just a
> > humour/joke page, so it's not at all important, but I'm concerned that
> > simply accessing a web page can shut down Netscape. Do I have something
> > configured wrong, or is Netscape that flakey, or what?
> > 
> > Thanks for any info.
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> ACORN techie <>
>   AOL/IM Jim Foltz
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: apt-get failed SOLVED

1999-11-03 Thread Thorsten . Manegold
I had the same error. Upgrading debconf by hand solved it.


On 02-Nov-99 Joey Hess wrote:
> Upgrade debconf by hand to the current version in unstable.
> jack wrote:
>> hi,
>> the error message is:
>> debian:~# apt-get -f dist-upgrade
>> Reading Package Lists... Done
>> Building Dependency Tree... Done
>> Calculating Upgrade... Done
>> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>>   w3-el-e20 
>> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>>   libgtkmm 
>> The following packages have been kept back
>>   kbd libmime-base64-perl mixviews mon mutt perl-tk 
>> 76 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 6 not upgraded.
>> Need to get 0B/47.6MB of archives. After unpacking 13.4MB will be used.
>> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
>> 100% [Scanning packages]
>> Configuring packages ...
>> /tmp/filekpETin: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: No such file or directory
>> E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (1)
>> E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt
>> Any idea?
>> thanks
>> jack
>> -- 
>> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>> /dev/null
> -- 
> see shy jo
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

Date: 03-Nov-99
Time: 12:00:59

This message was sent by XFMail

KDE uses wrong codepage

2000-09-22 Thread Thorsten Manegold


Somehow KDE does not use iso8859-1 for its apps. Since I have a german 
environment set, I get the german menues and those contain german 
umlauts and sz and such. Those are however not displayed correctly, but 
I get some funny other charakter. Same thing happens to (german) web 
pages displayed in kfm. What is wrong and how/where can I change that?

Thorsten Manegold

HOW to install StarOffice for mulituser

2000-09-25 Thread T. Manegold

How do I install StarOffice 5.2 as mulituser from the download version.
I know that the -net option for the setup program is the way to go if
one has ha CD to install from. But this approach does not work with the
so[...].bin file that I got from the StarOffice site. Can I somehow
decompress/unpack or whatever the downloaded file to get the files that
are on CD?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: HOW to install StarOffice for mulituser

2000-09-25 Thread T. Manegold
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

> > How do I install StarOffice 5.2 as mulituser from the download version.
> > I know that the -net option for the setup program is the way to go if
> > one has ha CD to install from. But this approach does not work with the
> > so[...].bin file that I got from the StarOffice site. Can I somehow
> > decompress/unpack or whatever the downloaded file to get the files that
> > are on CD?
> >
> this option is /net, not -net (officially. i don't know, if the other
> is accepted, too).
> for me it worked fine.
> are all permissions ok? is there enough space on the disk?
> hth

I tried

./so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-de.bin /net

but it still came up without the net-install dialogs. Do I have to have the 
file in a
special place? Or can't I use sudo ?

Thorsten Manegold

Re: HOW to install StarOffice for mulituser

2000-09-25 Thread T. Manegold
John Foster wrote:

> "T. Manegold" wrote:
> >
> > HI!
> > I tried
> >
> > ./so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-de.bin /net
> >
> > but it still came up without the net-install dialogs. Do I have to have the 
> > file in a
> > special place? Or can't I use sudo ?
> >
> > TIA
> > Thorsten Manegold
> Did you set the correct file permissions. For a /net install you must be
> root and file must be owned, writeable, and executable by root.
> Also I do not recall any dialog beyond the asking of where to put the
> basic install.


I have the following permissions set:

-rwxrwxrwx1 root root 97198566 Sep 21 18:51 
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root 16329089 Sep 21 19:17 

The files are in /home.

When I execute the above command, I get the welcome and license screens and 
then a screen
asking whether I want a Standard, user-definied or minimal install. That I 
understand is
not the /net - install.

I know that it is supposed to work with ./setup -net (or /net), but I don't 
have ./setup
but only this .bin-file.

Did it work for you with the above file, or with the ./setup command?

Thorsten Manegold

SOLVED: HOW to install StarOffice for mulituser

2000-09-25 Thread T. Manegold
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

> > When I execute the above command, I get the welcome and license
> > screens and then a screen asking whether I want a Standard,
> > user-definied or minimal install. That I understand is not the /net
> > - install.
> >
> i think, that this _is_ the right setup. i was a bit buffled by this,
> too, because it looked different in so51 ...

Yes it works like that. Comming from so51 and accordig to the install manual I
expected different screens. I tried however and voilà it really does only 
unpack the
stuff when doing the /net thing as root. Calling it up as normal useer did 
offer the
expected screens.

Thank you to all!

Thorsten Manegold

PS: now I only have to figure out how to get Adabas working... back to the 

Re: Tex/Latex problem

2000-10-19 Thread T. Manegold
hormoz rebati wrote:

> I have ported TeX/Latex onto my machine HP UX 10.20
> But everytime I use tex/latex I get:-
> "I Can't find the format file 'tex.fmt'/'latex.fmt'
> What is wrong. Can someone help please?
> Thanks in advance
> Hormoz Rebati

Did you run initex?
I assume you ported tetex. If so did you run texhash? Are the *.fmt files 
created by
initex in the directories that TeX searches?

With so little info it's hard to give an answer. But HTH.


Log message: dditional sense indicates Tracking servo failure

2002-06-07 Thread Thorsten Manegold
Hi All!

I found the following message in the kern.log. What does it mean? If it 
means that my HD is about to quit on me, how do I find out which 
harddisk is affected?


PS. Please cc to me directly too, so that I don't miss the post. Thanks

Jun  6 20:18:58 localhost kernel: Additional sense indicates Tracking 
servo failure
Jun  6 20:19:00 localhost kernel: Additional sense indicates Tracking 
servo failure

... (repeats itself at other times)
 ( o.o )
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Re: Log message: dditional sense indicates Tracking servo failure

2002-06-07 Thread Thorsten Manegold
Once upon a time around Friday,  7. June 2002 20:36, in a galaxy far, 
far away someone known as Mike Dresser wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> > ===
> > Jun  6 20:18:58 localhost kernel: Additional sense indicates
> > Tracking servo failure
> > Jun  6 20:19:00 localhost kernel: Additional sense indicates
> > Tracking servo failure
> Got a tape drive in that machine?  Maybe SCSI DDS?

Nope. I don't own such high tech ;-)

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Log message: dditional sense indicates Tracking servo failure

2002-06-07 Thread Thorsten Manegold
Once upon a time around Friday,  7. June 2002 20:38, in a galaxy far, 
far away someone known as Robin Putters wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-06-07 at 18:09, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> > I found the following message in the kern.log. What does it mean?
> > If it means that my HD is about to quit on me, how do I find out
> > which harddisk is affected?
> Yes, one of your disks is dying.. Check the ide-smart package, it
> should tell you which HD is dying (never had the need to figure out
> how it works, but you should be able to tell which disk is failing
> with it)...

Does that mean it's an IDE drive that is affected? I have 2 SCSI and 2 
IDE drives. Also how is LVM (logical volumes) affected if one disk 
dies? Can the extends that are not on that drive still be accessed?

 ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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