>... Then there is email software connected to Gnome and KDE. I do not
> want
> that either. Is Linux going to become "worse" than Windows, because you will
> have to choose a desktop environment you do not really like because it comes
> with "must have" apps? I hope not.... Help me out here! :)

Why? You don't need to run KDE just to use KMail. Dto for Gnome. Sure you need
to install the runtime libraries (like qt for KMail) and maybe it's easier to
install the environment, but you can run those apps from Windowmaker too (or
from any another Windowmanager).

Thorsten Manegold

                             ( o.o )
E-Mail: Thorsten Manegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-Jun-99 
Time: 23:14:20 CET
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