"S.Salman Ahmed" wrote:
> I have a Lexmark Optra E312 Postscript printer that I am trying,
> unsuccessfully, to configure.
> I decided to use CUPS as the LinuxPrinting-HOWTO mentions that to be
> quite easy. So I apt-get installed cupsys, cupsys-bsd, cupsys-client,
> qtcups and xpp, the last two packages being frontends.

The last two are not part of potato. Did you install them from woody?
> I copied the Optra E312's PPD file to /usr/share/cups/models and was
> able to successfully add the Optra E312 printer using their web
> interface (running on localhost:631). And I was also able to print the
> test page from web interface, and the test page came out fine.
> But that is all I have been able to print. When I try using either of
> the two frontend, qtcups or xpp, to print a file, I can see the Data LED
> on the printer blink but nothing gets printed. The log file shows the
> following:
> (/var/log/cups/error_log)
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Job 15 queued on 'OptraE312' by 'ssahmed'.
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops 
> (PID 658) for job 15.
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
> (PID 659) for job 15.
> I [10/Dec/2000:20:40:49 -0500] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel 
> (PID 660) for job 15.
> I have added myself to the lp group but I don't know if that makes a
> difference or not. My printer is setup on the first parallel port:
> (some output from dmesg)
> parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [PCSPP,TRISTATE,COMPAT,ECP]
> parport0: irq 7 detected
> parport0: cpp_daisy: aa5500ff(98)
> parport0: assign_addrs: aa5500ff(98)
> parport0: Printer, Lexmark International Lexmark Optra E312
> lp0: using parport0 (polling).
> lp0: console ready
> I also tried using the CUPS-bsd command line utilities (lp, lpr) and
> they produce the same effect as well: the Data LED blinks but nothing
> gets printed at the printer.
> Can someone explain what I am doing wrong, or what step I have missed
> setting up CUPS ?
> Alternatively, is there another way to setup this postscript printer ? I
> have the printer's PPD file so I was assuming that this would have been
> really easy.

I tried CUPS too, but didn't get it to work (potato packages). Since I
print locally only, I went back to magicfilter, which works. In your
case you could set up magicfilter (or apsfilter) to use the postscript


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