On 28-Nov-2000 curro wrote:
>       Hi, I have been unable to configure my Linux box to print in a
> LexmarkZ32 printer connected to the serial port. I have installed in 

Do you really mean "serial port"?
I seem to remember that the Z32 does not work under Linux. At least I
think that is what www.linuxprinting.org (or .com?) has in it's database.

> my 700MHz Inspiron 5000e laptop the Woody dist (It seems necessary to
> get
> X correctly configured) and everything else seems to work correctly  (I

X should have nothing to do with it, since lpd/lpdng are deamons that do
not depend on X. Also ghostscript as the filter ("driver") does not need

> didn't try to compile neither sound support nor APM yet). My problem is
> that I am not able to "communicate" with the printer.
>       Reading the Printing-HOWTO it seems necessary to disable PnP
> support for the parallel port from the BIOS setup, what I am not sure
> how

Is it the parallel port now?

> to do it. In any case I have tried the various setup configurations for
> the parallel port and none of the allowed me to "talk" to the printer.
> I
> got /dev/lp[0,1,2,21] but sending a file to these devices had any
> effect

Since you said you connected it to the serial port that is correct.

> on the printer (Normally lp1 and lp2 complained the device doesn't
> exist
> and lp0 does nothing and display no error message. I would appreciate
> greatly some help or hint on this. The output of the command: cat
> /proc/parport/0/* in my system is the following
> MODEL:Unknown device;
> MANUFACTURER:Unknown vendor;
>  lp
> base:   0x378
> irq:    none
> dma:    none
> modes:  SPP,ECP,ECPPS2
> none

Sorry, not to be of help.

                             ( o.o )
Date: 28-Nov-2000 
Time: 22:14:59 CET
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