Hi all,
my debian woody system developed a quirk that I can't isolate. From time to 
time the system freezes with the HD access light on. This LED is attaced to 
the SCSI controller (Terratec) so I guess this means it happens while it 
accesses on of the SCSI devices. I have a DVD-ROM and two SCSI HD attached, 
but the access can only be related to one HD, since the other is normally not 
mounted and it happens without using the DVD-ROM in any way.
The freezing is not reproducible to any specific task as such that it would 
then freeze up every time, but it usually happens only when the (read) drive 
access is initiated by a logged in user like when loggin in in KDM while KDE 
is starting or while using the system. The heavy drive access during cron job 
activity alone does not freeze system. Also I'm usually fine as a normal 
user, after the cron job is finished. Using the system while the cron 
activity is going on, however, is risky and usually freezes the system with 
drive LED on either during login or shortly thereafter (mostly while starting 
applications, but also while just typing away.)

Of course there are no messages in any logs, since the system freezes 

Also the problem seems not to be restricted to Linux. It happened under 
Windows 98, which I use for some games, too. That leads me to conclude that 
it might be hardware related.

Can anybody give me a clue what I can try to isolate the problem?


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