So, it turns out that 
> * a core distribution with absolutely minimal dependencies and only 
dependencies which have proved stable on all supported platforms 
> This is exactly sagemath-categories. It has absolutely minimal 

is not what I tried to say.  What I tried to say is that the core 
distribution should have minimal dependencies, but contain as much of sage 
as possible.

I don't see any advantage of restricting to a smaller subset.  What do you 
have in mind people would do with just the stuff in `categories`?


On Wednesday 2 October 2024 at 02:25:38 UTC+2 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

On Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 1:30:38 AM UTC-7 wrote:

I think that `sagemath--minimal-dependencies` would be clear, wouldn't it?

Again fails the "minimal for what" test; and fails to distinguish 
*sagemath-categories* from *sagemath-objects* (which has the same 

I have now two more questions:

* why are some classes without any dependencies missing from what's 
currently named `sagemath-categories`?  I don't know how to do a systematic 
search, so I only checked the ones I know well, and `GrowthDiagram` is not 
there, but is pure python.

"Some classes are missing" is really far from a description of 
*sagemath-categories*. It's really much, much smaller than that.

GrowthDiagram, like most of sage.combinat, will be shipped in 
(*which sits on top of* sagemath-categories *in the dependencies graph*).*

* wouldn't it be better to tag dependencies, rather than having to 
explicitly put something into what's currently `sagemath-categories`?  I 
imagine that it will be a constant source of confusion whether to put some 
new functionality into or

There's no guesswork involved, and there is no potential for confusion 
because the source files from which stuff is imported are tagged by "# 
sage_setup: distribution" lines. It just has to be kept in sync; and the 
automated tests ensure that.

(I'll also note that the "" files are in very poor shape in Sage; in 
the past, too little thought has been put into what belongs into these 
files. See Meta-ticket: deprecate useless or misleading functions in the 
global namespace <>,

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