On 29 September 2024 01:50:39 BST, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com>
>On Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 5:21:56 PM UTC-7 oscar.j....@gmail.com
>On Sun, 29 Sept 2024 at 00:22, Matthias Koeppe <matthia...@gmail.com>
>> On Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 12:28:30 PM UTC-7 axio...@yahoo.de
>> I could also imagine to have three layers:
>> * a core distribution with absolutely minimal dependencies and only
>dependencies which have proved stable on all supported platforms
>> This is exactly sagemath-categories. It has absolutely minimal
So it's not minimal, as it contains sagemath-objects
>Would it make sense to give this a different name like Dima's
>suggestion of sagemath-core or something else like sagemath-base,
>sagemath-minimal etc?
>I think all of these options are much less expressive than the current
The current choice is confusing, for a number of reasons:
* as it invokes wrong associations: "oh, it's category theory, but with more
algebra - it must be Abelian categories there. Sage does Abelian categories,
* the name does not stand out at all from the rest of distributions to indicate
that it is something minimal/core/base and contained (almost) everywhere else
* it arbitrarily names the distribution after one of its parts
(sage.categories), and ignores the rest of its content.
>Anything named *-minimal* could describe pretty much any arbitrary choice.
>(It's "minimal" for *what*?)
A minimal element in the poset of distributions,
>Likewise *-core* could mean pretty much anything. There are many other
>things that are arguably the "core" of Sage.
"core" is also bringing a better intuition than categories. Core is a good name
for an element of a poset which is unique in the sense that it's one you cannot
avoid while travelling from minimal to maximal elements in the dependency tree.
>And *sagemath-categories* is definitely not the *-base*; below it in the
>dependency graph there is sagemath-objects (an even smaller subset).
Perhaps sagemath-foundations is better?
Should we hold a vote?
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