... What I tried to say is that the core distribution should have minimal 
dependencies, but contain as much of sage as possible.

More  code requires more dependencies. The "core distribution" as you 
describe is not possible.

I don't understand this, and I don't understand why some "functionality" 
(as mentioned above, e.g. "simplify" and "taylor") is in 

I think it is problematic if we deploy a scheme that not even all 
developers understand.  In particular, the description given by Matthias, 
reproduced below, makes no sense to me at all.

> The other contents of *sagemath-categories* are provided in similar 
spirit. For example, there are the Function objects from sage.functions -- 
but only in a generic, dispatching role. Actual implementations of most 
functions depend on various libraries. Likewise, polynomials are there only 
in a generic implementation; the specialized implementations and 
higher-level functionality (e.g., Gröbner bases) are provided by other 
distributions as they depend on various libraries.


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