On May 16, 2007, at 12:13 PM, William Stein wrote:
> On 5/16/07, Nathan Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Is anyone actively using this, daily, as part of their course work,
>>> as would be done with Matlab, Mathematica, and the like?  Perhaps at
>>> Sage Days 4, there could be some discussion of how well it works in
>>> practice, both for full-time classroom use (i.e., not as an "off to
>>> the side" curiosity), and for math research.  One aspect to consider
>>> is how often, in these uses, do you run into dead-ends, parts of the
>>> package that aren't yet implemented.
> I use SAGE for an undergrad number theory course I'm teaching right
> now, where SAGE already blows away the competition.

Of course, since it's you, if you trip over a glitch, it takes 30  
seconds to fix it and send yourself a patch :-}

Seriously, it would be great to have some "satisfied customers" under  
our belt before cueing the trumpet flares...

If a mathematician with no computer experience, or with no interest  
in applying what he has to using SAGE, can use SAGE successfully for  
a term or two, that says volumes about its viability.  To some  
extent, I think we should mix "grass roots/word of mouth" success  
with a marketing campaign.  I'm not being facetious about marketing,  
BTW: I think it's important to let others know what we're doing, and  
that is what marketing is about.

> The deadline already passed for the national meeting in January in  
> 2008.
> We could aim for a special session in 2009.  Let's not forget and miss
> the deadline again!
> Regarding sectional meetings, that's a great idea.  I'm actually  
> giving a
> plenary talk on SAGE at the AMS Sectional Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
> July 30-Aug 3, 2007.

Isn't that when the AIM workshop on modular forms takes place?


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
If you're not confused,
You're not paying attention

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