
Here is some fan mail from a new user of SAGE on Windows (via VMware)
-- see below.
I think we're going to have to make a hard choice about whether to continue
to support Cygwin or just distribute SAGE on Windows via VMware, since it
is so frickin' hard to get everything to work on Cygwin, and there are many
efficiency issues.  It's a hard choice since many people have put in so much
time to get SAGE to work on Cygwin (I've put in weeks myself).
Comments welcome.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Staffan Liljegren
Date: May 16, 2007 6:27 AM
Subject: Kudos on a fabulous system!
To: William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I finally got around to install VMware on my home Windows machine and
walk tru the interactive tutorial and the shell. It is impressive! I
will never ever go back to Mathematica and i just threw away the
infamous Wolfram "tomes" in my bookshelf.

I had no problems whatsoever (but I know Kubuntu/VMware fairly well),
compared to when I tried to set up SAGE with Cygwin in March.

I am fairly impressed with the web-based notebook interface and it has
 progressed to a mature and usable state beyon what I expected when I
tried it last.

I will try to install VMware Server (to enable copy/paste and more) later.

All the best,


William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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