On Wednesday 16 May 2007 10:07, William Stein wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is some fan mail from a new user of SAGE on Windows (via VMware)
> -- see below.
> I think we're going to have to make a hard choice about whether to continue
> to support Cygwin or just distribute SAGE on Windows via VMware, since it
> is so frickin' hard to get everything to work on Cygwin, and there are many
> efficiency issues.  It's a hard choice since many people have put in so
> much time to get SAGE to work on Cygwin (I've put in weeks myself).
> Comments welcome.

I'm quite windows free in my personal life so I don't use cygwin much.  
However, I've used it in the past, and my experience has been nothing but 
disappointing -- it's a wonderful promise, but when you try and do anything 
in cygwin beyond the basic, it seems to be a royal nightmare.  SAGE is way 
beyond the basic and so I wouldn't regard it as any great loss to lose cygwin 

(That's my own observation, but I'm not the target audience of the cygwin port 


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