Absolutely.  I've been thinking about this a fair amount lately as I
would like to use sage in teaching undergrads (mostly multivariable
calc, ODEs, and linear algebra).  At first I was thinking of them
installing it on their laptops, but most of them use Windows.  Having
a notebook server for a class is actually much better, since they can
pick up where they left off in lab seamlessly.  It would be nice if
there was a way to hide worksheets - i.e. I can foresee not wanting to
have people be able to easily copy code from anyone else in the
class.  A crude solution is to have a seperate notebook for each
student, but there must be a better way.


On May 16, 11:50 am, Nick Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wednesday 16 May 2007 16:07, William Stein wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> Here is some fan mail from a new user of SAGE on Windows (via VMware)
> >> -- see below.
> >> I think we're going to have to make a hard choice about whether to continue
> >> to support Cygwin or just distribute SAGE on Windows via VMware, since it
> >> is so frickin' hard to get everything to work on Cygwin, and there are many
> >> efficiency issues.  It's a hard choice since many people have put in so
> >> much time to get SAGE to work on Cygwin (I've put in weeks myself).
> >> Comments welcome.
> +1 for removing it.
> This is where the notebook *really* shines: it lets us offer SAGE to
> unsupported hardware platforms.  If Google can do it...
> Nick

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