Forgot to add something, as usual: I'l bet that standing, as is customary
in an Orthodox church where there are usually no pews and chairs only for
the old, infirm, and lazy, for up to 3 hours for a service is good for your
core muscles! It took me six months to get used to it, and even now I cop
out by scrounding a chair for the sermons. (The Slavs -- the American
jurisdiction has Slavic roots -- are the worst in excruciating, obsessive,
and enduring length and horror of pews. Our local Greek church has Roman
pews, the heretics. The Antiochians are mercifully concise.) At any rate,
I've seen old ladies in their '80s, one who was bent at 45* from age,
cheerfully standing through sermon and everything and refusing offers of
seats with something like contempt.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:

> Patrick: If you have any insights into the followingI'd be interested to
> hear them.
> I've wondered the same thing, namely whether simply sitting up straight
> without leaning against anything does something positive for your trunk
> muscles. I used to say my prayers sitting cross legged on the floor, but
> gave that up after years of it told me that even practice won't let me keep
> my legs crossed form more than 15 minutes without one of them going numb
> (now I use a good rocker). But I sit at a computer too many damned hours a
> day, but I (try to) sit upright without leaning forward or back, and I
> wonder if this posture is at least minimally harmful.
> At any rate, thank God, my back doesn't bother me, though as I age my neck
> gets more sensitive.
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Deacon Patrick <>wrote:
>> I know I've mentioned this before, but sitting on the floor without
>> chairs or back rest (like you're out in the woods) works your core all the
>> time, so you don't have to do core exercises. Takes a few months to get
>> proficient at it, and it inherently means shifting positions every 20-40
>> minutes or so, but cushioned furniture is as bad for us as cushioned
>> supportive shoes.
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> On Monday, August 26, 2013 8:24:04 PM UTC-6, Don Compton wrote:
>>> It was a revelation to meet Grant P. and talk to him about fit, bikes,
>>> and just riding in general. That was 8 years ago. Well, after sliding away
>>> from the gym( just lazy and nothing to do  with Grant) and all my core
>>> workouts, I am really paying the price. My back cannot hack any significant
>>> effort on the bike, even on my Riv. I am finally back to the gym working on
>>> my core, balance, and flexibility.
>>> Bottom line, at 61 I can't take this stuff for granted( pun not
>>> intended).
>>> Don C.
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> Certified Resume Writer
> Albuquerque, NM

Certified Resume Writer

Albuquerque, NM

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