Interesting thread (as was the other long'ish one on Taubes' book).
 I've read his book and was going to reply in that thread but thought
better of it... and I've watched this thread and hit Reply a number of
times only to then think, Ahh I like Jim and don't want to complicate
his life, and thought better of it too. 

So here's what I will share (and it's really a moot point anyway
because people is gonna believe -or be into- whatever it is they
desire regardless of Point/Counterpoint). 

First: what I've learned in 5 years. 

People dig convenient answers to hard questions. (I did once too, but
life doesn't always pan out that way so I had to find my own way)

People -also- very much want to have those answers framed around what
it is they already know, already enjoy. (and I would have too,
probably ...but life didn't pan out that way for me either)

There is a great (think, Grand Canyon-sized) divide between Healthy
and Fit. The Small die at a similar rate to the Big all the time. 

I know much about what it takes to lose significant weight and keep it
off, but even greater to that I know weight is a shell, that much like
a suit when either in or out of it, reveals true numbers of Self, and
Hard Work invested into Self. 
And those numbers do not lie. And I am not speaking of numbers lost
with regard to pounds, as significant as they are or can be in any
person's particular case... no, I am speaking to the numbers of Labs
(blood work, etc). But far better though those, these kinds of
numbers: good days (with hugs, smiles, the chance to move freely one's
body under its own inertia) added onto a life that was unthinkably
horrid, sad, lonely and professionally foretold as supposed to be
Pushing Up Daisies a little over 5 years back. 
The books never reveal those kinds of numbers. 

Me? I carry water and occasionally a banana (but that's only if my
ride is above 30 miles or more)... and it's in a Carradice
bag. Sorry. 

PS--> See Jim, I behaved. 


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