Back in The Day, we rode fixed in the winter for training; supless and all that nonsense. The gear of choice was a 42X16 = 71 gear inches, because that was our small chainring. (Everybody I knew used 42X52or53 chainrings, even in flat-road challenged Colorado.) So when I was choosing my gearing I started there (45X17 = 42X16), and went lower with the other gears for my middle age power adjustment and hills. 71 inches still feels good through the rolling valley with light winds, but can be a bit cumbersome in stop and go urban traffic or headwinds. Then I use my big-big for 63 inches. I do hate to be spun out for significant periods though.
Part of the character of the Q for me is choosing gearing, but having the option to change in mid ride as desired. My wife doesn't get it. When I speak of such Q things, she looks me straight in the eye and says slowly and puposefully so it may sink in: Dee Rail Your. Poor woman lacks imagination at times. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at