When I bought the Bleriot and built it up (and it is a nice build -
Beth H, Calm54 and Gino can attest to that), I used it for everything
but my "fast" bike.  Rando, commuting, travel bike, occasional grocery
runs.  Friend: "you are going to commute on a RIVENDELL?"  Me: "it is
a bicycle.  get over it."
Bleriot is now over 4 years old, looks like it has been ridden a few
places, has nail polish over the scratches...  I still commute on
it.   In a few weeks it will be packed up (S&S couplers.  I said it
was a nice build.), and taken to the summer place, where I will ride
it to the beach, the grocery, the library, dump it in the sand behind
my beach chair, etc, etc.  It is a BIKE, not a museum piece.  What
would I be saving it for, anyway?

Still get the "that is a BEAUTIFUL bike" comments, too :-)

Lynne F


On Jul 9, 9:05 pm, Calm54 <mukum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I say ride the bike as commuter.  Beth, how Did you know I was eating
> dinner and staring at my Saluki?
> On Jul 9, 7:44 am, Beth H <periwinkle...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Bike Therapy time!
> > My thoughts:
> > 1. The guy who brought it over cradled in his arms like a baby had
> > much bigger issues than you do.
> > 2. It's a bicycle. Remember those? We used to hang them on hooks in
> > the garage, pull them down and ride them places and then return them
> > to said hooks when we were done (when our mothers called us in for
> > lunch). Nothing's changed except that now some of us park them in our
> > living rooms and eat dinner on the couch so we can watch our bikes --
> > literally, stare at them like a tv set -- while eating. Sometimes we
> > do this while trying to tune out the plaintive voice of our spouse/
> > partner who wonders aloud (and annoyingly) why we can't just watch a
> > tv
> > set like everyone else.
> > (And you thought you were the only one with issues.)
> > 3. How many bikes do you have? More than 5? Sell one. You have too
> > many bikes to ride any of them often enough to assuage your guilt.
> > Especially without the others becoming jealous.
> > 4. Does the new bike fit you comfortably enough that you want to ride
> > it a lot?
> > Great. Keep it and ride the crap out of it. (If it's too small, give
> > it to a family member or sell it -- and get the LHT in your size. And
> > then ride the crap out of it.)
> > Our Bike Therapy session is over for today. I'll send my bill under
> > separate cover. We accept most major medical plans.
> > Seriously, just go ride your bike and enjoy yourself!
> > Beth in [slightly] less hilly Portland

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