Hate to differ but I've always been told fit is the most important thing on a 
bike and that you can injure yourself with a bike that doesn't fit. So if you 
can't adjust it to fit I would sell it because injuring yourself isn't worth it.


From: jamison brosseau <jamison.bross...@gmail.com>
To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, July 8, 2010 4:26:32 PM
Subject: [RBW] Re: Newbie needs therapy...

I have an A Homer Hilsen, Atlantis, and on monday ups willing a
Bombadil.  I live in Brooklyn NY and commute everywhere by bike.  I
only have these three bikes, I lock them on NYC streets everyday.  My
A Homer is only a couple months old, but already has plenty of dings
and scrapes.  The parts on these bikes are faily typical riv stuff,
but with racks and baskets.
Nothing would be too expensive to replace.  A New paint job is only
about $300, so no biggie there either.  Renters or homeowners ins.
would cover replacement cost if stolen.
be happy you have this bike, don't sell it to replace with a long haul
trucker.  ride it everyday, lock it up where you want.  It is only a
bike, after all, and no fun if you dont use it.
im sure if you start locking it up all the time and getting some
beausage on it you will be able to get used to the idea of enjoying
stop worrying.
congratulations on owning a great bike.

On Jul 8, 4:36 pm, gregb <gbberk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello my friends - I think I have a problem... Here is the scenario -
> I just sort of stumbled upon a very well preserved all rounder...
> nicely bespoke from the  tweed bags to the twine wrapped chain stay,
> leather mud-guards and brass bell.  I of course bought it because I
> couldn't resist :)  I think it is a touch too small for me, but it is
> a really sweet bike.
> Here is the problem:
> I commute by bicycle from the 'burbs to downtown Seattle.  I ride in
> the rain, and I lock up my bike in the parking garage of a building
> full of people who are bound to deteriorate my beautifully lugged
> baby.  I was actually shopping for a used Surly LHT (Sort of the same
> idea as a Riv, just without the class!) when this lovely bike crossed
> my path.
> So - I think I paid a pretty reasonable amount for the bike as
> equipped, but I am thinking maybe I should post it up for sale to
> someone who can treat her a bit better and buy a beater.  I don't know
> what it is "really" worth or what data the community would need.
> (Pictures of course would help...) It has middling components in good
> condition but the frame etc. is nearly perfect.  Or was when I parked
> it this morning :(
> So - I guess my questions are:  about what is a 27" wheel  all rounder
> well outfitted and good condition worth?  Am I crazy?  Should I just
> ride this thing and not worry about it?  Anyone know a good "bike
> therapist"?  Anyone want to give her a good home? (and buy it of
> course...)
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> G

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