
I had the same thought for the train riders:  NJ Transit to Matawan, bike 
the HHT to meet main group at either:
*  HHT Activity Center at approx 1130   or     
*  Shore Casino, Ferry Dock in town at 1145 (ferry arrival)
Train riders could return to NYC via Long Branch or Matewan (if a longer 
rider is desired).
The HHT avoids the city streets if a station further east than Matawan is 
used for the arrival

This also allows for drivers to meet at the HHT Activity or the Ferry Dock  
or   park at the western end of the HHT and ride to the eastern end and 
meet the main group.

Is the path from AH to Bridge to Sandy Hook flat or do you climb Mt 
Mitchell??  This cold be the ONLY 'climb' for the ride, other than the 
bridge approach.

Any suggestions for a place to eat???

John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ, the garden spot of the Garden State


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