I checked the mileage from Atlantic Highlands to Sandy Hook light using 
Bing maps.  They show 9.3M, which is shorter than I thought.

So here is a summary with mileage rounded up:

Henry Hudson Trail (HHT), North Section, Matewan  to Atlantic Highlands,    
                  12M   HHT brochure, Monmouth Co Parks
Atlantic Highlands to Sandy Hook Light,  city streets, NJ36 bridge over 
bay                      10M   Bing Maps
Total 1 way Distance                                                        
Round Trip Distance, with some extra miles thrown in                        
                                50M   Really FLAT terrain, RR bed and sea 
level streets/roads

If the Basic Group is 12-14 mph, then Total Riding Time is about 4H.  
 Total Clock time is probably 5 to 6 H depending on how many stops.

The Matewan trail head has these advantages
1  Easy access from/to the GSP for folks coming in car.  Exit GSP, turn 
left, go over the GSP on overpass, make 1st right and 1 block to HHT.  Very 
minimal local road travel required.  99M from southern NJ on NJTP, NJ440, & 
GSP,  1H 45M travel time
2  Easy access from/to the Matewan RR station for folks from NYC on NJ 
Transit.  About 1M of city streets and NO major highway travel

The eastern end of the HHT in Atlantic Highlands has a HHT Activity Center, 
which may have restrooms and water fountains.  Can stop going out and 
coming back.

Overall starting in Matewan makes a lot of sense: reasonable 50M ride 
distance and time over FLAT terrain,  *possible* restrooms at 12M out and 
35M back,  good  commuter train access.  A 50M ride is reasonable given the 
distances folks will be travelling to get there.

Can someone local confirm or correct this.    I would check out myself, but 
it's pretty far to travel (99M, and tolls) 

John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ, the Garden Spot of the Garden State

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