I think an expansion of Grant's posting would be to apply it to ALL riding.
Everything he said about demeanor and appearance applies to whenever I'm on
a bike.  I try to look "normal" when I ride, not just because it's more
comfortable, but because maybe Joe-sixpack-just downsized-you betcha' in the
F150 behind me may recognize me as a human being.  Maybe not, but it's worth
a shot.

But also I want people to know that hopping on a bike is not difficult or
special or a club you have to buy into.  Just do it, as a famous marketing
campaign once encouraged you to buy into.  Go get some groceries, pick your
kids up at school, or just spin around town for the pleasure of it.

Bikes are good.  Get out and ride.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 7:33 AM, rswat...@me.com <rswat...@me.com> wrote:

> On Mar 30, 2010, at 8:04, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Curious, and I realize that Chris, back then, was exaggerating to make a
>> point: but question to y'all: at what point do y'all draw the line? I mean
>> this in two ways:
>> 1. Where do *you* draw the line between a "road" bike and a "mountain"
>> bike? What would an Atlantis be? A Sam Hill? Suspension? Drop bars?
> Knobby tires=dirt/mountain bike. Simple as that for me. I prefer "dirt
> bike" to "mountain bike" since one can ride in mountains without touching
> dirt or ride on dirt without being anywhere near a mountain.
>  2. And, more important, where -- what terrain and conditions -- do you,
>> personally, (y'all) leave the sub 28 mm tire'd, drop bar'd bike at home and
>> take out the other one?
> You couldn't pay me to ride sub 28mm tires! My bikes generally have the
> fattest tires that'll fit the frame. It's mostly a matter tread pattern.
> All paved: slick tires (Hetres, cypres)
> Some dirt: I like a little tread (Trimline, col de la vie)
> All dirt: break out the knobbies.
> --
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Redlands, CA

"Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
scientist guy

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