UIM is meant to cover damages to you that the other party's liability
insurance ought to have covered if he had it, or if he had enough of it. If
someone hits you and is at fault (in the insurance sense, not a legal
sense), then his insurance is contractually obligated to reimburse you. If
he doesn't have it or doesn't have enough, your own UIM coverage takes its

I am sure because (1) I sold the stuff and (2) I received a UIM payout,
temporarily, when I got hit in 2006 and the poleece report said that the
hitter had no insurance. (His momma had insurance, but my UIM kicked in
until my company figured that out.)

Your UIM will cover you in any situation, riding, walking, sitting, lying,
levitating, for which you might have a right to be compensated by someone
else's liability coverage, were he driving his insured vehicle and, at fault
in the insurance sense, did you damages that can be represented in some way
in terms of money.

"At fault in the insurance sense" doesn't mean he broke some law, it just
means that he and not you or some third party caused the damage to you and

So yes, I am sure.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:37 PM, R Gonet <richard.go...@earthlink.net>wrote:

> Patrick:  Are you sure your auto underinsured coverage covers you
> while on a bicycle?  I hope you're correct, but I haven't seen that in
> my policy.
> On Dec 15, 3:50 pm, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Your home or renter's insurance will not cover accidents. If you have an
> > accident and the other party is at fault, then (1) if he has insurance,
> his
> > property liability will cover it. If (2) he does not have it, or has too
> > little, your own auto Uninsured/Underinsured coverage will cover it.
> >
> > If you know how to talk to an adjuster, you will get your money's worth
> --
> > at least, if the company is a reputable one: Hartford, Progessive,
> Travelers
> > and the other prime companies I now gleefully forget. Your bottom feeder
> > companies are often amenable to a letter saying, in effect: "I think
> > is fair. I have given good reasons why it is fair. if you want to jerk me
> > around, I will hire a lawyer. If I hire a lawyer, then you can pay $XXXX
> > PLUS my lawyer's fees. Have a nice day. Sincerely yours, etc."
> >
> > On the two occasions I've had to claim for bicycle losses -- one a theft,
> > the second an accident -- I got full and prompt settlement -- heck, even
> > made a bit on the deals.
> >
> > On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Ken Yokanovich <
> >
> >
> >
> --
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com
(505) 227-0523


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