I like: ride, design, aesthetics, utility, and quality of the
bicycles; attention to craft; s240; focus on riding for the joy of it;
Book of Nonsense; nudging racing's dominance, friendliness; Quickbeam;

In theory, I miss the Ram/Rom.  But I have a Romulus.  I ride it rack-
less and on harder rides.  Its perfect for that.  I'd like bag
continuity too.

No complaints.  Like many of you, I've spent some time at RBW HQ
talking with folks and checking things out.  Its hard to think of a
more thoughtful place.


On Apr 13, 6:40 am, Bill Connell <bconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Love: Grant's cycling philosophy and writing style, his willingness to
> put new ideas into the stream, and the general wackiness like the
> ongoing 'e'-less Raven contest. The value of beausage (whether you
> like his word for it or not). I also support the idea of the new
> Taiwanese-built frames, in the hope that it means i can eventually
> afford a Quickbeam-like frame.
> Meh: Lack of continuity in things like the bike bags. I'm sure this is
> as much as supplier issue as anything, but it would be good to have a
> core lineup of things like the Atlantis. I liked the Speedblends too,
> i thought they were pretty cool, but probably too expensive for the
> younger crowd that might take to them better.
> --
> Bill Connell
> St. Paul, MN
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