Those of us, like myself, who can afford more than one bike, often
prefer to have bikes optimized around specific kinds of riding.  In
that case a "go  fast" road bike - one designed for centuries or
shorter rides without carrying a lot of gear, and with nimble road
manners makes a lot of sense.

I still have and ride a custom 1988 ,full campy, tubular tired,
Marinoni stage racing bike.  This bike is built out of standard guage
Columbus tubing and sports a World Championship heritage.  I also have
a Ram, outfitted with RP tires, Honjo fenders, and a small Carradice
bag.  Theses bike have amazingly similar rides.  The Ram is a little
more stable, less quick handling, but it climbs, descends and responds
much like the Marinoni.  So I'm skeptical of the argument that
standard guage  bikes plane better than OS tubing ones.  Maybe for a
145 lb rider, but not for a 175 lb rider.  I have a standard guage
early Trek which planes nicely too, as does my OS Ebisu All Purpose.
My winter and off road bike - a Soma Dble X definitely bogs down going
uphill.  Whatever causes a bike frame to respond to rider input is
something other than just tubing dimension.  I suspect overly stiff
tubes as the culprit.

Bottom line, the Ram, with OS tubing and nimble geometry serves a
unique and joyful purpose.  I hope Grant decides to bring it back so
more people can discover what fun it is to ride this bike.

On Jan 18, 12:10 pm, "Lisa -S.H." <> wrote:
> I don't think it's accurate or fair to categorize those who ride 25c
> tires and like to (or would like to) ride fast(er) as either a "roadie"
> or a "weight weenie".   Heck, I found my original 38c tires were
> overkill for me, and I like to ride both slow AND fast.  (though
> admittedly my 'fast' is probably equivalent  to most other people's
> 'slow')     ;)
> Just my two cents.
> Lisa
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