On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 09:30 -0600, Tim McNamara wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2009, at 7:26 AM, EricP wrote:
> > If Bicycle Quarterly is any indication the trend in go fast seems to
> > be more for bikes with non-oversized tubing.
> Well, it's perhaps a trend among bike builders wishing to market  
> bikes to Jan's readers.  There is a tendency to take anything  
> published in a magazine as fact, and readers of BQ; Jan's writing is  
> charismatic and he tends to express his preferences frequently.   
> Those are worth evaluating through personal experimentation, but  
> these sorts of things tend to become dogmatic.
> I'm not going there myself, since my best riding and "fastest" bikes  
> have all had OS frame tubes.  I remember riding standard tube frames  
> in the 70s and 80s, listening to the derailleur rub and thinking  
> "jeez, that's annoying," with the added benefits of ghost  
> shifting.    Jan is tall and whippet-thin, I am tall and more black  
> lab-like (and a black lab getting too much kibble, at that).  What he  
> finds preferable, I may not.

I have a couple of steel OS-tubed bikes, a Saluki and a Kogswell P/R
(1st gen).  I have two with old-school standard diameter tubing: 531 and
7-whatever, I forget.  The first two are notably stiffer.  The
standard-diameter tubed bikes are no more prone to derailleur rub or
ghost shifting than the OS tubed ones.  I'm 5'11 and today probably
closer to 100kg than I would care to acknowledge.

I like the way those two standard-diameter tubed frames ride.  I also
like what happens when I get to a small short rise and decide not to
shift, but rather put down 4 or 5 extra-powerful pedal strokes.  I can
power those bikes over small rides and up gentle grades in a way I can't
with the OS-tubed frames, and it's a pleasure to do so.

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