On Jan 18, 2009, at 7:26 AM, EricP wrote:

> If Bicycle Quarterly is any indication the trend in go fast seems to
> be more for bikes with non-oversized tubing.
Well, it's perhaps a trend among bike builders wishing to market  
bikes to Jan's readers.  There is a tendency to take anything  
published in a magazine as fact, and readers of BQ; Jan's writing is  
charismatic and he tends to express his preferences frequently.   
Those are worth evaluating through personal experimentation, but  
these sorts of things tend to become dogmatic.

I'm not going there myself, since my best riding and "fastest" bikes  
have all had OS frame tubes.  I remember riding standard tube frames  
in the 70s and 80s, listening to the derailleur rub and thinking  
"jeez, that's annoying," with the added benefits of ghost  
shifting.    Jan is tall and whippet-thin, I am tall and more black  
lab-like (and a black lab getting too much kibble, at that).  What he  
finds preferable, I may not.

Someone else, on the other hand, might find Jan's preferences perfect  
for them.  My preferences trend more toward Grant's- OS tubes,  
moderate trail, carry most of the load on the back of the bike  
(except a small handlebar bag on brevets), etc.  More the English  
than French style.  Although I want the finished product to look like  
those beautifully integrated  classic randonneuses from Rene Herse,  
Alex Singer, etc.  Jeez, what gorgeous bikes.  That's where Jan and  
BQ has really rubbed off on me- the aesthetics.

Speaking of aesthetics, I was just looking at the AHH and Legolas on  
the Rivendell web site and those are nicely proportioned bikes.

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