
I could certainly ride a higher gear on the flat; in fact, it would be
a lot faster; usually when I ride 40/17 on the flat, I get passed by
people on their geared machines mashing their higher gears. I keep
such a low gear for the hilly workout I do here in the Berkeley Hills.
I have climbed golf course dr. up to Grizzly Peak on this gearing,
though at times I need to do switchbacks to stay on my bike. Spinning
downhill from the top of Grizzly Peak will wake you up! I average
about 25 mph downhill, but maintain a 30 mph on that gear for at least
a couple of stretches of 30 secs or more.

When my 40T rings wear out, I am inclining to replace it with another
40T, but may consider 42T. We will see.


On Dec 8, 9:27 pm, "Doug Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Last Friday, rode from downtown San Diego to Oceanside, lightly loaded for
> credit card touring, on my Atlantis, fully geared, racke'n'packed.  Had an
> interesting experience on the rolly section between UCSD & Del Mar.  I was
> catching a rider while I was coasting on the downhill & the rider was
> pedaling.  Pretty even on the flats.  When I'd shift down to lug my loaded
> butt (and luggage) up the hill, I'd lose ground.  We eventually came
> together at a stop light in Del Mar & it was a woman on a single speed just
> out for a fun ride.  With no racks, packs, & the simple drive train, her
> bike was a stark contrast to mine.  And we seemed to be making about the
> same average speed, despite the equipment differences, FWIW.
> dougP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dustin Sharp
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 7:46 AM
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [RBW] Re: 50 Miles on the Quickbeam today - thoughts on 40x18
> That ride can have a few monster hills on it, depending on the route you
> take. If you go up Genese from my house, for example, you have to do four
> big climbs before you even get to Torrey Pines State Park and begin the true
> coastal portion of the ride. I had a low gear of 36x29 yesterday and I was
> still wishing for something a bit lower! But that may be more an indication
> of my fitness level than anything.
> Dustin Sharp
> San Diego, CA
> On 12/8/08 6:34 AM, "Patrick in VT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hmm  . . . 40x18 seems like a very casual gear for a single speed road
> > ride, no?  A good gear ratio for getting around town or on a studded
> > tire winter bike, but I can't imagine a longer, spirited ride in such
> > a low gear.
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