on 12/7/08 6:55 PM, Esteban at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just wanted to say how great the stock gearing is on the bike.  When
> I first got it, I was frustrated about having to spin so much on flats
> and coast downhill.  Now I really appreciate it, especially because
> 40x18 gets me up almost any hill, including those on this ride, and
> even up Potrero Hill in San Francisco.  Actually, mid-grade ascents
> seem *easier* on the Quickbeam.  I can't explain that.  40x18 also
> seems to be a great touring set-up.  Its fun to learn to love things
> that you might initially shun.

One of the benefits of switching to a single-geared system is that finding
that you as the rider possess a number of gears as well. Roughly speaking,
when using the Quickbeam, I figure there's roughly four - Cruising on
flattish surfaces, Seated Climbing, Climbing using your body weight in a
long, lopey cadence (an excellent way to recover on longer climbs, btw),
Serious Climbing (which probably has three phases: sweating, cursing, and
about to pop). (And, since I run the QB fixed a lot, there's the
exponentially-increasing-cadence-while-trying-to-keep-smooth zen state

What's great (if you indulge in the heresy of geared/coastable riding) is
that this carries back into geared riding, along with a better sense of
maintaining momentum. Catching folks who blew past on the flats while
grunting out a 53x11, but climb at at 39x32 is just a happy coincidence.

The Quickbeam remains my favorite bike.  So simple, yet so danged adaptable.

- Jim
Jim Edgar

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"I had to ride slow because I was taking my guerrilla route, the one I
follow when I assume that everyone in a car is out to get me."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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