Interesting discussion.

I lived in Western Massachusetts during grad school, and there are
lots of wonderful hilly rides, and some great steep climbs.  Of
course, is riding old three speeds at the time so I can't say I took
on any real monsters in the Birkshires.  Here in costal California, we
don't have too many hilly up-downs.  Maybe in the central coast near
San Simeon.  We have lots of canyons and big climbs - sometimes just
to get to the cafe.  I don't know grades - but there are pretty big,
steep hills between neighborhoods.  Other folks might know more.
40x17 would be my choice for the big ring if I went with a dual cog
from White Industries.  But I'm just delighted with 40x18.  I have a
geared bike if I want to be quick or competitive.  My Quickbeam is
just "enjoy the view and get up that hill" kind of riding as currently
set up.

On Dec 8, 10:44 am, Patrick in VT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Hilly" seems to be a rather relative term, which is understandable
> given differences in geography, physical fitness, etc. - but is there
> some standard definition of hilly taking these variables into
> account?
> Where I live, hilly means riding in terrain that includes long and/or
> steep climbs in the Green Mountains, Adirondacks or Berkshires - an
> example would be the D2R2 randonee in Deerfield, MA, which I think
> clocks in at about 11,000 ft of climbing over about 100 miles.  I
> think long and hard before heading out on a hilly single speed ride.
> All other terrain, unless it's mostly flat, is called "rolling," and
> includes short climbs/rollers of varying gradients - some gentle, some
> brutal.  But, I don't consider a route with a bunch of rollers to be
> hilly and I don't think twice about riding single speed over such
> terrain regardless of the distance.
> What does everyone else consider to be hilly?
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