
Yes you can.  I don't worry about going up on fixed, coming down is
another matter...


On Dec 8, 8:43 pm, CycloFiend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 12/8/08 4:32 PM, RonLau at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Jim,
> > So, when we did the Riv. weekend and you used your QB, what was the
> > gear going up?
> First day was in fixed mode, at 40x14T.  Stalled on the last steep pitch and
> took a few loopy-headed breaks. Second day was 40x18T freewheel mode, which
> was much more pleasant.
> http://flickr.com/photos/cyclofiend/collections/72157600243017970/
> Not sure I could do that fixed ascent right now.  But that was a good
> weekend!
> - J
> --
> Jim Edgar
> 2009 Current Classics Calendar - Now Available to 
> Order!http://www.cyclofiend.com/calendar
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