Thanks for all the replies. Tom had sent me some photos off list which
helped. I tend to think Larry is on the money and I'll need to go with
the largest Berthoud bag which is okay. I'm not looking to carry too
much weight in mainly a brevet card, emergency snacks to eat while
riding, my camera (although i'm pretty adept at getting it in and out
of the side pocket on my Barley bag) and, most importantly, holding my
cue sheet. This year I've been using a little map clip on my
handlebars with the cue sheet in a zip lock bag but this just didn't
cut it.

This year my main focus on the brevets I did was just finishing and
having fun. I didn't like having to pull over to remove and stash
clothes or to get snacks. I kept some stuff in my jersey pockets but
because I wear wool you really can't put too much in the pockets
without it turning into a mini-skirt. Next year I'm hoping to not have
to spend time off the bike except at the controls. A handlebar bag
should help with that.

Oh, and also, handlebar bags look cool.


On Sep 17, 11:48 am, "Gino Zahnd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I think with a 63 you won't find a bag that comes up even with the bars.
> Yep. I imagine the largest Berthoud bag still wouldn't get close to the
> bars.
> > The bag opening from the front of the bike is really a deal killer for me.
> > To me it seems the whole point of having a handlebar bag is so you can get
> > to stuff while riding.  The Jitensha and Berthoud are easy to access, the
> > Ostrich is not.
> Actually, the Jitensha/Inujirushi bag opens from the front.  Unlike the
> Ostrich, which uses two attachment points, the Inujirushi bag only uses one.
> That's 50% less fumbling around.  I've used my Inujirushi bag extensively,
> and have no issues opening or closing it while riding.
> >> Are there any web pages that explain the process? How did others go
> >> about choosing and setting up their bags.
> Here's a photo of my 58cm Saluki, Velo Orange decaleur, and size Small
> Inujirushi handlebar 
> bag:
> (I've since upped the tire fatness to CDLVs from the Maxy Fastys)
> And here's a photo of me with the bag open... from the front... doing about
> 20mph... often with no hands, though not in this 
> shot.
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