I'm using an Ostrich on one bike and a Iniurushi(Jitensha) on another  
without decaleurs. I have the bags bolted through the front rack  
through the plastic stiffeners on the bottom. I then use toe straps to  
handlebars. Very stable and there's enough gap between the bag and bar  
to still allow me to use the top-o-the-bar hand positions. Might work  
for you depending on your setup and whether of not you need a quick- 
release feature. I can take a photo later if you'd like.


On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:05 AM, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I posted this over at the randon group and got no assistance. Perhaps
> someone here can assist.
> I've got a new bike on the way, a Rivendell AHH, that I'll eventually
> be using with a handlebar bag, most likely a Jitensha, Berthoud, or
> Ostrich. I know there are different types of decaulers, stem and fork
> spacer style, and even front rack style now. I'm also aware that the
> bags come in different heights. I'm curious how to go about picking
> the right bag and decauler. Is it best to have the top of the bag
> even
> with the top of the handlebar or a little below it? What else should
> I
> be considering. Also, do holes need to be punched in these bags for
> the decaulers?
> The frame is a 63cm so the head tube will be tall. I noticed that the
> Ostrich bag is only 220mm tall which seems like it will put it well
> below the top of the bars. A large Berthoud seems to be the best way
> to go. I have the front rack already and will definitely go with one
> of these bags I'm just not sure which. The Ostrich is the most
> attractive as I like the design and price.
> Are there any web pages that explain the process? How did others go
> about choosing and setting up their bags.
> thanks,
> mike
> >

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