On 2016-09-08, Random832 <random...@fastmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016, at 18:13, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> After all, that boilerplate just makes the corporation look stupid and
>> incompetent.  Any email that leaves the corporate network must be
>> assumed to be visible to world+dog.  Anybody who thinks differently is
>> deluded and should not be allowed access to information that is
>> "confidential and subject to privledge".
> If every lawyer in the world benefits from the interpretation that this
> sort of notice is legally effective (since tomorrow it may be they who
> accidentaly send privileged information), who will argue in court that
> it's not?

Anybody who benefits from it not being effective -- like the NYT
reporter who broke a front page story based on a misdirected email
(described in the article to which you linked).

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Is this sexual
                                  at               intercourse yet??  Is it,
                              gmail.com            huh, is it??


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