On 9/8/2016 4:52 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
Joaquin Alzola <joaquin.alz...@lebara.com> writes:
<Do you realize how stupid it is to put this on a message sent all around the
Cannot do anything.
That's not true; you can do more than we.
Added by the MTA of the company not by my client.
Right. So, here are things you can do (that we cannot) about this:
Something that some 'we' could do is ask the python-list
manager/programmers, or more broadly, the mailman developers, to
recognize an 'end of message' line, such as '--end message--' and delete
it and anything appended thereafter. Then Joaquin and people in a
similar situation could add the magic line as the end of a signature block.
Terry Jan Reedy