On 09/08/2016 10:52 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
Joaquin Alzola <joaquin.alz...@lebara.com> writes:

<Do you realize how stupid it is to put this on a message sent all around the 

Cannot do anything.

That's not true; you can do more than we.

Added by the MTA of the company not by my client.

Right. So, here are things you can do (that we cannot) about this:

* Complain, with reasoned explanation, to the management responsible for
   deciding whether that nonsense continues to be added to every message.

   If they haven't heard the complaint before, they will no longer have
   that excuse. If they have heard the complaint before, yours will add
   to the weight of evidence that this is not wanted.

* Switch to a different mail service, one which does not add that
   nonsense to your email.

   Yes, this is inconvenient for you. But it's impossible for us to do on
   your behalf, so you are in a position of more power than us.

* Complain again to the management responsible for the ongoing decision
   to place nonsense on your email, that you have been forced to use a
   different mail system in order not to appear contemptuous of the
   communities in which you participate.

   If you are participating for reasons of benefit to the organisation,
   point out that their ongoing decision is making that more difficult
   for their employees.

These are all powers you have; please don't feel that you can do

I've been there, I feel the pain of both sides.
Complaining won't do much, companies are not democracies, people are right because their title says so, not because they actually are.

I personally had to switch to a usenet client instead of a mail client (I think so). I'm using thunderbird for that purpose configured with news.gmane.org

The good news is that you don't need yet another fake email address.



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